McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Battleoftaop: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell''' Deianarah’s men were cared for and were now being taken away out of Taop. Long strands of dark blond hair escaped her long braid, her face was ...)
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'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell''' 

Deianarah’s men were cared for and were now being taken away out of Taop. Long strands of dark blond hair escaped her long braid, her face was streaked with dirt and her armor, blood. She couldn’t get the battle out of her head, the images that danced before her were haunting.
As the battle waged on, the unease had crept on as more and more of their army and allies fell, until she began to panic as she realized they may not make it out of there alive. In the distance, she had spotted Thain fighting, her attention divided between her men and him. She had returned her attention before her but everything had suddenly gone wrong and her world turned black.
She had woken in a tent, with some of her men, two thirds of them dead, the rest injured. She couldn’t even remember exactly what happened all she got were sporadic nightmarish images.
Walking out of her tent, her steps grew shaky, the world around her seemed to sway at near impossible angles. She stopped to take a deep breath and held on to a near barrel, she felt sick to her stomach. After a few moments she walked away again and managed a few steps before her head started ringing to a crippling pitch.
Just a few more steps and she would feel better knowing he was well. She finally made it to Thain’s camp, she managed to ask where he was and a soldier ran off to get him. She had only been waiting a few minutes when her eyes rolled in her head and she collapsed.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain had stepped out of his tent, wearing only a simple robe, having just doffed his armor, when a sentry informed him of the arrival of Deianarah. He stepped outside to see her collapse, and he ran over to her side, and checked to see if she was breathing. He was relieved to discover she was, and he picked her up, barked at a soldier to get him some warm water, and carried her into his tent.
He laid her down gently on his bed, and pulled up a chair. He rummaged in a drawer and applied a small amount of a thick, paste that smelled strongly of mint beneath her nose. A soldier brought in the water and he dipped a cloth into it and applied it to her forehead. He sang softly as he did so, working diligently. The hands of a King were also the hand of a healer he had been taught, and he had been trained in the art.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah’s eyes started to slowly flutter open but the pain in her head made her close them again. The warm cloth on her forehead was very soothing, and the soft singing lulled her. “Where am I?” she whispered. Everything was so hazy. She remembered going to Thain’s camp, and then nothing. “Thain,” she said his name so softly. 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain took her hand in his and smiled.
"I'm here, you took a nasty spill. Rest now."
He took the cloth from her head and dipped it in the water again and put it back on her forehead. He poured a glass of water and handed it to her.
"Take small sips. So tell me Dei, what brings you here in such condition?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
So she had made it to him after all, only not in the state she wanted or how she had imagined it. She took the glass and tried sit up to drink it, but she grew dizzy again and winced as she lowered herself slowly. “I came to see if you were well…” she gave a mirthless laugh at the irony of her words. “And well… turns out I’m the one who isn’t…” she trailed off and touched her head.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain smiled and took the glass from her.
"Just rest now. I'm fine, and you should be in a little bit. Has this ever happened before? I just have to perform a simple procedure."
He reached down and pulled out a wicked looking knife.
"This will hurt me more than you." he said with a straight face, and then broke into a laugh at the horrified expression on her face. He put the knife down.
"Only kidding. Just rest, and you'll be fine. It’s good to know that you care." he said, squeezing her hand.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah answered with a groggy, “no.” Then at his word and the knife, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She cringed expecting the worst, but actually prepared to trust him and then he started to laugh, and she gave an unsure laugh in response.
He took her hand and squeezed it and she held his hand tightly. “I do…care very much,” she answered him and smiled. “I’m glad you’re well too.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Get some rest now, you should feel better when you wake up. If you need anything, I'll be right here."
He took a drink of water, and pulled out his sword, and began sharpening and polishing it.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She nodded and gave a weak smile, thinking how it had all turned around on her. She had gone to see him, to reassure herself and here she was in his bed while he took care of her. She gave a soft laugh at the thought and then leaned back to her side, watching him. Dei did feel comfort being in his presence, not to mention safe.
His movements were methodical, practiced, and mesmerizing, it didn’t take long for her eyes to slowly close and she fell asleep.

Revision as of 12:45, 17 December 2012