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''<span style="font-size: 16px">Below are segments from Evalynn's&nbsp; journal, roleplay, letters etc:</span>''
''<span style="font-size: 16px">Below are segments from interesting journal, roleplay, letters concerning Evalynn etc:</span>''

<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0)">"<span style="font-size:18px">T</span>oday I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.&nbsp; I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."</span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0)">"<span style="font-size:18px">T</span>oday I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.&nbsp; I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."</span>
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<span style="color:#800000">[[Ironsun Family/Aeolus|Aeolus Ironsun]]&nbsp; Elder Saint of Tersea of [[Church of Ibladesh]], Marshal of the Army of Ramsus Protectors" </span>
<span style="color:#800000">[[Ironsun Family/Aeolus|Aeolus Ironsun]]&nbsp; Elder Saint of Tersea of [[Church of Ibladesh]], Marshal of the Army of Ramsus Protectors" </span>

<span style="color:#4b0082">'''<u>Swearing an oath of loyalty:</u>'''<u></u>
<span style="color:#0000cd">'''<u>Swearing an oath of loyalty:</u>''' </span>

"<span style="font-size:18px">M</span>y liege,<br/>I wish to join your ranks and serve in these trying times to the best of my ability. I fear I did not respond to your offer sooner as I was on a pilgrimage of faith. I know that our four great Gods will be instrumental in guiding our hands as we strive to fight and reclaim and rebuild this great society. But I am ready to fight and to follow your wisdom and leadership. I lay down my sword before you as a token of my pledge and loyalty.<br/><br/>May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you,<br/><br/>Sincerely,<br/>Evalynn"<br/></span>
<span style="color:#0000cd">"<span style="font-size: 18px">M</span>y liege,<br/>I wish to join your ranks and serve in these trying times to the best of my ability. I fear I did not respond to your offer sooner as I was on a pilgrimage of faith. I know that our four great Gods will be instrumental in guiding our hands as we strive to fight and reclaim and rebuild this great society. But I am ready to fight and to follow your wisdom and leadership. I lay down my sword before you as a token of my pledge and loyalty.<br/><br/>May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you,<br/><br/>Sincerely,<br/>Evalynn"</span>

<span style="color:#008080">"<span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn smiled as the carrier handed her the letter. A letter today she was surprised. Who could of sent it she wondered. She read the letter from Aeolus and her smile grew. Did this mean what she hoped. She was going to be initiated as a follower of Tersea in the church? Recently her life had taken a sudden unexpected turn when she was offered a small break from working in the army to purchase a couple of caravans and travel to help move food during the coming harvests. She felt that this opportunity was a blessing from the noble and great Tersea.&nbsp; She barely Knew Elder Ironsun but she had developed a great respect and appreciation for the amazing man that he was. And was ever grateful for his kindness and friendship. Walking to the small desk in the room she was staying in she sat down and pulled out her bottle of ink to reply."</span>
<span style="color:#008080">"<span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn smiled as the carrier handed her the letter. A letter today she was surprised. Who could of sent it she wondered. She read the letter from Aeolus and her smile grew. Did this mean what she hoped. She was going to be initiated as a follower of Tersea in the church? Recently her life had taken a sudden unexpected turn when she was offered a small break from working in the army to purchase a couple of caravans and travel to help move food during the coming harvests. She felt that this opportunity was a blessing from the noble and great Tersea.&nbsp; She barely Knew Elder Ironsun but she had developed a great respect and appreciation for the amazing man that he was. And was ever grateful for his kindness and friendship. Walking to the small desk in the room she was staying in she sat down and pulled out her bottle of ink to reply."</span>
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<span style="color:#800080">"<span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn was amazed she had survived the monster assault they had been so out numbered. She looked around the battlefield and her eyes brimmed with tears for the men that had fought bravely against the monster scourge and yet had fallen. She quickly composed herself there was still so much to be done. The remainder of her men had been working hard the last few hours to bury their commrades. Evalynn helped place some rocks on each grave as she whispered a prayer for each soldier and their families. She never expected a battle of this magnitude while staying in Jariedma. She desperately hoped that the monster invasion hadn't effected the harvest. "Would the local Lord be willing to open the marketplace today?, she wondered." When she got a moment she quickly wrote a report to send to her liege. She was sure he would wish to know of the recent events."</span>
<span style="color:#800080">"<span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn was amazed she had survived the monster assault they had been so out numbered. She looked around the battlefield and her eyes brimmed with tears for the men that had fought bravely against the monster scourge and yet had fallen. She quickly composed herself there was still so much to be done. The remainder of her men had been working hard the last few hours to bury their commrades. Evalynn helped place some rocks on each grave as she whispered a prayer for each soldier and their families. She never expected a battle of this magnitude while staying in Jariedma. She desperately hoped that the monster invasion hadn't effected the harvest. "Would the local Lord be willing to open the marketplace today?, she wondered." When she got a moment she quickly wrote a report to send to her liege. She was sure he would wish to know of the recent events."</span>

<span style="color: rgb(0, 100, 0)">"<span style="font-size: 18px">E</span>arlier this afternoon Evalynn had taken a walk along the nearby lake, enjoying, for a few minutes, the beauty of Al Arab. Along her walk she was excited when she found some ripe wild berries. Gathering up what she could carry in the folds of her dress she had hurried back to town. She went to work making the berries into a delicious pie. As it sat cooling she finished making preparations to leave Al Arab but before she left she stopped at the home of </span><span style="color:#800000">[[Ironsun Family/Aeolus|Aeolus Ironsun]]</span><span style="color:#006400">. She wasn't sure if he would be home but she knocked softly on the door anyway.</span>
'''<span style="color:#ee82ee"><u>Romantical intrique:</u></span>'''<span style="color:#ee82ee"><u> </u></span>
<span style="color:#006400">'''{side note: the following roleplay segments where compiled by the players of Aeolus Ironsun and Evalynn Jadewarrior. Green text is what Aeolus wrote while pink is what Evalynn wrote.}''' </span>
<span style="color:#ee82ee">"<span style="font-size: 18px">E</span>arlier this afternoon Evalynn had taken a walk along the nearby lake, enjoying, for a few minutes, the beauty of Al Arab. Along her walk she was excited when she found some ripe wild berries. Gathering up what she could carry in the folds of her dress she had hurried back to town. She went to work making the berries into a delicious pie. As it sat cooling she finished making preparations to leave Al Arab but before she left she stopped at the home of </span>[[Ironsun Family/Aeolus|<span style="color:#ee82ee">Aeolus Ironsun</span>]]<span style="color:#ee82ee">. She wasn't sure if he would be home but she knocked softly on the door anyway.</span>
<span style="color:#006400"><span style="font-size:18px"><span style="font-size:14px">"</span>A</span>eolus was sitting at his desk, reading and writing letters. He was dressed in red satin as it was the latest fashion design from the local couturiers. As Duke you never knew when an official visitor from the church or another Duke came buy to bring his regards - or make some demnds. Anyway it was wise to be nicely dressed at all times.<br/><br/>While dressed beautifully, the face of the Elder Saint wasn't happy at all. He just was reading the messge about Priest Clarences suicide as it knocked on the door of his study.<br/><br/>"Elder Saint, I'm sorry to disturb you. you have a visitor."<br/>"Ahh ... not now. I can't stand to make a happy face to yet another region Lord, while Priest committed suicide. Tell him to come at a later time"<br/>"Alright, my lord I will tell her to go away"<br/>"Her?"<br/>"Yes, my lord. It is a lady from the house of Jadewarrior."<br/>"Jadewarrior? You mean Lady Evalynn! She is here? At my estate?"<br/>"Yes, my lord. and it seems she brought a present of some kind"<br/>"Really? Well ... bring her in. - No, no ... wait. I'll go to the door myself."<br/>"Yourself? As you wish, my lord."<br/><br/>The Duke left his study, passed the first floor hallway and made his way through the vast estate right to the entry hall on ground floor. There he turned to one of the guards.<br/><br/>"Is she still waiting outside?"<br/>"Yes, my Lord. We asked her to wait for response."<br/>"And you made her wait outside? Shame on you, soldier!"<br/>"I'm sorry my Lord. I didn't know ..."<br/>"Never, mind. Just open the door already!"<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Dame Evlaynn was waiting in front of the main entrance. After she had knocked on the door, one of the guards politely asked her to wait a few minutes and a liitle time fter tht the door opened again. However, this time it was no guard at all. A tall, handsome man - Evalynn estimated his age around 40 - in fancy clothes made of red satin was standing at the entrance.<br/><br/>"Lady Evalynn, I suppose? My name is Elder Saint Ironsun, Duke of Al Arab. Nice to finally make your acquaintance. Please come in - and if your visit isn't of an official nature, plese call me "Aeolus". What can I do for you?"<br/><br/>The Duke opened the door himself and escorted the lady to the vast entrance hall. There, he kindly smiled at her, waiting for her response."</span>
<span style="color:#ee82ee">"<span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn eyes lite up as she realized the man standing before her was Aeolus Ironsun. She tried to hide her surprise and awe as she smiled sweetly.<br/><br/>"A pleasure to meet you as well Aeolus."<br/><br/>She tried not to blush as she smiled again. Something she couldn't help doing. She looked down at the pie in her hands.<br/><br/>"Well I don't really have an official reason for stopping by. I just thought of you when I made this today and wanted to drop it off before I left for Ibladesh." She looked up at the great man as she continued. "I hope I didn't disturb you at a bad time. "</span>
<span style="color:#006400">"<span style="font-size:18px">A</span>eolus eyes went to the cake Evalynn had brought but only for some minor part of a second. Looking into her eyes again Aeolus smiled and said:<br/><br/>"What a nice present - especially at times of starvation. I'm looking forward to tasting it ... and if you would care to join me? Besides, you do not disturb me at all. With all the politics and noble disbutes and quarrels and the different political channels, your visit is a most welcome distraction."<br/><br/>Aeolus orders a nearby servant to take the cake and serve it.<br/><br/>"My Lady, would you like to join me in the dining room?"</span>

<span style="color:#ff8c00">"<span style="font-size:18px">A</span>ll day a melody kept running through Evalynn's mind. She had received word of the recent battles and her heart was full of glad tidings as she entered the beautiful temple grounds in Itor Boss. As she walked towards the door her heart was so full she found herself unable to keep from singing. Her voice seemed to carry with the wind a reverant melody...</span>
<span style="color:#ff8c00">"<span style="font-size:18px">A</span>ll day a melody kept running through Evalynn's mind. She had received word of the recent battles and her heart was full of glad tidings as she entered the beautiful temple grounds in Itor Boss. As she walked towards the door her heart was so full she found herself unable to keep from singing. Her voice seemed to carry with the wind a reverant melody...</span>
<p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">"Twas not many a night ago, The land was wrought by foes. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Some noblemen went running while brave men swung heavy blows. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">Today we praise our Gods. For victories against all odds.</span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">we lift our hearts and minds, "Thank you benevolent Gods!" </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">Ramsus we thank you for the courage to see us thru. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Sartan we thank you, for honor that rang true. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Kokini we thank you for keen eyes you construe. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">And all charming Tersea, for your divine wisdom we thank you." </span></p>
<p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">"Twas not many a night ago, The land was wrought by foes. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Some noblemen went running while brave men swung heavy blows. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">Today we praise our Gods. For victories against all odds.</span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">we lift our hearts and minds, "Thank you benevolent Gods!" </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color:#ff8c00">Ramsus we thank you for the courage to see us thru. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Sartan we thank you, for honor that rang true. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">Kokini we thank you for keen eyes you construe. </span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 0)">And all charming Tersea, for your divine wisdom we thank you." </span></p>
<span style="color:#ff8c00">After she finished singing. She quietly enterd the temple where she would kneel before the great Gods. Her eyes closed as she prayed. Unloading her heart and inner thoughts to the Gods who watched over the great land of Ibladesh."</span>
<span style="color:#ff8c00">After she finished singing. She quietly enterd the temple where she would kneel before the great Gods. Her eyes closed as she prayed. Unloading her heart and inner thoughts to the Gods who watched over the great land of Ibladesh."</span>

Revision as of 21:48, 12 October 2011


Evalynn Jadewarrior is a young woman of both grace and beauty. She is soft spoken and prefers resolving conflict without battle or bloodshed.  Some who have met her say she is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day as she has a cheerful disposition and is almost always smiling . She has a sharp mind and would willingly give clothes from her own back to help those in need.  She resides in the great land of Ibladesh. Where she is very fond of the people and the great  Church of Ibladesh.    She has resolved to spend her life serving the noble goddess Tersea who guides her on her path.

Below are segments from interesting journal, roleplay, letters concerning Evalynn etc:

"Today I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.  I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."

Joining the church:

"Evalynn couldn't stop smiling as she curled her long brunette hair. And stepped into her favorite green dress. She knew today was a special day. She had felt the loving guidance of someone watching over her all her life.  It was because of this feeling that she had grown into a lady with a cheerful disposition and a heart full of compassion.      

When she was visited by the benevolent priest Isadore, Evalynn couldn't begin to describe the feeling that over came her. It was almost as if two loving sets of arms like that of a father and mother where suddenly wrapped around her waist filling her with such overwhelming love and radiance. And when he had mentioned Ramsus she had again felt that loving warmth wash over her as her heart was filled with courage. And when he mentioned Teresa the noble goddess of wisdom, Evalynn felt her mind awaken as if a door was suddenly opened and a path set before her shinning with radiant light.   After Isadore had left she had felt compelled to travel to the capital so she could visit one of the great temples and express her love and devotion"

"After spending quite some time in the temple of Ibladesh Evalynn felt that her pilgrimage had come to an end. She had a better understanding of her place in this world and the knowledge that she had a purpose and she felt the love and guidance of Tersea and Ramsus guiding her on her path. She finished writing the letter she had been working on and carefully sealed it. She would find someone to send the letter to the church elders before she left the temple. Then she softly kneeled before the great gods and whispered a prayer of gratitude and thanks to the Four Great and Beloved Gods before leaving the temple."

"Dearest Elders,        

There are no words to express the things I have learned and felt these past days. I felt completely separated from the world as I was caught up in listening to your sermons and learning as much as I could about the Great and Wonderful Four.         

As I have searched and pondered, prayed and reflected I have constantly felt a warmth and a confirmation in my heart. I feel that hard times are coming apon us and I trust and know that Our Beloved Gods will be instrumental in guiding us through these times. I wish so much to serve the great and beloved Tersea and I know ultimately she is guiding me on the path before me as she has been guiding me unseen my entire life.         

It has been impressed apon my heart that I will also have to pick up my sword and fight in these coming days. And how can I not when I know Ramsus is our guide. May you be forever blessed for your service to these great Gods and for bringing me into the fold. May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you."

"Sister Evalynn,        

I'm truly happy to hear that you find comfort in our holy prayers and that you feel the calling to serve all-charming Tersea. She blesses our traders with wisdom and fortune, but she also smiles upon those who are willing to take the sword in order to protect our wealth.        

May the noble goddess of trade and economics bless you with wisdom and abundance.

For Tersea, 

Aeolus Ironsun  Elder Saint of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus Protectors"

Swearing an oath of loyalty:

"My liege,
I wish to join your ranks and serve in these trying times to the best of my ability. I fear I did not respond to your offer sooner as I was on a pilgrimage of faith. I know that our four great Gods will be instrumental in guiding our hands as we strive to fight and reclaim and rebuild this great society. But I am ready to fight and to follow your wisdom and leadership. I lay down my sword before you as a token of my pledge and loyalty.

May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you,


"Evalynn smiled as the carrier handed her the letter. A letter today she was surprised. Who could of sent it she wondered. She read the letter from Aeolus and her smile grew. Did this mean what she hoped. She was going to be initiated as a follower of Tersea in the church? Recently her life had taken a sudden unexpected turn when she was offered a small break from working in the army to purchase a couple of caravans and travel to help move food during the coming harvests. She felt that this opportunity was a blessing from the noble and great Tersea.  She barely Knew Elder Ironsun but she had developed a great respect and appreciation for the amazing man that he was. And was ever grateful for his kindness and friendship. Walking to the small desk in the room she was staying in she sat down and pulled out her bottle of ink to reply."

"Evalynn was amazed she had survived the monster assault they had been so out numbered. She looked around the battlefield and her eyes brimmed with tears for the men that had fought bravely against the monster scourge and yet had fallen. She quickly composed herself there was still so much to be done. The remainder of her men had been working hard the last few hours to bury their commrades. Evalynn helped place some rocks on each grave as she whispered a prayer for each soldier and their families. She never expected a battle of this magnitude while staying in Jariedma. She desperately hoped that the monster invasion hadn't effected the harvest. "Would the local Lord be willing to open the marketplace today?, she wondered." When she got a moment she quickly wrote a report to send to her liege. She was sure he would wish to know of the recent events."

Romantical intrique:

{side note: the following roleplay segments where compiled by the players of Aeolus Ironsun and Evalynn Jadewarrior. Green text is what Aeolus wrote while pink is what Evalynn wrote.}

"Earlier this afternoon Evalynn had taken a walk along the nearby lake, enjoying, for a few minutes, the beauty of Al Arab. Along her walk she was excited when she found some ripe wild berries. Gathering up what she could carry in the folds of her dress she had hurried back to town. She went to work making the berries into a delicious pie. As it sat cooling she finished making preparations to leave Al Arab but before she left she stopped at the home of Aeolus Ironsun. She wasn't sure if he would be home but she knocked softly on the door anyway.

"Aeolus was sitting at his desk, reading and writing letters. He was dressed in red satin as it was the latest fashion design from the local couturiers. As Duke you never knew when an official visitor from the church or another Duke came buy to bring his regards - or make some demnds. Anyway it was wise to be nicely dressed at all times.

While dressed beautifully, the face of the Elder Saint wasn't happy at all. He just was reading the messge about Priest Clarences suicide as it knocked on the door of his study.

"Elder Saint, I'm sorry to disturb you. you have a visitor."
"Ahh ... not now. I can't stand to make a happy face to yet another region Lord, while Priest committed suicide. Tell him to come at a later time"
"Alright, my lord I will tell her to go away"
"Yes, my lord. It is a lady from the house of Jadewarrior."
"Jadewarrior? You mean Lady Evalynn! She is here? At my estate?"
"Yes, my lord. and it seems she brought a present of some kind"
"Really? Well ... bring her in. - No, no ... wait. I'll go to the door myself."
"Yourself? As you wish, my lord."

The Duke left his study, passed the first floor hallway and made his way through the vast estate right to the entry hall on ground floor. There he turned to one of the guards.

"Is she still waiting outside?"
"Yes, my Lord. We asked her to wait for response."
"And you made her wait outside? Shame on you, soldier!"
"I'm sorry my Lord. I didn't know ..."
"Never, mind. Just open the door already!"


Dame Evlaynn was waiting in front of the main entrance. After she had knocked on the door, one of the guards politely asked her to wait a few minutes and a liitle time fter tht the door opened again. However, this time it was no guard at all. A tall, handsome man - Evalynn estimated his age around 40 - in fancy clothes made of red satin was standing at the entrance.

"Lady Evalynn, I suppose? My name is Elder Saint Ironsun, Duke of Al Arab. Nice to finally make your acquaintance. Please come in - and if your visit isn't of an official nature, plese call me "Aeolus". What can I do for you?"

The Duke opened the door himself and escorted the lady to the vast entrance hall. There, he kindly smiled at her, waiting for her response."

"Evalynn eyes lite up as she realized the man standing before her was Aeolus Ironsun. She tried to hide her surprise and awe as she smiled sweetly.

"A pleasure to meet you as well Aeolus."

She tried not to blush as she smiled again. Something she couldn't help doing. She looked down at the pie in her hands.

"Well I don't really have an official reason for stopping by. I just thought of you when I made this today and wanted to drop it off before I left for Ibladesh." She looked up at the great man as she continued. "I hope I didn't disturb you at a bad time. "

"Aeolus eyes went to the cake Evalynn had brought but only for some minor part of a second. Looking into her eyes again Aeolus smiled and said:

"What a nice present - especially at times of starvation. I'm looking forward to tasting it ... and if you would care to join me? Besides, you do not disturb me at all. With all the politics and noble disbutes and quarrels and the different political channels, your visit is a most welcome distraction."

Aeolus orders a nearby servant to take the cake and serve it.

"My Lady, would you like to join me in the dining room?"

"All day a melody kept running through Evalynn's mind. She had received word of the recent battles and her heart was full of glad tidings as she entered the beautiful temple grounds in Itor Boss. As she walked towards the door her heart was so full she found herself unable to keep from singing. Her voice seemed to carry with the wind a reverant melody...

"Twas not many a night ago, The land was wrought by foes.

Some noblemen went running while brave men swung heavy blows.

Today we praise our Gods. For victories against all odds.

we lift our hearts and minds, "Thank you benevolent Gods!"

Ramsus we thank you for the courage to see us thru.

Sartan we thank you, for honor that rang true.

Kokini we thank you for keen eyes you construe.

And all charming Tersea, for your divine wisdom we thank you."

After she finished singing. She quietly enterd the temple where she would kneel before the great Gods. Her eyes closed as she prayed. Unloading her heart and inner thoughts to the Gods who watched over the great land of Ibladesh."