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'''Lirth''': ''Mardel's scribe''<br>
'''Lirth''': ''Mardel's scribe''<br>
Lirth good at his job but not very proactive.
Lirth good at his job but not very proactive.
'''Onka''': ''Mardel's engineer''<br>

'''The Urchin''': ''An independant merchant''<br>
'''The Urchin''': ''An independant merchant''<br>
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'''Mardel''': A fine display... Count Malice. A pleasure to meet you. I hurried to be here after receiving your letter of warning. Quite an introduction to the region! I hope there are no more of those foul things hiding in the hills. Perhaps we can leave the men to recover our wounded, and retire for some paperwork and perhaps a brandy?
'''Mardel''': A fine display... Count Malice. A pleasure to meet you. I hurried to be here after receiving your letter of warning. Quite an introduction to the region! I hope there are no more of those foul things hiding in the hills. Perhaps we can leave the men to recover our wounded, and retire for some paperwork and perhaps a brandy?
===Seeing the Serpaent===
20 Jul 2011<br>
to all of Carelia
''Mardel explores the area of Atblane. Having defeated some undead, spent time with Count Malice, and had a particularly pleasant dinner of meat and cheese, he is feeling positive as he wanders towards the unassuming temple of Magna Serpaensism.''
''As his thoughts drift between his recent fighting, the great serpaent as described on a sign outside the temple, and the difficulty of locating a fruit crumble to supplement his dinner, he becomes aware of a sound behind him.''
''His thoughts of fighting become reality when suddenly he finds himself with a knife in his side... but as he moves to push it away, it's not there, and its owner is not there, and his balance is not there, and light is not there as the world turns dark.''
''The pain worsens as he drops to the ground, and then he is distracted by the light... not the dim light from the temple that was there before, but a bright light, twisting and swirling in his head, or in his memory, or in front of him... confused and hurt, he hears voices, musical voices, their melodies swirling in reaction to the light, and as the light and sound wind around each other and mask his pain, he falls unconscious.''
''[some time later]''
'''Healer''': Sir?
'''Mardel''' ''[waking]'': Wh.. who?
'''Healer''': Please, sir, do not move. You must rest.
'''Mardel''' ''[feeling the bandages with his hand]'': How... what is it?
'''Healer''': Sir, you were stabbed by the temple door. Some of your men saw a figure running towards the hills - it might have been your attacker.
'''Mardel''': Is it bad?
'''Healer''': It should be. It appears to have pierced your liver, yet through some sort of miracle, you are not dead. I cannot explain it; I only hope that you take advantage of it and come to a full recovery. Which means you'll not be leaving this bed.
'''Mardel''' ''[comforted by the thought of bedrest]'': It wasn't a miracle... there was a light, a swirling... no, a whirling... a wavy light, and the sound - when they joined together the pain went.
'''Healer''': Sir, you should sleep.
'''Mardel''': The wav... oh my! Like a serpent! A bright white serpent, singing as it removed my pain! Perhaps... ''The'' Serpaent... perhaps...
''The Healer shakes his head in concern as he leaves Mardel to sleep off his remarkably light wounds.''

Revision as of 21:53, 21 July 2011

The Cast:

Mardel Waroe: Knight of Carelia
Mardel is a relatively intelligent but lazy individual, with a love of brandy, soothing music, and quiet rest.

Huen: Mardel's valet
Huen is an uninspiring but competent servant.

Lirth: Mardel's scribe
Lirth good at his job but not very proactive.

Onka: Mardel's engineer

The Urchin: An independant merchant
The Urchin hangs around Mardel's unit, selling bootlaces and other items of dubious quality with surprising success.

Mardel's Men:
Mardel commands a small unit of badly-trained infantry:
Trun: One of the better, more senior soldiers
Runic: Another of the better, more senior soldiers

RP Archive

Arrival in Lurgrod

13 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Sullenport's eye-catching skyline had drawn his attention since first it came into sight, but as he finally got back on land, Mardel could hardly believe how long it had taken to reach. Hour upon hour of tedious sailing with the fragrant aroma of yesterday's dinner for company. He, and particularly his stomach, were more than a little glad to be on firm ground.

Mardel [to his valet]: Huen, please find me a fresh set of clothes, and somewhere pleasant and quiet for me to stay. I really don't want to have to walk or ride - or sail - any further today, and I need some sleep.

Huen: Sir, you're in the busiest and most populated place for miles. Quiet is going to be hard to come by.

Mardel: Then you'll have to think harder, my dear man.

Huen: No, really, sir, there's nowhere in Sullenport that is quiet enough for your tastes.

Mardel: That's not thinking harder, that's thinking gently a second time. It's too busy in Sullenport, so...? Well?

Huen [with hesitation]: So... erm... so we leave Sullenport?

Mardel: Better!

Huen: But sir, you didn't want to travel further.

Mardel: No, I said I didn't want to walk further. Or ride further. Or sail further. Definitely definitely not sail further. I have no problems with sitting further.

Huen [with dawning realisation]: But how... oh... oh! Yes, sir.

Half an hour later, after acquiring a horse litter, Mardel is resting in it with his eyes closed as some of his troops and servants, under the guidance of Huen, carry him for the few hours it takes to reach Ambermel.

Mardel [upon arrival in Ambermel four hours later]: Ah, that's much better. A far more pleasing calm. I might just have a sit here for a while.

Lirth: Sir, a couple of letters for you.

Mardel [to his scribe]: Thank you. Give me a summary, good man.

Lirth: One from the Treasurer of the realm, sir, greeting you. I imagine the boat crew informed him of your arrival. And another from Count Trpimir Svebor offering an oath of fealty.

Mardel: My, that was quick. What else does he say?

Lirth: Nothing, sir. Just the paperwork. I tried to find out about him from hamlets we passed on our way here, sir, but found out little apart from the fact that he's recently offered an oath to someone else as well.

Mardel: Someone else? I feel less sought-after now. Was it an offer of fantastic wealth? Or extreme comfort and a quiet but highly fashionable residence?

Lirth: I really have no idea, sir, as I say there's no other information here - I wonder if it'll arrive by separate message. Though I imagine you would like the region itself - it appears relatively reserved.

Mardel: Then I shall consider the offer for a while and see whether I find any others forthcoming, or if this one becomes more appealing. Do notify me if there are any others, Lirth. Particularly if they offer fantastic wealth or extreme comfort. And especially if they offer both. For now, I intend to explore Ambermel a bit. Tomorrow. After breakfast.

Mardel meets the King

14 Jul 2011
to everyone in Ambermel

Mardel [lying on a cushioned seat, sipping some brandy, outside the Wilted Flower Tavern]: Can you not sit still, Lirth, you're spoiling the atmosphere.

Lirth: But sir! The King and General of Carelia are said to be passing through Ambermel at any time. I want to catch a glimpse of them both!

Mardel: Lirth, you could be a while if you are going to wait for two men to pass by. They're one and the same person.

Lirth: Oh? I didn't... oh! There!

Mardel: There what?

Lirth: I see them! I mean, erm, him! Hurry, sir or you shall not have a chance to greet him.

Mardel [rearranging the cushions a little]: You may send a message to him, Liert, if you are so keen for an excuse to see him, and pass him my greetings, and tell him he's welcome to join me here for a glass of brandy if he wishes. I really have no intention of leaving this spot, it's far too comfortable, and besides, I've already ordered some food.


Roleplay from Nathan Simmons

[Nathan rides down the road with the smallest retinue prudence allows when a man runs up to him, bowing profusely.]

Nathan: Can I help you, my good man?

Lirth: G... Grr... Greetings, your majesty. My Master, Sir Mardel Waroe, bids you good tidings, and hopes that you are well, and offers you fine brandy and repose should you wish them near the Wilted Flower Tavern.

Nathan: The Wilted Flower? I have not reposed there in many years. I will accompany you back to your master.


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

[Mardel looks up from his seat, and is pleased to see Lirth approaching alongside a man who he is quick to realise must be the King]

Mardel [standing to receive his guest, indicating a chair to the King, and without waiting, flopping back into his own]: King Nathan! You honour me with your company. Huen! Brandy at once!

Huen: <[looking excited, and running off]: Of course, sir!

Mardel: You'll join me for a drink, King Nathan? They appear to do tolerable brandy here, though it can't compare to my uncle's own, sadly. It is fine indeed to meet you so soon after returning to the area - I have been overseas for much of my youth, but have returned only yesterday to these fine lands, and have had not only a letter of greeting from our Treasurer but also now yourself here in person. I have been most fortunate! But do tell me of the current situation of Carelia, and how I might integrate myself more fully into the realm? I believe you have been King for only a short time?


Letter from Nathan Simmons

[Nathan, unaccustomed to his position, mostly misses the poor showing Mardel makes at the proper courtesies.]

Nathan: Well met, Sir Mardel. For a shot of that brandy I'm sure I can manage to bring you up to date.

[Nathan pours himself a glass and turns the chair around, straddling it almost like a horse.]

Nathan: You see, Sir Mardel, Carelia is in a bit of a rough spot at the moment. After years of catering to the wiles of the Cagilan Empire, our northwesterly neighbor, we, along with much of the rest of the continent, have decided to cast off their yoke and declare war. We formed an alliance with our two southern neighbors, Caergoth and Suville, and much of the north, especially the Barony and Darka, formed one, as well.

[Nathan sips his drink.]

Nathan: The problem is that Talerium and Tara have sided with the Empire. And, with their forces combined, they actually have a larger armed forces than the smaller kingdoms arrayed against them.

[Nathan takes another sip.]

Nathan: It did not help that Darka refuses to declare war on Talerium, their neighbor, which means any fight where Talerium defends the Empire, Darka sits out, leaving the Barony on their own. Thus, Tara and Talerium can mostly hold the northern front of the war, leaving the Empire to focus on the south. Our allies refused to declare war on Tara to pull them south, and we could not face a two-front war alone, so we have fought a war along our western border that has seen pretty much every province razed to the ground and most of the peasants killed. Our one major gain, Skalk, was recently reclaimed by the Empire.

[Nathan takes another sip.]

Nathan: And then, Suville, for a number of trumped up reasons, including my religion, a miscommunication at the front, and not getting sufficient territorial gain from the war, pulled out of the war and declared peace with the Empire. We expected them to be turncoats from the start, but it was still a blow. They tended not to fully support the war in the first place... both of our allies have capitals far from the front, which made things difficult to start, and often left us attempting to hold back the full might of the Empire alone.

[Nathan finishes the rest of his drink in one swig.]

Nathan: Which brings us to the present state of affairs. Caergoth is going through a bit of a succession crisis, and it's unsure how that will play out yet, though I believe however it does, they will remain strong allies, and likely open the Taran front. Coria has also declared war on Tara, and is making inroads. With luck, that will mean the Empire has to focus more on the north, and less on us.

[Nathan stands again.]

Nathan: In any case, welcome to the Kingdom, Sir Mardel. Things are in a state of flux, but that means there is almost always new space opening up for a new knight looking to make a name for himself. I perceive by the way you carry yourself that you are a formidable warrior...

[Nathan stifles a smirk.]

Nathan: ... and our armies are always looking for active nobles willing to lead men into battle. You'll likely be assigned to our defensive army, the Shields, at first, but promotions to our offensive army, the Hammers, or our elite force, the Hearts, can come quickly. Once you have a home, you'll be assigned to an army, and then we'll test your mettle. Fare well, Sir Mardel!

[Nathan climbs back onto his horse, waves, and rides off.]


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

Mardel bids him farewell as the King rides his horse north-east in the direction of Sullenport's tall towers.

Mardel [to himself]: Well, it seems that relations have changed here greatly then. Carelia were friendly with Cagilan when I was growing up here. What a lot has changed while I've been away! It sounds as if the result is that the west of the realm no longer enjoys the seclusion it used to have. In which case... it sounds as if the prudent place to remain for the time being is here in Ambermel! Huen! Another brandy for this formidable warrior!

Rebellion and a Vote

14 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Rebellion in Caergoth (at sunrise on 14 Jul)
The government of Caergoth has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Macrinus Sciurus, has been announced the new ruler.

Ruler Elected (8 minutes later)
The realm of Caergoth has elected Ishtar D'Anglos as its Queen.
She received 3% of the valid votes cast.


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

Lirth: Sir, some communications for you.

Mardel [lying in cushioned comfort in the Wilted Flower Tavern in Ambermel]: Excellent.

Lirth: You don't wish to read them, sir?

Mardel: No, I wish you to read me the highlights. I can't read messages when I have a brandy in one hand and a fork in the other, can I?

Lirth: Very well, sir. First a battle in Etoge, which our realm's elite fighters won, against the Cagilan Empire. This is perhaps unsurprising since their banker appears to be a self-confessed fool judging from his choice of clothing.

Mardel: Ok, fight miles away. Next?

Lirth: There's been a rebellion in Caergoth. Much fighting, men killed, blood shed, so that Sir Macrinus Sciurus could become King.

Mardel: Ever more miles away, well, well done King Macrinus.

Lirth: No, sir, not King Macrinus.

Mardel: Lirth, you just said he was King.

Lirth: No, sir, he was King, but... well, by this account, no sooner had this been proclaimed than he was ousted by Queen Ishtar D'Anglos.

Mardel: My goodness - a counter attack? Late reinforcements? A reserve army hiding in the palace cellar? Whatever happened?

Lirth: No mention of any fighting at all, sir. It seems there was a vote.

Mardel [raising an eyebrow]: The rebels gain power through force and then have a vote to have someone else lead them? And everyone wanted her?

Lirth: Except that only three percent of people wanted her.

Mardel: So they overthrew their government only to put back a Queen that almost no-one wanted?

Lirth: That seems about the size of it, sir, from what I can tell.

Mardel: It sounds as if the Queen has pulled a rather astounding administrative victory there then. And to think they say that women are manipulative.

Resting in Ambermel

15 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Mardel lies back in his seat at the Wilted Flower Tavern and watches as the sun disappears. One of his soldiers comes over.

Trun: Sir, are we to ready ourselves for travel in the morning?

Mardel: No, why, is there somewhere you wanted to visit?

Trun: Er... no, I just wondered if we weren't on our way to... well, either to the city, or to the warfront? Or perhaps to a place for some training?

Mardel: All in good time, Trun. Isn't Ambermel pleasant at night?

Trun walks away to enjoy yet another day resting. He wonders how long this will last until Sir Mardel is inspired to sign an oath to a local lord, and provide them with some fighting action. His brief interrogation of Mardel's scribe provides him only with the information that there is no such offer forthcoming so far, so instead of training his formation drills, he goes back to making sketches of the nearby hills. Ambermel is indeed relatively pretty at night.

Mardel meets the Judge

16 Jul 2011
to everyone in Ambermel

Mardel [lying on his favourite cushioned seat, outside the Wilted Flower Tavern]: Lirth, what has got into you now. So restless. Sit down quietly or go away.

Lirth: But, sir! I hear word that the Carelian Judge is passing nearby today! We have... I mean you have met the King and General, and had a letter from the Treasurer - wouldn't it be great to meet the Judge as well?

Mardel: It would indeed be great if the Judge happened to pass by this very Tavern so that I might have the chance to greet him. Since you are so keen, you are welcome to go to him and offer him a moment in my company here, and I shall be happy to buy him a brandy.

Lirth hurries off, while Mardel, happy to have found a way to get rid of his active scribe, rearranges his cushions and settles back for a pleasant sit in peace.


Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm was jittery. Suville's change of stance coupled with Leta's abrupt disappearance from public life were both highly unexpected, and the best informed man in Carelia (Karandras might know more, but she was a woman and thus left his title undisputed) did not like surprises. Especially ones with such...Personal ramifications. This was too close to what happened before. What happened with Kaylan.

He was heading to Barnlure to give himself something concrete to steady himself, and was lost in deep thought when the man approached wearing livery Malcolm was unfamiliar with.

An invitation...Some talk and a drink might help...Mardel Waroe? He was not familiar with House Waroe, and had one of his scribes pull up the records while they rode on toward the Wilted Flower.

Ah, that is why...Very new. Good time to start building an association. One never knew who might prove to be a power some day, and actively seeking out patrons was a good indication of ambition.

Malcolm was in his usual traveling gear, as he had not been anticipating any court functions until he reached Sullenport at a minimum, so his body-length hair was tied into a modified warrior's braid that shortened the effective length and curled with a few loops under his helmet for extra padding. He had been so distracted of late that his (in)famous vanity was even in some abeyance, and he had neglected his usual practice of weaving silver and gold threads into the increasingly grey-streaked black hair. His black leathers had his personal emblem, the hunting cat, picked out in gold over the left breast but those were his only decorations today.

After handing his horse off, Malcolm tossed his helmet to one of the stablehands and shrugged his hair over his right shoulder to keep it in check. As he entered the tavern, his stormcloud grey eyes blinked for a time, adjusting to the relative darkness. Where was the man he was to meet?


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

[Shortly before sunset]

Huen: Sir! He's here, the Judge, Sir Malcom!

Mardel [glancing around]: He is? I don't see him.

Huen [pointing to the tavern door]: Inside, sir.

Mardel sighs, and makes a meal out of rising to a standing position, tutting and looking rather put out at the necessity for movement as he walks the ten yards to the tavern door. But he puts on a more pleasant face and summons the energy to enter, where his eye is quickly caught by a figure in the centre of the room.

The bartender has also noticed the Judge and is already congratulating himself on improving the signs and the path to the tavern the previous week, which he is sure is the reason that within two days he's had both Carelia's Judge and its King in his rural tavern.

Mardel [correctly assuming the man with the hair and the golden emblem to be the Judge]: Judge Malcolm! How kind of you to detour your journey via the Wilted Flower. Do allow me to fetch you a drink of brandy. It's nothing to compare to some of the best fruit brandies, but it is still a worthy addition to any evening.

Ignoring the bartender's frown at the criticism of his drink, Mardel indicates to Huen, who carries a brandy to the Judge and then to Mardel

Mardel: Do have a seat, you must be tired from your journey here - I know I've just had a tiring walk here myself.

Bartender [still peeved about the criticism and muttering quietly]: What?! You've been sat outside for the last day and...

Mardel [silencing the bartender with a threatening look, and indicating a couple of seats to Malcolm]: Now, do join me, Judge Malcolm. It is indeed a fine day for me to have your company; I have been most fortunate in my recent meetings. I have only recently returned to Carelia and am looking to improve my standing in the realm, but I find that things have changed greatly since I left overseas some years ago. The King himself was telling me only yesterday that we now war with Cagilan, though when I left abroad for my education we had good relations - were you here to witness that change? As far as I can tell though, little has changed in my family's area of Lurgrod. Have you just come from the war in the west? What news is there from there?


Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm took a sip of his brandy to cover his surprise. A returnee...And all records of the family had been lost. Annoying, that.

"You might say that...I was the one who negotiated the rough outlines of the Southern Alliance, though Queen Leta managed the northern alliances and handled some of the details with the southerners. The short version of the story is that the Cagilans had let their power go to their head, and were openly dictating to the rest of the island. As an example, Carelia was fighting a war with Caergoth and Suville, and the Prime Minister of the Empire warned both sides that if we did not accept a Cagilan brokered peace, they would enforce one. This outraged us enough that we made common cause with our erstwhile foes, and the northerners had been itching for years to take the central realms down. And, thus, here we are."

He flashed a grin.

"As for me, I put my silver tongue to use keeping our regions loyal and holding court so the Lords can march. The war has not gone terribly well on our front, but we have kept the Empire occupied enough that the north has been able to do serious damage to Coria, and more recently Tara, which should force the Empire to divert their troops. We shall see...I expect the war to continue for some years yet."

Malcolm signaled for a few more brandies.

"And what of you, good sir? I thought I was at least passingly familiar with all the Houses that called Carelia their home, but your name is unknown to me.


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

Mardel itches uncomfortably in the chair inside the tavern. No cushions.

Mardel: My family are from Lurgrod, sir, though we have nothing of the status of yours so I do not take huge surprise that you have not heard of the Waroes. Until now, of course! Neither of my brothers are yet old enough to be likely to catch your attention.

Mardel: I am young, but keen to better myself in Carelia. I have spent a few years overseas improving my education, but it is good to be back here. I have a modest troop of men here, funded by my family, though as yet they have had little to do. Given your many foreign contacts, I cannot hope to impress you with my name or my position, though if you will allow me to send to you a bottle of my own Prune Brandy, you will indeed not forget my name, I can vouch for that! Alas though, I have none with me here at present.

Mardel [seeing the sun set as he speaks]: I see though that I keep you from whatever engagement you were travelling to, so I should not keep you longer, and the quality of drinks here doesn't lend itself to a second sampling, I fear. I do hope that we meet again before too long - perhaps by then I will have an estate of my own arranged. I trust I can make my family's name better known to you in future.


Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm nodded, eying Mardel consideringly.

"All great Houses started unknown, and all great leaders were once callow youths. I look forward to hearing more from you, but you are correct, I do have a rather pressing engagement. Until next time."

Almost leaving Ambermel

16 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Mardel: I tire of the brandy here in Ambermel; it is not of sufficient quality. Come, men, we travel west, to Bolgar. I hear the pheasant there is particularly worth a visit.

Huen: We go now, sir? Or in a couple of days' time?

Mardel: Now! No time like the present!

Huen [pointing to the Orchid Gardens which advertise a particularly attractive menu the following day, with some music laid on]: Or in a couple of days' time, sir?

Mardel [grinning]: Ah, good man. Yes, in a couple of days' time, we travel to Bolgar. Until then, let us... ah, look here, some gardens! Let us visit these in the meantime!

Erroneous Orders

19 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia
following a marshal's OOC misclick that sent army orders to the whole realm


Mardel left the Orchid Gardens, feeling particularly positive, and decided to leave Ambermel and head south-west. Having spent such energy on tough decision-making, he then went to sleep for next 11 hours, and it was just before dawn the following day that he woke for action. He roused his men, choosing to ignore the few of them who had slightly scruffy uniform, and Odig who he suspected was walking barefoot because he'd exchanged his boots for a particularly pleasing chicken dinner from a particularly pleasing young lady at the farm nearby.

The men marched the four-hour journey towards Bolgar, stopping only for food. Though they did stop for every sign of food they found, and after a tour of local farms, markets and orchards, they and their contented bellies arrived sixteen hours later, whereupon Mardel announced it time to make camp because it was lunchtime.

Lunchtime lasted until approximately tea-time, which in turn gave only a half-hour break for a brandy before supper time. And after that, an exhausted Mardel lay down to sleep until the following afternoon.

[today, shortly before sunset]

Lirth: Good mor... afternoon, sir.

Mardel: Lirth, unless you have mirculously discovered a talent in the making of apple pie, I am not entirely sure that I require your services at present. Now, where is...

Lirth: Sir, if I might divert your attention for a moment before you call for the cook, you have many letters.

Mardel [taking the various letters and skim-reading them]: Scout reports, and more, and, oh, the Cagilans still causing trouble in the west, and a couple of battles. Nothing too exciting. Ah, now that is far more interesting - a letter from Count Malice. And I have an order!

Lirth: Yes, sir, on my way out I shall pass on your order for apple pie to the cook.

Mardel: No, not that. I have been ordered!

Lirth: To make apple pie? Whoever can have demanded that of you, sir? It is a preposterous suggestion.

Mardel [sighing]: Lirth, enough of the apple pie.

Lirth: Enough? But you've not even had any yet - the coo...

Mardel: Lirth! Silence for one moment please. Please service me with your writing skills and keep your mouth closed for the duration. If I wish for more nonsensical conversation, I shall talk to the urchin who seems to be following our army trying to sell bootlaces made from wood. Now, write the following please to Count Richard Leonecoeur Silver. "Count Richard, much as I am keen to assist a fellow Carelian in need, I am not currently in a position to comply with your recent order. Getting to Dontow is a significant distance to travel from Bolgar, and your succinct and exclamatory orders sadly do not mention a required time of arrival. I fear that I should arrive too late to be of use for whatever task your orders fail to mention my services are required. Since I have a connection at present neither to Craigmore nor the Hammers of Carelia, I assume there are other troops of men better positioned to help you. If you nevertheless require my assistance, are are able to describe for what it is required, and in what way I might be suitably compensated for my exertions, I shall endeavour to be in Dontow in a few days' time."

Lirth: Yes, sir, it will be posted immediately. Anything else?

Mardel: Yes. I have an order. Now go and fetch it.

Lirth [hesitantly pointing to the red paper]: You're... sir, you're holding it there.

Mardel: Does this look like apple pie to you!?

One apple pie later, and Mardel curses the timing of the world in general as he leaves behind a seat in a comfortable tavern and marches his army north-west with unusual haste.

Undead in Atblane

20 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Mardel, with unusual speed on his part, manages to march his men the seven-hour journey from Bolgar to Atblane in only fourteen hours.

Mardel [looking around the fields and over to the upperfell hills around which he's been riding]: What a pleasing view from this part of Atblane. I do believe I could spend a while here. And a little away from the main routes between Strombran and Stargard, which makes it peaceful.

Lirth: Yes, sir. You've still not read these letters from earlier, sir.

Mardel: I can't read letters and ride a horse at the same time now, can I, not when I have the reins in one hand and bread in the other? I will read them soon. Or tomorrow.

Lirth: As you wish, sir, though there is one from Count Malice and some...

Mardel: Lirth, you are spoiling my enjoyment of this place. [in an increasingly dreamy tone] The hills in the distance. The hedgerows nearby. The fluttering of the wind in the trees; the chirping of the birds in the sky,...

Lirth: ...the inhuman wailing of the undead army heading this way...

Mardel: The inhu... the what? Oh my bloody... Trun! Runic!

Trun [coming over from the group of soldiers]: Sir?

Mardel: Get the men in line! Now! And... oh!

Mardel suddenly becomes aware of the presence of a large troop of infantry led by an old man he doesn't recognise but correctly guesses to be Count Malice.

Mardel [instantly more relaxed]: Trun, move the men over to the right of those infantry. Runic, stay on the right flank and keep them ordered.

Runic: Yes, sir.

The two soldiers quickly leave, and get the men into a line on the right of Count Malice's troops. Not a straight line, not an even line, not quite even a facing-in-the-right-direction line, but a line nonetheless that Mardel can ride behind, taking up a position to view the oncoming undead army. But for a while nothing happens, and Mardel's men merely advance slowly towards the undead following the lead from Count Malice's large body of infantry.

Mardel: Lirth! Over here, stop cowering. I will be needing those letters after all.

Trun: Men! Forward!

Mardel [taking the letters and skim-reading]: Scout report, scout report, battle report, rep... ah, report of large numbers of undead in Atblane. Bah. Scout report, looting report, letter from Count... ah, better read that one!

Trun: Get them!

Mardel's men, loosely led by Trun, thrust swords at the undead a little too early causing a small number to fall, but the rest fight back, injuring a handful of troops in the makeshift army. The Hand of Malice absorb the impact and unleash a rather more effective attack in reply, which slays a score of them, and leaves them reeling. They back away a little.

Trun: Onwards, sir?

Mardel [still half-reading a letter and judging how much effort it would take to ride through the maze of undead casualties]: Erm... no, I think Count Malice has it all in hand.

Runic: Sir, I think I might have seen a signal for us to advance further.

Mardel [taking a step forwards over one undead body and finding it a tricky experience]: Well, I would indeed say we should advance, but my reading of the situation is that it's really rather crowded just there, I'm not sure there's really room...

Runic: I think if we looped around to their rear, it would mean hurdling the hedge and through that muddy patch, but...

Mardel: No, no, far too crowded. We'll take up a position of reinforcement just here.

Count Malice's troops wipe out the rest of the undead with only a couple of casualties, after which Mardel moves over towards the Count, stuffing various papers into his pockets before he arrives.

Mardel: A fine display... Count Malice. A pleasure to meet you. I hurried to be here after receiving your letter of warning. Quite an introduction to the region! I hope there are no more of those foul things hiding in the hills. Perhaps we can leave the men to recover our wounded, and retire for some paperwork and perhaps a brandy?

Seeing the Serpaent

20 Jul 2011
to all of Carelia

Mardel explores the area of Atblane. Having defeated some undead, spent time with Count Malice, and had a particularly pleasant dinner of meat and cheese, he is feeling positive as he wanders towards the unassuming temple of Magna Serpaensism.

As his thoughts drift between his recent fighting, the great serpaent as described on a sign outside the temple, and the difficulty of locating a fruit crumble to supplement his dinner, he becomes aware of a sound behind him.

His thoughts of fighting become reality when suddenly he finds himself with a knife in his side... but as he moves to push it away, it's not there, and its owner is not there, and his balance is not there, and light is not there as the world turns dark.

The pain worsens as he drops to the ground, and then he is distracted by the light... not the dim light from the temple that was there before, but a bright light, twisting and swirling in his head, or in his memory, or in front of him... confused and hurt, he hears voices, musical voices, their melodies swirling in reaction to the light, and as the light and sound wind around each other and mask his pain, he falls unconscious.

[some time later]

Healer: Sir?

Mardel [waking]: Wh.. who?

Healer: Please, sir, do not move. You must rest.

Mardel [feeling the bandages with his hand]: How... what is it?

Healer: Sir, you were stabbed by the temple door. Some of your men saw a figure running towards the hills - it might have been your attacker.

Mardel: Is it bad?

Healer: It should be. It appears to have pierced your liver, yet through some sort of miracle, you are not dead. I cannot explain it; I only hope that you take advantage of it and come to a full recovery. Which means you'll not be leaving this bed.

Mardel [comforted by the thought of bedrest]: It wasn't a miracle... there was a light, a swirling... no, a whirling... a wavy light, and the sound - when they joined together the pain went.

Healer: Sir, you should sleep.

Mardel: The wav... oh my! Like a serpent! A bright white serpent, singing as it removed my pain! Perhaps... The Serpaent... perhaps...

The Healer shakes his head in concern as he leaves Mardel to sleep off his remarkably light wounds.