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(New page: '''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' Thain returned to the palace and swept Dei up in his arms and kissed her. "So good to see you again my love." he whispered in her ear. "I missed you...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:40, 30 March 2010

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain returned to the palace and swept Dei up in his arms and kissed her.

"So good to see you again my love." he whispered in her ear. "I missed you."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled as he whispered in her ear and held on to his neck, not wanting to let him go. “I’ve missed you as well,” she echoed and kissed him again. “Will you be staying long?” she asked softly, deep down knowing his answer already.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain kissed her and ran a hand through her hair, his eye fixed with hers.

"Not long enough love." he squeezed her tight to him, then let her go.

"Why don't you let the chef know to start dinner, and we'll talk some more then. I'm headed out back to train." he said, and grabbed a mail shirt from a chest and threw it on. He kissed Dei one more time and headed out back, and stood before a training dummy, and drew his sword and mace. He began his attack on the dummy, and after a few swings felt a sharp pull, and a burning pain seared through his back and he dropped to his knees, crying out in pain.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah nodded, it had been a long time since she’d had dinner with him. “I will send someone once everything is prepared,” she smiled at him and watched him leave. Only when he was completely out of sight did she turn around and head in the other direction. That was another thing, it had been some time since she’d had the chance to do some practicing with any weapon lately. Even though she wasn’t that far ahead in her pregnancy, the headaches and as the physician put it, her delicate condition only allowed for small non strenuous work.

When she entered the kitchens, she found the chef and informed him of the King’s wishes and asked him to prepare his favorite meal, making a few requests of her own; even though odd, the chef was now used to her strange cravings.

When she passed the window, she smiled as she looked to the courtyard below. Watching him practice was something she had done many times, secretly, it was simply the perfect way to admire him. She watched him for a few moments, and frowned when she noticed someone else in the courtyard, watching. Alexandra was leaning against a nearby tree, her gaze never leaving his form.

Deianarah frowned, but her attention was drawn away when the chef approached her, “your grace, I’m afraid we’re a bit short on some items.”

She walked away from the window and looked around. “Yes… I know we don’t have as much as we should,” she agreed. “I understand. We simply have to make due with what we have…” she sighed and nodded. “You always make such wonderful food,” she complimented, “I’m positive the King won’t even notice.” With that she smiled and left the kitchens. At first the chef had been appalled to have her in the kitchen, but since she was always there for some craving or other, he had slowly gotten used to her presence, even then he was nervous whenever she was present.

Well now she would have some time to go and watch Thain practice some more.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain groaned, unable to stand up, and he heard someone coming over to him. He looked up to see Alexandra, Dei's personal servant. She looked concerned, and her voice was nervous.

"Your majesty, what's wrong?" she asked

"My back, please... Help me get this mail shirt off..." he grunted. She immediately went to work and pulled the mail shirt off. He wasn't wearing anything under it and Alexandra examined his bare torso.

"Let me help..." she murmured, reaching down to rub his back.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah was smiling as she entered the courtyard and grinned, thinking of playfully surprising him but when she looked up. Her steps faltered and her smiled slowly slipped. Her eyes grew larger and then narrowed at the image before her.

Alexandra’s hands were working over Thain’s bare back, almost seductively touching him, but stopped when she felt Deianarah’s presence. Alexandra smiled and Deianarah swallowed. Her heartbeat accelerated and pounded in her ears, her breath quickened and her eyes filled with moisture. Thain had not seen her yet, and she shook her head at the image, not truly believing it and turned around with a quiet sob. She clutched her dress in her hands and ran away as fast as her feet would take her.

It vaguely dawned on her that she could have remained and yelled or done something.. anything, but she was in too much shock to do anything but to run from the image that made her heart bleed.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pushed her away, and grunted as he stood.

"Thank you for your help, but you'd do best not to betray the trust of your lady. I love Dei, and she is to be my wife. Get out of my sight, and I'll forget this happened." Thain hobbled off. He washed and dressed, and wondered where Dei was. He didn't want to wait for dinner to see her again, and his back was killing him, maybe she could help him in the way Alexandra had tried.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had not really thought about where she was headed and simply ran. When she finally stopped she was in her office. Maybe because she had spent so much time here while alone. Only this time she wasn’t here to work, she paced the room, her breath erratic and then she reached up to wipe a tear that strayed onto her cheek.

She sighed, looking down to her hands, they were trembling so much. This time, she cried softly, she walked to the corner of the room and slid to the floor, burying her face in her hands. Almost as if trying to cripple her entirely, her headache returned and she whimpered in pain. What had she done wrong? She suddenly hated Alexandra so much, she wanted to have her beheaded… worse, she wanted to do it herself. Groaning, she tried to catch her breath and cried some more.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain was on his way to Dei's office, figuring she was working on something or the other, and he stopped, hearing the sound of her crying. His heart broke at the sound and he ran the rest of the way into the office and knelt next to her, and pulled her close to him.

"My Dei, what's the matter?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah groaned from the pressure in her head as he pulled her closer but she pushed him away weakly. She turned away from him and sobbed. “How could you?” she whispered with a trembling voice.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

His back was killing him, but her words were like a knife into his heart.

"How could I what? What's the matter a'thaisce?" he said, the look on her face breaking his heart.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At his innocent question she scoffed, and then closed her eyes letting more tears escape. “I saw you out in the courtyard with her …” she grit her teeth, the jealousy invading her thoughts. “I knew I should have rid myself of her the moment she showed interest in you…” she thought out loud. “Does it happen often?” she asked accusingly, turning liquid brown eyes in his direction. “She touched you with such intimacy…” she groaned as she pushed herself off the floor. The image still in her head and she closed her eyes and shook her head trying to get rid of it.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain moved to stand with her, crying out in pain, and collapsed to the floor instead, gasping in pain.

"Oh, my Dei... I never touched her. I hurt my back training and she helped me get out of my mail shirt... I thought she was trying to help my back, but when I realized what she was up to, I pushed her away." he struggled, trying to stand, but couldn't.

"I'm so sorry for this Dei... I would never hurt you." his pain at seeing her hurt like that was more obvious on his face than the pain in his back.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei heard him cry out and turned to look and see what was wrong. He grabbed at his back and then her brow furrowed at his words. She stood there, shocked again. His words had to be true, and he seemed truly unable to move, proving them as truth. When it sunk in, she kneeled beside him and put a hand over his shoulder and his back.

“Oh Thain,” she said softly, “I’m… I,” she didn’t even know what to say and closed her eyes. “I am such a fool,” she told him and slowly helped him rise, applying pressure to his back. “I did not see you hurt yourself, I simply saw her with her hands all over you,” she said with a small amount of venom, the emotion of jealousy still there. Her cheeks were still damp and she tried to wipe them. “Let me help you,” she said tenderly and then she made him lie on the sofa in the room. “I will get your physician,” she told him and prepared to leave.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pulled her close and kissed her tears away.

"I'm so sorry you saw that Dei... I love you, and I don't want any other woman." he whispered, and then winced and leaned back into the couch.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei sniffed, and smiled as he kissed her. She was so relieved to hear his words, but deep down she was still worried. Thain had never given her any reasons to doubt him, he had always shown her nothing but the most devoted love but she had believed her fear so quickly. She was still in pain, having had the image planted in her head now it was hard to forget what it looked like. How quickly she let jealousy control her. Thinking of her behavior she walked away from the room, and quickly found his physician and returned.

While the physician examined him, Deianarah absently chewed her thumbnail, still lost in thought. She was fiercely protective of what was hers, she could only imagine what she would do had it been true. Closing her eyes, she touched her temples, the headache was still present and she moved away by the window.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

The physician looked him over, went to the kitchen and returned with a rag soaked in hot water and placed it on the site of the injury.

"After that cools, massaging the muscle will make you feel better. Take it easy for a day your majesty." he said and left. Thain looked over at Dei.

"Come here love." he said gently.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah heard the Physicians orders but didn’t move until Thain called her over. She then approached and sat on the floor beside him. Her eyes were focused on the floor in front of her, and she had difficulty meeting his gaze. All that kept playing in her head was how she had doubted him. It wasn’t just that, but at the first sign of another woman approaching him, of any kind of contact, and she thought the worst of him.

She waited for his next words and swallowed. The hurt of a memory that wasn’t even true, haunting her.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pulled Dei close to him, and gently pulled her down level with him. He looked into her eyes and kissed her.

"Dei, I'm sorry about earlier. But know that no other woman could ever capture my attention. There is no other woman for me, but you. Especially not a servant. She's not even that good looking." he said with a wink. "Besides, I promised to love you, and only you when I gave you that ring. And you're bearing my child. Dei, I love you, and I don't want to see you upset."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah let out a trembling sigh and sat beside him on the sofa. She leaned in and kissed him and then put her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry I doubted you,” she murmured into his neck. “I love you so much,” she then whispered into his ear and pulled away. She brought her hand up and looked to her ring and smiled.

She watched his eye for a moment, remembering how he had looked without his eye patch and smiled. With or without, he was still incredibly handsome, it was no doubt Alexandra had been attracted to him. Only Thain was hers, mind, body and soul, she knew, and she was crazy to think otherwise but one’s mind had a way of playing horrible tricks.

“Lets get you taken care of, I believe he said you needed to be massaged,” she smiled, offering him her hands and helped him off the sofa. Together they returned to the royal bedchamber.

When he got near the bed, she helped him take off his shirt. She then let her hands trail and linger over his warm skin, kissing her way from his chest to his neck and to his lips. “I’m no expert at massaging,” she admitted and grinned, “but I’ll learn quickly enough.”

She then made him lie on his stomach and climbed atop the bed and worked her hands into his back, easing the pain. Meanwhile, her mind returned to Alexandra, and she thought of several unpleasant ways of dealing with her servant.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain rose early the next morning, and dressed quietly, not wanting to wake Dei until just before he left. He buckled his sword to his belt, and hooked his mace as well. He went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast, donned his armor and went upstairs, his helmet in the crook of his arm. He leaned in and kissed Dei.

"I'll see you in a few days love. I'm off again."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had heard him enter the room, and then watched him approach. He kissed her goodbye and she returned the kiss, giving him a small smile. “Please be careful, I’ll be here to greet you upon your return,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady.

He started to leave and Deianarah watched, counting the steps as he left, unable to stop the tears building in her eyes. When he was out of her sight, she buried her face in her pillow, to muffle the sound of her soft whimpering.

Ohhh… she was behaving like a child, she knew, but she was starting to hate watching him leave. It had never been so hard before, she was so much more emotional than she had ever been…