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Drifting lower to inspect the stone the specter strokes his chin, "This is a Dragon's Tear to be sure. Did you wish to save the world my boy? Because we need to find a few more of these."
Drifting lower to inspect the stone the specter strokes his chin, "This is a Dragon's Tear to be sure. Did you wish to save the world my boy? Because we need to find a few more of these."
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Recipients=Everyone in the [[Melhed/Agyrian Academy|Agyrian Academy]]
|Content=Ralidithous is shocked to see a ghost. Swiftly though does he remember his profession is hunting down the dead and regains his composure.
"I suppose there are things in this world worth preserving, few that they are. I'm certainly not the heroic type, there are plenty I would see dead before I spared the time to save something."
He pauses.
"Why is one who has departed involved in living affairs? A Dragon's Tear you called it?"
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the [[Melhed/Agyrian Academy|Agyrian Academy]]
|Content=A fleeting smile curls in the ghostly visage on display in the great mirror, "I was given little choice in the matter. It turns out when you steal from the Gods they take notice, and make... plans."
The man's hand passes through a tome open across the great stone table that dominates the room. The pages don't even rustle.
"And punishments."
Chuckling lightly the specter leans back and glances around the hall filled with wonders and lore uncounted, "I dedicated my life to building great things, helping men and women achieve their dreams. Many of those dreams yet remain but they fall ever more into ruin. The Children of the Old Gods stalk the land, the people are fearful, the nations are divided." Glancing toward Ralidithous he chuckles, "And I've not heard one catchy song since my return. It is as though the people have forgotten how to live, how to laugh."
"The Dragon's Tears and the knowledge in these halls will allow some small bit of respite. A lull in the storm during which maybe people can find their footing. But you say it yourself, should they be saved?"
The old shade breaks into a grin, "What are your dreams lad? As they say, old habits die hard."
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Revision as of 05:10, 10 September 2020


Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr

It was good to be back. The battles in Seven Rivers had been fierce. Well those few Nerta had found standing after Bob and Jacinda tore through. The old warrior was no surprise but her companion had been... possessed. She may despise the undead, but she has a real knack of slaying Children of the Old Gods.

Sighing faintly, Nerta rubs at her brow and casts a casual glance toward the Old Man before shaking her head and moving up the main highway toward the Imperial District. He knew a good inn eh? Maybe she could get a bath, or five. Something to take the mud off.

The route took them by the Eternal Flame, but then everything in the city was bathed in its presence now that the Imperial Palace was a ruin. The guttering violet light seemed even more faint, a testament to their lack of success. They had what? Three Dragon Tears. The ritual required eight.

Trying not to let the gnawing sense of worry loom over her, Nerta moves past toward the Equites District.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Letter from Ralidithous
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Oh Most Learned Masters,

I have come across an oddity in my travels and having heard about this Academy traveled here in search of answers. It is a stone of some sort, with odd markings covering the whole of it. They're faded and obscured yet I think I could not read them even if they weren't.

Perhaps it is just a product of an age past yet my curiosity demands an answer. Could a scholar of these halls perhaps have a look at it?
Ralidithous (Adventurer)

Letter from Jetta the Augur
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy

I am Jetta, Seer of the Agyrian Academy, my sight told me you would be coming to seek information on a special stone. Please if you are not in Agyr come here so I may inspect the stone. Though I suspect it may be a fake. However, my information is limited.

Jetta the Augur (Adventurer)

Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Ralidithous
The Old Man will not stop laughing or bothering me since he read that message. Hurry to the library and he'll look it over, and hopefully shut up for a bit.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy

Pacing back and forth in the reliquary, Nerta behaved more like a caged animal than a scholar. But then of the pair she basically was.

"Just sit already, it's not like stalking will bring the man any faster."

The specter drifts before the great standing mirror that had been dragged in for his audiences. The grave dust that clings to him seems to shimmer and billow even as he watches the woman pivot for another lap.

"It's been weeks and we only have a few Tears and things are getting worse out there," she snaps at the ghost even as he shrugs.

"They are, for now. But from the crude description in the letter we might be up to six now. Almost enough...."

Nerta snaps, "Almost enough for a start."

Those glowing violet eyes shimmer, "Why the anger Nerta?"

Pausing she shakes her head, "I don't know. Something just... doesn't feel right."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Ralidithous
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Ralidithous wanders the academy looking for Nerta. With him is a portal stone veiled under a light cloak. Upon seeing Nerta he will give her the stone for inspection.
Ralidithous (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
The flickering light of incindia does little to soften the visage of the ancient ghost waiting for Ralidithous in the depths of the library. His voice is warm at least, "Do not be alarmed. I've no intention to hurt you, though my companion might plan otherwise. She is very on edge right now, though I know not why." Drifting lower to inspect the stone the specter strokes his chin, "This is a Dragon's Tear to be sure. Did you wish to save the world my boy? Because we need to find a few more of these."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

Roleplay from Ralidithous
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Ralidithous is shocked to see a ghost. Swiftly though does he remember his profession is hunting down the dead and regains his composure.

"I suppose there are things in this world worth preserving, few that they are. I'm certainly not the heroic type, there are plenty I would see dead before I spared the time to save something." He pauses.

"Why is one who has departed involved in living affairs? A Dragon's Tear you called it?"
Ralidithous (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
A fleeting smile curls in the ghostly visage on display in the great mirror, "I was given little choice in the matter. It turns out when you steal from the Gods they take notice, and make... plans."

The man's hand passes through a tome open across the great stone table that dominates the room. The pages don't even rustle.

"And punishments."

Chuckling lightly the specter leans back and glances around the hall filled with wonders and lore uncounted, "I dedicated my life to building great things, helping men and women achieve their dreams. Many of those dreams yet remain but they fall ever more into ruin. The Children of the Old Gods stalk the land, the people are fearful, the nations are divided." Glancing toward Ralidithous he chuckles, "And I've not heard one catchy song since my return. It is as though the people have forgotten how to live, how to laugh."

"The Dragon's Tears and the knowledge in these halls will allow some small bit of respite. A lull in the storm during which maybe people can find their footing. But you say it yourself, should they be saved?"

The old shade breaks into a grin, "What are your dreams lad? As they say, old habits die hard."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)