Difference between revisions of "User:Qmasterflex86/Project Dwi 01/Zuma"

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m (Minor stylistic edits to cut down on repetition of words. Added one more event before getting to the RPs.)
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OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].
OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].
==Chapter One==
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|Title=Priest of Volcano Nightscree}}
|Title=Priest of Volcano Nightscree}}
==Hunters Part 1==
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Overroot
|Content=After two days of continuous running in the hopes of intercepting Xiuhpili’s party, Necalli’s hunters at last spotted the northern chieftain’s camp. Necalli moved with great haste to combine their resources.
When he reached Xiuhpili’s camp, Necalli presented himself in the traditional greeting with one palm facing the Overroot chieftain. “Good huntings, Chieftain? My best are here to unite our arrows.”
|Title=Chieftain of Underroot}}
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Overroot
|Content=“Good huntings, chieftain.” Xiuhpili returned the greeting that was known throughout the plains tribes of the Root plains. “I would be honored to have our southern brethren join us in the hunt. For many days and nights we have followed the path of the great herd, and they have led us to the west, under the shadow of Dragon Song in the face of the setting sun.”
A barely noticeable hush fell upon Xiuhpili’s men, as well as Necalli’s, upon hearing the name Dragon Song uttered by the chieftain.
|Title=Chieftain of Overroot}}
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Overroot
|Content=All present except for Xiuhpili gave a subconscious shudder at the mention of Dragon Song. When the Overroot chieftain finished, only Necalli found his throat capable of speech, though dry it was.
“Chieftain, we would gladly accompany you to the shadow of the temple, but what if the winged ones come to meet us? They are not kind to those outside their circle of priests.”
|Title=Chieftain of Underroot}}
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Overroot
|Content=Xiuhpili gave no pause to consider the concern. “We will seek to stay clear of their influence, and seek to stay within the fabled region of the golden oasis. The golden ones will keep the winged ones away.”
Anticipating Necalli’s reaction, Xiuhpili quickly added, “Yes, my friend, I believe in the myths of the golden oasis in Overroot. Perhaps one day, we might meet them, though I pray we do not meet them only in times of need.”
|Title=Chieftain of Overroot}}
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Overroot
|Content=The response from Xiuhpili took away the words from Necalli’s mouth. The Underroot chieftain only nodded in agreement. With a curt gesture, he motioned for his hunters to begin running alongside the men of Overroot, all the while looking nervously south at the intimidating structure Dragon Song.
|Title=Chieftain of Underroot}}

Latest revision as of 21:24, 21 November 2010

OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer here.


Event from Xiuhpili
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Overroot
Sprinting, the hunters pursued their prey through the barren plains of Overroot. Five men had taken a risk journeying so far from their village, but the chief went himself on the expedition, so the four bravest warriors of the village could do no less than accompany him.

After the latest eruption from Volcano Nightscree, the tribes of Evenfell could no longer supply the nomadic hunters with aid in their scarce winter months. Food had been nonexistent for several weeks, and many people of Xiuhpili's village had died of hunger and sickness. The chieftain closed his eyes to feel the wind and the trembling of the earth, leading him to the place where the large meaty beasts usually rested. This time, he could feel several heavy beasts moving in one direction. He was satisfied, and called his fellow hunters to follow the herd.

The trail was long and the hard, brittle earth of Overroot made the men's feet sore from continued running. But their goal was nearby, and they would not return without food. Xiuhpilli sighed as he thought about his family, and his son who had become one of the priests. He silently prayed for their safety, especially for his son.

As if it knew the state of his mind, the sun took on a blood red hue as the hunters steadily traveled west.
Xiuhpili (Chieftain of Overroot)

Event from Tlacelel
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grympen Mire
The drumbeats emanating from the southern swamps were growing louder and nearer daily as the cold and unforgiving winter famine claimed more lives everyday. In their desperation, many of Chief Tlacelel’s villagers took refuge in the swamps where the superstitious cultists made crude dwellings from thick mud and slime. Tlacelel scoffed silently at the folly of those villagers, knowing well that there would be no food for the winter unless they worked for it. Those lazy fools who thought they could perform rituals to their deities were pathetic. The proud and heroic chieftain, who led his village to victory against several enemies both originating among the Zuma tribes and from foreign lands, held in low regard those who were unwilling to put any effort into improving their lives. Several children cried as the drumbeats rose in a steady crescendo, and any attempts to pacify them were in vain. Tlacelel forced himself to remain patient, though the effort was straining and with every passing day devoid of food, frustrations magnified. His hunters were near the point of mutiny, having found no tracks of any game in the eight days of marching, and they were becoming tired of slowing their pace to allow the women, children, elderly, and sick villagers to keep up. The chief felt hunger creeping up, and as he looked back towards the villagers, he knew that, if no food was found soon, there would be many difficult sacrifices to be made.
Tlacelel (Chieftain of Grympen Mire)

Event from Necalli
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Underroot
There was word from the runners sent to the north to scout the lands of Overroot that a small hunting party was following the game trail. What made this news interesting to Chief Necalli was that the runners all reported seeing Chief Xiuhpili among the hunters. The two chiefs’ villages were never friends, but were rarely in conflict, so Necalli thought it best to find Xiuhpili’s party and combine their resources.

A lone thought crossed Necalli’s mind as he and his hunting party ran north through the frozen barrens of Underroot to Overroot. He recalled that Xiuhpili’s son was a priest, but he forgot where and in what capacity he served.

Such a distraction was unnecessary on the hunt, and the chief quickly discarded the idle concern, focusing solely on meeting with Xiuhpili’s party.
Necalli (Chieftain of Underroot)

Event from Yaotl
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Evenfell
The harvest was destroyed by the untimely eruption of Volcano Nightscree, but the river flowing from the intimidating Dragon’s Roost fortunately did not freeze, and the fish were as abundant as ever. Chief Yaotl had heard that the outlying villages of Grympen Mire, Overroot, and Underroot were experiencing starvation, but he did not care much for them. His people were well-fed, and that was all that concerned him.
Yaotl (Chieftain of Evenfell)

Event from Xipil
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Volcano Nightscree
Xipil appeared stern and knowledgeable, always in control of the situation. But inside, he was unsure, and silently hoping that his father the Chieftain of Overroot would have advice for him.

Months ago he had performed a ritual that should have appeased the deities of fire and brought a bountiful harvest. Instead the volcano erupted, sending molten rock and ash, ruining the crops everywhere. The lower priests whispered about him, Xipil was sure, though they dared not say any such words to his face. Xipil himself wondered too what he did wrong. Why did Volcano Nightscree cause his tribesmen in Overroot to starve? Was his skill not enough?

Xipil quickly denied the last question. If he did not have enough skill at the moment, surely he would soon enough. And if he could not attain enough power alone, he would seek to gain it from those who had such power, no matter the cost.
Xipil (Priest of Volcano Nightscree)

Hunters Part 1

Roleplay from Necalli
Message sent to Everyone in the region Overroot
After two days of continuous running in the hopes of intercepting Xiuhpili’s party, Necalli’s hunters at last spotted the northern chieftain’s camp. Necalli moved with great haste to combine their resources. When he reached Xiuhpili’s camp, Necalli presented himself in the traditional greeting with one palm facing the Overroot chieftain. “Good huntings, Chieftain? My best are here to unite our arrows.”
Necalli (Chieftain of Underroot)

Roleplay from Xiuhpili
Message sent to Everyone in the region Overroot
“Good huntings, chieftain.” Xiuhpili returned the greeting that was known throughout the plains tribes of the Root plains. “I would be honored to have our southern brethren join us in the hunt. For many days and nights we have followed the path of the great herd, and they have led us to the west, under the shadow of Dragon Song in the face of the setting sun.” A barely noticeable hush fell upon Xiuhpili’s men, as well as Necalli’s, upon hearing the name Dragon Song uttered by the chieftain.
Xiuhpili (Chieftain of Overroot)

Roleplay from Necalli
Message sent to Everyone in the region Overroot
All present except for Xiuhpili gave a subconscious shudder at the mention of Dragon Song. When the Overroot chieftain finished, only Necalli found his throat capable of speech, though dry it was. “Chieftain, we would gladly accompany you to the shadow of the temple, but what if the winged ones come to meet us? They are not kind to those outside their circle of priests.”
Necalli (Chieftain of Underroot)

Roleplay from Xiuhpili
Message sent to Everyone in the region Overroot
Xiuhpili gave no pause to consider the concern. “We will seek to stay clear of their influence, and seek to stay within the fabled region of the golden oasis. The golden ones will keep the winged ones away.” Anticipating Necalli’s reaction, Xiuhpili quickly added, “Yes, my friend, I believe in the myths of the golden oasis in Overroot. Perhaps one day, we might meet them, though I pray we do not meet them only in times of need.”
Xiuhpili (Chieftain of Overroot)

Roleplay from Necalli
Message sent to Everyone in the region Overroot
The response from Xiuhpili took away the words from Necalli’s mouth. The Underroot chieftain only nodded in agreement. With a curt gesture, he motioned for his hunters to begin running alongside the men of Overroot, all the while looking nervously south at the intimidating structure Dragon Song.
Necalli (Chieftain of Underroot)