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'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''

Fiona walked down the mucky road staggering mumbling words only she could hear. “Sister, I don’t have a sister” she drank the liquid, quickly wiping the drops of whiskey on her chin. “I’ll show her…” she continued to walk almost tripping over a dead log. Fiona normally drank wine or ale but tonight she needed something a little stronger, tonight she just wanted to forget.
Looking at her surrounding nothing seemed familiar, the darkness cluttered her judgment and the rain didn’t help matters either. She leaned on a tree and pulled the necklace from her neck. “Family heirloom” she paused, “a curse is more like it,” bringing the bottle to her mouth again. “Why now?” falling to her knees she looked up at the sky with the necklace in hand “ WHY!?” she screamed to the gods “Why now!” she cried out loud.
Wiping the tears from her eyes she stood up and noticed a couple tents with light. She had finally found Kaylan’s resting tent. Standing outside behind the bushes she looked in silence, she wanted to just get a glimpse of her, anything to be able to prove her wrong. Rain started to come down harder, the sky lit up with lighting and the rumbling from the thunder made her uneasy she took a deep breath and headed for the biggest tent.
“Milady, you can’t go in there” a man tried to stop her but noticed the griffon of the Fontan Rangers.
“Get out of my way,” Fiona snapped at the soldier. “Or I’ll move you myself” giving him a long cold stare rain coming down on her drunken face. She stood in front of the flap swallowing hard.
“I’ll show her” she barged inside the tent.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Picking up a large strawberry she examined it with a smile and sliced it. With a practiced motion she placed the slices into a circular arrangement, covering the cake she had previously made. The cake was extremely light, mixed with almonds, orange flavor and a hint of spices.  Tonight she had a sweet tooth and this would definitely satisfy her craving.  It was her mother’s recipe, and whenever she had a chance she made enough to carry with her, for moments like these.
Scooping a small amount of heavy cream, she dropped it in the center of the strawberries and walked over to her table. The sound of heavy rain surrounded her tent, and the candle continuously wavered, fighting the night air.
Kaylan picked up a piece of cake and brought it to her mouth when a voice startled her making her drop her spoon. 
“Why?!” the female voice hissed and Kaylan looked up with surprise.
Her first instinct was to attack, no one should have been able to get past her guard, but then she recognized who it was. Lady Fiona was completely soaked through, her red hair had turned brown and droplets of water reflected the candlelight in the tent.
Lifting one arm, her hand was closed into a fist the silver chain circled around her wrist. “Why?” she whispered again, and Kaylan could clearly hear the pain in her voice, and then she noticed the bottle in her other hand. Opening her fist, she let the pendant dangle, like an obstacle standing between them. It then dawned on her that Fiona knew, and she wasn’t taking the news very well at all. Lady Aewyn must have interceded knowing her cousin better than Kaylan did. 
She truly hadn’t expected this, and was hoping for a better approach. “Why what?” she finally asked and Fiona’s eyes narrowed.
“Why are you here?” she accused and wiped her eyes. “And you claim what? To be my sister now? I’m supposed to bow down, accept what you say as truth and thank the heavens salvation has found me at last?”
Kaylan’s mouth turned dry and her eyes saddened. Gods, she had anticipated righteous anger, but now faced with it, she wanted nothing more than to cry for the pain her sister must have endured. Never knowing where she came from, who her family was, but most of all why she had been abandoned by them. Kaylan had the answers, but she knew Fiona was too far into her anger to even want to listen.
“I have a life, it’s not perfect but its mine! My own!” she cried angrily. “I have a purpose,” she said defiantly, “but most of all…” the defiance broke into a broken whisper, “I had forgotten.” Her lip trembled and she gave a half cry, half laugh. “I had forgotten the horror I had to crawl through to find even a shred of happiness and now…” she grinned maliciously, “look at <i>you</i>,” she sneered, “my savior.” Her tears still flowed over her cheeks, but it was mixed with amused laughter.
Kaylen’s eyes hardened but she remained silent. Fiona was too far into her drink and to match her anger now would solve nothing. Trying to keep a steady voice, she approached slowly, “I don’t assume to be anyone Lady Fiona, but I know your blood calls out to me, and I, yours. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you. I will not stand here and give you a fantastic tale you will only choose not to listen to. But, I will promise you this, whatever it is you’ve been searching for, I have the answers. You can make all the accusations you wish, you can choose to turn around and leave this night forget again, rejoin your demons and half truths. Or you can choose to listen, set your heart free and I will walk beside you at every step.”
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona just wanted to throw the bottle at her and her words of promises. Many nights she had thought of the people who only filled a small portion of her memory, wishing for someone to hold on to. She was so angry, but most of all she was confused. A part of her wanted to turn around and never think of her again, but the other part of her craved the truth. “There’s nothing you can tell me that will change what I went through,” she snapped and took another drink, as if trying to swallow the pain.
She was right, her blood sang with recognition, but she simply didn’t want to listen, it hurt too much.
The other woman averted her blue eyes and she could see her swallow. “You’re right,” she said softly. “I can’t change your past, but I can change your future.” Blue eyes face green again and Fiona paused.
“Such words you speak,” Fiona laughed feeling the awkwardness but her eyes watered once more. “I have a future, and it would do well without you in it.”
“Do you really mean that?” Kaylan asked with a trembling voice. She raised her hand to tuck a long strand of red hair behind her ear. With the other she pulled on her chain, releasing a pendant. Fiona’s eyes tightened as she recognized the exact match to hers, only instead of silver it was made of gold. “This represents you,” Kaylan’s smiled sadly, and the motion released tears. Her hand curled around the pendant, “you were and will always be mother’s heart. She never gave up on you. Her entire life, she knew you were alive, so much that she had me carry you every day of <i>my</i> life.”
Fiona’s throat tightened and she took a small breath, “you lie,” she denied and threw the pendant away and it clattered to the table, hitting the bowl.
Kaylan sighed and walked over to pick up the pendant. “Mother’s crest was made after she birthed you. It marked the new beginning in her life, the rose in full bloom.”
“Why did she leave me then!?” Fiona shouted angrily and Kaylan stiffened. “She didn’t leave you!” she finally burst out with emotion, “you were everything to her.”
“Then why am I not with her?” Fiona countered quickly.
“Because you were taken from her!” Kaylan’s voice rose but she tried to regain control of her emotion immediately. This was one moment she couldn’t afford to lose her temper.
“Please Lady Fiona, let me explain from the beginning. If what I tell you does not ring truth, then I will let you walk out of this tent and I shall never mention this night again.”
Fiona’s eyes calculated as she examined the sincere expression on her face. It was a moment of indecision, but she finally nodded.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She had at least accepted and Kaylan relaxed. Walking back to her table, she took the chair and offered it to Fiona. She didn’t sit herself, and instead began to slowly pace in front of the other woman. Never before had she told this tale to anyone, her mother had told her when she was old enough to understand the intricacies involved. 
She could still remember her mother’s voice as she told her. Closing her eyes, she recalled the day and began her story.
“Mother…” she started and noticed Fiona frowning. “Let’s call her Karina for now,” she corrected and smiled. “She was a very beautiful woman, so much in fact, some people still speak of her tell tale beauty. When she was a young woman, she fell in love with your f… Adrian. They were madly in love, but her father was not happy with the union. He refused to let them marry, but she ran away with him. It was a forbidden love, but it was theirs. They eventually married, and nothing could take away their joy. They worked very hard, but were finally together. Out of their union, they had a daughter. A beautiful child they named her, Katlyn. This child grew surrounded with love, and happiness.”
At the mention of the child’s name, Fiona’s eyes began to water again. She remained silent, mesmerized by her words.
Kaylan brought her hand to her mouth and began to chew her thumbnail, knowing the next part of the story wasn’t as rose colored as the beginning.
“One day, the small village they had chosen to hide and live in was attacked. An army of ruthless men, claiming the land, marched through like the very fires of the abyss. They came concealed by night and without honor. They set fire to everything in their path. They raped the women, killing their men, abused and killed their children, simply because they could.  Out of all the chaos and confusion, came their leader. He surveyed the entire event, but then his eye fell on Karina. He was so spellbound by her beauty, he stopped one of his men, and claimed her for himself. Outraged, Adrian tried to defend his beloved’s honor but he was run through without pity. Karina wailed with grief, fell to her knees and refused to leave him. But the men took her, dragged her away as she desperately fought them. They subdued her, in her fear and horror her one comfort was that she had hidden her child somewhere safe and prayed the horrible monster’s wouldn’t find her.”
Kaylan paused, pouring herself a glass of water and drank the contents swiftly. Setting her hand over the desk, she leaned on it and tried to clear away the image of her mother crying as she finally told her the story. Turning around again, her eyes fell on Fiona who was now crying freely. Maybe remembering the night herself, she knew not. Kaylan was just glad she chose to listen.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
“That does not explain how you are my sister.” Fiona said softly, still denying the claim.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan took a long breath and played with her hands. “Karina lived amongst the men for a long time, living every day in fear, not knowing if she would ever get away. Her only safety was this man’s obsession for her. He cherished her like he did a trophy but no man was allowed to look or touch her but him. He took her freely and she could not fight him. She lived in misery, she wanted to die but every breath she did take was for you. Because she promised one day she would escape and find you again.”
“It was a long time before that day came, but it wasn’t how she intended it. You see, one man had taken pity on her. The leader’s very own Captain, he could not endure the misery and horror she was living and vowed to set her free. After all the time spent grazing villages, pillaging, killing, he’d had enough of the nightmares and atrocities. He could no longer follow the path he was on.  Disobeying his leader, he secretly comforted Karina, spoke with her and gave her hope.  He had…” she paused and smiled, “fallen in love with her. It was an immense betrayal on his behalf and if his leader ever found out, it would be his death sentence. So when he found an opportunity, he took her away. When they found out she disappeared and he could not be found, the connection was made rather quickly. Again, Karina ran for a chance at freedom. After everything had been taken away from her, she found a new life, and a new love with the Captain, Dorian McDowell.”
Fiona’s watery eyes looked up at the name and Kaylan gave a short nod “my father, yes.”
“Mother, never gave up hope. She knew you were a strong willed child and that no matter what you would survive. Father will always have enemies now, but he has always protected mother and me as best as he could.  Some men were loyal to him, and eventually followed, enough to keep the others at bay. Mother never gave up on you, when I came of age she made me promise that I would look for you, because she no longer could.”
Green eyes glowed and Fiona’s brows furrowed. “She is dying… she has grown frail but she begged me find you. Her last wish is to look at the woman you became and die with peace in her heart.”
At the words Fiona buried her face in her hands and her shoulders shook. Kaylan kneeled in front of her and wrapped her arms around her. Fiona finally let go of her anger and returned the embrace. “She never stopped looking for you,” Kaylan soothed with a soft voice. “I’m so sorry you had to live without knowing, if I could take your pain away I would. Don’t weep now, you are found at last.” Fiona looked up and Kaylan kissed her forehead wiping Fiona’s tears. “I’m so sorry,” she said again sympathetically and Fiona held on tightly.
Kaylan knew Fiona was deeply wounded and she wasn’t going to heal overnight, but at least she had set her on the right path. “I’m here with you now,” she said softly and began to hum the lullaby her mother used to sing to her as a child.
When Fiona heard the lullaby she looked up and her face twisted with extreme sadness. “That song,” she cried and her voice shook with emotion. “I couldn’t remember the melody, my mother… used to sing it to me” her heart had finally made the connection and Fiona let out the torrent of emotions she had kept within her for so long. Holding on tightly Kaylan continued to soothe her.  “Shhh…”
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona woke up to the sound of a spoon hitting a bowl, looking around, nothing she looked at was familiar. Rising to sit up from the stuffed cotton blanket she laid on, she immediately held her head in both hands and moaned in pain. “Arghh” she blinked slowly as every movement hurt. “Where the hell am I?” she looked around and saw the back of a red headed woman busy at work at the table, and everything came rushing back to her.
Clearing her throat she got up and walked over to Kaylan. “Thank you for the pillow,” she smiled not knowing what else to say, “I apologize for any attitude I may have given you.” She took a deep breath and was reminded quickly the harshness of the whiskey as well. “I will get out of your hair.”
Kaylan looking over at her with a spoon in her hand, trying to wish her good morning, finally interrupted her. “Fiona please, don’t be silly!” she frowned. “You are welcomed here,” she dug the spoon into the bowl and began to beat in circular motions again.
Fiona smiled in relief sat at the table. “May I?” she looked at Kaylan smiling and pointed at the strawberries/
Nodding, Kaylan stopped beating the mixture. “Oh good you like them” she smiled and continued.
“Like them?” she bit into the plump berry, “my favorite” she said closing her eyes indulging in the sweetness of the fruit.
“Mine too,” Kaylan said smiling. “Here” she handed a plate to Fiona “and heavy cream” she handed over the bowl, “and these” she reached for a plate of cut strawberries. “And there‘s tea” she winked.
Overwhelmed with Kaylan’s generous approach, Fiona stood there staring into the eyes of a woman she didn’t even know. But to see such kindness showed that her manners came from a close family upbringing and she swallowed hard, but this time she hid her emotions well.
“With all the rain, the men cursed making a fire this morning“ Kaylan laughed. “But If they wanted to eat they need a fire to cook” she grinned “And I wanted to make some pancakes“ she put two in Fiona's plate and like a mother sets the plate for a child, placed a few strawberries on top and poured cream over the whole thing. “Eat” she smiled “there’s honey if you like it sweeter,” she pointed at the jar.
“You travel heavy Lady Kaylan” she smiled and took a hearty bite. “Mmm” closing her eyes and lifting her head “this is so good” with a mouthful and reached in her plate for more.
“Not that heavy” she smile. “A couple jars really” she winked.
Fiona ate her food and looked at Kaylan’s pendant as she was eating, still not fully understanding the sudden change in her life, but at the same time she felt peace, something familiar like she belonged there at that very moment and for once in her life she didn’t feel the emptiness inside.
“Tell me about her,” Fiona asked almost hesitantly.
“What is she like?” looking at Kaylan eager for any answers.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
At her questions, Kaylan paused in mid chew.  Trying not to grin with a mouthful of food, she swallowed quickly and smiled. No words could explain the sheer joy at hearing her ask of her mother. This meant she truly accepted and Kaylan was so relieved.
“I probably don’t need to say it, but she’s incredibly beautiful,” her blue eyes twinkled and then she added, “I see her in you.”
Fiona was pleased at the compliment and smiled almost shyly. “She is very quiet, but she has a powerful presence. Even a blind man would know she was in the room simply by the change of energy.  I can’t quite explain it, but you will understand,” she grinned and took a bite of pancake. After a moment of thinking she continued, “she is very soft in appearance, has a kind heart, and a tender touch. She loves music and she sings so beautifully.”
As if hearing the sound Kaylan lifted her chin. Closing her eyes she began to sing softly, “Time will heal my heart… and carry it far away…where I can fly…” Her voice rose slightly and Fiona stopped eating, mesmerized by the sound and her words. “When I find you…” Kaylan’s voice was suddenly powerful from deep within, “I will put my arms around you…around you…” As if suddenly remembering Fiona was there, she abruptly stopped singing. Her cheeks reddened and she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry,” she apologized… “I wish I had half the talent mother has, but I’m just a poor imitation. She sang this song every night for as long as I could remember. She would sit by the window and just look out at the horizon and cry.”
Trying to re-focus her attention to her food, she picked at her strawberry. “You will get to know her soon enough, I’m sure Lord Malfurion can allow us a few days for such a reason as being reunited with your mother, right?”
Fiona’s food had lain forgotten and she blinked, her mind catching up to the question. “I…”
Kaylan leaned in at her expression. “I apologize again, I know this is quick and I don’t want you to do something you don’t feel comfortable with. But we can’t waste too much time.”
"Waste to much time" not sure of her comment her faced frowned in confusion
"What do you mean" she looked at Kaylan
Kaylan took a deep breath and her eyes watered "She's not well Fiona" she paused "She's dying" she looked down in her plate
"What's wrong with her?" she asked even more confused
"She was stricken with a cold a few years back and it seems from that day on, she has been getting worse, my father called for the best healers to see to her health but all of them came back with the same response, it would take a miracle from the gods to restore her health, as the disease had formed around her lungs and she was deteriorating slowly inside" She paused again "But I know mother, when she finds out that I have found you, she will surely rise to her feet in joy and relief"
Fiona stood up on her feet and looked at Kaylan's saddened look "I will have to ask for leave as well, and yes I'm sure Lord Malfurion will allow us a few days" she reassured her "After all we have our captains, they can handle the orders on refitting for battle" she nodded and looked down again biting the inside of her cheek.
"But.." she paused "This is a lot at once" she sat back down "I have to think this through a bit more" she looked at Kaylan
"I need time for myself" their eyes met. She could tell that Kaylan was a disappointed with her remark by the nod she gave
"This is new to me too" she got up and walk to the flap of the tent.
"I need to get back to my men, I will give you my decision by nightfall" she looked back at Kaylan and walked out

Latest revision as of 00:15, 31 May 2014

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona walked down the mucky road staggering mumbling words only she could hear. “Sister, I don’t have a sister” she drank the liquid, quickly wiping the drops of whiskey on her chin. “I’ll show her…” she continued to walk almost tripping over a dead log. Fiona normally drank wine or ale but tonight she needed something a little stronger, tonight she just wanted to forget.

Looking at her surrounding nothing seemed familiar, the darkness cluttered her judgment and the rain didn’t help matters either. She leaned on a tree and pulled the necklace from her neck. “Family heirloom” she paused, “a curse is more like it,” bringing the bottle to her mouth again. “Why now?” falling to her knees she looked up at the sky with the necklace in hand “ WHY!?” she screamed to the gods “Why now!” she cried out loud.

Wiping the tears from her eyes she stood up and noticed a couple tents with light. She had finally found Kaylan’s resting tent. Standing outside behind the bushes she looked in silence, she wanted to just get a glimpse of her, anything to be able to prove her wrong. Rain started to come down harder, the sky lit up with lighting and the rumbling from the thunder made her uneasy she took a deep breath and headed for the biggest tent.

“Milady, you can’t go in there” a man tried to stop her but noticed the griffon of the Fontan Rangers. “Get out of my way,” Fiona snapped at the soldier. “Or I’ll move you myself” giving him a long cold stare rain coming down on her drunken face. She stood in front of the flap swallowing hard.

“I’ll show her” she barged inside the tent.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Picking up a large strawberry she examined it with a smile and sliced it. With a practiced motion she placed the slices into a circular arrangement, covering the cake she had previously made. The cake was extremely light, mixed with almonds, orange flavor and a hint of spices. Tonight she had a sweet tooth and this would definitely satisfy her craving. It was her mother’s recipe, and whenever she had a chance she made enough to carry with her, for moments like these.

Scooping a small amount of heavy cream, she dropped it in the center of the strawberries and walked over to her table. The sound of heavy rain surrounded her tent, and the candle continuously wavered, fighting the night air.

Kaylan picked up a piece of cake and brought it to her mouth when a voice startled her making her drop her spoon.

“Why?!” the female voice hissed and Kaylan looked up with surprise.

Her first instinct was to attack, no one should have been able to get past her guard, but then she recognized who it was. Lady Fiona was completely soaked through, her red hair had turned brown and droplets of water reflected the candlelight in the tent.

Lifting one arm, her hand was closed into a fist the silver chain circled around her wrist. “Why?” she whispered again, and Kaylan could clearly hear the pain in her voice, and then she noticed the bottle in her other hand. Opening her fist, she let the pendant dangle, like an obstacle standing between them. It then dawned on her that Fiona knew, and she wasn’t taking the news very well at all. Lady Aewyn must have interceded knowing her cousin better than Kaylan did.

She truly hadn’t expected this, and was hoping for a better approach. “Why what?” she finally asked and Fiona’s eyes narrowed.

“Why are you here?” she accused and wiped her eyes. “And you claim what? To be my sister now? I’m supposed to bow down, accept what you say as truth and thank the heavens salvation has found me at last?”

Kaylan’s mouth turned dry and her eyes saddened. Gods, she had anticipated righteous anger, but now faced with it, she wanted nothing more than to cry for the pain her sister must have endured. Never knowing where she came from, who her family was, but most of all why she had been abandoned by them. Kaylan had the answers, but she knew Fiona was too far into her anger to even want to listen.

“I have a life, it’s not perfect but its mine! My own!” she cried angrily. “I have a purpose,” she said defiantly, “but most of all…” the defiance broke into a broken whisper, “I had forgotten.” Her lip trembled and she gave a half cry, half laugh. “I had forgotten the horror I had to crawl through to find even a shred of happiness and now…” she grinned maliciously, “look at you,” she sneered, “my savior.” Her tears still flowed over her cheeks, but it was mixed with amused laughter.

Kaylen’s eyes hardened but she remained silent. Fiona was too far into her drink and to match her anger now would solve nothing. Trying to keep a steady voice, she approached slowly, “I don’t assume to be anyone Lady Fiona, but I know your blood calls out to me, and I, yours. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you. I will not stand here and give you a fantastic tale you will only choose not to listen to. But, I will promise you this, whatever it is you’ve been searching for, I have the answers. You can make all the accusations you wish, you can choose to turn around and leave this night forget again, rejoin your demons and half truths. Or you can choose to listen, set your heart free and I will walk beside you at every step.”

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona just wanted to throw the bottle at her and her words of promises. Many nights she had thought of the people who only filled a small portion of her memory, wishing for someone to hold on to. She was so angry, but most of all she was confused. A part of her wanted to turn around and never think of her again, but the other part of her craved the truth. “There’s nothing you can tell me that will change what I went through,” she snapped and took another drink, as if trying to swallow the pain.

She was right, her blood sang with recognition, but she simply didn’t want to listen, it hurt too much.

The other woman averted her blue eyes and she could see her swallow. “You’re right,” she said softly. “I can’t change your past, but I can change your future.” Blue eyes face green again and Fiona paused.

“Such words you speak,” Fiona laughed feeling the awkwardness but her eyes watered once more. “I have a future, and it would do well without you in it.”

“Do you really mean that?” Kaylan asked with a trembling voice. She raised her hand to tuck a long strand of red hair behind her ear. With the other she pulled on her chain, releasing a pendant. Fiona’s eyes tightened as she recognized the exact match to hers, only instead of silver it was made of gold. “This represents you,” Kaylan’s smiled sadly, and the motion released tears. Her hand curled around the pendant, “you were and will always be mother’s heart. She never gave up on you. Her entire life, she knew you were alive, so much that she had me carry you every day of my life.”

Fiona’s throat tightened and she took a small breath, “you lie,” she denied and threw the pendant away and it clattered to the table, hitting the bowl.

Kaylan sighed and walked over to pick up the pendant. “Mother’s crest was made after she birthed you. It marked the new beginning in her life, the rose in full bloom.”

“Why did she leave me then!?” Fiona shouted angrily and Kaylan stiffened. “She didn’t leave you!” she finally burst out with emotion, “you were everything to her.”

“Then why am I not with her?” Fiona countered quickly.

“Because you were taken from her!” Kaylan’s voice rose but she tried to regain control of her emotion immediately. This was one moment she couldn’t afford to lose her temper.

“Please Lady Fiona, let me explain from the beginning. If what I tell you does not ring truth, then I will let you walk out of this tent and I shall never mention this night again.”

Fiona’s eyes calculated as she examined the sincere expression on her face. It was a moment of indecision, but she finally nodded.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She had at least accepted and Kaylan relaxed. Walking back to her table, she took the chair and offered it to Fiona. She didn’t sit herself, and instead began to slowly pace in front of the other woman. Never before had she told this tale to anyone, her mother had told her when she was old enough to understand the intricacies involved.

She could still remember her mother’s voice as she told her. Closing her eyes, she recalled the day and began her story.

“Mother…” she started and noticed Fiona frowning. “Let’s call her Karina for now,” she corrected and smiled. “She was a very beautiful woman, so much in fact, some people still speak of her tell tale beauty. When she was a young woman, she fell in love with your f… Adrian. They were madly in love, but her father was not happy with the union. He refused to let them marry, but she ran away with him. It was a forbidden love, but it was theirs. They eventually married, and nothing could take away their joy. They worked very hard, but were finally together. Out of their union, they had a daughter. A beautiful child they named her, Katlyn. This child grew surrounded with love, and happiness.”

At the mention of the child’s name, Fiona’s eyes began to water again. She remained silent, mesmerized by her words.

Kaylan brought her hand to her mouth and began to chew her thumbnail, knowing the next part of the story wasn’t as rose colored as the beginning.

“One day, the small village they had chosen to hide and live in was attacked. An army of ruthless men, claiming the land, marched through like the very fires of the abyss. They came concealed by night and without honor. They set fire to everything in their path. They raped the women, killing their men, abused and killed their children, simply because they could. Out of all the chaos and confusion, came their leader. He surveyed the entire event, but then his eye fell on Karina. He was so spellbound by her beauty, he stopped one of his men, and claimed her for himself. Outraged, Adrian tried to defend his beloved’s honor but he was run through without pity. Karina wailed with grief, fell to her knees and refused to leave him. But the men took her, dragged her away as she desperately fought them. They subdued her, in her fear and horror her one comfort was that she had hidden her child somewhere safe and prayed the horrible monster’s wouldn’t find her.”

Kaylan paused, pouring herself a glass of water and drank the contents swiftly. Setting her hand over the desk, she leaned on it and tried to clear away the image of her mother crying as she finally told her the story. Turning around again, her eyes fell on Fiona who was now crying freely. Maybe remembering the night herself, she knew not. Kaylan was just glad she chose to listen.

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

“That does not explain how you are my sister.” Fiona said softly, still denying the claim.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan took a long breath and played with her hands. “Karina lived amongst the men for a long time, living every day in fear, not knowing if she would ever get away. Her only safety was this man’s obsession for her. He cherished her like he did a trophy but no man was allowed to look or touch her but him. He took her freely and she could not fight him. She lived in misery, she wanted to die but every breath she did take was for you. Because she promised one day she would escape and find you again.”

“It was a long time before that day came, but it wasn’t how she intended it. You see, one man had taken pity on her. The leader’s very own Captain, he could not endure the misery and horror she was living and vowed to set her free. After all the time spent grazing villages, pillaging, killing, he’d had enough of the nightmares and atrocities. He could no longer follow the path he was on. Disobeying his leader, he secretly comforted Karina, spoke with her and gave her hope. He had…” she paused and smiled, “fallen in love with her. It was an immense betrayal on his behalf and if his leader ever found out, it would be his death sentence. So when he found an opportunity, he took her away. When they found out she disappeared and he could not be found, the connection was made rather quickly. Again, Karina ran for a chance at freedom. After everything had been taken away from her, she found a new life, and a new love with the Captain, Dorian McDowell.”

Fiona’s watery eyes looked up at the name and Kaylan gave a short nod “my father, yes.”

“Mother, never gave up hope. She knew you were a strong willed child and that no matter what you would survive. Father will always have enemies now, but he has always protected mother and me as best as he could. Some men were loyal to him, and eventually followed, enough to keep the others at bay. Mother never gave up on you, when I came of age she made me promise that I would look for you, because she no longer could.”

Green eyes glowed and Fiona’s brows furrowed. “She is dying… she has grown frail but she begged me find you. Her last wish is to look at the woman you became and die with peace in her heart.”

At the words Fiona buried her face in her hands and her shoulders shook. Kaylan kneeled in front of her and wrapped her arms around her. Fiona finally let go of her anger and returned the embrace. “She never stopped looking for you,” Kaylan soothed with a soft voice. “I’m so sorry you had to live without knowing, if I could take your pain away I would. Don’t weep now, you are found at last.” Fiona looked up and Kaylan kissed her forehead wiping Fiona’s tears. “I’m so sorry,” she said again sympathetically and Fiona held on tightly.

Kaylan knew Fiona was deeply wounded and she wasn’t going to heal overnight, but at least she had set her on the right path. “I’m here with you now,” she said softly and began to hum the lullaby her mother used to sing to her as a child.

When Fiona heard the lullaby she looked up and her face twisted with extreme sadness. “That song,” she cried and her voice shook with emotion. “I couldn’t remember the melody, my mother… used to sing it to me” her heart had finally made the connection and Fiona let out the torrent of emotions she had kept within her for so long. Holding on tightly Kaylan continued to soothe her. “Shhh…”

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona woke up to the sound of a spoon hitting a bowl, looking around, nothing she looked at was familiar. Rising to sit up from the stuffed cotton blanket she laid on, she immediately held her head in both hands and moaned in pain. “Arghh” she blinked slowly as every movement hurt. “Where the hell am I?” she looked around and saw the back of a red headed woman busy at work at the table, and everything came rushing back to her.

Clearing her throat she got up and walked over to Kaylan. “Thank you for the pillow,” she smiled not knowing what else to say, “I apologize for any attitude I may have given you.” She took a deep breath and was reminded quickly the harshness of the whiskey as well. “I will get out of your hair.”

Kaylan looking over at her with a spoon in her hand, trying to wish her good morning, finally interrupted her. “Fiona please, don’t be silly!” she frowned. “You are welcomed here,” she dug the spoon into the bowl and began to beat in circular motions again.

Fiona smiled in relief sat at the table. “May I?” she looked at Kaylan smiling and pointed at the strawberries/

Nodding, Kaylan stopped beating the mixture. “Oh good you like them” she smiled and continued.

“Like them?” she bit into the plump berry, “my favorite” she said closing her eyes indulging in the sweetness of the fruit.

“Mine too,” Kaylan said smiling. “Here” she handed a plate to Fiona “and heavy cream” she handed over the bowl, “and these” she reached for a plate of cut strawberries. “And there‘s tea” she winked.

Overwhelmed with Kaylan’s generous approach, Fiona stood there staring into the eyes of a woman she didn’t even know. But to see such kindness showed that her manners came from a close family upbringing and she swallowed hard, but this time she hid her emotions well.

“With all the rain, the men cursed making a fire this morning“ Kaylan laughed. “But If they wanted to eat they need a fire to cook” she grinned “And I wanted to make some pancakes“ she put two in Fiona's plate and like a mother sets the plate for a child, placed a few strawberries on top and poured cream over the whole thing. “Eat” she smiled “there’s honey if you like it sweeter,” she pointed at the jar.

“You travel heavy Lady Kaylan” she smiled and took a hearty bite. “Mmm” closing her eyes and lifting her head “this is so good” with a mouthful and reached in her plate for more.

“Not that heavy” she smile. “A couple jars really” she winked.

Fiona ate her food and looked at Kaylan’s pendant as she was eating, still not fully understanding the sudden change in her life, but at the same time she felt peace, something familiar like she belonged there at that very moment and for once in her life she didn’t feel the emptiness inside.

“Tell me about her,” Fiona asked almost hesitantly.

“What is she like?” looking at Kaylan eager for any answers.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

At her questions, Kaylan paused in mid chew. Trying not to grin with a mouthful of food, she swallowed quickly and smiled. No words could explain the sheer joy at hearing her ask of her mother. This meant she truly accepted and Kaylan was so relieved.

“I probably don’t need to say it, but she’s incredibly beautiful,” her blue eyes twinkled and then she added, “I see her in you.”

Fiona was pleased at the compliment and smiled almost shyly. “She is very quiet, but she has a powerful presence. Even a blind man would know she was in the room simply by the change of energy. I can’t quite explain it, but you will understand,” she grinned and took a bite of pancake. After a moment of thinking she continued, “she is very soft in appearance, has a kind heart, and a tender touch. She loves music and she sings so beautifully.”

As if hearing the sound Kaylan lifted her chin. Closing her eyes she began to sing softly, “Time will heal my heart… and carry it far away…where I can fly…” Her voice rose slightly and Fiona stopped eating, mesmerized by the sound and her words. “When I find you…” Kaylan’s voice was suddenly powerful from deep within, “I will put my arms around you…around you…” As if suddenly remembering Fiona was there, she abruptly stopped singing. Her cheeks reddened and she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry,” she apologized… “I wish I had half the talent mother has, but I’m just a poor imitation. She sang this song every night for as long as I could remember. She would sit by the window and just look out at the horizon and cry.”

Trying to re-focus her attention to her food, she picked at her strawberry. “You will get to know her soon enough, I’m sure Lord Malfurion can allow us a few days for such a reason as being reunited with your mother, right?”

Fiona’s food had lain forgotten and she blinked, her mind catching up to the question. “I…”

Kaylan leaned in at her expression. “I apologize again, I know this is quick and I don’t want you to do something you don’t feel comfortable with. But we can’t waste too much time.”

"Waste to much time" not sure of her comment her faced frowned in confusion

"What do you mean" she looked at Kaylan

Kaylan took a deep breath and her eyes watered "She's not well Fiona" she paused "She's dying" she looked down in her plate

"What's wrong with her?" she asked even more confused

"She was stricken with a cold a few years back and it seems from that day on, she has been getting worse, my father called for the best healers to see to her health but all of them came back with the same response, it would take a miracle from the gods to restore her health, as the disease had formed around her lungs and she was deteriorating slowly inside" She paused again "But I know mother, when she finds out that I have found you, she will surely rise to her feet in joy and relief"

Fiona stood up on her feet and looked at Kaylan's saddened look "I will have to ask for leave as well, and yes I'm sure Lord Malfurion will allow us a few days" she reassured her "After all we have our captains, they can handle the orders on refitting for battle" she nodded and looked down again biting the inside of her cheek.

"But.." she paused "This is a lot at once" she sat back down "I have to think this through a bit more" she looked at Kaylan

"I need time for myself" their eyes met. She could tell that Kaylan was a disappointed with her remark by the nod she gave

"This is new to me too" she got up and walk to the flap of the tent.

"I need to get back to my men, I will give you my decision by nightfall" she looked back at Kaylan and walked out