McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/taken/continue/continue: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

Kaylan looked up at the darkening sky with a heavy heart and tried to hold back her tears of desolation. With the setting of the sun this would count as her third day since she was taken – Night never ended well since her captivity.  At first she had been made to ride, but that hadn’t worked out so well, since she fought with everything she had.
Now she was forced to walk, and narrowed her eyes at Dalvax’s back as he rode the horse that pulled her along. She had hated him from the beginning but now wished nothing but to give him a long lingering painful and slow death.
On the second day, she woke to his unwanted attention only to realize her legs were held down and hands were bound and she was completely unable to defend herself.  She soon found out struggling on her part, was exactly what he wanted. Closing her eyes, she tried to forget his laughter as he had defiled and raped her while all she could do was scream until her throat was hoarse. The only comfort she had gotten was the metallic taste in her mouth as she managed to bite his cheek but that had gotten her a severe beating.
Soon his partner had joined in and bile rose in her throat at the thought and then another... and another….  <i>Please let me forget…</i> But she couldn’t forget, because it had continued from there and now they touched her every chance they could. She still fought, and tried to do as much harm as she could, but now it was in hopes that if they beat her enough, they would kill her…she just wanted to die. 
The large group that guarded her at first had slowly dissipated until only two men remained, discreetly taking her away from the main group as a ruse, slipping away unnoticed. A part of her was insulted that she could be so easily handled now.
What pride she had was slowly withering away, and her eyes darkened and she began to hate every waking hour. They walked through a small trail and she looked over her shoulder down the path and through the trees. It was completely empty, and no one was coming to help her… they would have done so by now. 
Dalvax turned at that moment and chuckled as she looked back ahead. “Are you expecting your lover?” he laughed. She refused to let him gloat by giving a response so she pressed her lips into a straight line. “Don’t worry, he’s not coming,” he whispered loudly with a grin and spit to the ground. “We still get reports. It wasn’t long after you were gone that he rushed into the arms of the first whore he found,” he informed with amusement and her expression froze on her face, if anything other than a beating would kill her, this was it. It was a moment before her heart started beating again and her mind started to work, he was lying, Malcolm loved her. This was just a ploy to break her down further. When he looked ahead again, she tentatively looked over her shoulder once more, but again, emptiness. <i>Was he really lying?</i>
She looked mournfully to her wrists and hissed as she painfully tried to work the rope but it was useless. The skin had been broken from countless attempts and her blood had caked the edges. When Dalvax first noticed what she tried to do he had slathered salt over the wound, after she had stopped thrashing and screaming she stopped trying.
Her body was still sore from the last beating, her face hurt, and she could barely see out of one eye, it had almost swollen shut. Her tattered hair hung down her back and she now wished it was short, it gave them too much leverage as they pulled on it, tormenting her.
Her green dress was tattered and soiled and she vaguely noticed dry blood. She didn’t know where it was from anymore, it was everywhere.
Her feet were completely frozen from trudging in the snow and her teeth chattered painfully. Her sickness had never completely cleared up and now she was worse than she ever was, the least they could do was give her more clothes but they were pitiless. She could feel herself burning up and every once in a while she would fall to the ground retching and coughing. They had at least been smart enough to remove her gag, lest she choked on her vomit. She was getting weaker with every step. In her wild daze, she also tried not to think of what else she was secretly protecting… she stilled her hands from reaching for her abdomen. 
Kaylan’s legs ached and she stumbled forward. She tried to regain her footing, but the path was treacherous, and the fact her hands were tied didn’t help her balance. She fell to the ground with a grunt and was dragged a few feet into the icy snow before the horse stopped pulling her. <i>Kaylan damn you get up!</i>  A voice screamed in her head. <i>Please get up…</i>
“Looks like we’re stopping for the night Viktor,” Dalvax laughed raucously and she closed her eyes with a quiet sob.
“It’s about damn time,” he chuckled and slipped off his horse. “You make the fire tonight, I’ll warm her up,” he told Victor and approached her.
He lifted her out of the snow and she tried to elbow him in the stomach but his hands caught her fast, now she was just glad to be out of the unforgiving coldness. Victor was suddenly there, holding her from behind. For a fraction of a second her eyes darted to the sword at Dalvax’s belt and her fingers itched to reach for it, but she glared, instead diverting his attention away from it.
“You can stop pretending sweetheart, I know you like it,” Dalvax touched her cheek.  She spat in his face, giving him a murderous gaze, “you better make sure you kill me when you’re done this time. Because when I break free I will make sure you sing before you die.”
She suddenly gave him a malicious smile despite the fear she was feeling that made her limbs tremble, “I will keep you going for days… as I rip the flesh off your bones, inch by inch and then I will feed you your own meat!” she hissed and he laughed at her defiance and punched her in the stomach and she slumped forward with a deep painful grunt. There was a horrible cramping sensation and she retched painfully.
“Brave words, considering the position you’re in. Don’t worry sweetheart, when I’m done with you, it’ll be Victor’s turn. Now why don’t you keep your strength I like it when you moan and grunt like that,” he smiled and tears stung her eyes. <i>You were right all along Kaylan… why did you ever give anyone your trust? Where are they now while you’re fighting for your life?</i> She should have listened to the voice inside her head – She would probably still be safe.
Well it was time to start listening again. 
“I wonder what Gronak will say when he sees how you’ve treated me?” she countered weakly using his lord’s name, slightly raising her head, and his step faltered. “I’m sure you were to bring me to him in one piece untouched, not to be your sullied whore,” she said and he cocked his head as if in thought.
“You’re right,” he admitted, “but I’m sure I can sway him, when he finds out how much of a battle you put up, he’ll thank me I even brought you at all,” he finally said, a new fear in his eyes. She knew deep down… she knew. He would die for what he was doing to her. What angered her most was that it wouldn’t by her hands. <i>Don’t worry, you’ll find a way to kill him yourself Kaylan… just be patient.</i>
Kaylan caught glimpses of the previous night in her mind mixed in with different images – The city before her was bustling with people. She had been warned to be on her best behavior or last night’s screaming would pale in comparison to how much they would make her pay if she gave them away. They gave the occasional nod to the people, claiming they were bringing a criminal to justice. So much for pity, what pride she had left was ripped away when people began praising them.
Her blue eyes lost focus and she slid into a trancelike state, no longer hearing the words or seeing much before her. Somehow she was growing numb.  Her mind couldn’t even form a coherent thought, but somewhere amidst the pain that was her body, she could feel something wrong. A different pain, pulsing like a cramping sensation from deep within…. It had started the night before and had only gotten worse.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona had been traveling all night and day not taking more then the breaks needed to rest her horses, she jumped back and forth from Kennocha to her horse to ease the traveling on both of them. Coming up in the road she noticed horse tracks dip out into the forest in the east, she jumped off her horse and followed it to a small camp area. It was deserted now but you could tell someone had took rest here for the night. She walked around the camp and noticed the camp fire had been buried and the snow had melted from the braise leaving burnt pieces of wood to the catching eye. The snow was filled in footsteps she stood and looked around further, a little off distance she notice an area that had been patted down and shown pegs had been planted for a tent, walking closer she could see red snow and her heart stopped, kneeling down her thoughts were now becoming darker as she could clearly see it was blood, someone was injured.
She closed her eyes and hoped it wasn’t Kaylan’s but at this point she would think the worst to hope for the best.
She climb on her horse and followed the tracks out. After a short distance she came to a complete stop in her trail, Fiona noticed someone was being dragged behind horses the trail wasn’t long before it return to footsteps, it was hard to make out whether it was a man or a woman that they drug but looking at the prints on the ground this person had obviously fell and had been drug for a distance. Inspecting the snow Fiona could see the snow had sucked up more blood.
She felt it in her gut she was on the right trail the tracks were fresher and they couldn‘t be but a day‘s travel ahead of her, the fear she felt inside was unexplainable, it was awful to think this now but she was grateful to see the blood at least she knew she was still on the right track and her thoughts were right on the money. The men had broken up to confuse any followers and they held the prisoner with them. The only thing she could do now was pray the gods that when she found the trail that it wouldn’t be Kaylan’s blood.
She mounted on her horse and made the next towns land which was only a day travel away at the most, the travelers couldn’t avoid passing through if they were on horses you would need a boat to cross the huge river up ahead and the only port close enough was the next town. The mountains to the west would not allow travelers through which simplified her tracking. She thank uncle Markus for teaching all that she knew today, without his training she would be useless to find Kaylan.
She arrived in the towns land and made a quick stop at the stables and gave the man some silver coins to tend to her horses.
“See that they are fed, their feet are looked at and please fill the horses pack with has much food for them as you can, I need weight added to these horses” she instructed the bald man
“Milady?, you want more weight added? It’s going to make your journey harder on the horses ma’am” he raised his brows
“Don’t question me, I paid you well do as I ask, I’ll be back shortly to get them” she hissed at the stable man
“As you wish milady” the man turned shaking his head not understanding
“Why didn’t anyone try to help her?” Fiona said furiously
“You don’t know these parts of the land do you” she looked around the streets
“No one here will get involved with those men, have you not seen the crest they carry?” she asked surprised at Fiona’s ignorance “If anyone defies any of those men our town will burn to the ground, woman and children will be raped and taken and our men will be killed, we cannot take those risks” she answered Fiona with a disappointed look
“Who are they?” Fiona asked
“They are from across these lands far into Atamara, they claimed this port many years ago, in order to keep our survival our lords have made arrangements to keep the greater portion of our food supplies and weapons , in return we keep our town and maintain survival” she paused “But any men who oppose them end up killed and if any woman dares to talk back they end up praying for death, they take what they want when they want it and there’s nothing we can do about it” she swallowed “I cannot remain here if they see me talking to you about any of this I will be praying for death myself” she gave a half nod to Fiona and turned around to return to the tavern
“Do you know where they took my sister?” Fiona asked desperate
“There’s not a boat available from this port during the winter due to the frozen waters, but if you travel north of here you will catch the river that will bring the men who have your sister to the next port out of here and closer to the lands of Atamara, this is all I can tell you child, I must go now I have a family to think about to” she entered the tavern leaving Fiona in the streets.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec looked over Malcolm who was riding his horse, seemingly lost in thought, part of him silently wishing he knew what the man was thinking. He had grown frighteningly despondent. He wondered if Malcolm’s thoughts would mirror his own. Deep down he couldn’t help shake the feeling they would be too late, but he refused to voice it out loud for his… for Malcolm’s…. for Kaylan’s sake.
So far, they had ridden ahead of the rest of the men, feeling the weight of time pressing in on them. Alec had taken the lead with Nór, keeping them at a run for most of the time, occasionally walking the horses to give them rest. They had gained much road, Malcolm seemed better now, but when he had first tried to get on his horse, it was with extreme frustration due to his mitten hands. If the entire insane situation hadn’t called for seriousness on his part, Alec would have normally laughed hysterically, now he allowed himself a small distracted chuckled as the image returned.
There wasn’t much to say in these moments, it was awkward, what else could Alec really say but voice his fears out loud despite how tight lipped he wanted to be. Eyeing the other animal with a trained eye he looked back to his own. The animal was beautiful, but it had nowhere near the training Nór had. “I was hoping to have you ride Kennocha,” he said softly, “impressive animal, one of my father’s best…” he added absently, then quirked his mouth unhappily, “it’s too bad he was gone when I got there.” Again Malcolm seemed to either ignore him completely or he was too lost in his own little world to even hear him.
Suddenly Nór, bucked with a deep nicker and stomped the ground. Malcolm looked up and Alec tapped the chocolate colored steed’s neck, “he smells blood,” he explained.
Malcolm gave a strangled expression and looked around.
It wasn’t long before Alec flew off his horse, and started to look around the tracks on the ground, kneeling to get a closer look. He pulled Nór’s reins, stopping his wild neighing and whispered to him in a completely different language to soothe him, which upon hearing finally made Malcolm look up with recognition in his eyes. 
Alec walked around for a couple of minutes, following the tracks and came back a few moments later to meet Malcolm. “Well the good news is, we’re on the right track,” he said almost cheerfully, but his face was pale, too pale. “Look Mal,” he shortened his name only because his voice seemed to momentarily leave him, “there’s blood, too much blood…” his worst fear had become reality but he refused to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.
“I think there’s a port town up ahead,” he said trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. “We’ll see if they heard anything. I recognize the area now, we’re about a days ride away.” Without waiting for him to agree, he swiftly climbed atop Nór and rode off ahead as if the very hounds of hell were on their heels.

Revision as of 12:52, 17 December 2012