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Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Gestapo Gazette
Issue 13 In Democratic Giblot, Uprising Calls YOU!! 5 Gold
Revolutionary Edition

Headless OT Tavern declared Theocratic Republic!
By Revan

Just as the latest uprising was called for earlier today by Frodo Reborn, a similar speech was being made all the way over in the Headless OT tavern at around the same time. Sera Osha declared in a drunken, that the Headless OT was now a 'Theocratic State' and that we were all 'truly blessed' to be around when this 'unique opportunity to Honour the Ale Gods arose.' Further questioning revealed that the Ale Gods are aptly named 'Barrel' and 'Tankard.'

Even I am gobsmacked with what to say to such an outlandish statement. Although I hear the price of Ale has dropped by half in the confusion! The Theocracy of the Headless OT is clearly the place to be right now! I'm out of here folks!

And the award for most rebellious realm goes to...Giblot!
By Revan

Thats right ladies and gentlemen, in the space of about 12 hours two Rebellions have started and ripped a bloody path through Giblot. You've no idea how much fun it is to be sat in Giblot City right now folks! I tell you, as I write this copy of the Gazette in blood, ready to be reproduced by the slaves in the 'Printing Mill' later, I can see several loyalist soldiers being lynched by the Rebel forces in the Capital. Oh I do enjoy bloodbaths like these. Of course for once we at the Gazette nominate no Side to win. We just want to see some good old fashioned slaughter! We did formally request that both the Loyalists and the Rebels removed their armour for the battle tomorrow. So the flesh and blood could be better cleaved. But our requests have been rejected. Lousy dogs!

The Rebel forces in this most recent uprising are being led by Frodo Baggins, who has been a long time Noble of Giblot. He has even been resurrected after dying in a Tilogian Jail Cell! What a man. He has called the Rebellion in the hope of removing Anti Democratic elements from government who were whisked into power after TwistedKitty capitulated to another Rebellion that happened early this morning. We would ask Shaman, the temporary Chancellor to comment on the situation, but someone stuck a dagger in his back early this morning. You couldn't make it up!