McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Azros1-2: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''

Thain's eyes open, his abdomen and head ached. He dimly recalled the opponent that felled him with two deft strokes from his mace. He groaned and rolled out of bed, reports on the nightstand.
"They fought a battle without me.... Damnit all." he muttered, and began to dress and don his armor. He buckled his sword and his mace to his belt and went to help the wounded off the battlefield, and treating the wounds of the soldiers. He spoke as he did so, of the glory of the old days of Nighthelm, of the mercy and compassion of the Elders, and of the sins of their foe. He talked for almost five hours, drawing quite the crowd as he worked, washing and bandaging wounds, helping carry those who couldn't walk, and overseeing construction of pyres for the dead.
'''Roleplay from Elys Athins'''
Elys woke and sat up. Her head hurt something fierce, and was constantly throbbing. The rest of her body seemed numb. Her vision took a few moments to focus. When it did, she could see she was in a big room. People were scurrying everywhere. She could see many others lying on the floor, bandaged and bleeding. From everywhere there were screams of pain, and she could hear someone sobbing. She looked down to see she was seated on a cot.
Where was she? How had she come to be here? She could recall being camped in Leod, and marching back to the city when the scouts brought word of the advancing Soliferites. There was that farce of a battle where one delusional Soliferite had attacked the city. Battle, yes that was it. She could recall the call to arms and manning the wall with her Guardians.
Elys closed her eyes. She could almost see Soliferum's army lined up on the fields outside the walls, their red and gold banners swaying in the breeze. The numbers were greater than she had expected from the reports the scouts brought. Trumpets sounded, and the Soliferites advanced, pushing large wooden siege towers ahead of their ranks. When their first wave reached the top of the walls the fires of battle took her. Everything seemed a haze, and time slowed down. She could remember very little after that.
The next coherent memory she could recall was rallying her men to her late in the battle. She could tell that many had fallen, and estimated only about half still stood. She had tried to assess the situation, she spied men still fighting under the banners of the King and Queen. And there... that was an Arcaean banner, and she could see an Aenilian banner as well. But it seemed as if Soliferum's banners were everywhere. A man broke through the ring of her men that had been protecting her for the moment, and everything turned to a haze again.
She shook her head and immediately regretted it as the pain overwhelmed her. She tried again but could remember nothing further. She tried to rise to her feet but only made it halfway up before falling back down to the cot. It seemed as if the world was spinning.
A hand rested on her shoulder,
"Mi'lady are you alright?"
I took Elys a few moments to recognize the girl's face. Melandy was a slim girl, with lone black hair. She looked pretty all cleaned up and dressed in livery, far more pretty than she had as a serving wench in a dirty inn. Elys had spent a night at the inn while on her way to Remton, and had felt bad for the girl. She was close to her flowering, and already was receiving some dirty looks and grabs from men. Elys had hired her as a handmaid, though it took a good deal of gold to get the innkeeper to part with her. She had needed a servant she could trust was not in the pay of her family, and Melandy had served that purpose well already.
Melandy offered Elys a cup, explaining;
"The healers told me to give you this when you woke. They said it would help dull the pains in your head."
Elys swallowed it in one gulp before asking, "What happened? Where am I?"
"The palace Mi'lady. Two of your Guards brought you in, you were unconscious, they said from a mace blow to the head."
"How... how many made it..."
"I don't know Mi'lady." Melandy paused for a moment then continued, "I counted six men with your crest laying wounded here in the palace. Aside from the two who brought you in I have seen no others, though many may be around the city."
"See if you can round them up." At Elys' command the girl began to go, but Elys grabbed her arm. She knew the answer to this question, but she needed to ask it anyway. "Did we lose the walls?"
"I afraid so from what I've heard Mi'lady. There was talk of a second battle fought not but a couple hours ago, but no promising news from it either."
Elys let the girl go then. She laid back down on her cot then. She knew she would have to rise and aid the fighting soon, but she needed time to gather her wits.
'''Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia'''
The invading Soliferite host marched on Azros city. The attackers numbered a little of 1,100 men almost entirely comprised of infantry. Behind the walls the defenders numbered barely over 600, among them two Kings. The attackers organized themselves before beginning the attack. Siege engines could be seen.
From a high position on the outer wall, Warmaster Alpha yelled the last minute orders. His area would be one of the first areas attacked, but it was also the position granting him the greatest field of vision. All at once trumpets began to sound beginning the battle at last. A siege engine made it to the wall, then another, then 11 more. Southerners charged out.
The first wave Alpha’s men met with spears, then it became a sword day. In almost no time his 30 men had become 20 men. He hewed his enemies who had now established a foothold on the wall. To his left he saw Treasurer Mirtas be knocked unconscious and captured. In an attempt to liberate Mirtas, Alpha charged toward the captors with several men. He fought with sword and shield, managing to knock one man from the wall, thrusting his sword into another. Eventually two of his men had fallen. Captain Lanfried urged his lord back, but it was too late. Another wave had joined the fray and the Warmaster found himself outnumbered.
He slashed to the right, and everything became dark. From the left, a glancing blow had been deflected by his helm, but sufficient to remove him from the battle. Those of his men remaining pushed forward to save their lord from capture. Knowing well what would await him if Soliferum managed to capture him in a wounded state, allowing capture was not an option.
'''Roleplay from Pillus Delorian'''
Pillus crumpled the letter in his hand as he sat at the tavern. The letter was hardly readable anymore, due to the multiple foldings and unfoldings of the paper and the sweat from his palms that soaked it. He had been so upset at the news of his sister being wounded that he couldn't even drink. He opened the letter again and read it once more.
Sir Pillus,
Your sister has been wounded during battle. She is being well cared for, but she calls for you. I should hope to meet you soon.
Josef, Captain of the Delorian Guard
Pillus fumbled with a pen and a piece of paper. He had decided it was time to return to Azros, if for no other reason than to make his sister well. He began to pen a letter to his leige, Galen.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
The second battle had been uglier than the first, their forces had been greatly decimated and again what men who were left did not survive long. Alec twirled his blade in the palm of his hand and severed a man’s head and watched him fall to the ground with a sadistic grin on his face.  To his right Isabel fought with her usual grace, no matter that she was fine, he still kept a constant eye on her. To his left his sister fought valiantly. He had insisted that she stayed with the King but she had refused to, telling him she wasn’t going to sit and let them destroy everything they worked so hard for if she could still wield a blade. He knew he couldn’t argue with her, she was very stubborn, and no McDowell backed down from a fight.
Deianarah cried out as she swung her sword and used her shield to smash it into the enemy’s face. His attention returned to the fight before him as someone tried to stab him through with a sword and Alec blocked the swift movement with a clash of swords. They were being pushed back again, no matter how much effort they put into it, they couldn’t continue like this. “Fall back!” he yelled, for the second time ordering his men to retreat.
Alec heard his sister call out the same near him, but her words were cut off and he turned quickly to look at her and she was scrambling back on the ground, trying to grab her sword that had fallen to the ground. While her foe stood over her, poised, preparing to plunge his sword into her abdomen. “NOO!!”  Alec called out with vivid rage and sprinted, his heart hammering in his chest. It all seemed to happen so quickly, Alec jumped, raised his blade and swung it with every bit of strength he had and cut him down from neck to chest. The impact of it was jarring and Alec landed on his feet, out of breath. He looked to the severed pieces of the man’s body and then turned to look at Dei.
She lay on the blood soaked ground, without moving. Her face was pale, eyes closed, and Alec kneeled to the ground beside her. “Dei…” he said softly and touched her face. He looked to her for a wound. No, it was impossible, Alec had intervened. Her head lolled to the side, and Alec then noticed the blood on the side of her face, trickling to the ground. Without waiting a moment longer, he picked her up in his arms and took her inside the palace.
When he entered, he yelled out, “Help! She’s wounded,” he told the first servant whose face turned pale when he realized the person Alec was holding was Deianarah. “Well don’t just stand there man, help me get her inside.”
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel had been in the front once more, though she had no unit for a long time she always fought with other units. Taking care not to be overwhelmed she was a most skilled reinforcement nonetheless.
Once again the forces of C'thonia and it's allies met defeat, the legions of Sol advanced without mercy and fought for each and every inch of the city. Sil resisted as much as she could, fending off attacks from the bloody Soliferites, and tearing them down in whirlwind of death.
She looked fiercer than usual, savage, as ruthless as the attackers, splitting skulls open and cutting men in half with powerful swings of her sword. It did not matter how much horror and gore surrounded her, she seemed to be in a trance, just going on without hesitating or even noticing it all.
That is until she heard Alec's voice calling for retreat, worried about Deinarah's safety as always she followed his command immediately. Running desperately through the piles of corpses she finally reached the palace, and saw what happened. Her face turned pale, but she looked far more desperate than the servant.
She then cried to the servant
"Are you deaf?! Now!" the man hurried to obey, she then turned to another who had just arrived.
"And you! Tell my girls to bring me all my things to help Dei!"
The man hesitated for a moment but quickly left
Finally she turned to Alec, and froze for moment saying faintly "Alec..."
She then shrugged and proceeded in her desperate but firm tone. "Let's go, you know the way, place her in the bed, I will do something, we can speak on the way"
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec looked to the same woman he had only seen the day before, and vaguely wondered how she knew his name or who he was, when he had no clue whatsoever. Nevertheless, there were more pressing matters at hand, and he nodded putting the thought to the back of his mind, taking his sister down the hall in the direction of her bedchamber.
Thain had thankfully recovered, but they seemed to be replacing the King for his would be Queen. Alec looked down to his sister’s blood matted hair and swallowed. She had been brutality hit to the head and had most likely lost consciousness due to the injury. Closing his eyes briefly, he swallowed. Nothing better happen to her on his watch or he would kill every single Soliferite and bathe in their blood for pleasure. The thought brought a tremor of horror and he tried to shake off the anger.
“Who are you?” Alec then asked the woman, trying to take his mind off the hate he was feeling.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel barely noticed anything until Alec asked her name, she then stopped looking in horror to Dei's face and looked into his eyes, and said.
"My name is Silmeriel Orgauth"
She then approached Deianarah, and gently touched her to examine the wound, her expression was serious and didn't get any better after seeing it. She sighed and spoke once more, her voice now low and calm but clearly showing she was suffering.
"It's a complicated wound...I think I can heal it, but it will take time and there may be...consequences, the impact was too strong, but Dei's strong she can...she will resist"
It was clear that she was almost bursting into tears and looked back all time to see if the servants had arrived with her things. Still she kept controlling herself.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec watched the other woman curiously and wondered exactly how close she was to his sister. “Yes, Dei is strong,” he echoed absently, having set her into the bed. He didn’t want to leave his sister’s side, but there was still much to do. Almost immediately a rush of people entered to care for the Duchess. He put his hand on the other woman’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I leave her in your care, I will return, inform me the moment she wakes.” His eyes looked straight into Silmeriel’s and he gave her one last nod before leaving, in search of Isabel to see if she was well.
It wasn’t long after, he returned, recruited what men he could and returned once more to the battle to fight for this new realm he had miraculously landed into, which he was quickly becoming attached to.
'''Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian'''
Cassidy groaned as she sat up in her bed, her head swimming. Her wounds had been well taken care of while she had been unconscious. She looked around for a scribe, but was perplexed to find no one in her room. Sighing, she laid back down and read the letter on her bedside table from her brother.
Your captain sent me a short letter detailing that you were wounded in battle. Although we still hold differing opinions, I would like to let you know that I am on my way to Azros to see you. Blood is, after all, thicker than water.
I will see you soon.
Cassidy couldn't help but smile. Perhaps her brother would come around, after all.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel nodded too when Alec did, and immediately started working on stabilizing Deianarah’s condition. Applying herbs and potions of all kinds with care over the wounds, and covering it with bandages. She couldn't even blink, all her attention was focused on healing Deianarah and worked on it for hours, thinking on all possibilities and the best thing to do.
Finally she then sighed relieved, apparently she would survive. There could be some collateral damage but it was almost certain that she would survive. Her body reacted fastly to the fey medicine. Probably because she already had previous contacts with the Fey Plane. And had been treated by Sil before once.
She looked back and saw Thain arrive and though she still had hard feelings for the man she didn't even remember those and kneeled before him as soon as he entered the room. She was pale, trembling and covered in cold sweat but her eyes seemed more calm than before, her voice came out faint and tired.
"Your majesty, her situation is now stable, it's almost certain she will survive. There may be consequences of the wound, but we cannot know before she recovers. Her body is reacting well to the medicine."
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain hurried into the palace, and burst into the royal bedchamber, not hearing Silmeriel in the slightest, he rushed over to Dei and held her in his arms, and kissed her.
"Don't go doing that on me a'thaisce. Especially not while you're carrying our child." he whispered to her, looking into her eyes.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Her head was pounding, and the slightest movement made her world spin. Deianarah slowly opened her eyes to see Silmeriel above her, extremely focused on her task.
As if startled Sil then noticed Deianarah was looking at her, but almost immediately she was away from the bedside and to the ground, speaking to Thain. Only Thain didn’t seem to be aware of her at all and all his attention was on Dei. He sat beside her, took her in his arms and kissed her. The swaying of the room made her close her eyes tightly and she held on to Thain for support, hoping the spinning would stop.
“I’m sorry,” she spoke for the first time, her voice was hoarse, lacking its usual honeyed tone.  She couldn’t remember what she had done, or how she had gotten to her bed at all. “What happened?” she asked him, frowning, and then she groaned.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Sil looked terribly embarrassed for a moment, she blushed profusely, turned to the door and said faintly before going.
"I..I'll come check...your me need something"
She left walking fast, looking down and avoiding everyone else.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain looked down at her and whispered.
"You took a hit to the head in battle while I was laid up. Its okay, you're fine now, and we've driven them from the city. They'll pay for this dearly." he said, the usual kindness in his eye wasn't there.
'''Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth'''
Nihilus passed through each of the corridors in the palace, and kissed all the palace's maids on his way singing and playing the lute. He then rushed to a room there were he took bath and got clean and comfortable clothes and a cloak.
As always however he still carried the rapiers and the lute.
He resumed his "march" through the corridors, being joined by many other enthusiastic nobles around who apreciated his style. He looked radiant the shadow of the old Nihilus gone once more. Still his eyes were scarred by sorrow. And while singing in one of the may corridors he saw Sil passing with haste.
Immediately he stopped and told the others to wait, he followed her to the room she was staying and closed the doors. She was on the bed, crying, he approached slowly and held her in his arms and said.
"It's okay girl, you can cry, I know what you're going through, and you will only feel better once you let it out"
"Don't keep it locked inside you, come, I am your cousin, I'll stay here with you if you want"
Sil looked up and said in a sweet weak voice
"Thanks Nil, but I don't wanna keep you, I am fine I..."
"Nonsense" he said "I was just having fun with some drunken fools, I can do that later, you're family, you're my priority"
And there he stood holding her for a few hours until she fell asleep, despite the sadness he looked relieved when he came out and quickly resumed the singing and all the party.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah nodded weakly at what Thain said. She tried but she couldn’t recall any of it. Her hand lowered from his neck to her stomach, cradling it protectively and she reached over to take his hand and set it over hers. The warmth from his hands a comfort.  She was still very dazed and her thoughts seemed murky, as if in a jumble with no order. “Stay with me?” she asked. “I will be ready to fight, soon enough and then I will join you again.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Of course." he whispered to her, and slid away to doff his armor, and shed his gore saturated clothing, and climbed into bed with her, holding her close to him.
"You need to be more careful. We need to get you some archers to command. No more infantry for you."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“Mmm hmm,” Dei agreed quietly and leaned her head on Thain’s shoulder. She again, put her hand over her stomach. At least for the duration of her pregnancy yes, leading archers would probably be a safer alternative.
Closing her eyes, she quickly fell asleep.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain stayed with her for awhile longer, making sure she was sound asleep before slowly slipping out from under her and going to tend to his men. He made his rounds, and sneered in disgust at the drunks in his corridors. He quietly whispered to the captain of the guard,
"Clear this riff raff out from my palace, and clean up the mess. This is not their residence, and I don't want them disturbing Dei while she rests."
'''Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth'''
"Awww! Come on..."
Said Nihilus as he saw the captain of the guard approaching. The man was serious but hesitant, Nihilus was popular in the palace and he didn't want to be too harsh. But the king's orders had to be followed.
"Sorry Lord Nihilus, orders from..."
"The king, I know I know, Thain needs to smile more often, drink a bit more and dance a bit, after all what use is fighting against evil if you don't enjoy good? But alright, he I know he won't do this anytime soon stubborn as he is, I'll sing outside alright? Right besides the fountain near the gates"
"Come boys and girls, let us enjoy life and victory outside, the palace is apparently to depressing to accept us"
And so they moved out, but singing all the way till the fountain, where they started inviting other nobles for a small celebration.
'''Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian'''
Cassidy called for a scribe. She wanted to get a letter to Deianarah, she had heard that she had fallen and wanted to be sure that her friend was all right. Quickly, she had the scribe write a most concerned letter and sent him off. She then took some paper herself and penned a letter to Beorac.
'''Roleplay from Elys Athins'''
Elys sat in the guardhouse by the gate, her eyes closed. The pain in her head had subsided some, but she could not decide if that was a blessing or a curse. As the pain had withered, so had the numbness in her body. She could feel every cut and bruise she had taken in the first battle now. Her body burned and ached, she couldn't even bear to don her armor for this battle.
She had been given the gate to defend, a good thing too as it meant less fighting. Dizzy spells would come over her when she moved to fast, she wondered how long that inconvenience would last.
Her Phoenix Guard waited behind the gate. She had allowed them to open a small door on the gate to peer out at the Soliferum ranks.
Melandy had only been able to find eight men after the first battle, so Elys had sent the girl to find the last of the emergency gold her family had sent her with that she kept hidden in her estate. When the girl had returned Elys had felt good enough to rise off her cot, and had gone to the recruiting center herself. Her Guard was almost back to it's former strength now, and stood 37 men strong. Men might be the wrong word, most of the fresh recruits were green young boys from the city, eager to help defend their home. She could not deny their zeal, but they knew nothing of the horrors of battle and she trusted them little.
War horns sounded, and Elys could hear singing from atop the wall. She opened her eyes and stood slowly.
The shout had come from nearby. Could the Soliferites be so close so soon? She ran for the door of the guard shack and begun to scream, "Close tha..." Her voice trailed off as she saw the last of her men filing through the door. She ran over to peer out it.
Her Guard ran at the advancing Solferite ranks like a rabble of untrained peasants. She could see arrows take flight and land among her men. Many fell, and the rest paused, reevaluating their decision. It was too late though, the enemy infantry was on them. Some turned and ran and were cut down, others tried to fight and were cut down the same. A few made the door, and she stepped aside to let them through. She tried to close the door after they had passed, but the Solferites were too close behind.
She unsheathed her sword and stepped out infront of the door, swinging wildly. Her timing was perfect, and her blade met the first man through the door's face with a wicked crack, his blood splattering over her. The next man through was a bit smarter. He blocked her first thrust, but in doing so over extended himself. With her left hand Elys slid a dagger into his open belly.
The third man met her first stroke, then her second and her third. She sidestepped and parried one of his thrust, and attempted to spin behind him. Dizziness caught her then, and she stumbled and fell to the ground face first. She turned to see the Solferite, sword poised above his head ready to slash down and take her life. She begun to raise her sword to meet the blow when she noticed half a foot of spear had emerged from the man's chest.
She looked to the door, to see one of the gate guards had slammed it shut and was barring it. Another, the man whom had speared her foe offered her a hand to help her up, which she gladly took.
From above she could hear the sounds of the battle raging. She stood leaning against a wall for some time. She could hear pounding at the gate, but none ever emerged through. Soon both the pounding and the din from the battle above subsided. She heard a war horn sound, and saw the gate guards run to open the gate. She did her best to help them, and soon her realm mates and allies were rushing through to meet what was left of the Solferite host.
She thought of joining them, but remembered the dizzy spells and realized she be more like to die than to help. Instead she watched from the gate. The fighting was bloody, wounded and retreated men continually filed past. In the end a single Cathay stood, as the last unit of enemy archers broke and ran. Cheers broke out, and excitement overwhelmed all who remained to see the victory. A day and a half of bloody fighting, but they had defended their city against Conan's goons.
'''Roleplay from Elys Athins'''
Elys made her way to the palace after the battle, never bothering to change or wash. Blood still spattered her cloths and her face but none seemed to care. She stopped in a few different taverns to celebrate the victory drinking with whoever offered a toast.
When she finally reached the palace hours later she came upon the merriment. A nobleman she did not know was playing a lute. She danced with a few soldiers and sang with some noblewomen. Through the drink and merriment the pain in her head was forgotten, though she did fall into dizzy spells a few time.
When the guards came to clear them from the palace she resisted, even slapping on who tried to grab her to lead her out. Finally they convinced her to go, and she stumbled outside, glad to see the merriment was continuing outside near a fountain. She quickly joined in again.
'''Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia'''
Alpha regained consciousness at an inn located in a part of Azros that remained in friendly hands. He slowly stood, feeling nauseous. He called to his squire to prepare his armor, the knowledge that Soliferum would not cease attacking until they had been thrown from the walls. While the Warmaster was being dressed in his armor, his physician was checking him. His armor was stained with blood, who it belong to was hard to say.
He stormed from the building followed by 9 of his men who remained in fighting condition. Captain Lanfried caught up. “My Lord, Soliferum advances again, allied forces are rallying at the walls.”
This time, the battle was nearly even. As Alpha arrived at the wall the battle had just begun. Positions were assumed and the fighting raged. His men were utterly driven from the field halfway through the battle. Even after the fighting continued until only one unit from each force remained, and when all was done C’thonia’s banner once again waved on the walls.

Revision as of 12:34, 17 December 2012