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== The House of Rossini ==
== The House of Rossini ==

The House of Rossini originates in the theocracy of Sartania, in the Duchee of Niel, in the forests of Orbeh. The daughters of Rossini come from a long line of accomplished riders and archers who also have taken the time to walk the corridors of the libraries of monasteries. They have a strong affinity with nature and other creatures, can read the weather almost telepathically, and spend a great deal of time in quiet contemplation. They were fiercely loyal to their realm, their family, and their friends. They carry with them a graceful air of intelligence, wisdom, and humility that draws people to them, and they are always ready to come to the aid of someone in need.
The House of Rossini is in the kingdom of Arcaea, in the Duchy of Nocaneb, in the forests of Orbeh. The daughters of Rossini come from a long line of accomplished riders and archers who also have taken the time to walk the corridors of the libraries of monasteries. They have a strong affinity with nature and other creatures, can read the weather almost telepathically, and spend a great deal of time in quiet contemplation. They were fiercely loyal to their realm, their family, and their friends. They carry with them a graceful air of intelligence, wisdom, and humility that draws people to them, and they are always ready to come to the aid of someone in need.

They are, however, strong-willed women who have learned what it means to survive in a man's world and are not afraid to stand up for themselves when it is necessary. They can be as sharp with the tongue as they are with the arrow or the sword. It is best not to argue with or cross a Rossini woman; you may live, or die, to regret it.
They are, however, strong-willed women who have learned what it means to survive in a man's world and are not afraid to stand up for themselves when it is necessary. They can be as sharp with the tongue as they are with the arrow or the sword. It is best not to argue with or cross a Rossini woman; you may live, or die, to regret it.

==Rossini Family Tree==

Madelena is the eldest of the three. She has long brown hair and piercingly blue eyes. She stands with pride and commands respect from everyone with whom she comes into contact. Her old dog Fangs is her main true companion, although she is also a devout follower of the Church of Sartan.

Madelena was made ''Countess of Orbeh'', her family's home, less than a week after she came out into public life. She spent a great deal of time arguing with the Council of the Bishops in Sartania where she believed the leadership had lost sight of what it stood for. After a great deal of thought she finally lead the people of Orbeh to join the realm of Arcaea, thus leaving her middle sister Cypreana behind.
==Where do the Maggiori's fit in?==

The Rossini family and the Maggiori family were joined together when Maria Maggiori wed Antonia Rossini. However the links go further than that with the naming of children on both sides of the family, including Madelena and Arabella in the current generation. Indeed Madelena and Cypreana as children would fight over calling their own daughter Francesca after the infamous cousin about whom many stories were told.

Cypreana is the middle sister. She decided to move to the realm of Fontan in the East Continent, and quickly found a liege in the form of Marchioness Abigail in Negev. Cypreana is a keen politician, and Fontan being a democracy, is an excellent realm for her to practice her debating skills. However she became frustrated at being too young there to be allowed into the Assembly in which many of the debates take place. Cypreana finally decided to join her sister in Sartania where she was ever in her shadow. However, when Madelena turned traitor and left the realm, taking the family home with it, Cypreana vowed that her sister was dead to her, and that she would never speak to her again.
It is the son of Francesca Maggiori, [[Rossini Family/Gabrielle Maggiori|Gabriele Maggiori Rossini]], who was placed under the care of a family in Perdan after Francesca died. He took on the Rossini name in recognition of the financial support given to him for his upbringing and education.

After some time Cypreana realized that her skills lay more in diplomacy than in leading men to war, and was granted permission by the Divine Soul of Sartania to join the diplomatic corps.
==Current Members of the Rossini Household==

'''[[Rossini Family/Madelena|Madelena Rossini]]'''
Madelena is the eldest of the three. She is named after her second cousin, [[Maggiori Family/Madelena|Madelena Maggiori]]. She has long raven black hair and piercingly lilac eyes. She stands with pride and commands respect from everyone with whom she comes into contact. Her old dog Fangs was her main true companion until he died, although she is also a devout follower of the the M.A.E.
Madelena was made ''Countess of Orbeh'', her family's home, less than a week after she came out into public life. She spent a great deal of time arguing with the Council of the Bishops in Sartania where she believed the leadership had lost sight of what it stood for. After a great deal of thought she finally lead the people of Orbeh to join the realm of Arcaea, thus leaving her middle sister Cypreana, and her true love, Sir Tenal Quasath, behind.
As it became evident that Sartania was on its last legs, both Cypreana and Tenal chose to join Arcaea. Shortly after their arrival Tenal and Madelena were reunited. Shortly after this Queen Dentara stepped down from the throne, Sir Jenred Bedwyr was elected as the new monarch, and Madelena was elected as the ''Imperial Magistrate'' of Arcaea, a role she continued for quite some time until an unfortunately series of miscommunication declared her to be absent and Sir Yarah was elected in her place. Even after her return to Arcaea he solidly refused to step down for her, a grudge she has not forgotten, and which she is patiently wait to exact.
Madelena eventually married her true love Tenal and shortly afterwards gave birth to twins, Ajith and Amita.
Thus reduced to a mere Dame, a title which Madelena considers way beneath her, she volunteered at the earliest opportunity to Marshal the main army of Arcaea, if only to prove herself to the Court once again. This does not seem to have been terribly effective thus far and although she has been leading the army the powers that be have not be present to see her efforts.
'''[[Rossini Family/Cypreana|Cypreana Rossini]]'''
Cypreana is the middle triplet. She decided to move to the realm of Fontan in the East Continent, and quickly found a liege in the form of Marchioness Abigail in Negev. Cypreana was a keen politician, and Fontan being a democracy, was an excellent realm for her to practice her debating skills. However she became increasingly frustrated at being too young there to be allowed into the Assembly in which many of the debates took place. Cypreana finally decided to join her sister in Sartania where she was ever in her shadow. However, when Madelena turned traitor and left the realm, taking the family home with it, Cypreana vowed that her sister was dead to her, and that she would never speak to her again.
After some time Cypreana realized that her skills lay more in diplomacy than in leading men to war, and was granted permission by the Divine Soul of Sartania to join the diplomatic corps. However, once it became obvious to Cypreana that her sister's concerns over the incompetency of the rulers of Sartania were well founded she decided to join her in Arcaea. Here she found a love interest in the form of Sir Aerywyn Hawthorne, Imperial Chancellor of Arcaea.
Sir Aerywyn eventually proposed to Cypreana and the wedding was planned. However, Sir Aerywyn was shockingly killed in a duel by a monster by the name of Deathwyrm. For a while this sent Cypreana mad.
After some time Cypreana realized she needed to be where the ghosts of her soul mate could not be found and so she left the Far East and landed on the shores of Bara'Khur in Belauterra. Deciding that this was still not the place for her she continued her journey onwards until eventually she found herself in Agyr, the capital city of Melhed. Thoroughly enchanted by the intellectual debates, the history and the books to be found in her new home, Cypreana decided to put down roots and see what the future had in store.
Cypreana finally achieved what her sister had done and was elected as Praetrix of Melhed. She reviewed and improved the system of government and laws of the land in the time she had. She was eventually elected Consul for her first term but soon stepped down when she realized it was too much work for her. Then she fell ill and was possessed by the former Emperor of Melhed when she stupidly placed his ring upon her finger. She took over the country and declared herself Empress. Thanks to the return of Aldo and the natural rebellion that followed, this was a short lived affair and the Emperor was soon placed in check. Aldo has sent Cypreana on a quest to for a crown... In the mean time the ring still burns on her gloved hand.
'''[[Rossini Family/Willow|Willow Rossini]]'''

Willow is the youngest of the three. She too decided to leave home and found herself in Minas Ithil, Atamara. She secretly fell in love with her liege, Earl Sidd of Lothruin, but did not dare speak of it to anyone. Instead she insisted on sending gold to him for recruitment centers that she could not afford to send and do as much as she could to find herself in the same place as him, or have a reason to be in correspondence with him.
Willow is the youngest of the three. She too decided to leave home and found herself in Minas Ithil, Atamara. She secretly fell in love with her liege, Earl Sidd of Lothruin, but did not dare speak of it to anyone. Instead she insisted on sending gold to him for recruitment centers that she could not afford to send and do as much as she could to find herself in the same place as him, or have a reason to be in correspondence with him.
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Sidd married and broke Willow's heart so she decided to concentrate on being the best warrior that she could be. She vowed never to fall in love again. Willow's dedication to the military paid off when she was awarded the ............ 3rd Class which she dedicated to her father, Antonio Rossini.
Sidd married and broke Willow's heart so she decided to concentrate on being the best warrior that she could be. She vowed never to fall in love again. Willow's dedication to the military paid off when she was awarded the ............ 3rd Class which she dedicated to her father, Antonio Rossini.

Eventually Willow caught the attention of the Marshal for her swift attention to orders and troop movement abilities and she was promoted to Second-in-Command. However love overtook her again as a knight by the name of Sir Freidrock in Falasan caught her eye and she moved there to be with him. So far war has frequently made it impossible for them to be together.
Eventually she was elevated to the position of Marchioness of Belegmon and under her leadership the region thrived. However the rest of the realm did not and Willow soon discovered that she had been bitterly betrayed by the leadership of the realm who had bargained her beloved town away as part of a pathetic peace settlement. She refused to give up without a fight and took Belegmon over to neighboring Eston. However Eston was too slow to move and the Caligan Empire refused to give Belegmon up without a fight and so Willow was forced to let go of all her hard earned money and hard work and let Belegmon go. She is for now in Eston, but she does not feel at home there and is now sure where she will eventually go and what she will eventually do.
Willow eventually went to join her sister Cypreana in Melhed where she was fairly quickly elevated to the position of Senator of Seven Rivers. She is still keen to fight though and with the potential returns of the Daemons she may have more fighting on her hand than she anticipated...
'''[[Rossini Family/Arabella|Arabella Rossini]]'''
The youngest daughter of Antonio and Maria Rossini, she was a bit of a surprise in the family, and at the age of 17 was packed off to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa to make her mark in the world. She too is named after a Maggiori cousin, [[Maggiori Family/Arabella|Arabella Maggiori]]. She is an avid collector of potions, healing recipes and herbs. She quickly caught the attention of the ruling powers in the Duchy and was selected to be a part of a small expeditionary force that would form a new realm in the north of the continent. The first attempt at the expedition failed, and the realm became to embroiled in battles with monsters and undead to attempt another. This became tiresome to Arabella who decided to move to the East Continent in search of more herbs. She began in Itorunt but whilst she was there working in the library one day she came across an old scroll with a reference to a Francesca Maggiori of Perdan. Knowing Perdan to be her mother's name she heads there, and then on to Westmoor to seek an audience with the Queen who gives her some interesting information. Bit by bit Arabella starts to put together the family's history, much of which you can read here today.
Sadly Arabella recently died from food poisoning, but not before she had sent all of the research she had done into the family history to Madelena who has taken it upon herself to carry on in her sister's name.
'''[[Rossini Family/Gabe|Gabriel Maggiori Rossini]]'''
Gabe is the illegitimate son of the famous Francesca Maggiori mentioned above. Francesca conceived him in Perdan during a tournament. No one knows for sure who the father is, although some have heard the name Thanfedal mentioned once or twice. Gabe is very tall and thin with long hands and very slight pointy ears. Thanfedal was an elf so this would back up the rumor about his parentage. He has long blonde straight hair, blue eyes, and like his Maggiori cousin is very quick with the bow. However he is also very clumsy and forgetful, and has not had the greatest luck in his life. After running out of luck and money in Perdan, he has come to Arcaea in search of his cousin Madelena. What Madelena does not know is that her mother has left a bequest for Gabe to be well education in Perdan. In fact, Madelena does not even know for sure that Gabe exists. She has only heard rumors...

The youngest daughter of Antonia and Maria Rossini, she was a bit of a surprise in the family, and at the age of 17 was packed off to the Grand Duchee of Fissoa to make her mark in the world. She is an avid collector of potions, healing recipes and herbs. She quickly caught the attention of the ruling powers in the Duchee as was selected to be a part of a small expeditionary force that would form a new realm in the north of the continent. The first attempt at the expedition failed, and to date the second has not yet been organized.
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 18:42, 20 May 2010

The House of Rossini

Rossini Crest.JPG

The House of Rossini is in the kingdom of Arcaea, in the Duchy of Nocaneb, in the forests of Orbeh. The daughters of Rossini come from a long line of accomplished riders and archers who also have taken the time to walk the corridors of the libraries of monasteries. They have a strong affinity with nature and other creatures, can read the weather almost telepathically, and spend a great deal of time in quiet contemplation. They were fiercely loyal to their realm, their family, and their friends. They carry with them a graceful air of intelligence, wisdom, and humility that draws people to them, and they are always ready to come to the aid of someone in need.

They are, however, strong-willed women who have learned what it means to survive in a man's world and are not afraid to stand up for themselves when it is necessary. They can be as sharp with the tongue as they are with the arrow or the sword. It is best not to argue with or cross a Rossini woman; you may live, or die, to regret it.

Rossini Family Tree

Rossini Family Tree 2.JPG

Where do the Maggiori's fit in?

The Rossini family and the Maggiori family were joined together when Maria Maggiori wed Antonia Rossini. However the links go further than that with the naming of children on both sides of the family, including Madelena and Arabella in the current generation. Indeed Madelena and Cypreana as children would fight over calling their own daughter Francesca after the infamous cousin about whom many stories were told.

It is the son of Francesca Maggiori, Gabriele Maggiori Rossini, who was placed under the care of a family in Perdan after Francesca died. He took on the Rossini name in recognition of the financial support given to him for his upbringing and education.

Current Members of the Rossini Household

Madelena Rossini

Madelena is the eldest of the three. She is named after her second cousin, Madelena Maggiori. She has long raven black hair and piercingly lilac eyes. She stands with pride and commands respect from everyone with whom she comes into contact. Her old dog Fangs was her main true companion until he died, although she is also a devout follower of the the M.A.E.

Madelena was made Countess of Orbeh, her family's home, less than a week after she came out into public life. She spent a great deal of time arguing with the Council of the Bishops in Sartania where she believed the leadership had lost sight of what it stood for. After a great deal of thought she finally lead the people of Orbeh to join the realm of Arcaea, thus leaving her middle sister Cypreana, and her true love, Sir Tenal Quasath, behind.

As it became evident that Sartania was on its last legs, both Cypreana and Tenal chose to join Arcaea. Shortly after their arrival Tenal and Madelena were reunited. Shortly after this Queen Dentara stepped down from the throne, Sir Jenred Bedwyr was elected as the new monarch, and Madelena was elected as the Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea, a role she continued for quite some time until an unfortunately series of miscommunication declared her to be absent and Sir Yarah was elected in her place. Even after her return to Arcaea he solidly refused to step down for her, a grudge she has not forgotten, and which she is patiently wait to exact.

Madelena eventually married her true love Tenal and shortly afterwards gave birth to twins, Ajith and Amita.

Thus reduced to a mere Dame, a title which Madelena considers way beneath her, she volunteered at the earliest opportunity to Marshal the main army of Arcaea, if only to prove herself to the Court once again. This does not seem to have been terribly effective thus far and although she has been leading the army the powers that be have not be present to see her efforts.

Cypreana Rossini

Cypreana is the middle triplet. She decided to move to the realm of Fontan in the East Continent, and quickly found a liege in the form of Marchioness Abigail in Negev. Cypreana was a keen politician, and Fontan being a democracy, was an excellent realm for her to practice her debating skills. However she became increasingly frustrated at being too young there to be allowed into the Assembly in which many of the debates took place. Cypreana finally decided to join her sister in Sartania where she was ever in her shadow. However, when Madelena turned traitor and left the realm, taking the family home with it, Cypreana vowed that her sister was dead to her, and that she would never speak to her again.

After some time Cypreana realized that her skills lay more in diplomacy than in leading men to war, and was granted permission by the Divine Soul of Sartania to join the diplomatic corps. However, once it became obvious to Cypreana that her sister's concerns over the incompetency of the rulers of Sartania were well founded she decided to join her in Arcaea. Here she found a love interest in the form of Sir Aerywyn Hawthorne, Imperial Chancellor of Arcaea.

Sir Aerywyn eventually proposed to Cypreana and the wedding was planned. However, Sir Aerywyn was shockingly killed in a duel by a monster by the name of Deathwyrm. For a while this sent Cypreana mad.

After some time Cypreana realized she needed to be where the ghosts of her soul mate could not be found and so she left the Far East and landed on the shores of Bara'Khur in Belauterra. Deciding that this was still not the place for her she continued her journey onwards until eventually she found herself in Agyr, the capital city of Melhed. Thoroughly enchanted by the intellectual debates, the history and the books to be found in her new home, Cypreana decided to put down roots and see what the future had in store.

Cypreana finally achieved what her sister had done and was elected as Praetrix of Melhed. She reviewed and improved the system of government and laws of the land in the time she had. She was eventually elected Consul for her first term but soon stepped down when she realized it was too much work for her. Then she fell ill and was possessed by the former Emperor of Melhed when she stupidly placed his ring upon her finger. She took over the country and declared herself Empress. Thanks to the return of Aldo and the natural rebellion that followed, this was a short lived affair and the Emperor was soon placed in check. Aldo has sent Cypreana on a quest to for a crown... In the mean time the ring still burns on her gloved hand.

Willow Rossini

Willow is the youngest of the three. She too decided to leave home and found herself in Minas Ithil, Atamara. She secretly fell in love with her liege, Earl Sidd of Lothruin, but did not dare speak of it to anyone. Instead she insisted on sending gold to him for recruitment centers that she could not afford to send and do as much as she could to find herself in the same place as him, or have a reason to be in correspondence with him.

Sidd married and broke Willow's heart so she decided to concentrate on being the best warrior that she could be. She vowed never to fall in love again. Willow's dedication to the military paid off when she was awarded the ............ 3rd Class which she dedicated to her father, Antonio Rossini.

Eventually Willow caught the attention of the Marshal for her swift attention to orders and troop movement abilities and she was promoted to Second-in-Command. However love overtook her again as a knight by the name of Sir Freidrock in Falasan caught her eye and she moved there to be with him. So far war has frequently made it impossible for them to be together.

Eventually she was elevated to the position of Marchioness of Belegmon and under her leadership the region thrived. However the rest of the realm did not and Willow soon discovered that she had been bitterly betrayed by the leadership of the realm who had bargained her beloved town away as part of a pathetic peace settlement. She refused to give up without a fight and took Belegmon over to neighboring Eston. However Eston was too slow to move and the Caligan Empire refused to give Belegmon up without a fight and so Willow was forced to let go of all her hard earned money and hard work and let Belegmon go. She is for now in Eston, but she does not feel at home there and is now sure where she will eventually go and what she will eventually do.

Willow eventually went to join her sister Cypreana in Melhed where she was fairly quickly elevated to the position of Senator of Seven Rivers. She is still keen to fight though and with the potential returns of the Daemons she may have more fighting on her hand than she anticipated...

Arabella Rossini

The youngest daughter of Antonio and Maria Rossini, she was a bit of a surprise in the family, and at the age of 17 was packed off to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa to make her mark in the world. She too is named after a Maggiori cousin, Arabella Maggiori. She is an avid collector of potions, healing recipes and herbs. She quickly caught the attention of the ruling powers in the Duchy and was selected to be a part of a small expeditionary force that would form a new realm in the north of the continent. The first attempt at the expedition failed, and the realm became to embroiled in battles with monsters and undead to attempt another. This became tiresome to Arabella who decided to move to the East Continent in search of more herbs. She began in Itorunt but whilst she was there working in the library one day she came across an old scroll with a reference to a Francesca Maggiori of Perdan. Knowing Perdan to be her mother's name she heads there, and then on to Westmoor to seek an audience with the Queen who gives her some interesting information. Bit by bit Arabella starts to put together the family's history, much of which you can read here today.

Sadly Arabella recently died from food poisoning, but not before she had sent all of the research she had done into the family history to Madelena who has taken it upon herself to carry on in her sister's name.

Gabriel Maggiori Rossini

Gabe is the illegitimate son of the famous Francesca Maggiori mentioned above. Francesca conceived him in Perdan during a tournament. No one knows for sure who the father is, although some have heard the name Thanfedal mentioned once or twice. Gabe is very tall and thin with long hands and very slight pointy ears. Thanfedal was an elf so this would back up the rumor about his parentage. He has long blonde straight hair, blue eyes, and like his Maggiori cousin is very quick with the bow. However he is also very clumsy and forgetful, and has not had the greatest luck in his life. After running out of luck and money in Perdan, he has come to Arcaea in search of his cousin Madelena. What Madelena does not know is that her mother has left a bequest for Gabe to be well education in Perdan. In fact, Madelena does not even know for sure that Gabe exists. She has only heard rumors...