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The Order of the Elders

The Order of the Elders is devoted to the englightenment of all men, ensuring the salvation of their souls and granting them access to Asgard; the heavenly city in which Odin, the Father of All, resides. Referred to as the Order, the worship of the Elder Gods is based out of Nighthelm where the blessed truth is accepted and endorsed as the State religion.

The Elder Gods

The worship and knowledge of the Elders is open to all. As is proclaimed in the entrance of every temple of the Elders, whether it be large or small. The five Elder Gods of the Ancient Texts are given here.

All-seeing Odin, Father of all - Wisest of the Elders, he rules over all of Asgard.

Thor, Lord of the Skies - Powerful Thor commands both the anger of the worst thunderstorms, and the quiet mourning of the soft rain or snow present at a warrior's funeral. Travellers also pray to the Lord of Lightning when they wish for good skies during their journey.

Hildr, Mistress of Battle - Commanding the best and worst upon the battlefield, Hildr is the lady warriors pray to when blade meets blade, when their courage is shaken and their sword arm grows heavy from swinging. Lending strength, as well as guarding those she favors, the Lady of Blood dances in the flash of light from blade and shield.

The Dark Prince Loki Lietongue - Planning and scheming, the master of shadows and inky darkness, Loki is the patron of thieves and assassins, though anyone doing black business might whisper his name. What he offers should not be trusted however, for the Black God turns the best of luck to the worst, caring naught for who gets trapped by the turn.

Hel - Guardian of the Underworld, Hel ensures the souls within do not escape to find new life until they have paid for the black Sin tainting their soul. Eternity awaits those who pass into the pitch-black of the Underworld, their memories of dark fear the only company - other than the terrified shrieks of others lost in the darkness.

History of the Order

The Order was founded by twice King-elect of Nighthelm, the glorious prophet Thraymn. He is closest to Odin, and wisest amongst the High Clergy.

The History of the Elders is availible here: History of the Elders

Please be aware that while we are translating the ancient texts, such work is strenuous and time consuming. Few texts are availible at this time and it may take some time to translate a comprehensive background.

Religious Texts of the Order

The Ancient texts of the Elders have been painstakingly translated by the Monks and members of the Order so that the words of Wisdom and Truth may be spread to the common man and enlighten him.

Currently the Library contains all the translated texts on the Elder Gods.

The Faith of the Elders

The Path to Enlightenment

The Order of the Elders has many interpretations of it's faith, even amongst it's own faithful, however this is encouraged and such debates are a source of much joy and discussion. The Order at it's core believes in improving the Self; the mind, body, and soul of an individual. To do this one must challenge themselves in life, find ones strength and more importantly -- weaknesess and overcome them; attain to levels of self-enlightenment through recoginition of failures and inabilities and to seek within yourself and the Gods the resources to defeat ones own weaknesses.

To do this one follows the Path of Enlightment, known as the Path, though many refer to this process as following the light. For one follows the Gods and seeks their help to engage in enlightment. The Path of Enlightenment is also refered to as the Path of Thor, for Thor is the patron God of Travellers and it is seen that those who walk the Path travel within themselves and through the world. Thus they may seek out Thor to aid them in this journey, for the roads we walk in life are watched over by Thor, and thus we should seek his blessings and aid if we find ourselves unsure of which path to travel down.

Many followers seek the blessings of Father Odin, for he aids people who pray and seek for guidance. Those who seek wisdom, knowledge, understanding of the world; they all aspire to the tenents of Odin. Indeed Patience and Wisdom are the most often sought virtues, but many find themselves praying for long hours, or studying the ancient texts for days to achieve the insights he grants. It is those who are confused, confounded, or lost in their journeys who tend to seek out Odin's wisdom when they find their own resources to be stretched. His guiding hand is felt by all of the faithful, for what he teaches is the key to Enlightenment.

As we seek Enlightenment we shall encounter great difficulties in our lives -- this is a test of resolve and strength. These are the challenges that Hildr teaches us to embrace. Her strength, resilience, and endurance on the battlefield are not only for those who fight another man or beast -- but are lessons, virtues even that aid one in overcoming the struggles in life. Thus those who encounter difficulties and troubles in their lives often seek Hildr out for strength and aid in defeating their adversary, whether that is an armed combatant or the endurance to continue on despite great loss or ill fortune.

In our lives we encounter those who have done us wrong knowingly or unwittingly. To find it within ourselves to forgive those who have wronged us, to seek out an understanding of other peoples. Indeed to aid those who are lost and hopeless in life or to seek Justice in the world; those who seek to preform these tasks look to Hel in times of need. She endorses truth seeking, to examines ones soul or those of others for that which inhibits us from Enlightenment. Those who ask for her aid often are seeking Justice in an unbiased fashion. A Justice that embraces mercy and compassion, the salvation of the soul.

In all of us there lies hidden parts of our being which aid in our downfall. Arrogance, short-tempers, lack of foresight. Indeed these are of use to Loki for he shows us our folleys and enjoys our failures. It is he who confounds us with multiple choices on the Path, he does so to make us seek the truth. He revels in our failures, in our personal flaws and will exploit them to our downfall. However this is a two-edged sword, through such actions he reveals to us the cause of our failures and thus those who understand Loki's teachings can improve themselves by embracing his teachings, that of our own personal weakenesses. Thus Loki is the most powerful God when it comes to self-enlightenment, for he shows us what we have left to achieve, not what we have accomplished, and thus reminds us that Enlightenment is not a destination, but instead is a journey along the Path.

The Order and other Religions

The Order recognizes that there are many faiths in existence. However, much like languages, the Gods are known by many names. Sometimes the Gods are seen as being a single or multiple beings, these distinctions are but minor idealogical differences. It is the view of the Order that the intent and goals of the religion -- their interpretations of the Gods teachings, as opposed to the names they call the gods -- that is important in determining whether or not another Religion teaches the ways of the Elders in a unique fashion or if they teach Heresy and Blasphemy, leading the Common folk and Nobles into Damnation.

Faiths such as The Guardians of the Twilight have shown that they teach enlightenment, embrace wisdom and truth, and seek to better their followers and nobles. Thus their teachings, while done in the name of their Gods Luna and Sol are seen as synonymous with those of the Order, that they teach the path to Enlightenment is what matters, those of their faith shall find Asghard. Thus it is believed that many of the Pagan Gods and religions have many of their followers enter Asghard, for they teach the Path, they teach of that which makes a people strong. And despite the various names and views of the Gods, that which follows the Path, leads to Asghard.

However there are such heretical Faiths that not only refuse to accept the path to Enlightenment, but instead fall into Loki's trap of deciet and arrogance. Such faiths have been known to revoke the Gods, claiming they do not exist and even have gone so far as to imply that the Gods are vengeful spirits. Furthermore we have been told of some religions trapping spirits here on the Mortal Plane of existence, using them to commune with and demand answers from the Dead. Such teachings are so far removed from the Path that there is little doubt that either Loki has decieved them wholly, or worse, that some vile creature of evil has fooled these misguided individuals into believing such Heresy.

The Order is committed to open communications with all Faiths however -- even those deamed heretical, as we continue to believe that negotiations shall be fruitful and that with the Grace of Hel we can guide them back to the Path. All are free to worship as they choose, it is a fundemental right of all nobles and common folk. No ruler, no Realm, has the right to refuse their peasants such a fundamental, Gods given right. There is but one exception to this -- those who are totally consumed by such unnatural evil as the Chaos Requiem, who worship such things known as Demons are to be sought out and sent to Hel's embrace, for they teach of nothing but destruction, death, and chaos.

The Order's Views on Treatment of the People and of War

The People of the Faith are the strength and foundation of the Elders. It is recognized by the faith that all men, commoners and Nobles alike are equal before the Gods. Thus we are to be treated equally before the mortal Laws, that no follower of the Faith shall brutalize or murder the innocent or the commoner. Hangings, Raping, Burning, Pillaging . . .all such violent and Brutal acts are a violation of the Elders Faith. For how can one respect the people if one slaughters them like a butcher? One cannot -- The Orders members are forbidden from such destructive acts, though you will not find it in the tenents as such -- the respect, the wisdom and enlightenment one seeks from following the Path reveals that such horendous violations of the individuals rights, of the death and brutal murder is an offense to the Gods.

As such the following acts are not endorse by the Elders, indeed members of the Order should advise their Realm-mates and other Nobles to avoid the follow heinous acts, as they are Crimes against the Gods and People. No member of the Order should participate or endorse such brutality against the people -- especially against regions where the Faith holds sway for that is the greatest affront to the Gods, slaughtering the innocent faithful of the Order:

Brutal Take Overs, Hangings, Plundering, Raping, Pillaging, etc. Any act which deliberately injuries or kills the people of the Order or of a Region are not acceptable tactics. In War Time the Order recognizes that some acts of hostility are required and thus Looting Tax Collectors and Hostile Take Overs may be done. However we encourage that instead of Hanging Rebels or using such brutal methods to slaughter innocents who may feel hostile towards ones Realm that you encourage the Priests of the Order from your Realm to maintain the Peace, Calming the population and helping them understand that your Realm does not seek to injure them. Thus Priests of the Order should be used to increase Loyality and Morale of the People, instead of the Brutal and ignorant tactics of Murder that false "Liberators" or however such barbarians would see themselves as they slaughter the Faithful, claiming to be "freeing" them.

Temple Locations

Arrmol, Razrpot, Haul, Hatdhes, Azros, Masahakon, Apelen, Zonasa, Palnasos, Azarons, Anacan, Huteal, Batesoar, Idaol

Anacan Temple

Realm: Antoza Commonwealth
Region: Anacan
Built By: Alpha
Date Built: ??


Apelen Temple

Realm: Nighthelm
Region: Apelen
Built By: Matrim
Date Built: ??


Batesaor Temple

Realm: Nighthelm
Region: Batesaor
Built By: Goldenowl
Date Built: ??


Hatdhes Temple

Realm: Nighthelm
Region: Hatdhes
Built By: Sarig
Date Built: ??


Masahakon Temple

Realm: Nighthelm
Region: Masahakon
Built By: Thraymn
Date Built: ??


Idaol Temple

Realm: Nighthelm
Region: Idaol
Built By: Matrim
Date Built: November 17, 2006
