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'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Malcolm staggered back to the main camp. He hadn't been wounded...But another battle had taken its toll...Over three quarters of his men dead or wounded...At least he'd been able to find a Healer...And thank the gods Kaylan had made it through alright...They'd had a wonderful time waiting for the attack...Cherishing each moment...Needed to get there, prove he was alright...Fiona hadn't been in the battle, so didn't have to worry about that...Wonder if she had anymore strawberries...Stupid tents spinning...Have to talk with them about getting the pegs set properly, barely even a breeze, shouldn't have heavy canvas whizzing like that...
Malcolm made it to Kaylan's tent, grinned at her, and promptly collapsed onto the ground.
Concussions will do that.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan grinned back but it slipped as she saw him fall to the ground. “Malcolm!” she shouted and rushed to his side. Kneeling beside him she cradled his head with her hands. She felt for his pulse, and tapped his cheek gently but he was still completely out. “Help!” she shouted louder and almost immediately someone was at her tent.  When she looked up it was her Captain, “I need a healer!” he stood transfixed by what he was seeing, only then recognizing the man from that morning, and she shouted louder, “NOW!”
He jumped and disappeared. “Mal…” her throat seemed to close on its own and she swallowed. Her eyes filled with tears and she leaned in to kiss his still lips. She was beyond panic, but she had to control herself. She had seen this type of injury before, and seen many men walk away with a shaky smile, but something inside was just eating at that confidence. Perhaps because he was slowly becoming everything to her.
The healer finally arrived, and was instantly at his side. He checked him for a few moments and eventually looked up at Kaylan who had taken to chew her thumbnail with nervousness.
“I think he was hit to the head,” he informed and rose. “Sometimes this unconsciousness can last a few moments, others… well… he will come around. It’s just a matter of time.”
Captain Xander spoke up, “I’ve had that before, I couldn’t even remember my name, let alone where my tent was. It’s a wonder how he ended up here…” he smiled at Kaylan and she gave a very weak smile in return. 
Kaylan gave a slow nod, and examined the healer, her captain and a few men who were there. “Help me put him on the bed,” she ordered and Xander was the first to move. She gave him a grateful look and together they moved him. “Now leave,” she said and they all did as she asked.
She lay down beside him and waited. She didn’t know what to do, after a few moments she ran a comforting hand over his forehead and face, and began to sing softly trying to fill the silence.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm's eyes swam as he tried to open then...And found himself on a bed with an unfamiliar canvas above his head...And voices nearby...
"Ugh...Should have padded my helmet more...So, am I in friendly hands, or a 'guest' of some Caligan?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
He was finally awake and Kaylan’s anxiousness began to ebb. Several times she had almost dozed off, but resisted for fear she would be asleep when he became conscious. He didn’t comment on her singing therefore, he probably hadn’t even heard her and she was glad. It had been a moment of weakness on her part, singing calmed her, but it was a side of her she was very conscious of and wished to keep hidden. Now alert she shifted her weight to lean on her elbows, looked over and laughed lightly. “Well that depends,” Kaylan mused, “in your injured wandering state, do you usually make a habit of finding the enemy's tent so they can caress and take care of you?”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm smiled.
"Not that I know of..."
He pulled Kaylan up next to him so he could hold her tight, and rested his head on her shoulder.
"Love you...stay with me while I sleep, please..."
Apparently being unconscious did not count for sleep, because his eyes were still heavy...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan was so caught off guard by his words, she could only stare. They seemed so easily given and effortless on his part, she had to replay the moment in her head several times, wondering if she heard him correctly. There was no mistake and her hands began to tremble out of fear. Her silence was filled with his steady breathing and she blinked slowly. Was it because he was still feeling the effects of his injury? Would he even remember saying those words when he woke? Or were they uttered without second thought as to the magnitude of what they represented, as a simple thank you?
Gods she was driving herself crazy with the thoughts that suddenly filled her mind. She tried to lie beside him, and take comfort in his embrace but found she could not.  Wasn’t this what she wanted?
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
He wanted to sleep...But...Kaylan had stiffened...
"Something...did I say something wrong...? You...can go if you need to, duty or whatever...sorry to keep you to myself so much just seemed the right place to be, I think...wanted to be here..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“No, you didn’t…” she started slowly then added, “say anything wrong.”
She paused and swallowed, she was about to ask him why he said it, but instead she looked away. With that oblivious attitude, he apparently had no idea what his words did to her. Obviously he knew where he wanted to be, and she didn’t know what to make of that.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm settled back in. Whatever was bothering her...he hadn't said anything wrong...could sleep now...He nuzzled Kaylan a little as he drifted to sleep.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan lifted her right hand examining her middle finger, where sat a silver ring. The entire ring was intricately carved with thorny vines, meshed in the design were several symbols making a complete circle around her finger. There was a heart, a crown, and two swords. The design was seamless, but it could be separated into two rings, so that the symbols became halves of each, when fit together it became complete once more. It had been given to her to symbolize her purity of heart, her unwavering loyalty to her family and finally courage, strength in adversity, the virtues her entire family lived by.
Like every member of the McDowell family, it was given to her as a distinct tradition of sorts. When her father had known he wanted to spend his life with her mother and no other. He had given her one of the rings, offering his heart, vowing his undying loyalty, and promising to protect her until his last breath.  It simply represented their deep love for one another.
When her mother had told her the story as a child, she had prayed to know that kind of love, and passion but as the years passed, her dream had slowly faded. How could she bring anyone close to her heart, only to put his life in danger?  He would be forever cursed for loving her. Fighting a hatred that went so far, it was virtually impossible to annihilate?
Wiping a tear on her cheek, she bit her lip with sudden guilt. How could she have been so foolish? She was falling into the trap she promised herself to steer clear from.
Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her cloak and left her tent at a run. She just needed to find stable ground. She was spiraling so far down she could no longer climb her way out.
She didn’t care where she ran she passed several people in the streets and ran smack dab into <i> tree?</i> She stopped so abruptly she staggered back and fell.
'''Roleplay from Connor Mcleod'''
Connor walked around the town heading towards a tavern, where his men waited. He had sent them off for some entertainment, knowing how much they needed it. He turned the corner when suddenly what appeared to be a running cloak hit him square in the chest. He stood firmly staying his ground and the other body fell to the ground with a dull thump.
“Watch where you’re going peasant…” he hissed quickly.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
<i>Peasant?</i> The word came through the haze that was Kaylan’s jumbled thoughts and she stood once more. This time she pulled back her hood and stared defiantly at the man before her. “Peasant? How dare you!” she hissed back but he never replied.
'''Roleplay from Connor Mcleod'''
When the hood was removed, all words vanished from his mind for before him stood a goddess of beauty. Her face was framed with a mane of incredible red hair, pink lips sneered defiantly and her blue eyes were filled with such fire he felt himself melt at the boring gaze. He tried to reply but found his voice had left him.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
He was incredibly tall, and had a muscular build, which would explain why she felt like she struck a tree instead of a man. His brown almost black hair was cut short, unlike any she had ever seen, his green hazel eyes shone and his mouth moved as if trying to say something, but no words came out.
“I am Kaylan, of house McDowell, I am no peasant!” she snapped heatedly, affronted at the insult. Usually she didn’t put that much weight on her nobility but to be snubbed so insolently.
'''Roleplay from Connor Mcleod'''
“I apologize… Lady… Kaylan,” he stammered finally finding his voice. “I did not see you,” he bowed with a flourish. “Your cloak is quite deceiving,” he admitted and she remained unfazed. “Please allow me to start over,” he started and her eyes narrowed.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“It matters not,” she snapped and at his bow she averted her face. “Please, save it for the next <i>peasant,”</i> she retorted sarcastically, clearly unimpressed and walked away. “Next time, watch where you walk,” she shouted over her shoulder continuing on her way.
'''Roleplay from Connor Mcleod'''
Connor stood there transfixed his mouth completely open. “What just happened?” he asked no one in particular and a dog lying on the ground nearby looked up with a whine.
“I know what you mean,” he said softly. “A Goddess has stumbled into my life and unknowingly walked away with my heart…” The dog whined again and it was followed with a bark.
“I will simply have to convince the Lady I meant no disrespect and properly apologize,” he thought out loud and the dog growled. “Yes with that much fire, it will be quite difficult. I’m really going to need that drink now.” He walked away in the opposite direction, shaking his head.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm had drifted back into awareness at the frightened and angry shouts of unknown voices. As his eyes opened, he saw a frantic man in the garb of Kaylan's unit staring at him.
"What did you do to her?!? She ran out, and we can't find her, and by all the gods, if something happens to her..."
Malcolm snapped fully awake, and sat up. He nearly fell back over from residual dizziness, but he made his way to his feet, trying to remember...oh, gods damn him...Get whacked on the head and he goes and says something like that before falling asleep...Well, at least he knew how she felt about him...
Heh. He hadn't been contacted by his men, which meant she was not in any danger...Or they'd been taken care of, in which case he would be of no use. Very well. She would not want to see him when she returned, obviously, and he had a unit to see to.
Ignoring the angry captain, he summoned a messenger boy and followed him back to where his unit had camped. He probably should leave word of what had happened to him...But the bitter taste in his mouth convinced him not to. She would hardly be interested in any case.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
By the time Kaylan returned to her tent, it was so dark she could barely see ahead of her. Before entering, she swallowed and wiped her moist eyes. She was somewhat calmer now, but had cried hard and long until she had no strength left.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so completely lost and confused, she should have been happy to hear Malcolm say those words, but instead felt like she had just fed him to the wolves. And now she was actually afraid to see him, because she truly did not know what to say to him.
When Kaylan finally walked into the tent, the fear she felt plummeted to full blown heartache. He was gone, and now she knew...  He had only said the words out of rote and like she had first concluded, held no meaning for him.  Wouldn’t he have waited for her? Especially after that…
There was a small cough and she looked behind her. “Lady Kaylan, I was so worried, where have you been?” Xander questioned and she blinked.
“Out,” she replied glumly and his eyebrow rose at her answer.
“What did he do to you?” he asked and she frowned.
“Nothing,” she defended softly.
“Well something obviously happened. He left angry, wouldn’t even bother helping us look for you. What happened?” he questioned again and she snapped, “nothing!”
“Well something obviously happened. It’s probably not my place to say this, but… he truly didn’t seem to care one way or another where you were. My Lady do you think it wise, to continue on this path?” He cleared his throat knowing he was way out of bounds on this one and she looked down.
“It’s probably better this way…” she whispered and barely managed the next words, “please leave me.”
He did as she asked and left. She didn’t even remember when she started crying again, but the tears were just there. Her shoulders began to shake with the force of the emotions and she walked over to the cot. Touching the blanket, she wiped the tears on her cheeks and lay down.  Trying to hide away from everything, she buried her head in the pillow. To her added heartache, she could smell him on the pillow even the blankets held his scent. Unable to help herself, she wrapped herself in them, and continued to cry.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm summoned a scribe as he re-entered his tent. One letter...he couldn't not send her a letter...
It took several hours before he was satisfied. This was no easy thing...Especially when he kept having to clamp down on his emotions so as not to appear too distraught before the men in his employ.
I am sorry to discover that my feelings were so repugnant to you that you felt it necessary to flee. I will trouble you no further, and will hopefully manage to eliminate the feeling in question that caused you so much grief.
It was a terrible letter. But...He was tired, and needed to go release the tension he felt...Somehow...
He sent a runner off with the parchment, and debated between sparring with his captain, or having a good whore sent to his estate...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
When Kaylan received the letter, she recognized the seal and her eyes saddened. She was so afraid of readings its contents, for the words it held would most likely confirm her thoughts. Breaking the seal, she swallowed the lump still in her throat and gathered courage to begin reading. As she read it her hands tightened around the edges and she gave a sob. What had she done?
She was torn between staying in her room to simply let it pass its course, going with the entire it’s probably better this way, or to rush out and find him, to tell him she was sorry and that she also shared the emotion. Only she was afraid, it was already too late.
Her mind raced through all the words she wanted to say, and the things she should do, and she wasn’t even finished her thoughts when she rushed out of the tent, dragging the boy with her. “Take me to him,” she ordered and he nodded.
When she arrived, she was stopped by a guard, and was forced to stop, informing them of the nature of her presence, and then she was made to wait.
“I’m so stupid,” she reprimanded herself, and was truly considering leaving before she made herself look even worse. She had no idea what she was going to say to him, but she had to tell him that it wasn’t true. His feelings had not caused her grief like he thought… she needed to explain.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm had already moved to his third soldier, after leaving his captain and the next man on the ground with enough damage the Healer had refused to let them fight further. And...As a servant interrupted his match to inform him of Kaylan's arrival, the third went spinning to the dirt from a vicious thrust to the shoulder. He tossed away his practice blade, and dried off with a nearby towel. She wanted to refuse him in person, explain how she didn't know or want...Very well. He could understand that impulse, although he wished she'd saved it. He strode out front in his practice jerkin, not even trying to conceal his unhappiness.
"I'm rather surprised that you're even here...What, precisely, needs to be said?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She had never seen his eyes this color before. They were grey and she had to look away. Where did she even start? “I…” she started and her throat seemed to close up and she tried again. “When you said…” she was desperately trying to say everything she wanted to, but the words were coming out in the wrong order and tears formed in her eyes.  He was clearly unimpressed and was still breathing irregularly from whatever he had been doing and looked over his shoulder, probably impatient with getting back to it. Her chest was tightening so much it hurt to breathe.
“I…”  why couldn’t she just say it? “I’m not,” she shook her head trying a different tactic.  “Why Malcolm?” she finally asked and her tears slipped.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm raised an eyebrow.
"Why? Oh, I thought it would be a lark to invent a word, and thought that I might make it a four-letter word...You know, since I was having fun...Perhaps a word that meant 'here is an invitation to show me how little you care for me', that sounds good. And maybe I'll say it to someone who I actually care for, since, after all, might as well go full-bore with this fun little plan, so when I wake up expecting to be held, it's to find out that this certain someone was horrified enough to run off in an absolute panic. Yes, that would be why."
His fists were clenched tight, and his last sentence was spat out through gritted teeth.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan’s eyes grew rounder with each word. “Are you serious? That was it? That’s how you tell me Malcolm?!” Her tears continued to flow but she was becoming angrier at his attitude. “Well then it might comfort you to know that I at least took more time to think of my reply as you did in the telling!” 
She closed her fists to regain some ground and narrowed her eyes. “Did you stop to think how long I’ve waited to hear those words?” she whispered emotionally. “And to have them uttered as if you were discussing the weather.” Her voice choked up again, “how was I supposed to react? Tear my clothes of and profess my undying love for you at that very moment and continue to smile as if it didn’t matter.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm jerked his hand to the side in a move reminiscent of a dagger thrust.
"I had a gods-be-damned concussion, Kaylan, and you seem to think I was capable of coherent thought. I still don't remember how I even ended up in your tent to begin with. It was no casual comment. That was a wounded me seeking comfort from the best person I could. Someone I cared very deeply for. And, by all the <i>gods</i> woman I..."
Suddenly he faltered.
" to hear that? I...but you...what...?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan took a long breath, and looked up to the sky with frustration. “Yes Malcolm! Do you think I would offer myself to the first man who simply came along, and in this case you just happened to be it? Do you think me so easy?!” she cried. “And it wasn’t the wine,” she defended lamely, “it didn’t help but it only removed any resistance on my part because I…” her voice broke and her lips trembled. He cocked his head waiting for her next words, “because I love you…” she whispered. “I loved you from the very moment I set eyes on you.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
At her words, Malcolm suddenly discerned what he (erroneously, alas) believed to be the full reasoning behind the day's events. He barked out a short, harsh laugh, shaking his head ruefully.
"Well...Fool that I am, I could not see...I merely thought...Well...It does not matter...But, for my part...I did not truly know until then. When I sought you out, and woke next to you...I knew...I truly did love you..."
He dropped his eyes in shame at his earlier reaction, knowing how much pain she must have felt...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan wiped the tears on her cheeks and let out a ragged breath.  She couldn’t understand her own behavior, how could she have expected him to? He did love her, and the admission alone made her knees weak. She swiftly closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him.  Tightly holding on to him, and the feeling she knew she felt whenever she was with him.
He had told her, this time with his wits about him but deep down she felt… let down. Was it because, now for the second time, what should have been a cherished moment for her, instead appeared to be just another to him? In her mind, it should have been a moment of magnificent beauty and here she was in tears, desperately trying to hold on.
Oh Gods, but she did love him… and he loved her, wasn’t that enough?
Her shoulders began to tremble again, and she whispered, “I’m sorry…” She tried wiping her eyes. “I just…expected…,” she shook her head, only then realizing he probably wouldn’t understand her. What had she truly expected, for him to start sprouting sonnets? What she did know, is that she yearned for fiery passion, to look in his eyes, and hear the words, and have the world shrink away and for once in her life, to become absolutely everything to someone else, just once.
“I’m a foolish woman,” she whispered, more to herself, than for his benefit.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm held Kaylan tightly.
"Why do you say that? I'm the one who was foolish...Even concussed I should have known better...I mean...declarations of love...Hell, I'd even made another dress, laid out earrings and a bracelet to match...And I'd worked out a dance...I can't sing worth a damn, but dancing I can do...I'd had plans..."
Malcolm sighed in frustration.
"Supposed to be special, damnit..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Backing up slowly, she looked up and stared. “You had planned something?” she asked dumbly and groaned. Burying her face in his chest, she tried to hide away now feeling incredibly guilty for jumping down his throat, even when she knew he wasn’t himself when he said it. “If only we could turn back time,” she mumbled through his chest. “I will try to fade away now.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm smiled and held her tight.
"No fading away...I'm going to keep you. Right here is good. In fact...I think you are hereby not allowed to leave my arms for the rest of the night."
Malcolm picked her up and strode back into his tent. Shortly thereafter, the servants ran out. And, true to his decree, she did not leave his arms for many hours yet...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan woke from a long night of lovemaking and smiled. The sensation still lingered over her skin and she nuzzled deeper into Malcolm’s arms. He felt her stir and kissed the back of her neck. She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes falling asleep once more.
Sometime later when she woke it was to his tender attention and she lovingly returned the sensation. She was beginning to familiarize herself with his body. She now knew how to vary the nuances of her caress. When he had taken her that first night, she knew next to nothing of pleasing a man in this manner, now she was making the most out of his education. It was her turn to please him. Her soft caressing fingers moved with purpose, her lips made him sigh with pleasure and her feathered touch brought shivers.
Later that morning when they both started to get ready to leave, Kaylan promised to meet him again so they could travel together once more. Before leaving, she looked up and there seemed to be a moment of absolute silence, <i>“Tá mo chroí istigh ionat,”</i> she whispered softly and kissed him passionately then walked away with a small smile.
'''Roleplay from Connor Mcleod'''
Connor strode through his camp taking a moment to examine his men. One of them laughed and he looked over with a smile. They seemed happy enough and he was glad for that.  Things were going somewhat smoother.
Turning around he returned to his tent and his steps slowed down as his thoughts wandered to a pair of blue eyes. Ever since that afternoon, his thoughts had been visited with a head of flaming red hair. This had never happened to him before. He’d had the pleasure of being in the company of beautiful women, but never had such a rare exotic beauty easily stolen his attention with a single look. He had to see her again, if only to apologize. He couldn’t have the Lady walking around thinking of his unintended insult.
Returning to his tent, he called his scribe to follow. The young man stood before him with a waiting expression and Connor paced the tent.  In his pacing, he stopped several times to start, but then as the letter progressed he had the scribe start over. Finally he was done and quite pleased.  “Find out where Lady Kaylan McDowell is camped, and deliver this letter at once.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
When Kaylan arrived at her tent, she met a scribe on the way. She ignored him thinking he was simply passing her by, but he stopped when he recognized her. “My lady, a letter for you,” he handed it and walked away.
The seal was unfamiliar and she broke it as she entered her tent.
<i>“Lady Kaylan,
You will most certainly be surprised by this letter, rest assured I bear no ill will. I have been deeply troubled by my actions since I stumbled into you. I am afraid I did not have the opportunity to introduce myself, and alas properly apologize. If you would give me the chance to rectify this situation, I would be very grateful. 
Best regards,
Sir Connor Macleod”</i>
She was frowning slightly at the letter, and after a moment let out a soft laugh remembering who he was. In her distraught state of mind, she had given quite the attitude at his surprised outburst. Now she knew in fact it was her who had stumbled into him. Spinning the silver ring around her finger, she contemplated her next action.
Calling the scribe, she sent a letter of her own.
<i> Sir Connor,
Thank you again for your words of apology, but I assure you they are no longer necessary, for I realize the fault is my own. Please accept my apology in return. For the moment I must politely decline the invitation, perhaps when we will stumble into each other again.
Lady Kaylan McDowell. </i>
She added the last as a joke, proving him she wasn’t as upset as she had seemed. “Now go,” she ordered the scribe and continued to prepare for her departure.

Latest revision as of 00:11, 31 May 2014

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm staggered back to the main camp. He hadn't been wounded...But another battle had taken its toll...Over three quarters of his men dead or wounded...At least he'd been able to find a Healer...And thank the gods Kaylan had made it through alright...They'd had a wonderful time waiting for the attack...Cherishing each moment...Needed to get there, prove he was alright...Fiona hadn't been in the battle, so didn't have to worry about that...Wonder if she had anymore strawberries...Stupid tents spinning...Have to talk with them about getting the pegs set properly, barely even a breeze, shouldn't have heavy canvas whizzing like that...

Malcolm made it to Kaylan's tent, grinned at her, and promptly collapsed onto the ground.

Concussions will do that.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan grinned back but it slipped as she saw him fall to the ground. “Malcolm!” she shouted and rushed to his side. Kneeling beside him she cradled his head with her hands. She felt for his pulse, and tapped his cheek gently but he was still completely out. “Help!” she shouted louder and almost immediately someone was at her tent. When she looked up it was her Captain, “I need a healer!” he stood transfixed by what he was seeing, only then recognizing the man from that morning, and she shouted louder, “NOW!”

He jumped and disappeared. “Mal…” her throat seemed to close on its own and she swallowed. Her eyes filled with tears and she leaned in to kiss his still lips. She was beyond panic, but she had to control herself. She had seen this type of injury before, and seen many men walk away with a shaky smile, but something inside was just eating at that confidence. Perhaps because he was slowly becoming everything to her.

The healer finally arrived, and was instantly at his side. He checked him for a few moments and eventually looked up at Kaylan who had taken to chew her thumbnail with nervousness.

“I think he was hit to the head,” he informed and rose. “Sometimes this unconsciousness can last a few moments, others… well… he will come around. It’s just a matter of time.”

Captain Xander spoke up, “I’ve had that before, I couldn’t even remember my name, let alone where my tent was. It’s a wonder how he ended up here…” he smiled at Kaylan and she gave a very weak smile in return.

Kaylan gave a slow nod, and examined the healer, her captain and a few men who were there. “Help me put him on the bed,” she ordered and Xander was the first to move. She gave him a grateful look and together they moved him. “Now leave,” she said and they all did as she asked. She lay down beside him and waited. She didn’t know what to do, after a few moments she ran a comforting hand over his forehead and face, and began to sing softly trying to fill the silence.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm's eyes swam as he tried to open then...And found himself on a bed with an unfamiliar canvas above his head...And voices nearby...

"Ugh...Should have padded my helmet more...So, am I in friendly hands, or a 'guest' of some Caligan?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

He was finally awake and Kaylan’s anxiousness began to ebb. Several times she had almost dozed off, but resisted for fear she would be asleep when he became conscious. He didn’t comment on her singing therefore, he probably hadn’t even heard her and she was glad. It had been a moment of weakness on her part, singing calmed her, but it was a side of her she was very conscious of and wished to keep hidden. Now alert she shifted her weight to lean on her elbows, looked over and laughed lightly. “Well that depends,” Kaylan mused, “in your injured wandering state, do you usually make a habit of finding the enemy's tent so they can caress and take care of you?”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm smiled.

"Not that I know of..."

He pulled Kaylan up next to him so he could hold her tight, and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Love you...stay with me while I sleep, please..."

Apparently being unconscious did not count for sleep, because his eyes were still heavy...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan was so caught off guard by his words, she could only stare. They seemed so easily given and effortless on his part, she had to replay the moment in her head several times, wondering if she heard him correctly. There was no mistake and her hands began to tremble out of fear. Her silence was filled with his steady breathing and she blinked slowly. Was it because he was still feeling the effects of his injury? Would he even remember saying those words when he woke? Or were they uttered without second thought as to the magnitude of what they represented, as a simple thank you?

Gods she was driving herself crazy with the thoughts that suddenly filled her mind. She tried to lie beside him, and take comfort in his embrace but found she could not. Wasn’t this what she wanted?

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

He wanted to sleep...But...Kaylan had stiffened...

"Something...did I say something wrong...? You...can go if you need to, duty or whatever...sorry to keep you to myself so much just seemed the right place to be, I think...wanted to be here..."

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“No, you didn’t…” she started slowly then added, “say anything wrong.” She paused and swallowed, she was about to ask him why he said it, but instead she looked away. With that oblivious attitude, he apparently had no idea what his words did to her. Obviously he knew where he wanted to be, and she didn’t know what to make of that.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm settled back in. Whatever was bothering her...he hadn't said anything wrong...could sleep now...He nuzzled Kaylan a little as he drifted to sleep.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan lifted her right hand examining her middle finger, where sat a silver ring. The entire ring was intricately carved with thorny vines, meshed in the design were several symbols making a complete circle around her finger. There was a heart, a crown, and two swords. The design was seamless, but it could be separated into two rings, so that the symbols became halves of each, when fit together it became complete once more. It had been given to her to symbolize her purity of heart, her unwavering loyalty to her family and finally courage, strength in adversity, the virtues her entire family lived by.

Like every member of the McDowell family, it was given to her as a distinct tradition of sorts. When her father had known he wanted to spend his life with her mother and no other. He had given her one of the rings, offering his heart, vowing his undying loyalty, and promising to protect her until his last breath. It simply represented their deep love for one another.

When her mother had told her the story as a child, she had prayed to know that kind of love, and passion but as the years passed, her dream had slowly faded. How could she bring anyone close to her heart, only to put his life in danger? He would be forever cursed for loving her. Fighting a hatred that went so far, it was virtually impossible to annihilate?

Wiping a tear on her cheek, she bit her lip with sudden guilt. How could she have been so foolish? She was falling into the trap she promised herself to steer clear from.

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her cloak and left her tent at a run. She just needed to find stable ground. She was spiraling so far down she could no longer climb her way out.

She didn’t care where she ran she passed several people in the streets and ran smack dab into tree? She stopped so abruptly she staggered back and fell.

Roleplay from Connor Mcleod

Connor walked around the town heading towards a tavern, where his men waited. He had sent them off for some entertainment, knowing how much they needed it. He turned the corner when suddenly what appeared to be a running cloak hit him square in the chest. He stood firmly staying his ground and the other body fell to the ground with a dull thump.

“Watch where you’re going peasant…” he hissed quickly.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Peasant? The word came through the haze that was Kaylan’s jumbled thoughts and she stood once more. This time she pulled back her hood and stared defiantly at the man before her. “Peasant? How dare you!” she hissed back but he never replied.

Roleplay from Connor Mcleod

When the hood was removed, all words vanished from his mind for before him stood a goddess of beauty. Her face was framed with a mane of incredible red hair, pink lips sneered defiantly and her blue eyes were filled with such fire he felt himself melt at the boring gaze. He tried to reply but found his voice had left him.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

He was incredibly tall, and had a muscular build, which would explain why she felt like she struck a tree instead of a man. His brown almost black hair was cut short, unlike any she had ever seen, his green hazel eyes shone and his mouth moved as if trying to say something, but no words came out.

“I am Kaylan, of house McDowell, I am no peasant!” she snapped heatedly, affronted at the insult. Usually she didn’t put that much weight on her nobility but to be snubbed so insolently.

Roleplay from Connor Mcleod

“I apologize… Lady… Kaylan,” he stammered finally finding his voice. “I did not see you,” he bowed with a flourish. “Your cloak is quite deceiving,” he admitted and she remained unfazed. “Please allow me to start over,” he started and her eyes narrowed.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“It matters not,” she snapped and at his bow she averted her face. “Please, save it for the next peasant,” she retorted sarcastically, clearly unimpressed and walked away. “Next time, watch where you walk,” she shouted over her shoulder continuing on her way.

Roleplay from Connor Mcleod

Connor stood there transfixed his mouth completely open. “What just happened?” he asked no one in particular and a dog lying on the ground nearby looked up with a whine.

“I know what you mean,” he said softly. “A Goddess has stumbled into my life and unknowingly walked away with my heart…” The dog whined again and it was followed with a bark.

“I will simply have to convince the Lady I meant no disrespect and properly apologize,” he thought out loud and the dog growled. “Yes with that much fire, it will be quite difficult. I’m really going to need that drink now.” He walked away in the opposite direction, shaking his head.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm had drifted back into awareness at the frightened and angry shouts of unknown voices. As his eyes opened, he saw a frantic man in the garb of Kaylan's unit staring at him.

"What did you do to her?!? She ran out, and we can't find her, and by all the gods, if something happens to her..."

Malcolm snapped fully awake, and sat up. He nearly fell back over from residual dizziness, but he made his way to his feet, trying to remember...oh, gods damn him...Get whacked on the head and he goes and says something like that before falling asleep...Well, at least he knew how she felt about him...

Heh. He hadn't been contacted by his men, which meant she was not in any danger...Or they'd been taken care of, in which case he would be of no use. Very well. She would not want to see him when she returned, obviously, and he had a unit to see to.

Ignoring the angry captain, he summoned a messenger boy and followed him back to where his unit had camped. He probably should leave word of what had happened to him...But the bitter taste in his mouth convinced him not to. She would hardly be interested in any case.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

By the time Kaylan returned to her tent, it was so dark she could barely see ahead of her. Before entering, she swallowed and wiped her moist eyes. She was somewhat calmer now, but had cried hard and long until she had no strength left. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so completely lost and confused, she should have been happy to hear Malcolm say those words, but instead felt like she had just fed him to the wolves. And now she was actually afraid to see him, because she truly did not know what to say to him.

When Kaylan finally walked into the tent, the fear she felt plummeted to full blown heartache. He was gone, and now she knew... He had only said the words out of rote and like she had first concluded, held no meaning for him. Wouldn’t he have waited for her? Especially after that…

There was a small cough and she looked behind her. “Lady Kaylan, I was so worried, where have you been?” Xander questioned and she blinked.

“Out,” she replied glumly and his eyebrow rose at her answer.

“What did he do to you?” he asked and she frowned.

“Nothing,” she defended softly.

“Well something obviously happened. He left angry, wouldn’t even bother helping us look for you. What happened?” he questioned again and she snapped, “nothing!”

“Well something obviously happened. It’s probably not my place to say this, but… he truly didn’t seem to care one way or another where you were. My Lady do you think it wise, to continue on this path?” He cleared his throat knowing he was way out of bounds on this one and she looked down.

“It’s probably better this way…” she whispered and barely managed the next words, “please leave me.”

He did as she asked and left. She didn’t even remember when she started crying again, but the tears were just there. Her shoulders began to shake with the force of the emotions and she walked over to the cot. Touching the blanket, she wiped the tears on her cheeks and lay down. Trying to hide away from everything, she buried her head in the pillow. To her added heartache, she could smell him on the pillow even the blankets held his scent. Unable to help herself, she wrapped herself in them, and continued to cry.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm summoned a scribe as he re-entered his tent. One letter...he couldn't not send her a letter...

It took several hours before he was satisfied. This was no easy thing...Especially when he kept having to clamp down on his emotions so as not to appear too distraught before the men in his employ.


I am sorry to discover that my feelings were so repugnant to you that you felt it necessary to flee. I will trouble you no further, and will hopefully manage to eliminate the feeling in question that caused you so much grief.


It was a terrible letter. But...He was tired, and needed to go release the tension he felt...Somehow...

He sent a runner off with the parchment, and debated between sparring with his captain, or having a good whore sent to his estate...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

When Kaylan received the letter, she recognized the seal and her eyes saddened. She was so afraid of readings its contents, for the words it held would most likely confirm her thoughts. Breaking the seal, she swallowed the lump still in her throat and gathered courage to begin reading. As she read it her hands tightened around the edges and she gave a sob. What had she done?

She was torn between staying in her room to simply let it pass its course, going with the entire it’s probably better this way, or to rush out and find him, to tell him she was sorry and that she also shared the emotion. Only she was afraid, it was already too late.

Her mind raced through all the words she wanted to say, and the things she should do, and she wasn’t even finished her thoughts when she rushed out of the tent, dragging the boy with her. “Take me to him,” she ordered and he nodded.

When she arrived, she was stopped by a guard, and was forced to stop, informing them of the nature of her presence, and then she was made to wait.

“I’m so stupid,” she reprimanded herself, and was truly considering leaving before she made herself look even worse. She had no idea what she was going to say to him, but she had to tell him that it wasn’t true. His feelings had not caused her grief like he thought… she needed to explain.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm had already moved to his third soldier, after leaving his captain and the next man on the ground with enough damage the Healer had refused to let them fight further. And...As a servant interrupted his match to inform him of Kaylan's arrival, the third went spinning to the dirt from a vicious thrust to the shoulder. He tossed away his practice blade, and dried off with a nearby towel. She wanted to refuse him in person, explain how she didn't know or want...Very well. He could understand that impulse, although he wished she'd saved it. He strode out front in his practice jerkin, not even trying to conceal his unhappiness.

"I'm rather surprised that you're even here...What, precisely, needs to be said?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She had never seen his eyes this color before. They were grey and she had to look away. Where did she even start? “I…” she started and her throat seemed to close up and she tried again. “When you said…” she was desperately trying to say everything she wanted to, but the words were coming out in the wrong order and tears formed in her eyes. He was clearly unimpressed and was still breathing irregularly from whatever he had been doing and looked over his shoulder, probably impatient with getting back to it. Her chest was tightening so much it hurt to breathe.

“I…” why couldn’t she just say it? “I’m not,” she shook her head trying a different tactic. “Why Malcolm?” she finally asked and her tears slipped.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Oh, I thought it would be a lark to invent a word, and thought that I might make it a four-letter word...You know, since I was having fun...Perhaps a word that meant 'here is an invitation to show me how little you care for me', that sounds good. And maybe I'll say it to someone who I actually care for, since, after all, might as well go full-bore with this fun little plan, so when I wake up expecting to be held, it's to find out that this certain someone was horrified enough to run off in an absolute panic. Yes, that would be why."

His fists were clenched tight, and his last sentence was spat out through gritted teeth.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan’s eyes grew rounder with each word. “Are you serious? That was it? That’s how you tell me Malcolm?!” Her tears continued to flow but she was becoming angrier at his attitude. “Well then it might comfort you to know that I at least took more time to think of my reply as you did in the telling!”

She closed her fists to regain some ground and narrowed her eyes. “Did you stop to think how long I’ve waited to hear those words?” she whispered emotionally. “And to have them uttered as if you were discussing the weather.” Her voice choked up again, “how was I supposed to react? Tear my clothes of and profess my undying love for you at that very moment and continue to smile as if it didn’t matter.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm jerked his hand to the side in a move reminiscent of a dagger thrust.

"I had a gods-be-damned concussion, Kaylan, and you seem to think I was capable of coherent thought. I still don't remember how I even ended up in your tent to begin with. It was no casual comment. That was a wounded me seeking comfort from the best person I could. Someone I cared very deeply for. And, by all the gods woman I..."

Suddenly he faltered.

" to hear that? I...but you...what...?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan took a long breath, and looked up to the sky with frustration. “Yes Malcolm! Do you think I would offer myself to the first man who simply came along, and in this case you just happened to be it? Do you think me so easy?!” she cried. “And it wasn’t the wine,” she defended lamely, “it didn’t help but it only removed any resistance on my part because I…” her voice broke and her lips trembled. He cocked his head waiting for her next words, “because I love you…” she whispered. “I loved you from the very moment I set eyes on you.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

At her words, Malcolm suddenly discerned what he (erroneously, alas) believed to be the full reasoning behind the day's events. He barked out a short, harsh laugh, shaking his head ruefully.

"Well...Fool that I am, I could not see...I merely thought...Well...It does not matter...But, for my part...I did not truly know until then. When I sought you out, and woke next to you...I knew...I truly did love you..."

He dropped his eyes in shame at his earlier reaction, knowing how much pain she must have felt...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan wiped the tears on her cheeks and let out a ragged breath. She couldn’t understand her own behavior, how could she have expected him to? He did love her, and the admission alone made her knees weak. She swiftly closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. Tightly holding on to him, and the feeling she knew she felt whenever she was with him.

He had told her, this time with his wits about him but deep down she felt… let down. Was it because, now for the second time, what should have been a cherished moment for her, instead appeared to be just another to him? In her mind, it should have been a moment of magnificent beauty and here she was in tears, desperately trying to hold on.

Oh Gods, but she did love him… and he loved her, wasn’t that enough?

Her shoulders began to tremble again, and she whispered, “I’m sorry…” She tried wiping her eyes. “I just…expected…,” she shook her head, only then realizing he probably wouldn’t understand her. What had she truly expected, for him to start sprouting sonnets? What she did know, is that she yearned for fiery passion, to look in his eyes, and hear the words, and have the world shrink away and for once in her life, to become absolutely everything to someone else, just once.

“I’m a foolish woman,” she whispered, more to herself, than for his benefit.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm held Kaylan tightly.

"Why do you say that? I'm the one who was foolish...Even concussed I should have known better...I mean...declarations of love...Hell, I'd even made another dress, laid out earrings and a bracelet to match...And I'd worked out a dance...I can't sing worth a damn, but dancing I can do...I'd had plans..."

Malcolm sighed in frustration.

"Supposed to be special, damnit..."

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Backing up slowly, she looked up and stared. “You had planned something?” she asked dumbly and groaned. Burying her face in his chest, she tried to hide away now feeling incredibly guilty for jumping down his throat, even when she knew he wasn’t himself when he said it. “If only we could turn back time,” she mumbled through his chest. “I will try to fade away now.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm smiled and held her tight.

"No fading away...I'm going to keep you. Right here is good. In fact...I think you are hereby not allowed to leave my arms for the rest of the night."

Malcolm picked her up and strode back into his tent. Shortly thereafter, the servants ran out. And, true to his decree, she did not leave his arms for many hours yet...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan woke from a long night of lovemaking and smiled. The sensation still lingered over her skin and she nuzzled deeper into Malcolm’s arms. He felt her stir and kissed the back of her neck. She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes falling asleep once more.

Sometime later when she woke it was to his tender attention and she lovingly returned the sensation. She was beginning to familiarize herself with his body. She now knew how to vary the nuances of her caress. When he had taken her that first night, she knew next to nothing of pleasing a man in this manner, now she was making the most out of his education. It was her turn to please him. Her soft caressing fingers moved with purpose, her lips made him sigh with pleasure and her feathered touch brought shivers.

Later that morning when they both started to get ready to leave, Kaylan promised to meet him again so they could travel together once more. Before leaving, she looked up and there seemed to be a moment of absolute silence, “Tá mo chroí istigh ionat,” she whispered softly and kissed him passionately then walked away with a small smile.

Roleplay from Connor Mcleod

Connor strode through his camp taking a moment to examine his men. One of them laughed and he looked over with a smile. They seemed happy enough and he was glad for that. Things were going somewhat smoother.

Turning around he returned to his tent and his steps slowed down as his thoughts wandered to a pair of blue eyes. Ever since that afternoon, his thoughts had been visited with a head of flaming red hair. This had never happened to him before. He’d had the pleasure of being in the company of beautiful women, but never had such a rare exotic beauty easily stolen his attention with a single look. He had to see her again, if only to apologize. He couldn’t have the Lady walking around thinking of his unintended insult.

Returning to his tent, he called his scribe to follow. The young man stood before him with a waiting expression and Connor paced the tent. In his pacing, he stopped several times to start, but then as the letter progressed he had the scribe start over. Finally he was done and quite pleased. “Find out where Lady Kaylan McDowell is camped, and deliver this letter at once.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

When Kaylan arrived at her tent, she met a scribe on the way. She ignored him thinking he was simply passing her by, but he stopped when he recognized her. “My lady, a letter for you,” he handed it and walked away.

The seal was unfamiliar and she broke it as she entered her tent.

“Lady Kaylan,

You will most certainly be surprised by this letter, rest assured I bear no ill will. I have been deeply troubled by my actions since I stumbled into you. I am afraid I did not have the opportunity to introduce myself, and alas properly apologize. If you would give me the chance to rectify this situation, I would be very grateful.

Best regards,

Sir Connor Macleod”

She was frowning slightly at the letter, and after a moment let out a soft laugh remembering who he was. In her distraught state of mind, she had given quite the attitude at his surprised outburst. Now she knew in fact it was her who had stumbled into him. Spinning the silver ring around her finger, she contemplated her next action.

Calling the scribe, she sent a letter of her own.

Sir Connor,

Thank you again for your words of apology, but I assure you they are no longer necessary, for I realize the fault is my own. Please accept my apology in return. For the moment I must politely decline the invitation, perhaps when we will stumble into each other again.


Lady Kaylan McDowell.

She added the last as a joke, proving him she wasn’t as upset as she had seemed. “Now go,” she ordered the scribe and continued to prepare for her departure.