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Omni Amor Veritas

Omni Amor Veritas.png

Omni Amor Veritas is a religion being practiced in *somecontinent* and is in need of a realm to propagate it's beliefs. It is a suspicious religion, as regarded by outsiders, as many of the rituals require the spilling of blood. It's practices fall around the belief that there is an all powerful "omni" who watches the world. He requires a powerful vessel of whom he can pass orders through (think the pope), this man or woman would be called the Overlord. Anybody who swears allegiance to the overlord must follow his religion, or he is forbidden to allow their servive. Members of his government must provide their pinky finger as a symbol of their dedication. This idea has caused outrage in many neighbouring realms, but despite this, Omni Amor has proven to have some quite romantic and humanistic values.

Core Values & Beliefs

To it's core, Omni Amor Veritas is a monotheistic religion and as such, views any religion thats supports a pantheon as misguided, however the followers of the Omni believe that there are 'demigods', but these are better described as angels send by the almighty, rather than a set of omnipotent characters. Having some of it's roots in the teachings of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, there is a strong belief that a supernatural force has a heavy hand in the events of mundane life, but the 'Aenil' that are asserted by the Church of the Magana Aenilia Ecclesia are not gods. The Aenil are simply angels sent by the 'Omni'. Any prayer to a specifc 'angel' is seen as blasphemous and disrespectful to the almighty 'omni'. Often blood will be spilled in this vain.

The followers of the Omni have a somewhat different moral compass that is generally accepted. Life is generally viewed as unimportant, unless it serves a purpose. This is linked to the belief that the Omni has a plan for the world, and humans are mere servants. Despite this, there is great love among the followers who practice heartily. Often the congregation will share lovers and sex is taken at face value, rather than made sacred. The heirachy of the church and realm is extremely important. Privilege is seen to be given by the almighty, and such, to challenge power is to challenge the Omni.