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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had spent the night speaking with Thain, much had been discussed, truth be told, she didn’t know what else she could say, he was heartbroken and the betrayal he felt was deep. Hopefully it would pass quickly and his zeal would return with renewed strength. Being ruler was not easy, it demanded too much of one’s attention and the internal grievances and bickering of enemies and allies alike, wasn’t something he could quell with a simple word. Everyone was entitled to their sentiments, it was just sad that it had to be this way.

She knew he still needed rest, therefore she tiptoed out of the bedchamber and dressed in another room with the help of her maids. It didn’t take long, she then had her morning meal in silence, thinking about what had occurred the night before. Making a decision, she finished her meal and asked one of her servant to tell her the whereabouts of Sir Beorac and the Lady Cassidy. No matter what had occurred, Deianarah was still concerned over the man’s welfare. Perhaps the Lady needed someone to converse with as well. She then made her way to the stable to get Loach. With a small guard she directed herself to the estate in which they were staying and announced her presence.

“Please inform Lady Cassidy of my presence, and that I wish to have a word.”

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

As Cassidy arrived in Arrmol, she caught sight of a scribe running behind her, out of breath.

She glared at the scribe, still upset over the recent occurrences. "What could you possibly be following me for?" She said acidly.

"My lady... Duchess Deianarah... wishes to speak with you," The scribe said, holding his side as he caught his breath.

Cassidy turned to look at Pillus, who shook his head angrily. "You know what I think, Cass."

She then turned her gaze back to Beorac and Galen. "Beorac... If I go to speak with the duchess, will you accompany me? I do not wish to travel back to Azros alone, but if the Duchess wishes to speak with me, I will go there on my own if I have to. Perhaps we can get you an audience with King Thain."

Roleplay from Pillus Delorian

Pillus stepped forward angrily. "I do not approve of your actions, dear sister," he said. "I will stay with Galen, and I'm sure Beorac feels the same."

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy shouldered her supplies and turned to the scribe. "Tell Deianarah I am on my way back to Azros, with or without the support of those I am with." She looked back at Galen, Beorac, and Pillus one more time. "I am going to resolve this personal, petty issue," she said, and began making her way toward Azros.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had been informed that the nobles she was seeking were no longer there but had already departed. With this information she nodded graciously, but sadly knowing she had been too late and informed the scribe that should they decide to speak with her, she would welcome them at the palace instead.

With that, she returned home with her small guard and returned to work. She had spoken with many of the peasants and convinced many to take up arms and to stand up and help fight for them. With that the recruitment centers were slowly starting to fill. Now if she could only figure out a way to provide gold for all her knights so they would feel useful instead of this waiting around for matters to improve. It was with that thought, she was disturbed by Alexandra who cleared her throat. “Milady, Lady Cassidy has arrived and wishes to speak with you.”

Deianarah was immediately on her feet and out the door to greet the Lady in question. When she noticed the Lady still had supplies with her, she nodded to her servants to help relieve the lady of the burden and then approached her, taking her hand in hers. “Welcome Lady Cassidy, I pray you are well? I am glad you have decided to take the time to speak with me. I hope Sir Beorac has recovered? I apologize I was not able to speak with him personally. I knew he wished to speak with Thain, but seeing as he was unconscious and the next day the King was lying in a healer’s tent, it appears this only gives an ill impression of us, and I wish to make it up to you.”

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy smiled nervously at Deianarah's concern. "As far as I know, all is well, although he does seem a bit different from before..." Cassidy trailed off, remembering the night of King Thain's engagement feast, and how Beorac had woken with such violent fire in his eyes. From what she had seen, that fire had not gone away. "I do not know what happened to him that night, all I know is that I am very, very concerned for his well being. I don't know much of his family history, other than what has previously been recorded as myth but now seems to be coming true. I have a feeling that only King Thain, Beorac, and Galen know what is at stake here, but I can't help feeling that there has to be something I can do..." Her blue eyes turned to the floor.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei’s delicate brow furrowed with a bit of confusion. “What had been recorded as myth?” she asked curiously, patiently waiting for the other woman’s blue eyes to return to her light brown ones. She then walked away from the receiving area, taking the lady with her. “I am unsure what it is you are referring to but perhaps with a bit of clarification, there is something that can be done. We as women are sometimes overlooked, but our touch is more subtle, softer, but it doesn’t mean we don’t accomplish our tasks any less.”

The women then entered a small area with a small table and two chairs, the room was filled with flowers of all kinds and a large window displaying the northern part of the city and the waters beyond. “Have you eaten yet?” Dei offered and waved off her maid to have some food and beverages brought up and waited for the other woman to speak.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy shook her head in reply to Deianarah's inquiry. "I regret I do not recall the exact name of the tale, it has been so long since even I have heard it." She sat down in one of the chairs. "However, if I am correct, I believe it has something to do with a rumor I have heard, about the man who raised Beorac and Galen not being their biological father. I have not heard anyone speak of this for many years, but my parents were close friends with Beorac's and often told stories to my brother and I of times past..." She stared wistfully out the window. "I admit I came to you hoping that you would know more than what has been told to me."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Unfortunately, I know near to nothing of what it is you are referring to.” Deianarah let out a soft sigh and her servant returned to the room with some tea. She poured each a cup and quickly left. Dei reached over to take the small cup in her hands, again her fingers were cold, probably due to the trepidation she was feeling and she absently tried to warm them.

“I do not know Priest Galen or Sir Beorac personally, or who it is that raised them. Do you know his name? I wonder what the King would know of this…” she thought out loud. “It seems they are closer than even I may know of. I have to admit Lady Cassidy, Thain has never divulged much of his upbringing, but bits and pieces. I do not know his entire family history myself.”

She took a small sip of the black tea and made a small face at its bitter taste and then grinned as the other woman caught it. “The King is resting at the moment, he is… tired, and he needs to recover, much is happening that requires his immediate attention and I fear even I cannot help him with these issues,” she admitted sadly.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

"All I know is a little of a story of a man named Goujin," Cassidy said, sipping her tea with shaking hands. "I know he was a bloodthirsty warrior. However, most of what was written of him has been wiped away with the tides of history. I had hoped, with you being so close to King Thain, that you may know a little of this myth. You see, the Himoura family and the Kinekin/Krauluk family have been close for a long, long time.... even before I was born." She shook her head solemnly, setting the tea down on the table. "That is all I have been able to get from Beorac, unfortunately, and from what I have gathered he intends to remain in Arrmol with Pillus and Galen. And how is King Thain recovering?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At the name Goujin, Deianarah’s eyes narrowed slightly in thought, as if trying to remember this name, but she couldn’t recall anything remotely close ever mentioned to her by Thain. She would have to ask him later, this subject truly piqued her interest.

At her last question, Deianarah shifted uncomfortably and she schooled her facial expression. “The King is recovering well from his wounds, but it is not that, that worries me,” she said the last softly. “You see this matter of Priest Galen had wounded him deeply, more than any weapon could have… I fear this type of injury is not something that will heal easily…” She looked straight to the other woman’s face. “Especially when he continues to add insult to injury…” she whispered sadly, thinking of the horrid letter she had read only the night before, which had never been meant to find its way back to Thain.

Of course it was not Lady Cassidy’s doing, but Deianarah was terribly disappointed by the reminder and averted her face to look out the window.

“Should you wish to follow him that is your choice, not one we will keep you from. I hold no ill will towards you. Personally… I just wished this matter had been dealt with, with a bit more tact and civility.”

She set her cup on the table and folded her hands over her dress. “Lady Cassidy…I have seen your reaction to Sir Beorac, I understand you are very close to him, or at least you have deep affection for him. Therefore you will understand how I feel with my next words, as one woman to another. I am fiercely protective of his Majesty. What has happened…is something I am having difficulty forgetting, and brushing aside. This horrible event has left a horrible taste in my mouth and I simply hope we are able to salvage this before it gets out of hand. Unfortunately since you were the only one to speak with me, which I appreciate,” she gave her a weak smile. “this absence doesn’t offer me much hope.” Deianarah’s gaze focused on the horizon and she sighed. Wounding Thain, was in effect wounding her.

“I apologize,” she said and took her cup of tea. “I speak in riddles and I did not mean to cause you any discomfort. Other than the King, I have no one else to confide in… forgive my…directness.”

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy smiled warmly. "I see no reason why what has occurred between our King and Galen should have any effect on our relationship as friends," she said, her voice earnest. "And what you have noticed between myself and Beorac is the result of a promise made to a fifteen-year-old girl just beginning to embark on her career. I doubt he feels the same for me any longer, but I cannot help but care for him, if as no more than a friend," she said somewhat sadly, sipping her tea. "I am glad to hear the King is recovering well, and if you ever need a confidante, I do not plan on leaving Azros any time soon. I would be glad to be here for you. I only ask the same in return."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah’s smile was warm and genuine at the other woman’s words. “I doubt your feelings for him will change, I recognize the look in your eyes,” she admitted with a grin. “Perhaps he does, or doesn’t… only time will tell…”

She reached over the table to take the other lady’s hand in hers. “Thank you…true friends are rare and few between. I’m glad to hear you will be staying with us, I would very much like to take you up on your offer and return it in kind,” she gave her hand a squeeze and sat back.

Deianarah was ever the curious one and she couldn’t help herself, “tell me of your story, who is Lady Cassidy and what promise did this knight dazzle her with that he now holds her heart?”

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

A slight blush colored Cassidy's cheeks at the memory of a warm summer day in the city of Haul. "It was a simple promise of marriage. I had fancied him since we were but children, and when I left he promised he would marry me upon my return. But like I said, I doubt he feels the same any longer. Perhaps it is best if he and I remain no more than friends, but as you said, I have doubts that my feelings will revert to anything less than utter reverence for him," she said, giggling slightly as she sipped her tea. "As a woman in love yourself, you know the feeling. If it is not too personal a question, my Lady, what is it that drew you to King Thain?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled wistfully remembering the first day she met Thain, she would never forget it, how could she? It had been the one and only moment in her life when she knew with absolute certainty that she wanted something…or someone. “I was newly arrived in Arcaea…and I knew no one,” she started, remembering with fondness. “I had heard whispers that a Sir Thain was to rebuild Nighthelm, and well I knew nothing of it to tell the truth, I think I was only looking for a cause to follow. I left home rebelliously you see and wanted to prove my parents I was quite capable of striving on my own. We exchanged letters and met in the city of Remton. That day changed my life completely.”

She grinned but stopped speaking as her servant entered the room with platters of fruits, cheese and breads. Deianarah thanked her, watched her leave and then picked up a strawberry and bit the tip of it. “That day I pledged myself to him, not truly knowing what I was getting into, but the moment I laid eyes on him I knew I wanted nothing else,” a light color crept into her cheeks at her admittance. “To answer your question truthfully, I fell in love with him instantly…I think I would have done anything had he asked. Although I didn’t want to admit it to myself because I felt a lovesick foolish girl, but time and time again I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I think the easiest way to explain it, is that I was addicted to him. His presence was my entire sun, my sky…whenever I was without him all I felt was a hollow darkness. He showed such incredible passion, one you can’t help but get caught up in. I would have done anything if only to see him smile at me. Even though he is a warrior through and through, he is tender with me, and has for me complete and unconditional love, which is something we both share. He has become my life as I, his…” she finished softly and took another bite of the strawberry, finishing it.

She then reached over for the bread and put some cheese between it and took a bite. As if lost in thought, her gaze returned to the window and she returned to the moment when Thain had whispered his love for her the first time. The thought of it made her smile and she looked back to Cassidy. “I hope one day you truly get to experience love the way I have…and I pray Beorac is the one to show you.” Dei then grinned mischievously, “if not then I am sure we will have some fun at court, finding the perfect man for you.”

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy smiled and spun her cup in her hands, finishing the tea. She took a piece of yellow cheese and took a small bite, as was ladylike. "I don't think I'd want to be with anyone else," she said, looking wistfully out the window. "I am more than happy for you, and I think you're happy enough for the both of us. I would be more than content to grow old with Beorac, but if things don't happen that way, I would probably grow to be a spinster, because no one can make me feel the way he does. Even when he is running away from me in fear, calling me a love-crazed woman, somehow things just seem right."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

The picture Cassidy painted made Deianarah burst with laughter. “Then we shall make Beorac realize exactly what it is he’s missing,” she said roguishly. The afternoon was moving along pleasantly and Deianarah was glad for the other woman’s presence.

“Do you ride?” she asked. Truth be told she felt the urge to check up on Thain but decided on a distraction instead. He would come to her when he was ready.

“It is a beautiful day, and I feel we should not waste it by staying indoors.”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain prepared to leave, and was curious as to where Dei was, wanting to tell her goodbye. He wrote her a note, telling her he would be back soon enough, to take care, and that he loved her and left. He wore his battle armor, the color of a winter sky, with beaten gold trim, and ancient runes covering the shoulder guards that he had personally inscribed. He mounted his horse, now fitted with armor, similar to that of its rider. He looked at his men, and nodded to his captain, and they began to march towards Leod, the first great C'thonian campaign.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec had informed himself with matters in C’thonia as well he could. He knew he was starting over again, even though he couldn’t remember what he was leaving behind but he tried to be optimistic. He did have Isabel there with him with was enough, his little sister as well, which he hadn’t much time to talk with yet, but he would remedy that soon enough. What was left to do was to do courtier work, but it was in his blood to battle. Therefore he recruited a unit and decided to make himself useful.

As he began to lead his men away, he noticed the King departing as well, obviously in the same direction. Well he may as well get to know the man if he was that close to his sister, and deep down Alec knew, should he let anything happen to him while on his watch, she would most likely give him a slow and painful death sentence. Well at least he found himself a new duty…

“Your Highness,” Alec called after Thain. “Please allow me to join you on your way to Loed,” he said as he brought Nór side by side his warhorse. Alec gave it a critical eye and grinned, letting out a soft whistle. “That’s a beautiful animal you have there…” he said amiably. He didn’t have much else to add, therefore he watched the horizon ahead and absently swayed in his saddle. Alec was usually very nonchalant, and playful, but when someone had this emptiness inside them, it was disconcerting and hard to find even ground again.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian "To be honest, I'm not very good at it, but I will gladly make a fool of myself," Cassidy said. "By the way, feel free to call me Cass, all my friends do," she offered, putting down her cup and getting to her feet. The cool, late autumn breeze outside called to her. Although she was a poor rider, she had always enjoyed being outside, especially at this time of year.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Sometimes I feel as if I was born in a saddle,” Dei jested. “Very well Cass, I shall make sure you have a calm horse to ease you into it, and I prefer Dei as well.” She could only grin, remembering as a child how she had been taught to ride by her brother and sister. Clearly she’d had no choice but to do it, and fall in love with it, since her family bred and raised war horses.

On her way out, Dei was stopped by a servant with a letter. She broke the seal and read it quietly and her eyes seemed to light up as she did but the light quickly faded. She then folded the parchment and tucked it away in her dress. She kept all of Thain’s letters, no matter how small or insignificant.

They made it to the stable, and Dei had Loach saddled, and looked to the rest of the horses in their stalls. She had not gotten to know them much, but she had been around them long enough to know which would be suitable for the Lady.

She found one and asked the stable master for his name. “He is called Cloud,” he bowed and Deianarah’s gaze returned to his glossy grey coat with small specks of lighter grey dappled over it. “Yes he will do, saddle him up.”

It didn’t take long, the women then left in the direction of the large fields of green not far from the city and Deianarah grew silent watching the horizon, simply enjoying being outside. She hoped Thain would be well and come back to her and their unborn child safely.

“No matter where life takes me,” she said absently, “I can always find comfort in nature,” she said softly.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Yes, his name is Réalta." Thain said to Alec. "One of yours. I'm the first person to be given the honor of being gifted one, so I'm told." Thain said.

"Ride with me. I'm marrying your sister, so I ought to get to know you."

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec repeated the name and gave a lopsided grin, his gaelic accent much stronger than both his sister’s combined. “And you’re right. None have ever received the honor…” he said reflectively. “I guess then you’ll have to start learning to command him, and I hope Dei has been teaching you how to speak our language,” he smirked.

His hand tightened around the reins and he looked to the side at Thain, examining him from head to toe, and his gaze stopped to the man’s eye while the other was covered with a patch. “Aye, so you’ll be wed,” he paused, hoping this man would never break his sister’s heart, no matter if he was King, Alec was fiercely protective of his sisters and would do what he needed to do.

“Since we’re to be brothers bound by marriage, we should definitely start getting to know one another. Although I still have some holes in my memory, I will do the best I can,” he admitted honestly.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cass sighed nervously as she sat atop the horse. Although the night air was calming, she still felt uncomfortable riding the great, gentle beast. "I think I'd like to go back now," she said after a half an hour of riding. She looked nervously toward town. "I apologize, my Lady, but I think perhaps I should try and mend matters with my brother in Arrmol, unless I am needed here. Perhaps I can also find out a little more of this Goujin fable from Beorac and Galen, if they are willing to say anything."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah could clearly see Cassidy wasn’t at ease and she nodded, “very well, we should probably return home and yes perhaps its best you return to your brother. I had wished for us to discuss more on this issue of Beorac but without facts, there isn’t much we both can do but speculate. I will write to Thain and see if I can find out anything, and I will let you know if I uncover anything at all.”

They returned home, the lady left for Arrmol and Deianarah returned to the palace. It was getting late into the day, she had a small meal, wrote Thain a letter and shortly after made her way to her bedchamber. She undressed slowly, thinking of Thain, hoping things would go well for him. She lay down in the large bed and curled up in the center of it, holding on to one of the pillows and fell asleep.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy made her way toward Arrmol, playing over and over in her mind how she was going to put her curiosities to Beorac, or if he would even tell her anything when she did. She also hoped her brother would accept her apology. As she walked alongside her horse, she watched as the sky began to come alive with dusky light. "It's nearly sunset," she murmured. She looked back at her men, led by a very capable captain, Josef, and frowned. They would need a few hours to rest once they got to Arrmol, which would give her enough time to question Beorac, and, if she had to, Galen. Suddenly she wanted to know everything about this myth as she possibly could.