Perdan (Realm)/Treaties/The Treaty of Fallangard: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 11:21, 10 August 2020

Treaty of Fallangard

Treaty Text Yssrgard cedes Betholm, Igno, and Xavax to Perleone, and recognizes their full claim to those regions. Perleone cedes Isadril, Leibo, and Ejarr Puutl to Yssrgard, and recognizes their full claim to those regions. Perleone agrees to not keep more than two thousand strength of mobile forces in Xavax at any time. Yssrgard commits to send forces to assist Perdan, Vix Tiramora and Perleone in the war with Sirion and her allies. Yssrgard agrees that for a period of no less than six months they will not make war against Perdan, Vix Tiramora, and Perleone unless Yssrgard is invaded first, and further agrees not to provide aid to the enemies of any of those realms for that same period. It is agreed that Yssrgard will not, however, fight against Caligus under any circumstances. Yssrgard - under any circumstance - shall not suppport Caligus militarily or economically in Caligus's war against Perleone, or be held in violation of the agreement. Lord Gislin or Wolf King Alain shall be appointed to hold Isadril. Perdan will sign and stand as guarantors of the treaty, swearing to bring swift and fierce war to any side that breaches the treaty.

Timeline This treaty was created on 2020-05-10. Current Signatories Perleone (signed) Yssrgard (previous) Perdan (signed)