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The reasons behind his rebellion is to get rid of King Fuinur, his wife Queen Ragnell and thier baby Elros. They initiated the rebellion while the army was away from the capitol, in Ashforth, Kazakh and surrounding regions. It is now known that Charger was in comunication with Lysander and planned for Oligarch to mount a diversion against the forces in Kazakh.   
The reasons behind his rebellion is to get rid of King Fuinur, his wife Queen Ragnell and thier baby Elros. They initiated the rebellion while the army was away from the capitol, in Ashforth, Kazakh and surrounding regions. It is now known that Charger was in comunication with Lysander and planned for Oligarch to mount a diversion against the forces in Kazakh.   

With all of the Mobile army at least 4 turns away form the capitol. Charger and his followers had no problem dispaching the loyal palace guards. The rebellio was over in two turns.
With all of the Mobile army at least 4 turns away form the capitol. Charger and his followers had no problem dispaching the loyal palace guards. The rebellion was over in two turns.

Charger now reforms the Government into a tyranny, and proclaims himself grand executor. He starts of his new job by banning 25 Loyal Nobles of Old Rancagua.
Charger now reforms the Government into a tyranny, and proclaims himself grand executor. He starts of his new job by banning 25 Loyal Nobles of Old Rancagua.
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5:Never follow a person who is jealous of a baby. It can only lead to defeat.
5:Never follow a person who is jealous of a baby. It can only lead to defeat.

6:Take back Ashforth Which we lost becasue of the Rebel actions

Revision as of 13:22, 19 March 2006

gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No24 19th March 2006
Printed In Oroya
A Series of event has taken place in Old Rancagua over the last couple of days. Two Rebellions have taken place. One led By Charger the other by Grig. I will now look indepth into how both of them came about and the reasons behind each one.
Charger Leds A Rebellion!
Two days ago, a noble called Charger, recently banned from Oligarch. Started a rebellion against the current government of Old Rancagua. His reasons "Nobles of Old Rancagua,

The days of misery will end soon! Join us to this rebellion to get rid of evil and egopathic Ragnell who rules this proud realm behind the scenes. Join us to this rebellion to get rid of despotic and megalomaniac Fuinur who considers himself a god and acts accordingly. Give an end to the mad Kings tyranny of orders for anything. Join us to this rebellion to get rid of Folite who acts like a madman giving fines and banning nobles just to please his mad god. Join us to this rebellion to get rid of Grig who was only accepted by the mad king and doesn’t care to defend our regions. Join us to this rebellion to get rid of the bastard heir of Old Rancagua. Feed Elros to the dogs of Oroya. With him alive, there wont be salvation for our nation. This is your chance. Join us and break free from the demons that rule Old Rancagua. All supporters will be richly rewarded with gold and council positions. All enemies will be crushed and punished without mercy."

The reasons behind his rebellion is to get rid of King Fuinur, his wife Queen Ragnell and thier baby Elros. They initiated the rebellion while the army was away from the capitol, in Ashforth, Kazakh and surrounding regions. It is now known that Charger was in comunication with Lysander and planned for Oligarch to mount a diversion against the forces in Kazakh.

With all of the Mobile army at least 4 turns away form the capitol. Charger and his followers had no problem dispaching the loyal palace guards. The rebellion was over in two turns.

Charger now reforms the Government into a tyranny, and proclaims himself grand executor. He starts of his new job by banning 25 Loyal Nobles of Old Rancagua.

Soon after the rebellion finished. Grig Launched his own Counter Rebellion......

Counter Rebellion!
Soon after Charger's Rebellion succeeds Grig lauches his own. Almost imediatly the Loyal nobles of Old Rancgaua declare their allegience toward the excilled government and join the rebel side. But with many nobles still making thier way across the realm and with Oligarch forces trying to delay them all the way.

Running battles were fought between the two sides int he capitol. The first battles to take palce since the church's siege many years ago.

But with more forces on the way and charger and his followers gold running out. Thier fate was sealed.

The reason's behind the second rebellion was to oust the imposter government and replace the true king of Old Rancagua.

This rebelion is now over and the bans are being removed. As soon as a new Judge is appointed.

One thing to note is that near the end of his reign Charger, made this announcement.

"As you see the rebellion will fail in few hours. You have only harmed Old Rancagua because of your foolsh actions. Despite your actions, I still consider some of you worthy to serve the new Old Rancagua. As Dictator and Executor of Old Rancagua, I offer, in case to case basis, amnesty to rebels that will turn down the rebellion and Fuinur and swear fealty to Old Rancagua and only to Old Rancagua. I commit myself that as soon as the situation return to normal, your foolish action will be forgiven and I will step down to have fair elections. Fuinur, Grig, Thalanteus, Jacket, Ragnell, Marcus Pius, Tonan, Atmar, Shadowolf will leave Old Rancagua forever. The bans of all others will be lifted and amnesty will be granted. This offer applies only to those of the rebels that won't take part in the battle in Oroya. If you fight against the council of Old Rancagua, no mercy will be shown. Contact me privately and announce your stance. I warn you that the rebellion will have been failed by tomorrow and then no more chances will be given"

I had to smile, as this editor, had repeatedly asked Charger for a duel to the death. But was not among the permantly banned nobles. Twisted minds work in twisted ways.

Lesons to be learnt
There are many lesons to be learnt from these past days.

1:All Nobles that join a realm from an enemy realm should be looked at closely. As it say in the Oligarch Observer that they tried to bring more followers in to Old Rancagaua but failed.

2:Have lots of milita in your capitol

3:Kill all traitors

4:Make sure that you have your army near you capitol. It will not only be able to quickly turn round form the front lines but will be able to effectivly to do lesson 3.

5:Never follow a person who is jealous of a baby. It can only lead to defeat.

6:Take back Ashforth Which we lost becasue of the Rebel actions