Dubhaine Family/Scein/Roleplays/1019/November: Difference between revisions

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Outside in the street, a band was playing children dancing girls smiling.
Outside in the street, a band was playing children dancing girls smiling.
==== Artinian Keller ====
As artinian walked through the doors he saw the king and hit his fist to his chest in a salute and shouted above the rumble and ruckus of the party my king....the room grew to a hush my dear friend... As you requested I have brought the finest liquors...meads.. and ales my lands had to offer he then lifts he horn of special Brandy he personally brewed and drank it empty turning and throwing the empty horn to his commander he asked him to fill it... Rev I'll have my personal barrel rolled over by your throne for us to share and the rest shall be spread throughout the room taped and ready for consumption for all to enjoy for I believe they may not be able to handle the strong stuff I've brew for yourself and I and I apologise in advance for my men can get roudy in such circumstances as they love a good party.. artinian reach behind him just in time for his commander to finish filling his horn and place it in his hand and his squire to approach and hand rev a large horn of brady... He quickly raised his horn sloshing the Brandy around and yelled "this war may be hard but not as hard as our hearts for we have returned from nothing back to something the ikkies may ask for a cease fire but for one reason... Fear they have been at the end of our blades so close as they have looked down it and into our eyes and saw something to fear men and women of this great lands determination..they heard the hearts in our chest pounding with strength and love for our home and they knew then this wasn't a group that would roll over and drop trousers that in order to defeat us they would have to kill us all and it was in that moment a cold chill flew down there spines and returned home hoping we wouldn't continue pressing" he looked around the room took another large gulp from his horn and shouted to the brave men and women of taselak to the ones that have laid down there lives.. and to our king the man who returned us from the brink he took another drink and started laughing histariclly enough formalities let us drink until we can no longer see straight then he walked to the king and slapped horns with a sheepish grin and said my brother talked of how well you could handle your liquor shall we see if you still have it my friend

Revision as of 23:21, 22 November 2019

1st November

Summer Day -- Ikalak Prison

Kraken Snodaert

Kraken was Studying the ledger and the roll call. This mornings battle had been a mild succes even though they had to yield the field, losses were light and enough damage had been done. One wounded commander that could hopefully get out soon and not be captured. This would be a quiet week with hopefully a better and stronger army at the end of it. There was still no word of lady Scein and the others imprisoned during the battle of Neralle and its aftermath. Krakens bones chilled when he thought what they might do to their proud Dutchess...

4th November

Summer Evening -- Taselak

Kraken Snodaert

General Kraken took the roster of the commanders in Endelee, quatermaster Andre came in with that sullen look as he handed over the parchment.

How many missing?

About half, melord...


Yes melord

So does that mean we expect to gain half a glorious victory?

Half of what melord?

Half a battle? Half the Glory? Or just defeat, plain and simple?

I suppose melord...

OK, Tell the men in Taselak they are expected in Endelee by sunup!

Very well melord, and the women what about the women?

Just get over to the city and tell everybody able to swing a blade or pole to bring it here, come morning, it is not that far, sleeping is for the dead...

Aye melord!

15th November

Summer Day -- Taselak

Armitage IV D'Anglos

Armitage raised her hand when she heard the noble speak

"If no other nobles are brave enough to attempt to rebuild our realm and regions, I will volunteer to be the Lady of that region."

19th November

Summer Day -- Taselak

Kraken Snodaert

Kraken went over the Battle reports and was shocked at the resources ding defeat their forces had sustained. The last five minimumeis of Battle were pure slaughter and exactly the kind of slaughter that had been planned to inflict on the ikkies, infantry cutting through skirmishing archers. 30 dead versus 300. This would not do. The hammer needed an anvil. Some solid units of high armoired infantry in stead of these soggy archers. He saw the wounded men four five nobles many more soldiers plod southwards Into Taselak for refitting.

Underway to Taselak Kraken shares his thoughts with candidly with everyone.

Lately I have been musing about the nature of fruit. Are we a banana? Soft I side and slimy of peel hoping to trip our enemies with our limpness, are we a coconut hard of head and shelll And tough the meat within. Or are we a prickly pear, butter of flesh and a sting to the touch? Are we a peach a berry squashed under foot? I hope we can be a pineapple grow upright instead of dangling to appease gravity. Alert and to attention. That way we could take And defend what we have gained. Let’s refit and make ourselves into the pineapple of my musings....

21st November

Summer Day -- Taselak

Kraken Snodaert

My lords, my ladies,

The king has asked us to celebrate with him, to think of the good and bad times Taselak has seen And realise That there is a way up, we k ow this is so Because we have come up from when we were down to two regions. Sadly Kiala k has both speed and strength on us, We cannot fight harder but we can fight smarter.

But first we drink the fruit wine and the fermented goat urine from the mountains of toren. I happen to have on case left...


Summer Evening -- Taselak

Kraken Snodaert

Kraken took the Rollcall of the army, brought to him by many scribes carrying way to few pieces of parchment.

One by one stragglers dropped in from the Neralle campaign. The battle was lost in sight of the finish line and that hurts a bit because of all the good hours wasted and the beer of course.

Still everyone was here save the wounded and the dead everyone had bonds to spend and by the sight of it the houses of drink and ill repute were packed.

Kraken felt like dancing, a traditional Ibladeshi sword dance would do, nothing less. He had found a place off the main square where a man play d a fiddle like no one else. He wondered who he would run in to...

22nd November

Summer Evening -- Taselak

Rev Greer

The band start playing all the locals are dancing taselak is once again happy people are enjoying themselves. For a moment for a brief moment the king seems to be enjoying himself a war bound nation no longer weighing on his mind. He walks over to the new nobles “ feel free to enjoy the dancing there is plenty of ale. Also servant send our finest flowers to our banker see needs to see some beauty the tireless hours of doing our finances will drive a person mad”. Preston walks up to his good friend Artinian and smashes ale goblets with him while they entertain the locals with an old sailing song.

Kraken Snodaert

Kraken sat at the bar stooped over a long drink...

He needed a moment to reflect on the battle of Neralle and the retreat back to Taselak.

The Ikalak General had shown great skill moving in unison, pursuing the remnants of the army and eradicating many units.

Their army had not been that much bigger but the results were dramatic.

Kraken had looked over the battle again and again in his mind.

The wipe out of their archery component in the final charge.

He should have asked the troopleaders to stay after the battle, to regroup before moving.

He should have set up the archers in line on the front row so they could do more melee damage.

He took another Drink... Marshal Fechin had never returned.

Slowly the reality of the city in celebration was breaking through his brooding.

Outside in the street, a band was playing children dancing girls smiling.

Artinian Keller

As artinian walked through the doors he saw the king and hit his fist to his chest in a salute and shouted above the rumble and ruckus of the party my king....the room grew to a hush my dear friend... As you requested I have brought the finest liquors...meads.. and ales my lands had to offer he then lifts he horn of special Brandy he personally brewed and drank it empty turning and throwing the empty horn to his commander he asked him to fill it... Rev I'll have my personal barrel rolled over by your throne for us to share and the rest shall be spread throughout the room taped and ready for consumption for all to enjoy for I believe they may not be able to handle the strong stuff I've brew for yourself and I and I apologise in advance for my men can get roudy in such circumstances as they love a good party.. artinian reach behind him just in time for his commander to finish filling his horn and place it in his hand and his squire to approach and hand rev a large horn of brady... He quickly raised his horn sloshing the Brandy around and yelled "this war may be hard but not as hard as our hearts for we have returned from nothing back to something the ikkies may ask for a cease fire but for one reason... Fear they have been at the end of our blades so close as they have looked down it and into our eyes and saw something to fear men and women of this great lands determination..they heard the hearts in our chest pounding with strength and love for our home and they knew then this wasn't a group that would roll over and drop trousers that in order to defeat us they would have to kill us all and it was in that moment a cold chill flew down there spines and returned home hoping we wouldn't continue pressing" he looked around the room took another large gulp from his horn and shouted to the brave men and women of taselak to the ones that have laid down there lives.. and to our king the man who returned us from the brink he took another drink and started laughing histariclly enough formalities let us drink until we can no longer see straight then he walked to the king and slapped horns with a sheepish grin and said my brother talked of how well you could handle your liquor shall we see if you still have it my friend