Unti Family/Nerta/A3S1: Difference between revisions

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|Sender=Léandre Dameth
|Sender=Léandre Dameth
|Recipients=Everyone in Seven Rivers
|Recipients=Everyone in Seven Rivers
|Content=Léandre nods. Something in him was expecting such an answer. People in arms were not unusual in this neck of the woods, and with the number always growing of monsters and undead rampaging the countryside, it was good that the commonfolk could defend itself.
After his initial outwardish attitude, Léandres wasn't really talkative and mostly listen to Nerta speak, happy to lend an ear. He'd look at her as she spoke, smiling happily but saying nothing of real substance. Nerta could learn a bit about him ; he really was a noble - but due to his young age and the lackluster status of his family, he was given the care of a small outpost near Fronepu, and his "troops" were just his manservents he had given swords to. Everything about the boy, indeed, screamed poor and without prestige.
They walked in circle for a couple hours, making mostly small talk. A couple hours later, the sky darkened, signaling the soon coming of dawn.
"I've only left for two days, but I'm already missing home !" he exclaimed. "Though my place is nothing fanciful, please come visit me sometimes ! The outpost is quite lonely, and my little people - not really interesting to listen to"
|Title= Knight of Fronepu
|Title= Knight of Fronepu
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|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Seven Rivers
|Recipients=Everyone in Seven Rivers
|Content=Supper saw Nerta providing only the barest of conversation, mostly on the prompting of the Old Man.  It truth the knight's tipsy awkwardness hardly bothered her, she had spent enough time with Vedens after all. But though Léandre was not unpleasant to speak with ... he was from another world. What could she really say?
Even their walk along the riverbank was filled with mostly tact pleasantries until she was prompted to discuss the week prior and the battle against the Necromancer of Seven Rivers. For all his inexperience, Léandre did seem keen for discussions of battle and monster slaying. It was perhaps the only matter the pair had in common and as the stars twinkle the woman actually began to relax.
Hood slipping back enough to reveal short hair, she even smiled on occasion in the midst of the excited questions around her battle with a Hunter in the snow.
For his part the eerie shimmer of the Old Man remained silent while reflected in the river, not wanting to intrude. Though Nerta despised his constant presence the elder statesmen wished the woman no ill and had in fact made a point of goading her to speak with the young knight. Better she not spend all her time in the company of Gods and Kings. A few friends her own age might see her through the dark times ahead.
As the yawns grew, and Léandre extended his invitation, Nerta hesitates, "I... I could probably stop by, if your House will have a guest that is. Most don't want to see ones like I walking up to the front gate."
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Revision as of 03:28, 20 September 2020


Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers

Seven Rivers was aptly named, and the sleepy town at the junction of three of those was far less sleepy than usual. Leaning on her spear, the cloak dusty from travel, Nerta shakes her head at the news mumbled around town. The ferry was busy, some patrician had stubbed his toe or the like holding everyone up.

Shading her gaze from the setting sun the woman mutters to herself before moving to the taproom off the square. Probably time enough for dinner before they sort it out and she still had some coin from the bounties in Lastfell.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)


Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Night had fallen for a couple hours now. Léandre Dameth, a nobleman of a minor family and his suite of servents-at-arms had decided to camp next to the river. Some of them were wounded, but apparently they were in good spirits. One of them took of his bag a mini-barrel of a dark-colored mead, another picked up a mandolin he bullied from a bard in Fronepu, and the merry troop was now singing vulgar songs about the intimity of the local Daishi priest and telling each other stories about the gymnastic exploits of the bartender's wife.

  Léandre listened for a moment, but quickly lost interest. Ah, silly peasants. What they were claiming- he knew full well due to his extended clerical education, was strictly anatomically impossible. He decided to wander about, without a real goal in mind, just to spend some time as he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

That's what he was doing when he noticed the hooded figure, not far from his band, probably waiting - like them- for morning to come so the ferryman would resume his activity.

Made unusually happy by  his recent victory against the monsters in Seven Rivers and the hydromel running down his bloodstream, he lifted his hand to greet the person.

"Hello traveller ! " He shouted in a playful voice.

​​​​​​​"We're drinking to the heroes who slain the monsters in Seven Rivers last night ! Do you care to join us?"
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Report from Jetta the Augur
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jetta is seen sitting out in the meadow. Suddenly there is a horde of undead pretty much on top of her. Yet suddenly all of the undead turn to dust. Jetta didn't even seem like she moved, but she can be seen sheathing her weapon. Though there was very little movement.

Random peasant #1: "Holy crap, I've never seen someone like that before, rumor has it she's blind. How did she do it?"

Random peasant #2: "I don't know, though for an adventurer it is not unheard of them having special skills."

Jetta then stands up and looks in the direction of the peasents staring at her. She walks over to them and says.

Jetta: "Is there a problem? The city is safe."

Peasent #1: "No, no problem ma'am."

Peasant #2: "Nah I don't wanna fight ya."

Jetta: "Good, I'll be on my way then."

Jetta walks away back to the Academy for classes to begin again.
Jetta the Augur (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Mid way across the square Nerta glances up at the call. Her shimmering eyes take in the bright tabard over scale armour while her grip tightens on her spear. The lordling and his entourage were certainly a merry troupe to be sure, with flagons of ale and a lute of all things. The combination lent an air of enthusiasm to their song though not skill. Of course enough ale will make anyone think otherwise.

"Good..." Her voice a bit rough from lack of use she coughs and starts again.

"Good on you sir knight," her gaze flickering to the riotous troupe she adds, "But I'm not so sure I want to be the second verse to that son-...."

Cut off sharply, the woman reaches up to scratch at her temple even as a chill wind seems to rustle her cloak.

Clearing her throat again she amends, "What I mean to say is; I've had a long day and wouldn't wish to, dampen your party with a rough mood."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)


Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Oh snap, Léandres thought at the stranger's reaction. That's not how you act toward commoners. Damn be that mead, that'll teach him to drink and lead at the same time

"Well, it's impossible anyway : the human body cannot stretch that much"

Well now Léandres it's now how to do it either. Keep your wits about you, will you ?

"EITHER WAY what I meant to say is, you don't have to stay with the farmers if you don't want to, but with the nearest step-inn more than ten miles away in the other direction, staying alone isn't very safe either is it ?"

It was a bit better, it is. Ah! Commoners, he thought. How can they be so simple yet so tricky? All he wanted was to try to be nice and now he felt like he was about to dodge a volley of arrows

"I'm going to wait for the sunrise before we go back to Fronepu, if you so want, you can wait with me. "
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
The young man's literal take on the song had Nerta snort in surprise. Maybe his soldiers had been with a barmaid or two but not this patrician. Was that bashful glance full of hope then, or was the lordling embarrassed by his men?

"I'm heading that way too but I don't know..."

Idly scratching at her chin, the woman pointedly refrains from glaring at her nosy shadow.

"...if you'll find my company all that agreeable. Still I thank you for the offer." A hand on her belly under that cloak she adds, "Don't suppose there's any food though."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
"There is, actually !"

A bright smile illuminated the young master's face. He signed the girl to wait for a minute, rushed toward his camp, pushed a drunk servant who fell asleep on the ground, and after a minute or two of fumbling around the campfire, he came back with two mugs of hot rancid smelling vegetable soup and hard oat bread. This kind of meal was hard to swallow but easy to carry around. You'd soak the bread onto the soup - for the soup was mainly water and didn't taste good anyway - it was better than nothing.

Still, Léandres presented the meal with a smile on his face, visibly happy to have something to propose.

"Shall we sit ? " He asked. "That'd be more comfortable, to eat"
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Nerta eyes the offered meal with a degree of skepticism. It would seem she was in the company of an inexperienced and poor patrician. He must be new. Still, she'd eaten worse and nearly been eaten by worse.

Taking the offered meal, her cloak shifts a bit as she gestures toward the camp with her chin. "Certainly... ah forgive me but, your name Sir knight? I am called Nerta."

Walking along with the man as she talks, she dips crusty bread into the soup to steal a quick bite. No wonder they were drinking.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
"Léandre, of houFFe DameFF" he answered with a mouth full of bread. He was particularly hungry himself, and his rigorous training had pretty much killed his tastebuds. The sacrifices of war leave men scared such.

"A nobleman of many feats from a house of many distinctions !" he esclaimed as he walked alongside the woman. Then he paused to ponder a bit, visibly trying to think about something, then turned his face to her again :

"But of course, bragging would be impolite. What about you, Nerta ? What are you doing in the ... ehm..."

Second pause. What is the name of the world of the third estate, again? Ah, he was probably going to be impolite again

"...Farmlands ....?"
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Nerta takes her seat by the fire along the river shore and sets down her spear behind her before digging into the soup some more. Léandre hmm? Never heard of a house Dameff but it certainly sounds like he's from Fronepu with a name like that.

He was certainly, energetic. Actually reminded her of Vedens but the man was only a touch drunk next to that lush.

Choking down a bit more bread at the question those golden eyes flicker up to Léandre's before looking around the sleepy town. What was she doing here? The Queen's ring was fixed already and she'd gotten another Dragon's Tear, but there was still so much to do.

"I'm just helping to make the farms a little safer, nothing fancy. Occasional aiding the crown or however you say it."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Léandre nods. Something in him was expecting such an answer. People in arms were not unusual in this neck of the woods, and with the number always growing of monsters and undead rampaging the countryside, it was good that the commonfolk could defend itself.

After his initial outwardish attitude, Léandres wasn't really talkative and mostly listen to Nerta speak, happy to lend an ear. He'd look at her as she spoke, smiling happily but saying nothing of real substance. Nerta could learn a bit about him ; he really was a noble - but due to his young age and the lackluster status of his family, he was given the care of a small outpost near Fronepu, and his "troops" were just his manservents he had given swords to. Everything about the boy, indeed, screamed poor and without prestige.

They walked in circle for a couple hours, making mostly small talk. A couple hours later, the sky darkened, signaling the soon coming of dawn.

"I've only left for two days, but I'm already missing home !" he exclaimed. "Though my place is nothing fanciful, please come visit me sometimes ! The outpost is quite lonely, and my little people - not really interesting to listen to"
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Supper saw Nerta providing only the barest of conversation, mostly on the prompting of the Old Man. It truth the knight's tipsy awkwardness hardly bothered her, she had spent enough time with Vedens after all. But though Léandre was not unpleasant to speak with ... he was from another world. What could she really say?

Even their walk along the riverbank was filled with mostly tact pleasantries until she was prompted to discuss the week prior and the battle against the Necromancer of Seven Rivers. For all his inexperience, Léandre did seem keen for discussions of battle and monster slaying. It was perhaps the only matter the pair had in common and as the stars twinkle the woman actually began to relax.

Hood slipping back enough to reveal short hair, she even smiled on occasion in the midst of the excited questions around her battle with a Hunter in the snow.

For his part the eerie shimmer of the Old Man remained silent while reflected in the river, not wanting to intrude. Though Nerta despised his constant presence the elder statesmen wished the woman no ill and had in fact made a point of goading her to speak with the young knight. Better she not spend all her time in the company of Gods and Kings. A few friends her own age might see her through the dark times ahead.

As the yawns grew, and Léandre extended his invitation, Nerta hesitates, "I... I could probably stop by, if your House will have a guest that is. Most don't want to see ones like I walking up to the front gate."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Léandre Dameth
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Léandre Dameth (Knight of Fronepu)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)