McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/shield brother/continue: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr''' Malcolm nodded to the guards as he entered the palace grounds, and led Kaylan to the suite as promised. Once they were safe inside, he gave orders for s...)
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'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''

Malcolm nodded to the guards as he entered the palace grounds, and led Kaylan to the suite as promised. Once they were safe inside, he gave orders for some light food and drink to be brought out.
"May I take your coat, milady?"
Malcolm reached out cautiously, ready to pull back if she instead wished to keep it, despite the fire roaring nearby...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She nodded, and untied the string to her cloak, slowly removing it.  A snug pair of black breeches revealed her small form, and her light blue tunic was adorned with a thin belt, hugging her small waist. She sat back into a nearby chair and upon doing so, hissed when her hand flared up with pain. Only then remembering her struggle had resulted in a horrible bruise to her right hand. She quickly hid it, and examined the room innocently.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm placed their cloaks on the hook by the fire, dismissed the servants after the food and drinks had been served and sprawled on a nearby chair, careful to give her space...For the moment, he was too confused to know whether to play the game, whether they were beyond any game, or...
"Now...I have men scattered about the city being paid to keep an eye on you. They won't stop even a half-hearted attempt to grab you, but they should be able to make sure you can't disappear without being noticed...Your attacker will almost certainly spot them and try to plan around them...And hopefully think that is the sum total of my preparations. The others...Some particularly influential nobles, mostly Rulers of one sort or another, have certain...police. But when a new Ruler comes to power, especially if the transfer of power was not willing, well, these police find themselves unemployed. I have a few of them tailing you. <i>They</i> will not be fooled any anything save more of their kind, and even then I would doubt it. <i>My</i> men have the easier job, after all."
Malcolm sipped a warm cider that had been left next to his table.
"Now...What preparations have you made?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
At his question her eyes burned and she had to refrain herself from rising off her chair in anger. What this an awful joke on his part?  Instead of raising her voice, she bit down on her jaw and gave him a condescending look. “I work alone,” she hissed.  “I’ve managed this far. The less people who know the better, I won’t bear the weight of their deaths.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm closed his eyes, and nodded before opening them again.
"I understand. But you have to sleep sometime. And...While you may manage...Some people would like to see you <i>happy</i> again. Logan, for one."
Sure, it was a low blow...But Malcolm saw past everything else to the seventeen year old girl inside...From his own lofty 20...
"And it may not have occurred to you yet that you don't just have to manage this. With sufficient help, you could <i>deal</i> with it, once and for all. I have enough friends in Fontan to muster up quite the force...And I could call in favors elsewhere if need be. Can't do that if I don't know who we are going <i>after</i> though."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan took a deep breath and momentarily thought of Logan. How she missed his presence. She did want to be happy she wanted everything other women desired. She longed for freedom, friendship, and even possibly her very own love story. Unfortunately she had come to terms a long time ago that she could never have any of those things. Even if she dealt with the matter now, she had lived this life for so long, she didn’t know if she would ever learn to live another.
Daring to, she examined him from head to toe, considering her options. It was a few moments before she began to speak. When she did, she gave him an exceptional tale of war, love and desire, revealing the names of the enemy that had plagued her and her family since childhood.
Malcolm listened to every word with rapt attention, waiting until she was done. His eyes widened at appropriate places with what she could only associate as surprise, she couldn’t really tell but she continued.
With her last word, she took a long shaky breath and looked to the fire nearby. It had lessened somewhat, but the heat still reached her cold hands and warmed the long chill coursing through her body.  She looked to the door, and longed to run through it. He probably wouldn’t believe her now, hearing her own words explain it for the first time, made even her not want to believe it.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm sat back, somewhat stunned. He had heard the rumors, of course, and everyone knew that while at least some of the undead and monsters truly were undead and monsters, many more were not...But...He'd never expected that one of the leaders of such a band would be so...bold...
"Well...That was not what I expected...But should be fairly easy to handle. Far easier than I expected, actually..."
Malcolm nodded absently, pondering...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan gave a slow blink and stopped breathing. She had to take a moment and look right at him making sure she heard correctly. She had, and what was worse, he had a complete air of nonchalance as if discussing the weather. His entire attitude, offended her. How could he be so blasé about something so crucial to her? This disease had infiltrated itself in her life, controlling her every movement, her adolescence, creating nightmares out of shadows and it was… “Easy?! she exploded with fury, “EASY!?” she flew off the chair and stood an inch from him. “I cannot believe you think my problems so trivial? If it was so easy as you say,” she hissed dangerously. “Don’t you think it would have been taken care of by now?” She couldn’t handle his conceited attitude and turned around seeing red. “Maybe you can flash House Bedwyr’s crest in their faces, see how they cower with fear then.” She needed to find the door…
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm was angry. He had been doing his best to try to help, and she kept jumping all over him! Well, enough of this...He waited for her to run out, and saw her fleeing out of the palace grounds...Then gave a few flashes with a pocket mirror through the window, and then munched a few pastries before strolling out of the room. His men should have her delivered to the entrance to the suite...Now.
Malcolm was leaning against the wall, nursing a small bottle of some cordial, quite good...He had another tucked away for Kaylan, she'd probably need it...She was a very unhappy person as she stood before him with wide and murderous eyes...Although...Malcolm raised an eyebrow as one of the three cloaked men was obviously bleeding heavily and limping. That was...unexpected. In her flustered state, with three highly-trained men, and what should have been complete surprise...This should not have happened. He flicked the men a gold piece each for their troubles, and dismissed them with a wave.
"Really...You have not evaded capture so long by losing your head when provoked. Now, are you willing to hear me out, or not?"
Malcolm took another sip of the cordial as he waited
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan’s chest heaved with her irregular breathing and she took her arm back from one of his men giving him a dark scowl. Making sure they were distancing themselves from her, she directed her scowl to Malcolm instead. Her nostrils flared, and she bit the inside of her mouth. How dare he treat her so? Having his men handle her like a rag doll.
He spoke with that patronizing tone of voice again, as if speaking to an idiotic child and her hand tightened into a fist. The color of her hand turned white with the pressure and she could feel the indent of her nails digging into her skin. He continued to speak and then came the self righteous expression, and she visibly bristled. Before she knew it, her hand pulled back and she struck him. His head whipped back from the powerful blow and he unexpectedly stopped speaking, his hand rushing up to his face. 
“Who do you think you are?!” She yelled furiously. “You don’t own me!”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm recoiled, his bottle shattering on the stone floor as he staggered back. Nice punch...He had to work his jaw painfully for a long moment before it moved properly again.
"Well then..."
Malcolm spat, and noted that more blood than spittle exited his mouth.
"Perhaps I deserved that one..."
Malcolm shook his head, pulled out his spare bottle, and tossed it to her.
"Peace offering? I won't be condescending, and you don't hit me anymore...Deal?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Out of reflex, she caught the bottle and held on to it. He was so <i>infuriating.</i> She was somewhat satisfied after hitting him, but if he continued nattering on to her as he would a child, she couldn’t promise she wouldn’t do it again. Instead she remained silent, defiantly raising her chin, she held on to his gaze, refusing to give him the satisfaction of having her become <i>small</i> as he put it.  In one single night they went from sharing a tender kiss to fighting. He had such a way of pushing her buttons, she couldn’t believe how easily she lost her head around him. She needed a distraction, opening the bottle, she took a long drink and made a face when the taste hit her. “Fine,” she said venomously.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm grinned wryly.
"Not a fan of cordial? I've got wine, whiskey, a few ales, and a good scotch if you'd prefer something else..."
He stretched, somewhat painfully as his neck had been torqued, and began walking back to the sitting room.
"I'm going to grab more to eat. You're welcome to join me if you wish, milady."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She watched his back with a derisive sneer, ignoring his question altogether. The last thing she wanted to do was lose herself in alcohol. He moved his head about and now that she had gotten the anger out of her system, she did feel somewhat guilty but she would swallow her tongue before she apologized.
Without answering him, she simply followed, she was famished after all. She did take that moment to examine the expansive carpet, the luxurious furniture and although she was usually unimpressed by such matters, her mind began to slowly make a connection and she grew silent once more.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm plopped back onto a chair, and popped a small meat-stuffed pastry into his mouth, gesturing for Kaylan to take what she wanted...He planned on eating for a bit, and let his eyes wander...
He was quite proud of the furnishings. He'd claimed this particular suite as his, and had spruced it up a good deal...While his family was not at all rich, he personally had gold to burn, and seemingly would until he could get used to commanding larger units...Besides, it would not do to <i>advertise</i> House Bedwyr's relative poverty, especially since it was his assigned task to remedy this sad state of affairs...
He absently drew out a pocketknife and began spearing pastries, flicking them into his mouth as he thought...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan chose the same chair she had flown out of and sat back down. She noticed his offer and after a moment of pondering took a similar type of pastry. She brought it to her mouth and slowly began to chew.
The very air around them grew to an uncomfortable silence and she shifted on her chair. The food was delicious, therefore quickly eaten and she licked her lips to savor the taste.
After having eaten a bit, her eyes returned to examine him. She slowly grew hypnotized by his hand to mouth movement and before she knew it her thoughts returned to the lingering sensation of his lips. Realizing where she was headed, she desperately brought the bottle to her mouth and took one large drink only then noticing she was still holding on to it. The grimace returned and she practically sputtered. Before she indulged in it again, she set the bottle back on the table and sat back, hoping he didn’t see her slip. Gods, she was losing what was left of her sanity...She couldn't very well run again, he'd have her brought back like a sack of grain. It was time to take matters into her own hands and turn the tables. Looking to the hearth, she gave a low moaning sigh...
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm was drawn out of his reverie, and looked up at the unexpected noise.
"Kaylan? Are you alright?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Great, he wasn’t even paying attention. “I’m fine,” she said lamely and grabbed another piece of pastry, nibbling on the corner. Now that she had told him everything, she felt different. Of course with the multitude of emotions she had run through this night, anyone would be… unbalanced. Gods she was beginning to hate him…. No…Yes… Gah! He was impossible!
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm nodded...And stood, heading for the door.
"Alright. You need sleep, you look exhausted. If you don't have healers of your own, mine will attend to you. The servants here know their business, and can handle most tasks competently. The bed should already be prepared, with a few hot bricks ready. I shall see you in the morning, milady, and we can talk further then. If you wake before me, send word to my house in town."
Malcolm bowed, and shrugged his cloak on.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan looked up somewhat surprised by his dismissal. After everything he put her through, that’s how he settled the entire matter? She quietly watched him leave the room, and her eyes narrowed in thought. She wasn’t going to go from one rotten cage to a gilded one. She had matters to attend to, orders to follow, and places to be. She made sure to wait a while, when the servant approached asking if she was ready to turn in for the night, she accepted gracefully. She was led to a large room, with a luxurious bed. The servant closed the door behind her and she was finally left to herself. She took a shaky breath and finally tried to deal with her torrent of emotions. Lying down on it, she stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought. She had every intention of leaving, but she was so exhausted, before she knew it, she fell asleep.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm kept working his jaw as he strode back to his town house...That had been one hell of a punch...
And...Why, exactly, was he doing this? He was here to build up the family influence, not spend it for no return...Thus...There had to <i>be</i> some return from this...Beyond getting struck across the face, of course...Yes, he had some feelings, but he was risking quite a lot here for a questionable alliance with an unheard of family...
But...She was extraordinary...And possibly, if he could show the potential she had...Malcolm shook his head. He was rationalizing, which he was very good at, but that implied his real reasoning was very different.
Maybe he just needed a whore for the night...Might help settle him...And another for the morning to make sure his hormones weren't affecting him as much next time...
Malcolm pondered this as he sat on his bed, tossing his boots aside, and was still pondering it when he drifted into a very confused dream involving blood, death, sex and wine...With a certain redhead drifting through...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan stirred in the bed and slowly woke. She stretched her arms and yawned. Looking up she realized she wasn’t in her tent and jumped out of bed completely alert. When she finally recognized the room, she relaxed. Memories of the previous night rushed forth and she groaned. She had fallen asleep. Rushing to the window she looked out to see dawn’s early light barely a sliver on the horizon. She needed to get back. She took a moment to redo her long braid and approached the door. Opening it slowly, she peered through the crack and made sure no one was in the hallway. Satisfied she was alone, she tiptoed her way. She remembered her cloak at the last instant, but decided she wasn’t going to backtrack and risk getting caught by a servant. She was almost there. 
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm had woken up before dawn. This was...unexpected. Normally, he woke quite late. If he could even see the sun through a window, that was unusual. He was a bit of a nightowl, and had the candle stubs to prove it...And then the last night returned to him, and he realized that he'd gone to bed shortly after sunset. It had still been twilight when he'd bumped into Kaylan, and the rest of the night had taken less than two hours...No wonder he was up so early.
Thus it was that he was sipping a light ale and reading over the latest region stats, making a note that Oporto was doing much better, when Kaylan stepped through the door to the outer hall. He caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, but wanted to finish writing part of his maintenance grid.
"Ah, milady, I'll send word to the kitchens for breakfast, let me just finish this up and we can continue our discussion...I did not wish to wake you, and had work to do in any case..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
When she heard his voice, she stopped and immediately stood up straighter as if caught doing something wrong. She wasn’t doing anything wrong, she reminded herself. She was simply going back to her men. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came forth but a small croak.  Trying to work her mouth, she finally gave up and walked through the room. With a serious expression she sat in one of the chairs facing him. This was going to end, he was a constant step ahead, and it was time she took control once more. She tried to keep her patience while he finished, and clicked her fingernails on the armrest.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm finished the last marking he needed, and set the grid aside, looking up and smiling ruefully at Kaylan.
"I...Wanted to apologize for last night. I was out of line on several counts. I am...Unused to dealing with equals, in either wits or...experience, and I'm afraid that showed. I was rather thoughtless as well, which didn't help matters. Can we...Roll the clock back to before we arrived at the palace? Although you don't have to tell your tale again, that would just be silly."
Malcolm made a small gesture with his hand, indicating an uncomfortable lack of control in the situation as he passed the conversation to her...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
To say she was surprised was an understatement. She considered his words for a long moment and finally nodded. “I accept I admit I wasn’t exactly…compliant.” She couldn’t help grinning at the mental image of herself and shifted uncomfortably, “I as well wanted to apologize…for striking you.” She quickly looked to where she hit him, and her gaze shifted back to his blue eyes. “I would indeed like to turn back before everything turned chaotic.” Her full lips formed into a dazzling smile and her blue eyes brightened.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm smiled for real this time.
"I believe we are even, then...Now, I believe I offered this to you last night...Still yours."
Malcolm pushed a velvet pouch across the table to Kaylan, and watched as her eyes sparkled while she examined the geode. He was glad she was feeling better, and...He was too.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Feeling somewhat lighthearted she continued to look at the sparkle, she returned it to the pouch and looked up. “Thank you,” she said softly and smiled in such a way that for the first time a small dimple appeared. “I will keep it with my pendant,” she informed and visibly relaxed. “I believe you offered breakfast?” she reminded him.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm laughed.
"Breakfast it is...You there, boy, go fetch the platters, they ought to be ready by now."
Malcolm turned back, still smiling...Their more serious discussions could wait until after the meal...He liked seeing her smile...
"Anything else I can do to make amends, milady?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“Yes as a matter of fact you can. How is Logan? she asked curiously.
Before he could answer, someone entered the room with a large selection of fruits, breads and cheese, displaying them around the table within easy reach. Kaylan was then forced to give the servant space as he set a bowl before her. She was mildly surprised, but picked up a strawberry on one of the platters and brought it to her mouth, taking a moment to nibble on it. This day was already better than yesterday, hopefully it would just keep getting better. 
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Despite the...distraction...provided by her consumption of the strawberry, Malcolm managed to respond more or less coherently.
"Logan is well, although worried about you...He's been spending most of his time with my archers...Figure that's a safe enough place, would have to send half an army to get to him..."
Malcolm smiled. He was a good boy, Logan...They'd bonded a bit over common worry...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She lowered the strawberry and smiled at the news. “He has a way of growing on people,” she admitted with a slight wink. She knew Logan would have had a way to worm himself into anyone’s heart.  “After breakfast, I do have to leave, I have to return to my men, and I have much traveling ahead of me. I trust you will allow me to leave this time,” she hinted with a bit of a grin and a small sparkle in her eye.
“Well shield-brother,” she smiled amiably without a hint of sarcasm. “You can’t very well drop everything and follow me around now can you? Surrounded by my men, I’m sure to have more than enough protection,” she reminded as she picked up another strawberry. “Until next time?” she asked, and without waiting for an answer, she rose off her chair and left the room. Giving him one last glance over her shoulder, she gave him a lopsided grin, “I will send word.”
And with that she disappeared through the door.

Revision as of 12:58, 17 December 2012