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Latest revision as of 01:43, 18 April 2014

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Fheuvenem (13 recipients) Guillaume looked out of the window and the scene was grim. He had evacuated all of the food when the invaders arrived to cause them attrition, but now that most were gone he had bought some back, hoping to alleviate the people's suffering somewhat. He knew the first to starve would be the daishists from the slums, anyways, so they'd just get that great final death they are always talking about.

Smoke from the fires obscured most of the view, but the screems could always be heard. They never stopped. Night and day, again and again, the victims of the invaders could be heard. Anyone sighted in the streets would be attacked and slain, under the pretext that they were supporters of the regime. Random acts of violence had become the norm, the total submission of the locals through fear being the objective. The lucky ones would get away with merely being beaten to a pulp and left bleeding on the ground. First-hand accounts of the home invasions were bone-chilling, to say the least.

In the citadel, all was quiet. Most people had been granted leave and had evacuated the region, and those that remained had little to say. The wineries were being emptied, as Guillaume had paid for the stocks to be smuggled out of the citadel to be distributed to the people, so that they may try to forget the death and violence that surrounds them. He knew most would be intercepted by the invaders, but they were going to get their hands on it anyways, so he gave it little thought.

How things had changed, he thought. Barely anyone on the continent could be considered a true Enweilian, anymore, and a few of these were now destroying what was left of the realm they swore to give their lives to defend. One of the continent's founding realms, once the most powerful nation, surrounded by friendly satelite realms, had been brought to its knees. Invasion after invasion, always being maimed more and more, having the foundations sapped, until there was nothing left for support. What was the purpose of it all? Why had the gods brought him back from the dead? Was it only to see the realm he dedicated his life to come to its end? He could not die for as long the realm lived, and the realm could not die for as long as he lived? Soon the end of both would arrive. He would not have the heroic death of those who came before him. He would not die in battle against the inhuman invaders as Nicolas did, defending Fengen from the monsters of Gilgamesh, or even Jean-Olivier before him. A slow, calm death, surrounded by the wolves barking and howling for his skin. The hemlock was ready. He would not be tortured by the Riombarans again.

He heard doors opening and closing, behind him. He turned, someone was coming, and put his hand on his sword's hilt. Who could it be? Have the Riombarans finally breached the citadel? He knew they were just about to succeed, but he still didn't expect it. Another assassin? A few had been captured already. He stared at the door which led to the corridor, waiting for the person to arrive. All he could hear was his heartbeat, slowing down. He felt cold, numb. The power of Sarge's sword was filling his body, the Summoner's last gift to Jean-Olivier before the sacrificed themselves to save him from the daimons. Wielding it was the only time Guillaume didn't feel pain anymore, where his broken body stopped reminding him of what state it was in.

Finally, the door opened, and he recognized who it was immediately. He sighed in relief. "My love, how did you manage?" Jeanne campe up to him and embraced him. "You know I know this city better than anyone". He was happy to see her, but was overwhelmed by sadness. "You shouldn't have come. They will breach the fortifications soon, and shall kill all those inside. She just stared at him, caressed his cheek, and then noticed the vials, understanding what they were. "I know", she replied. They stared at each other. "Together", she added, "and they will not descecrate us." She closed the door, and carefully balanced a torch on it, then went to the bar, opened the sole keg of spirits left and tipped it over, alcohol pouring all over the flour, making sure to roll it so that there'd be alcohol everywhere from the door to the throne. The whole citadel reaked of alcohol anyways, as the damages of the siege had been extensive, and so the first to enter would never see it coming until the flames consumed the whole room.

They heard an explosion, and screaming. This time was different. Guillaume and Jeanne looked at each other, they knew they were coming. They silently went to sit down, and consumed their vials. "You will not deny me this time", Guillaume muttered.