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'''Mardel's Men''':<br>
'''Mardel's Men''':<br>
Mardel commands a small unit of badly-trained infantry.
Mardel commands a small unit of badly-trained infantry:<br>
'''Trun''': ''One of the better, more senior soldiers''

Revision as of 09:26, 15 July 2011

The Cast:

Mardel Waroe: Knight of Carelia
Mardel is a relatively intelligent but lazy individual, with a love of brandy, soothing music, and quiet rest.

Huen: Mardel's valet
Huen is an uninspiring but competent servant.

Lirth: Mardel's scribe
Lirth good at his job but not very proactive.

Mardel's Men:
Mardel commands a small unit of badly-trained infantry:
Trun: One of the better, more senior soldiers

RP Archive

Arrival in Lurgrod

13 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Sullenport's eye-catching skyline had drawn his attention since first it came into sight, but as he finally got back on land, Mardel could hardly believe how long it had taken to reach. Hour upon hour of tedious sailing with the fragrant aroma of yesterday's dinner for company. He, and particularly his stomach, were more than a little glad to be on firm ground.

Mardel [to his valet]: Huen, please find me a fresh set of clothes, and somewhere pleasant and quiet for me to stay. I really don't want to have to walk or ride - or sail - any further today, and I need some sleep.

Huen: Sir, you're in the busiest and most populated place for miles. Quiet is going to be hard to come by.

Mardel: Then you'll have to think harder, my dear man.

Huen: No, really, sir, there's nowhere in Sullenport that is quiet enough for your tastes.

Mardel: That's not thinking harder, that's thinking gently a second time. It's too busy in Sullenport, so...? Well?

Huen [with hesitation]: So... erm... so we leave Sullenport?

Mardel: Better!

Huen: But sir, you didn't want to travel further.

Mardel: No, I said I didn't want to walk further. Or ride further. Or sail further. Definitely definitely not sail further. I have no problems with sitting further.

Huen [with dawning realisation]: But how... oh... oh! Yes, sir.

Half an hour later, after acquiring a horse litter, Mardel is resting in it with his eyes closed as some of his troops and servants, under the guidance of Huen, carry him for the few hours it takes to reach Ambermel.

Mardel [upon arrival in Ambermel four hours later]: Ah, that's much better. A far more pleasing calm. I might just have a sit here for a while.

Lirth: Sir, a couple of letters for you.

Mardel [to his scribe]: Thank you. Give me a summary, good man.

Lirth: One from the Treasurer of the realm, sir, greeting you. I imagine the boat crew informed him of your arrival. And another from Count Trpimir Svebor offering an oath of fealty.

Mardel: My, that was quick. What else does he say?

Lirth: Nothing, sir. Just the paperwork. I tried to find out about him from hamlets we passed on our way here, sir, but found out little apart from the fact that he's recently offered an oath to someone else as well.

Mardel: Someone else? I feel less sought-after now. Was it an offer of fantastic wealth? Or extreme comfort and a quiet but highly fashionable residence?

Lirth: I really have no idea, sir, as I say there's no other information here - I wonder if it'll arrive by separate message. Though I imagine you would like the region itself - it appears relatively reserved.

Mardel: Then I shall consider the offer for a while and see whether I find any others forthcoming, or if this one becomes more appealing. Do notify me if there are any others, Lirth. Particularly if they offer fantastic wealth or extreme comfort. And especially if they offer both. For now, I intend to explore Ambermel a bit. Tomorrow. After breakfast.

Mardel meets the King

14 Jul 2011
to everyone in Ambermel

Mardel [lying on a cushioned seat, sipping some brandy, outside the Wilted Flower Tavern]: Can you not sit still, Lirth, you're spoiling the atmosphere.

Lirth: But sir! The King and General of Carelia are said to be passing through Ambermel at any time. I want to catch a glimpse of them both!

Mardel: Lirth, you could be a while if you are going to wait for two men to pass by. They're one and the same person.

Lirth: Oh? I didn't... oh! There!

Mardel: There what?

Lirth: I see them! I mean, erm, him! Hurry, sir or you shall not have a chance to greet him.

Mardel [rearranging the cushions a little]: You may send a message to him, Liert, if you are so keen for an excuse to see him, and pass him my greetings, and tell him he's welcome to join me here for a glass of brandy if he wishes. I really have no intention of leaving this spot, it's far too comfortable, and besides, I've already ordered some food.


Roleplay from Nathan Simmons

[Nathan rides down the road with the smallest retinue prudence allows when a man runs up to him, bowing profusely.]

Nathan: Can I help you, my good man?

Lirth: G... Grr... Greetings, your majesty. My Master, Sir Mardel Waroe, bids you good tidings, and hopes that you are well, and offers you fine brandy and repose should you wish them near the Wilted Flower Tavern.

Nathan: The Wilted Flower? I have not reposed there in many years. I will accompany you back to your master.


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

[Mardel looks up from his seat, and is pleased to see Lirth approaching alongside a man who he is quick to realise must be the King]

Mardel [standing to receive his guest, indicating a chair to the King, and without waiting, flopping back into his own]: King Nathan! You honour me with your company. Huen! Brandy at once!

Huen: <[looking excited, and running off]: Of course, sir!

Mardel: You'll join me for a drink, King Nathan? They appear to do tolerable brandy here, though it can't compare to my uncle's own, sadly. It is fine indeed to meet you so soon after returning to the area - I have been overseas for much of my youth, but have returned only yesterday to these fine lands, and have had not only a letter of greeting from our Treasurer but also now yourself here in person. I have been most fortunate! But do tell me of the current situation of Carelia, and how I might integrate myself more fully into the realm? I believe you have been King for only a short time?


Letter from Nathan Simmons

[Nathan, unaccustomed to his position, mostly misses the poor showing Mardel makes at the proper courtesies.]

Nathan: Well met, Sir Mardel. For a shot of that brandy I'm sure I can manage to bring you up to date.

[Nathan pours himself a glass and turns the chair around, straddling it almost like a horse.]

Nathan: You see, Sir Mardel, Carelia is in a bit of a rough spot at the moment. After years of catering to the wiles of the Cagilan Empire, our northwesterly neighbor, we, along with much of the rest of the continent, have decided to cast off their yoke and declare war. We formed an alliance with our two southern neighbors, Caergoth and Suville, and much of the north, especially the Barony and Darka, formed one, as well.

[Nathan sips his drink.]

Nathan: The problem is that Talerium and Tara have sided with the Empire. And, with their forces combined, they actually have a larger armed forces than the smaller kingdoms arrayed against them.

[Nathan takes another sip.]

Nathan: It did not help that Darka refuses to declare war on Talerium, their neighbor, which means any fight where Talerium defends the Empire, Darka sits out, leaving the Barony on their own. Thus, Tara and Talerium can mostly hold the northern front of the war, leaving the Empire to focus on the south. Our allies refused to declare war on Tara to pull them south, and we could not face a two-front war alone, so we have fought a war along our western border that has seen pretty much every province razed to the ground and most of the peasants killed. Our one major gain, Skalk, was recently reclaimed by the Empire.

[Nathan takes another sip.]

Nathan: And then, Suville, for a number of trumped up reasons, including my religion, a miscommunication at the front, and not getting sufficient territorial gain from the war, pulled out of the war and declared peace with the Empire. We expected them to be turncoats from the start, but it was still a blow. They tended not to fully support the war in the first place... both of our allies have capitals far from the front, which made things difficult to start, and often left us attempting to hold back the full might of the Empire alone.

[Nathan finishes the rest of his drink in one swig.]

Nathan: Which brings us to the present state of affairs. Caergoth is going through a bit of a succession crisis, and it's unsure how that will play out yet, though I believe however it does, they will remain strong allies, and likely open the Taran front. Coria has also declared war on Tara, and is making inroads. With luck, that will mean the Empire has to focus more on the north, and less on us.

[Nathan stands again.]

Nathan: In any case, welcome to the Kingdom, Sir Mardel. Things are in a state of flux, but that means there is almost always new space opening up for a new knight looking to make a name for himself. I perceive by the way you carry yourself that you are a formidable warrior...

[Nathan stifles a smirk.]

Nathan: ... and our armies are always looking for active nobles willing to lead men into battle. You'll likely be assigned to our defensive army, the Shields, at first, but promotions to our offensive army, the Hammers, or our elite force, the Hearts, can come quickly. Once you have a home, you'll be assigned to an army, and then we'll test your mettle. Fare well, Sir Mardel!

[Nathan climbs back onto his horse, waves, and rides off.]


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

Mardel bids him farewell as the King rides his horse north-east in the direction of Sullenport's tall towers.

Mardel [to himself]: Well, it seems that relations have changed here greatly then. Carelia were friendly with Cagilan when I was growing up here. What a lot has changed while I've been away! It sounds as if the result is that the west of the realm no longer enjoys the seclusion it used to have. In which case... it sounds as if the prudent place to remain for the time being is here in Ambermel! Huen! Another brandy for this formidable warrior!

Rebellion and a Vote

14 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Rebellion in Caergoth (at sunrise on 14 Jul)
The government of Caergoth has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Macrinus Sciurus, has been announced the new ruler.

Ruler Elected (8 minutes later)
The realm of Caergoth has elected Ishtar D'Anglos as its Queen.
She received 3% of the valid votes cast.


Roleplay from Mardel Waroe

Lirth: Sir, some communications for you.

Mardel [lying in cushioned comfort in the Wilted Flower Tavern in Ambermel]: Excellent.

Lirth: You don't wish to read them, sir?

Mardel: No, I wish you to read me the highlights. I can't read messages when I have a brandy in one hand and a fork in the other, can I?

Lirth: Very well, sir. First a battle in Etoge, which our realm's elite fighters won, against the Cagilan Empire. This is perhaps unsurprising since their banker appears to be a self-confessed fool judging from his choice of clothing.

Mardel: Ok, fight miles away. Next?

Lirth: There's been a rebellion in Caergoth. Much fighting, men killed, blood shed, so that Sir Macrinus Sciurus could become King.

Mardel: Ever more miles away, well, well done King Macrinus.

Lirth: No, sir, not King Macrinus.

Mardel: Lirth, you just said he was King.

Lirth: No, sir, he was King, but... well, by this account, no sooner had this been proclaimed than he was ousted by Queen Ishtar D'Anglos.

Mardel: My goodness - a counter attack? Late reinforcements? A reserve army hiding in the palace cellar? Whatever happened?

Lirth: No mention of any fighting at all, sir. It seems there was a vote.

Mardel [raising an eyebrow]: The rebels gain power through force and then have a vote to have someone else lead them? And everyone wanted her?

Lirth: Except that only three percent of people wanted her.

Mardel: So they overthrew their government only to put back a Queen that almost no-one wanted?

Lirth: That seems about the size of it, sir, from what I can tell.

Mardel: It sounds as if the Queen has pulled a rather astounding administrative victory there then. And to think they say that women are manipulative.

Resting in Ambermel

15 Jul 2011
to everyone in Carelia

Mardel lies back in his seat at the Wilted Flower Tavern and watches as the sun disappears. One of his soldiers comes over.

Trun: Sir, are we to ready ourselves for travel in the morning?

Mardel: No, why, is there somewhere you wanted to visit?

Trun: Er... no, I just wondered if we weren't on our way to... well, either to the city, or to the warfront? Or perhaps to a place for some training?

Mardel: All in good time, Trun. Isn't Ambermel pleasant at night?

Trun walks away to enjoy yet another day resting. He wonders how long this will last until Sir Mardel is inspired to sign an oath to a local lord, and provide them with some fighting action. His brief interrogation of Mardel's scribe provides him only with the information that there is no such offer forthcoming so far, so instead of training his formation drills, he goes back to making sketches of the nearby hills. Ambermel is indeed relatively pretty at night.