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'''VIII. Article 8'''
'''VIII. Article 8'''
The Contracting Parties declare that they will act in a spirit of friendship and co-operation to promote the further development and strengthening of the economic and cultural ties among them, in accordance with the principles of respect for each other’s independence and sovereignty and of non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs.
The Contracting Parties declare that they will act in a spirit of friendship and co-operation to promote the further development and strengthening of the economic and cultural ties among them, in accordance with the principles of respect for each other’s independence and sovereignty and of non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs.
'''CLAUSE. I. - Accession of Foreign Powers:'''
'''1. Accession of Foreign Powers'''
All the powers who shall choose solemnly to avow the sacred principles which have dictated the present Act, and shall acknowledge how important it is for the happiness of nations, too long agitated, that these truths should henceforth exercise over the destinies of mankind all the influence which belongs to them, will be received with equal ardour and affection into this Holy Alliance.
'''CLAUSE. I.''' All the powers who shall choose solemnly to avow the sacred principles which have dictated the present Act, and shall acknowledge how important it is for the happiness of nations, too long agitated, that these truths should henceforth exercise over the destinies of mankind all the influence which belongs to them, will be received with equal ardour and affection into this Holy Alliance.
'''CLAUSE. II. - Unity through Faith:'''
Conformably to the words of the Holy Scriptures, which command all men to consider each other as brethren, the Three contracting Monarchs will remain united by the bonds of a true and indissoluble fraternity, and considering each other as fellow countrymen, they will, on all occasions and in all places, lend each other aid and assistance; and, regarding themselves towards their subjects and armies as fathers of families, they will lead them, in the same spirit of fraternity with which they are animated, to protect Religion, Peace, and Justice.
'''2. Unity through Faith'''
'''CLAUSE. III. - Fraternity and Affection:'''
'''CLAUSE. II.''' Conformably to the words of the Holy Scriptures, which command all men to consider each other as brethren, the Three contracting Monarchs will remain united by the bonds of a true and indissoluble fraternity, and considering each other as fellow countrymen, they will, on all occasions and in all places, lend each other aid and assistance; and, regarding themselves towards their subjects and armies as fathers of families, they will lead them, in the same spirit of fraternity with which they are animated, to protect Religion, Peace, and Justice.
In consequence, the sole principle of force, whether between the said Governments or between their Subjects, shall be that of doing each other reciprocal service, and of testifying by unalterable good will the mutual affection with which they ought to be animated, to consider themselves all as members of one and the same Obian nation; the three allied Princes looking on themselves as merely designated by Providence to govern three branches of the One family, namely, Sacred Obia’Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and People’s Republic of Fronen, thus confessing that the Obian world, of which they and their people form a part, has in reality no other Sovereign than She to whom alone power really belongs, because in Her are found all the treasures of love, science, and infinite wisdom, that is to say, Obeah, our Divine Saviour, the Word of the Most High, the Word of Life. Their Majesties consequently recommend to their people, with the most tender solicitude, as the sole means of enjoying that Peace, which arise from a good conscience, and which alone is more durable, to strengthen themselves every day more and more in the principles and exercise of the duties which the Divine Saviour has taught to mankind.
'''3. Fraternity and Affection'''
'''CLAUSE. III.''' In consequence, the sole principle of force, whether between the said Governments or between their Subjects, shall be that of doing each other reciprocal service, and of testifying by unalterable good will the mutual affection with which they ought to be animated, to consider themselves all as members of one and the same Obian nation; the three allied Princes looking on themselves as merely designated by Providence to govern three branches of the One family, namely, Sacred Obia’Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and People’s Republic of Fronen, thus confessing that the Obian world, of which they and their people form a part, has in reality no other Sovereign than She to whom alone power really belongs, because in Her are found all the treasures of love, science, and infinite wisdom, that is to say, Obeah, our Divine Saviour, the Word of the Most High, the Word of Life. Their Majesties consequently recommend to their people, with the most tender solicitude, as the sole means of enjoying that Peace, which arise from a good conscience, and which alone is more durable, to strengthen themselves every day more and more in the principles and exercise of the duties which the Divine Saviour has taught to mankind.

'''IX. Article 9'''
'''IX. Article 9'''

Revision as of 19:42, 2 November 2017

Original Treaty


Concerning the lands, peoples, and traditions touching upon the Sea of Four Cities geopositioned in South and East Beluaterra, it's principals being the Theocracy of Sacred Obia'Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and the People's Republic of Fronen.

I. Of the Trifecta there shall be between the respective signatory rulers (Hereafter referred to as PRINCES) and their successors, their realms, lands, dominions, provinces, vassals, and subjects (hereafter referred to as MEMBERS) whomsoever, faithfully obeying, true, faithful, constant, mutual, and perpetual friendships, unions, alliances, and leagues of sincere affection; and that, as true and faithful princes, they shall henceforth reciprocally be friends to friends and enemies to enemies, and shall assist, maintain, and uphold each other mutually, by sea and by land, against all men, beasts, or undead that may live or die of whatever degree, station, rank, or condition they may be, and against their lands, realms, and dominions.

II. It is cordially agreed that if, in time to come, one of the princes or their heirs shall need the support of the other, or his help, and in order to get such assistance applies to his ally in lawful manner, the ally shall be bound to give aid and succour to the other, so far as he is able (without any deceit, fraud, or pretence) to the extent required by the danger to his ally’s realms, lands, domains, and subjects; and he shall be firmly bound by these present alliances to do this. Should no legitimate heir present themselves for an issue of succession, all signitories hereby commit to a policy of non-interference, allowing whatever realm in question to find their own resolution to the question of a succession, until or unless the state of the Trifecta itself is threatened and dependent upon the outcome.

III. The Trifecta shall seek to maintain and encourage unity above all else. Therefore the signing realms shall commit to sharing the burden of founding new realms in Southern Beluaterra with at least one noble from each of the founding realms. It will be generally understood that whichever Trifecta member contributes the most nobles toward such new initiatives will be permitted to determine the Prince of the new joint state. It shall be generally understood that any person(s) banned from one member state shall hencewith be banned from all member states. Each Trifecta member thereof shall keep in good faith with the order and their heirs, land and people, and no one shall enter into any other alliance without the express written consent of the other member states of the Trifecta.

IV. Each member of the Trifecta should keep a secret correspondence effectively to inform each other of all dangerous and offensive affairs which may threaten each other's heirs, land and people, and to this purpose each will keep in good contact with one another.

V. Whenever important matters arise that concern the well-being of the union, the members of the union will help each other with faithful advice in order to uphold each and every one as much as possible.

VI. The wish of the union in matters concerning the liberties and high jurisdictions of the Trifecta's constituent states may be presented and pressed as an appeal upon Trifecta Leadership publicly for the purposes of final arbitration, and not merely left to secret correspondence with each other.

VII. The union shall not affect our disagreement on several points of religion, but that notwithstanding these, we have agreed to support each other. No member is to allow an attack on any other in books or through the pulpit, nor give cause for any breach of the peace, while at the same time leaving untouched the theologian's rights of disputation to affirm the word of Obeah.

VIII. If one of the members of the union is attacked, the remaining members of the union shall immediately come to his aid with all the resources of the union.

IX. Reaffirming their desire to create a system of collective security in Beluaterra based on the participation of all Beluaterraan States, irrespective of their social and political structure, whereby the said States may be enabled to combine their efforts in the interests of ensuring peace in Beluaterra;

X. Taking into consideration, at the same time, the situation that has come about in Beluaterra as a result of the ratification of the Morgul Alliance, which provide for the constitution of a new military group in the form of a “West Beluaterraan Bloc”, with the participation of a remilitarized Nothoi and its inclusion in said bloc, thereby increasing the danger of a new war and creating a threat to the national security of peace-loving States as being a primary motivating factor for the formation of the Trifecta as a necessity to achieve and maintain a continental balance of power and influence; The Trifecta shall operate as its own bloc pursing the primacy of its own interest and that of its member states.

XI. Being guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Trifecta; In the interests of the further strengthening and development of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance in accordance with the principles of respect for the independence and sovereignty of States and of non-intervention in their domestic affairs; Have resolved to conclude the present Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries.

XII. In keeping with the values of fairness, the Trifecta shall always have up to three Senior member signatory States that will serve as (and hereafter referred to as) Trifecta Leadership that will direct external Trifecta policy to foreign, non-member states and arbitrate internal Trifecta matters.

XIII. Being convinced that in these circumstances the peace-loving States of Beluaterra must take the necessary steps to safeguard their security and to promote the maintenance of peace in Beluaterra; That peace to be upheld and promoted by the Inquisition, whose Lord Inquisitors shall be subject only to Trifecta Leadership and their Princes but over and checking any religious leaders up to and including prophets. Signatory states will recognize the Inquisition as an international network with equal jurisdiction thereof in secular matters serving the interest of peace and uniformity of purpose among signatory states.

XIV. In the name of the Most Holy Obeah and Indivisible Trinity - Our Alliance of Southern Sovereigns: THEIR Majesties the Grandmistress of Sacred Obia’Syela, the Empress of the Shattered Vales, and the Doge of Fronen, being the senior members and founding signatories of the Trifecta and having, in consequence of the great events which have marked the course of the Sixth Daimonic Invasion in Beluaterra, and especially of the blessings which it has pleased Divine Providence to shower down upon those States which place their confidence and their hope on it alone, acquired the intimate conviction of the necessity of settling the steps to be observed by the Powers, in their reciprocal relations, upon the sublime truths which the Holy Religion of our Saviour teaches.

XV. The Signatory Princes solemnly declare that the present Act has no other object than to publish, in the face of the whole world, their fixed resolution, both in the administration of their respective States, and in their political relations with every other Government, to take for their sole guide the precepts of that Holy Religion, namely, the precepts of Justice, Charity, and Peace, which, far from being applicable only to private concerns, must have an immediate influence on the councils of Princes, and guide all their steps, as being the only means of consolidating human institutions and remedying their imperfections. In consequence, their Majesties have agreed on the following clauses to be stipulated in the ARTICLES OF THE TRIFECTA ACCORDS which serve and additions/amendments supplementing this establishing document that shall further determine and details the bylaws of the proposed Federation.


DONE at Rines, this first day of November 2017, in one copy, in the common language, all the texts being equally authentic. Certified copies of the present Treaty shall be transmitted by the Government of the Theocracy of Sacred Obia’Syela to all the other Parties to the Treaty. IN FAITH WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.

Addendum: Trifecta Accords


[Here follow the names of the Plenipotentiaries.] Grandmistress Rania Eastersand JeVondair, Empress Maya Tandaros, and Doge Akrogath Apasurain who, having exhibited their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

I. Article 1 The Contracting Parties undertake, in accordance with the Charter of the Trifecta, to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

II. Article 2 The Contracting Parties declare that they are prepared to participate, in a spirit of sincere co-operation, in all international action for ensuring international peace and security and will devote their full efforts to the realization of these aims. In this connexion, the Contracting Parties shall endeavor to secure, in agreement with other States desiring to co-operate in this matter, the adoption of effective measures for the general reduction of armaments and the prohibition of atomic, hydrogen and other weapons of mass destruction.

III. Article 3 The Contracting Parties shall consult together on all important international questions involving their common interests, with a view to strengthening international peace and security. Whenever any one of the Contracting Parties considers that a threat of armed attack on one or more of the States Parties to the Treaty has arisen, they shall consult together immediately with a view to providing for their joint defense and maintaining peace and security.

IV. Article 4 In the event of an armed attack in Beluaterra on one or more of the States Parties to the Treaty by any State or group of States, each State Party to the Treaty shall, in the exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense, in accordance with Article X of the Trifecta’s Charter, afford the State or States so attacked immediate assistance, individually and in agreement with the other States Parties to the Treaty, by all the means it considers necessary, including the use of armed force. The States Parties to the Treaty shall consult together immediately concerning the joint measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security. Measures taken under this article shall be reported to the Security Council in accordance with the provisions of the Trifecta’s Charter. These measures shall be discontinued as soon as the Security Council takes the necessary action to restore and maintain international peace and security.

V. Article 5 The Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a Unified Command, to which certain elements of their armed forces shall be allocated by agreement between the Parties, and which shall act in accordance with jointly established principles. The Parties shall likewise take such other concerted action as may be necessary to reinforce their defensive strength, in order to defend the peaceful labour of their peoples, guarantee the inviolability of their frontiers and territories and afford protection against possible aggression.

VI. Article 6 For the purpose of carrying out the consultations provided for in the present Treaty between the States; Parties thereto, and for the consideration of matters arising in connexion with the application of the present Treaty, a Political Consultative Committee shall be established, in which each State Party to the Treaty shall be represented by a member of the Government or by some other specially appointed representative. The Committee may establish such auxiliary organs/guilds as may prove to be necessary.

VII. Article 7 The Contracting Parties undertake not to participate in any coalitions or alliances, and not to conclude any agreements, the purposes of which are incompatible with the purposes of the present Treaty. The Contracting Parties declare that their obligations under the international treaties at present in force are not incompatible with the provisions of the present Treaty. The Contracting Parties shall agree to a general peace and state of alliance between all signatory realms with the award of full federation membership to be determined and awarded by Trifecta Leadership The Contracting Parties agree not to align with any non-signatory States against Trifecta member Realms In the event of irreconcilable difference between Contracting Parties, they shall agree to general arbitration by the Oracle of Obeah and/or the Leader of the Heralds of Obeah faith towards the goal of peace and reconciliation If this method fails to yield the desired peace, the two Belligerent States in Question may be granted leave to make war upon each other insofar as the general state of the Trifecta is not endangered by external threat. Total War between Signatory States shall be absolutely forbidden. In the case of irreconcilable differences, Belligerent States must submit a credible Cassus Belli (to be judged by Trifecta and/or Herald Leadership), and specific goals. In the event of a Declaration of War between Signatory States, it is generally understood that said War will only have a period of 3 months, or 90 days, to be resolved at the risk of directed intervention from signatory members at the direction of Trifecta Leadership towards the purpose of ending said war in the swiftest possible manner.

VIII. Article 8 The Contracting Parties declare that they will act in a spirit of friendship and co-operation to promote the further development and strengthening of the economic and cultural ties among them, in accordance with the principles of respect for each other’s independence and sovereignty and of non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs. CLAUSE. I. - Accession of Foreign Powers: All the powers who shall choose solemnly to avow the sacred principles which have dictated the present Act, and shall acknowledge how important it is for the happiness of nations, too long agitated, that these truths should henceforth exercise over the destinies of mankind all the influence which belongs to them, will be received with equal ardour and affection into this Holy Alliance. CLAUSE. II. - Unity through Faith: Conformably to the words of the Holy Scriptures, which command all men to consider each other as brethren, the Three contracting Monarchs will remain united by the bonds of a true and indissoluble fraternity, and considering each other as fellow countrymen, they will, on all occasions and in all places, lend each other aid and assistance; and, regarding themselves towards their subjects and armies as fathers of families, they will lead them, in the same spirit of fraternity with which they are animated, to protect Religion, Peace, and Justice. CLAUSE. III. - Fraternity and Affection:

In consequence, the sole principle of force, whether between the said Governments or between their Subjects, shall be that of doing each other reciprocal service, and of testifying by unalterable good will the mutual affection with which they ought to be animated, to consider themselves all as members of one and the same Obian nation; the three allied Princes looking on themselves as merely designated by Providence to govern three branches of the One family, namely, Sacred Obia’Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and People’s Republic of Fronen, thus confessing that the Obian world, of which they and their people form a part, has in reality no other Sovereign than She to whom alone power really belongs, because in Her are found all the treasures of love, science, and infinite wisdom, that is to say, Obeah, our Divine Saviour, the Word of the Most High, the Word of Life. Their Majesties consequently recommend to their people, with the most tender solicitude, as the sole means of enjoying that Peace, which arise from a good conscience, and which alone is more durable, to strengthen themselves every day more and more in the principles and exercise of the duties which the Divine Saviour has taught to mankind.

IX. Article 9 The present Treaty shall be open for accession by other States, irrespective of their social and political structure, which express their readiness, by participating in the present Treaty, to help in combining the efforts of the peace-loving States to ensure the peace and security of the peoples. Such accessions shall come into effect with the consent of the States Parties to the Treaty after the instruments of accession have been deposited with the Government of the Theocratic Realm of Sacred Obia’Syela. Requirements are as follows: The Applicant State must share one or more borders with a member state of the Trifecta The Applicant State must be situatated in the geographic South and/or East of Beluaterra The Applicant State must have (1) one or more Temples and (1) or more shrines to the Heralds of Obeah, and (1) or more guildhhouses serving as offices of the Inquisition. The Applicant State shall recognize the three original signing members of the Trifecta, these being Sacred Obeah’Syela, Shattered Vales, and Fronen, as the senior members and natural leaders of the Trifecta. The Prince of the Applicant state shall make no claim to the Sovereign Title of King, Empress, Grandmistress, or likewise of equal pinnacle rank. Rather, they Trifecta Leadership will ratify or otherwise assign the Applicant State’s Princely title as appropriate and in keeping with the general traditions and values herein established. Upon Ratification, Applicant State will recognize that as a member of the Trifecta in good standing, they shall make no concessions off land, gold, or other tribute to any non-member states although it is generally acknowledges that these may be RECEIVED BY Applicant State from non-Trifecta parties. The Applicant State will recognize the primacy of the Inquisition as the highest general arbiter of justice, second only to and in service of the Oracle that is Rania Eastersand JeVondair, not any heir to her body, station, or title. Applicant State shall acknowledge that failure to adhere to these bylaws will result in ejection from the Trifecta and promptly followed by a general state of War declared by all members of the Trifecta against the now-former Applicant State to the satisfaction of Senior Trifecta Members

X. Article 10 The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of Sacred Obia’Syela. The treaty shall come into force on the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification. The Government of Sacred Obia’Syela shall inform the other States Parties to the Treaty of the deposit of each instrument of ratification. The present Treaty shall remain in force in perpetuity. The Trifecta shall lay claim, in general, to all lands, fiefs, titles, and properties of its signatory States. In the event that one or more of the states are rendered invalid, be it from war, natural disaster, or other, the Trifecta Leadership shall administer the properties and either redistribute them to neighboring signatory members and/or found a new polity to replaced the vanquished.


DONE at Rines, this first day of November 2017, in one copy, in the common language, all the texts being equally authentic. Certified copies of the present Treaty shall be transmitted by the Government of the Theocracy of Sacred Obia’Syela to all the other Parties to the Treaty. IN FAITH WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.