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Revision as of 00:46, 8 December 2010

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: Unknown Issue: 14

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Region Revolts The people of Caqueta have revolted and declared independence from Sirion!

Region Revolts The people of Obando have revolted and declared independence from Sirion!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Montijo: Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 790 men vs. 640 men The Red Dragons (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Cimion Telerin. The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan (Lord), were led into battle by Marshal Leoma Tahlim. The Order of The Thunder (Fontan), sponsored by Reven Gert Belver, Duke of Fontan, were led into battle by Marshal Sparky Pothead. The Manticores (Fontan), sponsored by Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finance of Fontan, Duke of Ashforth, were led into battle by Marshal Murat Kalkandelen. The Fontan Strike Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Zadek Dragul (Royal), were led into battle by Marshal Thorius Furion Archbane. Ryu Hinamoto, Count of Limbar is spotted wearing the Gauntlets of Protection. Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Judge of Sirion, Marquis of Trinbar is spotted wearing the Sacred Ring of Lightning. Sir Krabat van Belhanka (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) was captured by Fontan forces. Katsuyori Takeda (Royal of Fontan) was seriously wounded. Sir Efrim Redworm (Knight of Ashforth, Fontan) was captured by Sirion forces. Justin Azul (Knight of Fontan, Fontan) was seriously wounded. Attacker Victory!

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Meristenzio Peristaltico as its Prime Minister. He received 40% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Aulus Severus of the Scipii as its Chancellor. He received 36% of the valid votes cast.

Region Takeover Westmoor has taken control of Troyes , a former rogue region. Westmoor now controls 10 regions.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Braga: Fontan vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 680 men vs. 320 men The Obsidian Cavaliers (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Aulus Severus of the Scipii, Chancellor of Fontan, Count of Oberndorf, were led into battle by Marshal Cesera Azul. The Order of The Thunder (Fontan), sponsored by Reven Gert Belver, Duke of Fontan, were led into battle by Marshal Sparky Pothead. The Fontan Strike Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Zadek Dragul (Royal), were led into battle by Marshal Thorius Furion Archbane. Troy Langdon (Knight of Trinbar, Sirion) was captured by Fontan forces. Attacker Victory!

Region Takeover Sirion has taken control of Obando (formerly part of Sultanate of Asena). Sirion now controls 24 regions.

Pontifex Sinted Ill?
December, 6th, 1010

Earlier today Pontifex Sinted has stepped down as the Pontifex of Ibladesh. It is said that Pontifex Sinted became ill and is now under the care of the best healers the continent has to offer. Everyone here at Obsidian News wishes Pontifex Sinted the best of luck and a fast recovery. We also wish the new Pontifex a long and prosperous rulership.

Rogue Regions Increase
December, 6th, 1010

Rogue regions in the north had a jump recently with both Caqeuta and Obando declaring their independence from Sirion. With the constant battles it is not a surprise that border regions not only change hands but declare themselves as independent sometimes. We hope the regions can not only see stability soon but peace as well.

Westmoor, Caligus, Sirion, Peace?
December, 6th, 1010

More peaceful news has been heard as finally Westmoor has raised relations with both Caligus and Sirion. Though exact details of the peace have not been released at this time, we at the Obsidian News are happy to see more peace reach the continent and wish all involved the best of luck.

Chaos Temple's New Duke
December, 5th, 1010

A new Duke was chosen recently for the Duchy of Chaos Temple. Upon Duke Sielo stepping down to put more focus on his new religion, a new Duke had to be chosen. After a few days of confusion, and the Royal Council debating, the new Duke is Baron Joe of Alvaret. The Obsidian News wishes Duke Joe and the people of Chaos Temple the best of luck.