Riombara/Laws: Difference between revisions

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m (revision finished, divided into 'clean' and 'annotated' versions, ducal laws included.)
m (He, not her.)
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==Simple Version==
==Detailed Version==

=== Preface and definitions: ===
=== Preface and definitions: ===
'''Constitutional Articles:''' Our most basic laws, defining rights and duties from regular nobles up to members of the High Council. Constitutional articles may only be changed by a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast. Any noble of Riombara is expected to be familiar with our 5 basic articles before he may swear an oath of fealty.
'''Constitutional Articles:''' Our most basic laws defining the rights granted to every echelon of Riombaran nobility, and the duties that accompany them. Constitutional articles can only be amended by a full realm vote (see article III,) with a two thirds majority in favor. All Riombaran nobles are expected to acquaint themselves with our five constitutional articles, before swearing an oath of fealty.  
'''Laws:''' These define our constitutional articles in closer detail. Laws may only be changed by simple majority of votes cast. Before running for any regional command a noble must be familiar with the laws of article #1-#3. Before running for an Advisory Council position a noble must be familiar with all our laws. '''Customs:''' the customary way of doing things in Riombara. Not (or not yet) defined and voted upon as laws.

Both constitutional and regular laws can be changed or created only through full realm votes. Customs may be freely changed. Breaking a law carries immediate consequnces, not acting as per custom does not carry a legal penalty, only loss of face.
'''Formal Laws:''' These elaborate constitutional articles in closer detail. Formal laws can only be amended by a realm wide vote, with a simple majority in favor. Before running for any regional command, a noble must familiarize themselves with the formal laws of our first three constitutional articles. Before running for an Advisory Council position (see Article IV,) a noble must familiarize themselves with every formal law.

'''Customs:''' The customary ways of conduct in Riombara, not yet defined and voted upon as laws.

As stated above, a realm wide vote is necessary to either create or amend a constitutional article or formal law. Customs, however, may be freely changed. Breaking a formal law carries immediate legal consequences. Disobeying a custom does not carry a legal penalty, but evidently carries a loss of reputation and respect.

'''Information for nobles having recently arrived in Riombara:'''
1) Any noble in Riombara does enjoy all rights from the moment he arrives - and has no duties except for following civil conduct.
2) Military service in an army is entirely voluntary - but once member of an army, a noble is subject to strict military discipline.
3) Before swearing fealty to a lord he is expected to be aware of our 5 basic articles.

'''Information for Nobles Having Recently Arrived in Riombara:'''

=== Constitutional article #1 - Rights and duties ===
1) Every Riombaran noble, including the freshly arrived, enjoys the protection of rights guaranteed to them by the following constitutional articles. In addition, a freshly arrived noble is absolved of all duties, save for maintaining civil conduct.

2) Military service is entirely voluntary. However, once a member of an army, a noble is subject to strict military discipline.  
'''Being a noble of Riombara gives one rights and duties. The higher the position, the stricter the duties'''
===== laws concerning article #1 =====
*1a) Each noble may call for a Full Realm Vote on any subject (including any position, law, policy, diplomatic status) if he has a number of supporters of at least 1 in ten of Riombaras nobles.
*1b) Each noble may freely discuss any topic but is expected to act politely and constructively
*1c) Each noble may run for any position
*1d) Preferably while running for a position but latest before being sworn into a position a noble must swear to uphold all Riombaran laws. This does also apply to priests - if a Riombaran law runs contrary to personal belief then the priest must uphold Riombaran law. If he cannot do so he must immediately step down.
*1e) All of noble blood are welcome in Riombara unless they have been known to have acted against the realm in the past.
*1f) Riombaran law stands above an oath of fealty. Thus adherence to riombaran law is more important than following a liegelords command.  
*1g) Until applying for a position, a riombaran noble does not have any duties except military obedience - and this only if he is a member of an army  
*1h) Obedience within the military is absolute, but membership is voluntary. If a noble is a member of an army and receives an order from any noble within his chain of command as defined in the generals bulletin he may complain but must comply.
===== customs concerning article #1 =====

*No favors based on friendship or relation. All nobles can aspire to any position.
3) As stated above, before swearing fealty to a lord, a noble is expected to acquaint himself (at least minimally) with our five basic constitutional articles.  
*Giving as much responsibility (full votes) and information (food status, morale status, diplomacy...) as possible to all nobles.
*Encouraging ideas and constructive criticism in an open forum.
*The realm of Riombara comes first, before any individual noble's interest, including—and especially—the Prime Minister and Dukes.
*Riombaran nobles are expected to avoid any forms of looting which unduly harm the peasantry.
*Riombaran nobles are expected to avoid the use of brutal takeovers if there is any viable alternative.
*Liegelords may only dispatch their liegesworn to an army if they agree with it

=== Constitutional article #2 - positions ===
=== Constitutional article I - Rights and Duties ===


'''Each family /should/ hold only one position within Riombara'''
'''A noble of Riombara has rights and duties. The higher the position, the stricter and more numerous the duties.'''
===== laws concerning article #2 =====
*2a) positions are defined as: the 4 government seats of Chancellor, Constable, Chamberlain and Treasurer; Dukes; each regional command;
*2b) it is permissible for a noble to run for a second position. However, a strong preference should be given those who do not already hold one.
*2x) The titles of duke and regionlord of a city may be held by one person or one family.
===== customs concerning article #2 =====
*functions are: Advisory Minister (including a voting seat on the High Council if he does not already have one), marshal, vice marshal, ambassador. It is possible for a family or single noble to hold both a position and one or more functions.
*marshals are nominated by the High Constable but should receive the acclaim of the Military Council (if active)
*ambassadors are appointed by the High Chancellor
*regionlords are expected to only accept an oath from a noble if the noble is familiar with our 5 basic articles
*information: article #2 is our oldest and most sacred law. It stems from Balins betrayal and the resulting destruction of Riombara during the First Age.

===== Formal Laws Concerning Article I =====

=== Constitutional article #3 - voting on Positions ===

*Ia) Any noble can call for a full realm vote on any subject. Said noble, however, requires one tenth of Riombara's total nobles in support to do so. Subjects include: any position, law, policy, or diplomatic relation with another realm.
*Ib) Any noble can freely discuss any topic, but is expected to act politely and constructively.
*Ic) Any noble can run for any position.
*Id) Preferably while running for a position, or prior to being sworn into a position, a noble must swear to uphold all Riombaran laws. This also applies to priests. If a formal law runs contrary to religious belief, then the priest must forsake the conflicting belief and adhere to formal law. If said priest cannot do so, he or she must immediately step down.
*Ie) All nobles are welcome in Riombara, unless they have previously acted against the realm.
*If) Riombara's constitutional articles stand above an oath of fealty. Thus adherence to formal law is more important than following a liege's command.

'''Each position can only be gained through a full realm vote.'''

===== laws concerning article #3 =====
*Ig) Until a noble applies for a position, said noble is not bound by any duties, save upholding civility and obeying military command (should said noble be part of an army.)
*Ih) Obedience within the military is absolute, but membership is voluntary. If a noble receives an order from a member of military command, as defined by the General's bulletin, then he or she must comply, regardless of said noble issuing complaint of discontent.

*3a) Full realm vote is defined as: each riombaran noble has one single vote, simple majority decides.
===== Customs Concerning Article I =====
*3b) must be voted upon monthly: all 4 Government positions
*3d) must be voted upon on vacancy: each regional and ducal command
*3e) in addition to regular voting, each position may be called for a full vote by either a councilvote or a noble with a sufficient number of supporters (1/10th of all nobles).
*3f) the position of the Advisory Minister is defined as function (and thus may be appointed by the High Council): if a High Council Member loses his seat through a vote he automatically replaces the former Advisory Minister.
*3g) the ducal title and the title of a regionlord of a city are two distinct position. Each may only be gained via full realm vote.

===== customs concerning article #3 =====
*The realm of Riombara comes first and is above any individual's interest. This includes the High Chancellor and dukes especially.
*Favors should not be granted as a result of friendship or relation. All nobles should have the ability to aspire to any position.
*Nobles should extend as much responsibility (full votes) and information (food status, morale status, diplomacy, foreign correspondence, and so on) as possible to all nobles.
*Nobles should encourage ideas and constructive criticism in an open forum.
*Nobles are expected to avoid any forms of looting which unduly harm the peasantry.
*Nobles are expected to avoid the use of brutal takeovers, should an alternative be available.
*Liege lords can only assign their vassals to an army if they have consent from said vassal.

*exception to 3d) If a region command was lost due to war, rebellion, wounds or imprisonment '''and''' if the region is regained within 4 weeks then the former regionlord should reinstated.
*Anyone may vote for any candidate, including themselves.
*No vote has to be made public, but can be if the voter decides to go that route. No one may force anyone you reveal his vote.
*Riombara does aim to have only one city per duchy (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012)

=== Constitutional article #4 - High Council ===
=== Constitutional Article II - Positions ===


'''Voting Seats on the High Council are: The 4 Government positions; each duke; if active: the Advisory Minister'''
'''Each family ''should'' hold a maximum of two positions within Riombara'''

===== laws concerning article #4 =====
===== Formal Laws Concerning Article II =====
*IIa) Positions are defined as: government seats, dukes, and any regional command.
*IIb) It is acceptable for a noble or family to run for a second position. However, a strong preference should be given those who do not already hold a position.
*IIc) The titles of duke and margrave may be held by one person or one family.

*4a) these actions can only be decided by a Full Realm Vote: creation or change of a law; declaration of war; raising of relations from war to neutral; joining an alliance; executing a riombaran noble; executing a foreign noble; outlawing a religion; torturing any noble.
===== Customs Concerning Article II =====
*4b) items that need at least a council vote: any change of diplomatic relations; deporting a foreign noble; prohibiting preaching for longer than 1 week, destruction of a temple or shrine, creation of a new duchy, adding non-voting members to the High Council.
*4c) All other issues may be decided by simple majority by either a Council Vote or Full Realm Vote OR by the appropriate councillor.
*4d) Any Councilmember may declare a case of emergency, must then define it and may then take or order an action that would otherwise need a Council or Full realm vote. Afterwards a full realm vote must be started immediately on wether his action was justified. If the realm votes in favor of the action all is well. If the realm is not in favor the Councilmember must step down immediately and is barred from holding any position for a period of at least 3 months. (note: this is not new but was never before clearly defined)
*4e) The High Council has a veto right on any city lords decision to join a different duchy.

===== customs concerning article #4 =====
*Functions are: Advisory Minister (including a voting seat on the Advisory Council if he or she does not already have one,) marshal, vice marshal, and ambassador. A noble or family can hold a position and multiple functions freely.
*Marshals are nominated by the High Constable, but should receive the acclaim of the Military Council (if active.)
*Ambassadors are appointed by the High Chancellor.
*Region lords are encouraged to accept oaths solely from nobles who have acquainted themselves with the five constitutional articles.
*Information: Article II is our oldest and most sacred law. It stems from Balins betrayal and the resulting destruction of Riombara during the First Age.

*Council must vote on any issue within 3 days.
*Councilmembers who miss 3 votes in a row should consider stepping down.
*Chancellor is expected to issue a realm report weekly or biweekly
*Chancellor is expected to keep the members of the High Council listed in the ruler report - or at least who currently holds the seat of the Advisory Minister .
*Chancellor may petition for money to finance special projects
*Constable must keep chain of command defined in his bulletin
*Before the creation of new armies and assignment of marshals the Constable should be consulted
*Chamberlain is expected to keep outlawed religions listed in his bulletin
*Treasurer is expected to issue a food report bi-weekly
*All Councilmembers are expected to keep our nobles as well informed as possible
*all important policy changes are expected to be openly discussed
*Ambassador holds a non-voting seat on the High Council

=== Constitutional Article III - Voting on Positions ===
=== Constitutional article #5 - Religion ===


'''All religions are welcome in Riombara'''
'''Each position can only be gained through a full realm vote.'''

===== laws concerning article #5 =====
===== Formal Laws Concerning Article III =====

*5a) Everyone is free to follow any Religion, but riombaran law takes precedence before any religious decision.
*IIIa) A full realm vote is defined as: a referendum where each Riombaran noble has a single vote.
*5b) No religious persecution or religious wars is permitted on riombaran soil.
*IIIb) All four government positions must be voted upon monthly.
*5c) There will never be a state-sponsored religion.
*IIId) Each regional and ducal command must be voted upon when made vacant.
*5d) Any religion may be freely preached in Riombara, as long as it does not declare another religion present in Riombara evil. If a priest still preaches he may be fined by the Chamberlain, then banned per council vote.
*IIIe) In addition to regular voting, any position can be called for reelection. This can only be effected by an Advisory Council vote, or by a noble with a sufficient number of supporters (one tenth of all nobles(see Ia) under Rights and Duties)).
*5e) Any religious comment has to stay civil. Our judge is free to fine any noble making insulting or threatening comments toward another noble in regards to their religion.
*IIIf) The position of the Advisory Minister is defined as a function (and thus may be appointed by the Advisory Council.) If an Advisory Council member loses his or her seat to another noble, said former Advisory Council member automatically replaces the incumbent Advisory Minister.
*5f) If a region lord (or four nobles) requests, our judge (not individual the region lords) can order priests to stop preaching their religion in one or more regions for the time of one week. A longer request needs a Council Vote.
*IIIg) A ducal title and a margrave title are two distinct positions. Each may only be gained via full realm vote.

===== Customs Concerning Article III =====

*Exception to IIId): if a region command was lost due to war, rebellion, wounds or imprisonment, '''and''' if the region is regained within 4 weeks, then the former region lord should be reinstated.
==Annotated Version==
*Anyone may vote for any candidate, including themselves.
*No vote has to be made public. Discretion remains with the voter. No one may force another noble to disclose their vote.
=== Preface and definitions: ===
*Related to the availability of positions, Riombara aims to have one city per duchy.
NOTE: All notes are simply to mark changes between versions and will be removed once these revised laws are accepted as body of riombaran law.
'''Constitutional Articles:''' Our most basic laws, defining rights and duties from regular nobles up to members of the High Council. Constitutional articles may only be changed by a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast (Note/IMPORTANT: the 2/3 rule has long been suggested and was added in June 1012). Any noble of Riombara is expected to be familiar with our 5 basic articles before he may swear an oath of fealty. (note: closer definition added on March 1011)
<br/> '''Laws:''' These define our constitutional articles in closer detail. Laws may only be changed by simple majority of votes cast (note added in June 1012). Before running for any regional command a noble must be familiar with the laws of article #1-#3. Before running for an Advisory Council position a noble must be familiar with all our laws. (note: closer definition added on March 1011)<br/> '''Customs:''' the customary way of doing things in Riombara. Not (or not yet) defined and voted upon as laws.
Both constitutional and regular laws can be changed or created only through full realm votes. Customs may be freely changed. Breaking a law carries immediate consequnces, not acting as per custom does not carry a legal penalty, only loss of face.

=== Constitutional Article IV - Advisory Council ===
'''Information for nobles having recently arrived in Riombara:'''
1) Any noble in Riombara does enjoy all rights from the moment he arrives - and has no duties except for following civil conduct.
2) Military service in an army is entirely voluntary - but once member of an army, a noble is subject to strict military discipline.
3) Before swearing fealty to a lord he is expected to be aware of our 5 basic articles.
=== Constitutional article #1 - Rights and duties ===


'''Being a noble of Riombara gives one rights and duties. The higher the position, the stricter the duties'''
'''Voting seats on the Advisory Council are: the four government seats, each duke, and (if active) the Advisory Minister'''

===== laws concerning article #1 =====
===== Formal Laws Concerning Article IV =====

*IVa) The following actions must be passed by a full realm vote: creating or changing a law, declarating of war, raising of relations from at war to neutral, joining an alliance, executing a Riombaran noble, executing a foreign noble, outlawing a religion, torturing any noble.
*IVb) The following actions require an Advisory Council vote at minimum: any change of diplomatic relations, deporting a foreign noble, prohibiting religious preaching for longer than one week, destroying a temple or shrine, creating a new duchy, adding non-voting members to the Advisory Council.
*IVc) All other issues may be decided by a simple majority, through Council Vote, a full realm vote, or by the appropriate Advisory Council member.
*IVe) The Advisory Council has a veto right on any margrave's decision to join a different duchy.
*IVd) Any Advisory Council member may declare a state of emergency, offering an explanation immediately thereafter. This permits said member to take or order an action that would otherwise need a full realm vote or an Advisory Council vote. Afterwards, a full realm vote must be initiated immediately, deciding whether or not said member's actions were justified or not. If the realm votes in favor of the action, then the member in question is free of penalty or consequence. If the realm votes against, said member must step down immediately. Said member is then barred from holding any position (defined under IIa), Positions) for a period of at least three months.

*1a) Each noble may call for a Full Realm Vote on any subject (including any position, law, policy, diplomatic status) if he has a number of supporters of at least 1 in ten of Riombaras nobles (note: added on March 1011. Was '4 nobles' beforehand)
===== Customs Concerning Article IV =====
*1b) Each noble may freely discuss any topic but is expected to act politely and constructively
*1c) Each noble may run for any position
*1d) Preferably while running for a position but latest before being sworn into a position a noble must swear to uphold all Riombaran laws. This does also apply to priests - if a Riombaran law runs contrary to personal belief then the priest must uphold Riombaran law. If he cannot do so he must immediately step down.
*1e) All of noble blood are welcome in Riombara unless they have been known to have acted against the realm in the past.
*1f) Riombaran law stands above an oath of fealty. Thus adherence to riombaran law is more important than following a liegelords command. (note: added on March 1011)

* The Advisory Council must vote on any issue within 3 days.
* Advisory Council members who miss 3 votes in a row should consider stepping down.
* The High Chancellor is expected to issue a realm report weekly or biweekly.
* The High Chancellor is expected to keep the members of the High Council listed in the ruler's report, or at minimum list the Advisory Minister's name.
* The High Chancellor may petition for money to finance special projects.
* The High Constable must keep the chain of command defined in his bulletin.
* The High Constable should be consulted before the creation of a new army and the assignment of its respective marshal and vice-marshal.
* The Great Chamberlain is expected to keep outlawed religions listed in his or her bulletin.
* The High Treasurer is expected to issue a food report monthly.
* All Advisory Council members are expected to keep our nobles as well informed as possible.
* All significant amendments or policy changes are expected to be openly discussed.
* The Ambassador holds a non-voting seat on the Advisory Council.

*1g) Until applying for a position, a riombaran noble does not have any duties except military obedience - and this only if he is a member of an army (note: moved from article 2 to article 1 - March 1011)
*1h) Obedience within the military is absolute, but membership is voluntary. If a noble is a member of an army and receives an order from any noble within his chain of command as defined in the generals bulletin he may complain but must comply.
(suspended) *1i) All regions and cities must send 25% of their tax income to the realm through either duchy taxes or imperial taxes. Duchies must send all of these funds to the realm. (Note: This and 1j is an active law that went into effect during April 1011. This law was effectively suspended due to the new estate system as of September 1011)
(suspended) *1j) All have an equal tax share gained through the realm taxes of 1i. Government members may gain additional funds but must make this public. (Note: This law was effectively suspended due to the new estate system as of September 1011)

===== customs concerning article #1 =====

*No favors based on friendship or relation. All nobles can aspire to any position.
=== Constitutional Article V - Religion ===
*Giving as much responsibility (full votes) and information (food status, morale status, diplomacy...) as possible to all nobles.
*Encouraging ideas and constructive criticism in an open forum.
*The realm of Riombara comes first, before any individual noble's interest, including—and especially—the Prime Minister and Dukes.
*Riombaran nobles are expected to avoid any forms of looting which unduly harm the peasantry.
*Riombaran nobles are expected to avoid the use of brutal takeovers if there is any viable alternative.
*Liegelords may only dispatch their liegesworn to an army if they agree with it (added on March 1011)
=== Constitutional article #2 - positions ===


'''Each family may only hold one position within Riombara.'''
'''All religions are welcome in Riombara, unless they have been previously outlawed.'''
Note: as per discussion in July 1012 this article should be rewritten as:
'''Each family /should/ hold only one position within Riombara'''

===== laws concerning article #2 =====
===== Formal Laws Concerning Article V =====
Current addendums:
*2a) positions are defined as: the 4 government seats of Chancellor, Constable, Chamberlain and Treasurer; Dukes (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012); each regional command; (ambassador was removed from this list)
*2b) (added in August 1012) it is perfectly permissible for a noble to run for a second position. However, a strong preference should be given those who do not already hold one.
*2x) The titles of duke and regionlord of a city may be held by one person or one family (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012).
Outdated addendums:
*2b) exception to article #2: the 4 government positions may be combined with a second position - though it is preferable to keep as close to article #2 as possible. (note: first exception of Treasurer based on the situation during the 4th Invasion, March 1011) (note2: General added to the exception during April 1011) (Note3: Chamberlain and Constable were added to the list of exceptions during summer 1011 - the whole article should be rephrased to reflect this)
*2b) exception to article #2: a holder of one of the 4 government positions may run for an additional position - though this should be reserved to situations of crisis and duress and it must be made clear that it is always preferable to adhere as closely to article '2 as possible.
===== customs concerning article #2 =====
*functions are: Advisory Minister (including a voting seat on the High Council if he does not already have one), marshal, vice marshal, ambassador. It is possible for a family or single noble to hold both a position and one or more functions.
*marshals are nominated by the High Constable but should receive the acclaim of the Military Council (if active)
*ambassadors are appointed by the High Chancellor
*regionlords are expected to only accept an oath from a noble if the noble is familiar with our 5 basic articles (note: added March 1011)
*information: article #2 is our oldest and most sacred law. It stems from Balins betrayal and the resulting destruction of Riombara during the First Age.
=== Constitutional article #3 - voting on Positions ===
'''Each position can only be gained through a full realm vote.'''
===== laws concerning article #3 =====
*3a) Full realm vote is defined as: each riombaran noble has one single vote, simple majority decides.
*3b) must be voted upon monthly: all 4 Government positions (Note: This was changed from Chancellor/Chamberlain to all 4 gov positions during summer 1011)
(suspended) *3c) should be voted upon every 3 months: Constable and Treasurer (Note: This law has been superceded by the revision of 3b)
*3d) must be voted upon on vacancy: each regional and ducal command
*3e) in addition to regular voting, each position may be called for a full vote by either a councilvote or a noble with a sufficient number of supporters (1/10th of all nobles).
*3f) the position of the Advisory Minister is defined as function (and thus may be appointed by the High Council): if a High Council Member loses his seat through a vote he automatically replaces the former Advisory Minister.
*3g) the ducal title and the title of a regionlord of a city are two distinct position. Each may only be gained via full realm vote. (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012)
*3g) (note: to be suspended if article 2 is accepted in its new form) If someone who already holds a position is elected to a new position, he or she must step down from the old position before being appointed to the new position except where the combination of 2 positions is allowed as in law 2b
===== customs concerning article #3 =====
*exception to 3d) If a region command was lost due to war, rebellion, wounds or imprisonment '''and '''if the region is regained within 4 weeks then the former regionlord should reinstated.
*Anyone may vote for any candidate, including themselves.
*No vote has to be made public, but can be if the voter decides to go that route. No one may force anyone you reveal his vote.
*Riombara does aim to have only one city per duchy (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012)
=== Constitutional article #4 - High Council ===
'''Voting Seats on the High Council are: The 4 Government positions; each duke; if active: the Advisory Minister'''
===== laws concerning article #4 =====
*4a) these actions can only be decided by a Full Realm Vote: creation or change of a law; declaration of war; raising of relations from war to neutral; joining an alliance; executing a riombaran noble; executing a foreign noble; outlawing a religion; torturing any noble (note: Torture was added as per referendum in Oct 1011)
*4b) items that need at least a council vote: any change of diplomatic relations; deporting a foreign noble; prohibiting preaching for longer than 1 week, destruction of a temple or shrine, creation of a new duchy (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012), adding non-voting members to the High Council (added Aug 1012)
*4c) All other issues may be decided by simple majority by either a Council Vote or Full Realm Vote OR by the appropriate councillor (note: second half added in June 1012)
*4d) Any Councilmember may declare a case of emergency, must then define it and may then take or order an action that would otherwise need a Council or Full realm vote. Afterwards a full realm vote must be started immediately on wether his action was justified. If the realm votes in favor of the action all is well. If the realm is not in favor the Councilmember must step down immediately and is barred from holding any position for a period of at least 3 months. (note: this is not new but was never before clearly defined)
*4e) The High Council has a veto right on any city lords decision to join a different duchy. (added via 'ducal laws' in Aug 1012)
===== customs concerning article #4 =====
*Council must vote on any issue within 3 days.
*Councilmembers who miss 3 votes in a row should consider stepping down.
*Chancellor is expected to issue a realm report weekly or biweekly
*Chancellor is expected to keep the members of the High Council listed in the ruler report - or at least who currently holds the seat of the Advisory Minister .
*Chancellor may petition for money to finance special projects
*Constable must keep chain of command defined in his bulletin
*Before the creation of new armies and assignment of marshals the Constable should be consulted
*Chamberlain is expected to keep outlawed religions listed in his bulletin
*Treasurer is expected to issue a food report bi-weekly
*All Councilmembers are expected to keep our nobles as well informed as possible
*all important policy changes are expected to be openly discussed
*Ambassador holds a non-voting seat on the High Council (added in June 1012, has been accepted custom for some time)
=== Constitutional article #5 - Religion ===

'''All religions are welcome in Riombara'''
*Va) Everyone is free to follow any religion of their choosing, provided that formal law be adhered to above religious belief.
*Vb) No religious persecution or religious wars are permitted on Riombaran soil.
*Vc) There shall never be a state-sponsored religion.
*Vd) Any religion (unless outlawed) may be freely preached in Riombara, so long as it refrains from declaring another religion, present in Riombara, evil. If a priest continues preaching under these circumstances, said priest may be fined by the Great Chamberlain and subsequently banned and outlawed by Advisory Council vote.
*Ve) All religious comments must remain civil. The Great Chamberlain is free to fine any noble issuing an insulting or threatening comment towards another noble, should it regard their religion or beliefs.
*Vf) One region lord (or four nobles) can petition the Great Chamberlain to have a priest stop preaching their religion in a region (or regions) for the duration of a week. The Great Chamberlain is the only member of Riombara who can issue this kind of order. A request that surpasses a week's time requires an Advisory Council Vote.

===== laws concerning article #5 =====
== Last Updated ==

*5a) Everyone is free to follow any Religion, but riombaran law takes precedence before any religious decision.
Riombaran Law was last updated by Great Chamberlain Henry II Arundel. ((February 20th, 2013))
*5b) No religious persecution or religious wars is permitted on riombaran soil.
*5c) There will never be a state-sponsored religion.
*5d) Any religion may be freely preached in Riombara, as long as it does not declare another religion present in Riombara evil. If a priest still preaches he may be fined by the Chamberlain, then banned per council vote.
*5e) Any religious comment has to stay civil. Our judge is free to fine any noble making insulting or threatening comments toward another noble in regards to their religion.
*5f) If a region lord (or four nobles) requests, our judge (not individual the region lords) can order priests to stop preaching their religion in one or more regions for the time of one week. A longer request needs a Council Vote.

Latest revision as of 02:31, 28 February 2013

Detailed Version

Preface and definitions:

Constitutional Articles: Our most basic laws defining the rights granted to every echelon of Riombaran nobility, and the duties that accompany them. Constitutional articles can only be amended by a full realm vote (see article III,) with a two thirds majority in favor. All Riombaran nobles are expected to acquaint themselves with our five constitutional articles, before swearing an oath of fealty.

Formal Laws: These elaborate constitutional articles in closer detail. Formal laws can only be amended by a realm wide vote, with a simple majority in favor. Before running for any regional command, a noble must familiarize themselves with the formal laws of our first three constitutional articles. Before running for an Advisory Council position (see Article IV,) a noble must familiarize themselves with every formal law.

Customs: The customary ways of conduct in Riombara, not yet defined and voted upon as laws.

As stated above, a realm wide vote is necessary to either create or amend a constitutional article or formal law. Customs, however, may be freely changed. Breaking a formal law carries immediate legal consequences. Disobeying a custom does not carry a legal penalty, but evidently carries a loss of reputation and respect.

Information for Nobles Having Recently Arrived in Riombara:

1) Every Riombaran noble, including the freshly arrived, enjoys the protection of rights guaranteed to them by the following constitutional articles. In addition, a freshly arrived noble is absolved of all duties, save for maintaining civil conduct.

2) Military service is entirely voluntary. However, once a member of an army, a noble is subject to strict military discipline.

3) As stated above, before swearing fealty to a lord, a noble is expected to acquaint himself (at least minimally) with our five basic constitutional articles.

Constitutional article I - Rights and Duties

A noble of Riombara has rights and duties. The higher the position, the stricter and more numerous the duties.

Formal Laws Concerning Article I


  • Ia) Any noble can call for a full realm vote on any subject. Said noble, however, requires one tenth of Riombara's total nobles in support to do so. Subjects include: any position, law, policy, or diplomatic relation with another realm.
  • Ib) Any noble can freely discuss any topic, but is expected to act politely and constructively.
  • Ic) Any noble can run for any position.
  • Id) Preferably while running for a position, or prior to being sworn into a position, a noble must swear to uphold all Riombaran laws. This also applies to priests. If a formal law runs contrary to religious belief, then the priest must forsake the conflicting belief and adhere to formal law. If said priest cannot do so, he or she must immediately step down.
  • Ie) All nobles are welcome in Riombara, unless they have previously acted against the realm.
  • If) Riombara's constitutional articles stand above an oath of fealty. Thus adherence to formal law is more important than following a liege's command.


  • Ig) Until a noble applies for a position, said noble is not bound by any duties, save upholding civility and obeying military command (should said noble be part of an army.)
  • Ih) Obedience within the military is absolute, but membership is voluntary. If a noble receives an order from a member of military command, as defined by the General's bulletin, then he or she must comply, regardless of said noble issuing complaint of discontent.
Customs Concerning Article I
  • The realm of Riombara comes first and is above any individual's interest. This includes the High Chancellor and dukes especially.
  • Favors should not be granted as a result of friendship or relation. All nobles should have the ability to aspire to any position.
  • Nobles should extend as much responsibility (full votes) and information (food status, morale status, diplomacy, foreign correspondence, and so on) as possible to all nobles.
  • Nobles should encourage ideas and constructive criticism in an open forum.
  • Nobles are expected to avoid any forms of looting which unduly harm the peasantry.
  • Nobles are expected to avoid the use of brutal takeovers, should an alternative be available.
  • Liege lords can only assign their vassals to an army if they have consent from said vassal.

Constitutional Article II - Positions

Each family should hold a maximum of two positions within Riombara

Formal Laws Concerning Article II
  • IIa) Positions are defined as: government seats, dukes, and any regional command.
  • IIb) It is acceptable for a noble or family to run for a second position. However, a strong preference should be given those who do not already hold a position.
  • IIc) The titles of duke and margrave may be held by one person or one family.
Customs Concerning Article II
  • Functions are: Advisory Minister (including a voting seat on the Advisory Council if he or she does not already have one,) marshal, vice marshal, and ambassador. A noble or family can hold a position and multiple functions freely.
  • Marshals are nominated by the High Constable, but should receive the acclaim of the Military Council (if active.)
  • Ambassadors are appointed by the High Chancellor.
  • Region lords are encouraged to accept oaths solely from nobles who have acquainted themselves with the five constitutional articles.
  • Information: Article II is our oldest and most sacred law. It stems from Balins betrayal and the resulting destruction of Riombara during the First Age.

Constitutional Article III - Voting on Positions

Each position can only be gained through a full realm vote.

Formal Laws Concerning Article III
  • IIIa) A full realm vote is defined as: a referendum where each Riombaran noble has a single vote.
  • IIIb) All four government positions must be voted upon monthly.
  • IIId) Each regional and ducal command must be voted upon when made vacant.
  • IIIe) In addition to regular voting, any position can be called for reelection. This can only be effected by an Advisory Council vote, or by a noble with a sufficient number of supporters (one tenth of all nobles(see Ia) under Rights and Duties)).
  • IIIf) The position of the Advisory Minister is defined as a function (and thus may be appointed by the Advisory Council.) If an Advisory Council member loses his or her seat to another noble, said former Advisory Council member automatically replaces the incumbent Advisory Minister.
  • IIIg) A ducal title and a margrave title are two distinct positions. Each may only be gained via full realm vote.
Customs Concerning Article III
  • Exception to IIId): if a region command was lost due to war, rebellion, wounds or imprisonment, and if the region is regained within 4 weeks, then the former region lord should be reinstated.
  • Anyone may vote for any candidate, including themselves.
  • No vote has to be made public. Discretion remains with the voter. No one may force another noble to disclose their vote.
  • Related to the availability of positions, Riombara aims to have one city per duchy.

Constitutional Article IV - Advisory Council

Voting seats on the Advisory Council are: the four government seats, each duke, and (if active) the Advisory Minister

Formal Laws Concerning Article IV
  • IVa) The following actions must be passed by a full realm vote: creating or changing a law, declarating of war, raising of relations from at war to neutral, joining an alliance, executing a Riombaran noble, executing a foreign noble, outlawing a religion, torturing any noble.
  • IVb) The following actions require an Advisory Council vote at minimum: any change of diplomatic relations, deporting a foreign noble, prohibiting religious preaching for longer than one week, destroying a temple or shrine, creating a new duchy, adding non-voting members to the Advisory Council.
  • IVc) All other issues may be decided by a simple majority, through Council Vote, a full realm vote, or by the appropriate Advisory Council member.
  • IVe) The Advisory Council has a veto right on any margrave's decision to join a different duchy.
  • IVd) Any Advisory Council member may declare a state of emergency, offering an explanation immediately thereafter. This permits said member to take or order an action that would otherwise need a full realm vote or an Advisory Council vote. Afterwards, a full realm vote must be initiated immediately, deciding whether or not said member's actions were justified or not. If the realm votes in favor of the action, then the member in question is free of penalty or consequence. If the realm votes against, said member must step down immediately. Said member is then barred from holding any position (defined under IIa), Positions) for a period of at least three months.
Customs Concerning Article IV
  • The Advisory Council must vote on any issue within 3 days.
  • Advisory Council members who miss 3 votes in a row should consider stepping down.
  • The High Chancellor is expected to issue a realm report weekly or biweekly.
  • The High Chancellor is expected to keep the members of the High Council listed in the ruler's report, or at minimum list the Advisory Minister's name.
  • The High Chancellor may petition for money to finance special projects.
  • The High Constable must keep the chain of command defined in his bulletin.
  • The High Constable should be consulted before the creation of a new army and the assignment of its respective marshal and vice-marshal.
  • The Great Chamberlain is expected to keep outlawed religions listed in his or her bulletin.
  • The High Treasurer is expected to issue a food report monthly.
  • All Advisory Council members are expected to keep our nobles as well informed as possible.
  • All significant amendments or policy changes are expected to be openly discussed.
  • The Ambassador holds a non-voting seat on the Advisory Council.

Constitutional Article V - Religion

All religions are welcome in Riombara, unless they have been previously outlawed.

Formal Laws Concerning Article V
  • Va) Everyone is free to follow any religion of their choosing, provided that formal law be adhered to above religious belief.
  • Vb) No religious persecution or religious wars are permitted on Riombaran soil.
  • Vc) There shall never be a state-sponsored religion.
  • Vd) Any religion (unless outlawed) may be freely preached in Riombara, so long as it refrains from declaring another religion, present in Riombara, evil. If a priest continues preaching under these circumstances, said priest may be fined by the Great Chamberlain and subsequently banned and outlawed by Advisory Council vote.
  • Ve) All religious comments must remain civil. The Great Chamberlain is free to fine any noble issuing an insulting or threatening comment towards another noble, should it regard their religion or beliefs.
  • Vf) One region lord (or four nobles) can petition the Great Chamberlain to have a priest stop preaching their religion in a region (or regions) for the duration of a week. The Great Chamberlain is the only member of Riombara who can issue this kind of order. A request that surpasses a week's time requires an Advisory Council Vote.

Last Updated

Riombaran Law was last updated by Great Chamberlain Henry II Arundel. ((February 20th, 2013))