McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Silmeriel/continue: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' Another messenger had been sent, this one girl however wasn't going to Thain or Deianarah, she had come to King Jenred's camp. The royal guards ...)
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'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 

Another messenger had been sent, this one girl however wasn't going to Thain or Deianarah, she had come to King Jenred's camp.
The royal guards despite the fact that they were shocked with the little girl's arrival examined her nonetheless, even if carefully trying not to scare her
She entered the place and slowly approached the King, she looked like a copy of a young Edara just with some minor differences the main one being her cinnamon eyes which were just like the king's, Silmeriel certainly chose this particular child because of her looks, she seemed almost like a daughter of the royal couple.
In a voice that also resembled Edara's own but far younger she said while bowing
"Your majesty, Dame Silmeriel sent me, she sent a letter for you and the queen, and also sent a gift for each of you"
She then gave the letter to the king and left the gifts on the ground besides her, awaiting the couple to check her lady's gifts and letter
The first gift was to Jenred it was an amulet made of strange brown material he could not identify, the symbol on the center was Arcaea's crest and behind it the following words were written in dark orange
"King Jenred Bedwyr of Arcaea"
"A gift from the Queen of Autumn to the king who achieved glory despite Gaharis denial, may this amulet protect you from the whispers of the Dark Court"
And the second gift was an emerald brooch in the form of a complex rune that resembled a scythe, on the back the following word could be read
And at last the letter itself, which was written in Silmeriel's beautiful style
Dear King Jenred and Queen Edara,
I would like to offer you these gifts, both aren't mine, one comes from the autumn court and the other was given to Lady Edara by my mother
You're an enchanting royal couple and I am fascinated with both you, your history your past and your deeds, and so I would like to invite you both to a dinner on my home in Remton, Sir Thain and Lady Deianarah were also invited and I think two others will be present too
It's very important that you come, I want to show something to all of you, as well as cementing friendship between us
By the way, the little girl's named is Isis, she's an orphan from the woods that I took under my care, I am sending her to you, to work as an aide if you so wish, she looks like both of you I know and that's part of the reason I chose her as messenger
See you later
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Priestess Selene moved amongst the camp. She had broken away from her preaching in Ozrat to visit the front line and tend to the small number of Sartan's followers on the Arcaean side. But whilst she was there she had heard rumors of a witch in the camp and had come to seek her out. Probably the rumors were just that, but she had a duty to check for herself. After all, a true witch, not just some crazed madwoman, could be very dangerous indeed.
She moved through the camp and, in the misty light of dawn, saw another woman moving through the camp. The woman was uncommonly beautiful and had a... presence... to her. This was surely the woman that was rumored to be a witch.
"Hold!" she cried, her words cutting through the early morning mist. "Are you the one they call the 'Witch of the Woods'?"
When she heard Selene's words Silmeriel...
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
...smiled and examined the woman's body before her up and down with interest and then looked directly on her eyes as if she tried to examine her soul and mind too and after a brief moment she said amused with the woman and her question
"Certainly my lady Selene, the horrible witch stands before you" dropping a courtsy she continued with a bigger smile on her face
"To what do I owe the pleasure of receiving a visit from the chosen of Sartan herself ?"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius''' 
Selene stared back as the "witch" appraised her, the way the woman looked at her was strange but. When the woman looked into her eyes, Selene looked back, studying her as she studied all new people.
Selene was surprised that the woman knew her name. "How do you know my name?" she asked. "And since you appear to know so much about who I am then perhaps you could tell me what I'm doing here." Selene was not exactly overjoyed by the way this woman seemed to be playing some sort of game.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
Silmeriel almost laughed but instead she answered
"Ohh my dear who you are is no big secret, descriptions of your charming appearance and fierce mood abound in this realm,'s even easier to know about you when one knows Sartan himself"
Her eyes were bright with excitement, eager to see the priestess reaction
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
Silmeriel once more held a laugh but on a slightly more dramatic tone she continued,
"I have been told my ways are...disturbing to some, but I can be no other way my proud priestess" and as she said that she moved slightly to left and turned her face to the other woman once more, and like always happened when she did that her hair took a few extra seconds to stop moving
"But though I can claim to know much I cannot divine everything you expect from me, but I think I can answer the only question I didn't answer so far, if you'll like what I'll say is an entirely different matter"
Smiling again she proceeded
"Sartan yes, he's fierce that one, strong, and usually has that strange light coming from his eyes, and though noble he can more than just a bit harsh at times, and yes I've seen him before..." she seemed lost on her thoughts for a moment and when she returned from her thinking a few seconds later she looked happy
"Hmm perhaps we could see him together later, isn't that a good idea?" She seemed to be serious about the proposal even with a mischievous smile. and didn't seem to even notice how absurd it would sound to Selene, or perhaps she did and said it anyway...
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
As the woman spoke Selene observed her carefully. She was mildly perturbed by the movements of the woman's hair but was resolved to get a straight answer from her.
Now Selene was getting angry. "Now listen, I have had enough of your games. This is your last chance, tell me what you mean and answer my questions or, Sartan help me, I will take you and try you for heresy before the nearest court. Now, you can start by telling me your name. Then you can tell me how you 'met' Sartan."
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Instead of getting fearful or angry with the priestess reaction Silmeriel giggled
"Okay I am Silmeriel Orgauth, pleased to meet you, and I met Sartan when he visited my mother on her court, I wasn't really paying paying much attention to what he talked with her but he also talked with me when he was just going leave the main hall, and he spoke about you my dear"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene was taken aback. Perhaps this Silmeriel was crazed. More gently, she spoke
"Perhaps we should sit down." She gestured over to a nearby hillock. "Then maybe you can tell me about Sartan's 'visit'."
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
"Sure" she said in a casual tone as if the priestess had just offered her some tea, and moved to the area she pointed sitting there with Selene
"Well it was probably business or something like that, I am not really sure as to why he was visiting my mother, I heard something about war and Sartania but I wasn't really very interested"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene considered the Silmeriel's words, she knew that her presence was too intimidating for anyone to try to joke for this long so that left only two options. One, Silmeriel was mad or, or, she was telling the truth.
"Then perhaps you could tell me who your mother is and where she lives." said Selene after a measured silence.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
"Ohh that is rather complicated matter you see at least for people around here, most never heard about her on this place"
"She's the Queen of Spring and she lives on the Spring Court on the City of Spring, it's not anywhere you can see around here but on another plane, the home of the fey" she smiled certain that the priestess would take her for a complete lunatic
"Ohh and Sartan told me you would speak to me here, and also told me to give you this"
Her right hand slipped inside the bag she carried with her removing something that was inside it, it was an iron bracer with the coat of arms of Sartania on it, Silmeriel offered it to Selene
"He knew I liked you so he asked me to help you, and take you together with me on my next journey so you could learn"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene took the brace, surprised to see the Sartanian coat of arms upon it. "So. You claim to have received this from Sartan do you?" she asked. "Perhaps you could explain to me what you mean by your next journey? And who the Fey are exactly? As far as I can recall from childhood tales, the Fey is another name for the fairies, the wee folk, the fiery, the fair folk, the lords and ladies. Is that of whom you speak?"
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
"Sort of, peasant stories are usually silly but generally have some measure of truth in them, they are different from such stories and yet similar in some points, as for Sartan well he said the bracer was magical but I guess whatever it does only works if you're fighting, he's a God of War after all"
"As for my journey...well I can only promise it will be rewarding, have you already stared at the depths of your soul ?" Silmeriel tone was now slightly serious as serious as she could be perhaps, and her were eyes fixed on Selene's
"Winter holds your heart and that's were I'll take you if you allow me to do it, others were invited for the journey too, Thain, Deinarah, Jenred and Edara, we will all go to a dinner in my home in Remton, there I'll explain everything I can about the journey" there was excitement in her voice now
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Take your time, and recover properly Dei. It is no burden on me. Trust me when I say I have no problem with it. As for meeting with Silmeriel, we will do it together. I don't want to go see her alone either... I don't trust her."
Thain wrapped his arm around her and lead her back into the tent.
"Now get some rest."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
As he put his arm around her, Deianarah leaned her head into Thain’s chest. She didn’t even think of what she was doing, she just indulged in the small comfort.
When they returned inside the tent, she lay back down in the bed and reached over to the table for the beautiful Diadem. For a while, she traced the runes with her fingers, thinking about what Silmeriel had said.
She had talked about Alec as if he was still alive, strange. This she would need to ask Silmeriel about as well. Last Dei had heard of her brother, he had disappeared into the Netherworld and everyone presumed him dead. 
And Sorsha… she wondered what was happening with her older sister. She had not gotten any news from her in such a long time.
She looked over to Thain and wondered about his own family. “What of your family Thain? Are you close to brothers, or sisters? Cousins?”
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene considered Silmeriel's words.
"I have spent much time examining my own soul and I am content with what I find there. Now, if it will get you to explain yourself then I'll accompany you to Remton and on your journey." she said calmly.
"However, if I find you have played me false or lied to me then I promise you you will feel the full force of my wrath." This was said with a harsh note in her voice.
"Now," she concluded, "I've warned you and I hope that if you are as you claim then you'll take no offence. The only people who need fear me are liars and traitors. If you are neither then I'm sure there need be no ill will between us. Where is it you propose we go now?"
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
"No I don't take offence, I know well how you are and I like it so can't be offended if you act like I expected you would, as for the journey, yes to Remton at first, there we will meet with the others at night"
"A dinner will be served, but main dish will be knowledge, come now my dear I have already told you far more than the others know, trust me it will be rewarding, and if it isn't you can kill me like you said you would"
She was smiling happily and it seemed she had no doubts the priestess would be pleased with her offer when she announced it at the dinner in Remton
'''Roleplay from Edara Kindon''' 
Edara was relaxing in her husband’s tent when the messenger arrived. Well, technically, she was sitting on her husband’s lap distracting him from his correspondence. It seemed fair to her: she had finished with hers and he had been far too wrapped up with all of the politics of the alliance forces lately...he needed was practically her wifely duty.
Her campaign of distraction was advancing nicely when one of the guards lifted the flap slightly and cleared his throat heavily. That was unusal enough to have her sliding off Jenred’s lap…all of their staff knew better than to interrupt them when they were alone…unless it was very important.
“It’s all right; we’re decent,” Edara sang out, still a little giddy, retying her laces rapidly.
The guard stepped in, an apologetic look on his face.
“Your Majesties, there is a…messenger here…” his look grew puzzled, “Your man said you should see her.”
The Royal couple looked at each other. If Fin thought they should be disturbed…
At Jenred’s nod, the guard held the flap aside for their visitor.
As the child approached and said her piece, Edara could barely focus on her words or the gifts she laid before them…her eyes…she had the eyes. The little Queen looked from her husband’s face to the girl’s…oh yes…those cinnamon eyes…
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
After their conversation, Selene and Silmeriel travelled on to Remton together. As they travelled Selene couldn't help but find herself warming to the woman. Silmeriel might well be mad or a witch indeed but Selene couldn't help but feel that she meant everything she said and meant no harm at all. Either away, Selene was increasingly reluctant to consider trying her as a heretic.

Revision as of 12:44, 17 December 2012