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Revision as of 22:17, 29 March 2010

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

After a length dinner was prepared, the Netherworld prisoners secured and separated. Thain dressed for the occasion, and waited to greet his guest. He hoped Jenred would understand the delay, after all it wasn't every day the former Executioner of the Netherworld and his mistress find their way into your realm.

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred raised an eyebrow. He was not accustomed to waiting on anyone save his wife and daughter, and the herald could not, or would not, tell him anything save that Thain was occupied on an "important" matter. Still...Benefit of the doubt. Doubtless Thain would explain himself.

Finally the herald directed him from the rather luxurious waiting room toward the dining hall. Jenred's black leathers swished softly while the silver trim lent the perfect touch to accompany his own hair, with the silver and black proportions reversed, and his usual gold and silver threads woven into the strands gleamed in the lamplight. With each breath he felt the braid in the hidden pocket under the Phoenix emblem on his left breast, which always kept his mind on Edara...As did his wedding and engagement rings, pendant, and knife. Honestly, it was a wonder he ever stopped thinking of her. They passed the ruined throne room of Mosesadelphia, and his hand caressed the hilt of the sword Aerywyn had given him, remembering how the new Duke of Topenah had dealt with the defunct seat of Ethiala. They had come so far...

Jenred inclined his head to Thain as he entered, as one Monarch to another, with one brow slightly raised in question.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"I am terribly sorry about the wait my friend... It seems fate has dropped Alec McDowell, former Executioner of the Netherworld on my doorstep. His mistress too. I had to see to the matter personally before things had a chance to get out of hand. They're restrained now, and under guard."

Thain gestured towards the table in the center of the grand hall. His usual white garb, trimmed in gold matched the marble of the hall. Servants were scurrying to and fro, setting up a feast. Three seats were set at the head of the table.

"I do hope the wait wasn't too much trouble, gods know I can't stand to wait around myself."

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred immediately lost all previous thoughts, face registering surprise and agreement.

"Aenil Above...Of course, such takes precedence over any dinner. Worse than Tony, even, because at least Tony only has temporal power, whatever he claims."

He blinked as he sat.

"Wait...McDowell? Is...There going to be trouble with your Duchess over this?"

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"She's a bit shocked seeing him. Assumed he was lost for good. Dei will be down shortly, you know how women are with getting ready."

Thain walked over and took the seat in the middle of the other two, looking down a long table, where minor nobles were beginning to take their seats. Invitations were currently going out to all nobles present in Azros to join in the feast, to celebrate an unspecified special occasion.

"I do hope the invitations arrive in good time. I have an announcement I wish to make once everyone is assembled." he said idly scratching along his eye patch.

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred picked his words carefully.

"She is not...Sympathetic to him, is she? Blood is thicker than water, but willingly serving the Daimons who ravaged Beluaterra..."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had returned to the royal bedchamber with Thain, but he had been much quicker getting prepared than she had. He had kissed her, informing her to take what time she needed and to then join them. So many thoughts rushed through her head, it was a wonder she could even function.

She sat looking in front of the mirror, watching Alexandra fuss over her hair. “You hair is so beautiful,” she complimented and arranged it just so, Deianarah smiled weakly. Her long bangs were slicked to the side by an elaborate headband of silver and gold. It fit through her hair and to the back of her head with a portion of her long dark blonde hair lifted above it. Below, the headband transformed into swirls with small dangling jewels which reflected the light with her every movement. Perhaps this would be a new fashion the noblewomen would adopt.

Deianarah remembered before arriving in C’thonia or Arcaea even, matters like beautiful dresses and original hair arrangements had been the highlight of her day, today it didn’t seem to matter so much. Of course, she wouldn’t stop being who she was, but it seemed such a trivial matter now that her brother’s fate hung in the air. A thought then occurred to her… How did one survive the Netherworld for so long and leave unscathed? He seemed so normal… Was Thain right, deep down, was Alec as horrible as he made him seem?

Walking from the mirror, Alexandra helped her change into her gown. Her gown was of a golden hue, with white trimming, and wispy swirls designed into the material. The bodice tightened around her waist snuggly, the neckline fitted squarely across her ample breasts, which was then laced at her back with a white ribbon. The skirt was cut down the middle, allowing a large slash of white fabric beneath. If one was that evil, were they still able to love? How was it, that Alec and this woman were together still? Did she hold a power over her brother in an unearthly manner?

Seemingly finished, Alexandra smiled as she looked at her, but Deianarah didn’t return the smile so easily this time. “You have to smile milady, else the King may think you’re unhappy to see him,” she grinned, “if I may say so, he is quite…handsome,” she grinned mischievously, her eyes shining with the thought.

Deianarah’s brow rose, “I pray for your sake you are referring to King Jenred.” She then frowned. “I may seem absent minded today Alexandra but you shall do well to remember your place, you are allowed a place here by my grace, it can easily be taken away,” she said cuttingly and Alexandra’s eyes then lowered. “Yes milady,” she bowed and Deianarah walked away from her.

When she made it into the hall, she walked up to the table where both Kings sat and she gave a nod and slight curtsy, a show of respect as one above her station. “King Jenred, it has been too long. I pray you are well?” she smiled warmly, all traces of fear and worry gone from her expression. She was masking it well.

She then took Thain’s hand and sat beside him. “I apologize it took me so long, it seems good help is hard to find these days,” she said strangely and Alexandra who had been following close behind her, moved to the corner of the room, her facial expression one of shame.

“Have I missed much?” she asked and looked to both men with amiable nature, followed with a smile.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec had only seen Isabel for a moment before Thain and Dei returned into the room. It turns out, his sister was a Duchess no less. Slowly the pieces were coming together for him and he couldn’t help grinning at his sister’s fate, only that didn’t brighten his foreboding.

Matters didn’t bode well for him, and according to Thain’s words, Isabel’s fate mattered on their actions. Again a fierce sense of protection filled him and he tightened his hands into fists. They had taken his sword the moment they took him, but he could still fight if he needed to. But… he wouldn’t. Not unless it was absolutely necessary. He just wished he knew what was going on.

The room wasn’t very big, and he took to pacing it slowly, giving the impression of a jungle cat, sleek and powerful. “Executioner, Duke and Marshal….” He paused and let out a mirthless laugh, “…of the Netherworld.” He let out an impressed whistle. It was no wonder they looked at him as if he was about ready to rip through their flesh with his bare hands, the titles scared even him. If such a man even existed, he’d hate to come across him.

How long would he be made to wait? Least they could do was feed him, he was starving, he didn’t even know the last time he had eaten. He had a sudden craving for red meat… would they be so gracious?

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"She will be fine. Any decision regarding him goes through me, and me only." he said, then smiled as Dei entered the Hall, and he stood to meet her, and kissed her. He wondered slightly at her behavior, and wondered what her aid had done to displease her so.

"You're right on time my dear, don't be so harsh on your servants. They try."

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred rose as Deianarah entered, inclining his head in greeting.

"You have not missed anything of importance...But tell me, Azros is looking better by the day. Given how terrible matters had become, this is quite an accomplishment. I remember when we tried to pacify Nocaneb after the Sartanians had held it for some time...Took months to fully recover. To do so much in so little time, and as resource starved as I know C'thonia has been is quite an achievement."

Roleplay from Isabel Moreira

Isabel didn’t put up a fight when the guards took her in as a prisoner. She knew the King had the upper hand and didn’t want to make it worse by resisting arrest.

They took her inside to a room where she immediately spotted Alec bounded to a chair. She felt an immediate relief just at the sight of him. At least, she wasn’t too late.

They sat her down and tied her to a chair next to him. She looked at him and she gave hima quick onceover to make sure he wasn’t hurt. When she saw some blood trailing down the back of his neck her blood boiled and she wanted to rip apart whomever had hurt him. Then he started joking about his condition and she couldn’t help but smile. At least his humor was intact. He started asking her a lot of questions and she realized he had lost part of his memory. So…it worked. she smiled in thought.

Before she could answer his questions, a man walked in the room accompanied by a Lady. She could only assume this was the King by his demeanor and the clothes he wore. He squatted before her, meeting her eyes and lifted his eye-patch revealing a milky and glazed over eye. He was obviously trying to intimidate her. He would have to try a lot harder after what she had seen where she came from.

Isabel simply watched unimpressed. She would take this moment to observe rather than just start telling them everything about them and how they arrived there. She needed to know exactly where they stood before divulging anything.

The Lady that had come in the room with the King interrupted them by placing her hand on the King’s shoulder. At that, Isabel noticed the McDowell family ring on her finger. She frowned and looked at Alec and then to the half McDowell ring on her own finger and exchanged a look with Alec. How was she related to him? And why wasn’t she taking his side if she was family?

Then the woman suggested to the King to keep her and Alec separated so they could later be questioned individually. The King agreed with her and ordered the guards to take them into separate rooms and left with a threat to harm her in case they tried to escape.

Isabel took one last glance at Alec before they took her away again and smiled trying to reassure him.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Its simple, the people recognize the legitimacy of my claim, and are tired of suffering under Conan's incompetent rule. Even now, his realm crumbles. Soon, there will be nothing left of it. Especially if he keeps arresting priests of the Order." Thain proclaimed, as the main course was laid out before them. Several large boar had been hunted and roast upon massive spits for the occasion, and Thain himself had killed the largest of them.

"Enjoy my friends! A celebration of the first great victory of the war!" and he hoisted a mug, and the musicians began to play on his cue. Bagpipes and fiddles, lutes and drums, the traditional upbeat southern celebration music that at one time could be heard throughout many halls in the South.

Roleplay from Isabel Moreira

A few minutes later Isabel walked around the room she was now confined in. Thinking of how she would treat this whole matter. She thought of the Lady she saw. Could she be one of his sisters he used to speak about? Or one of his cousins? The fact she was related to Alec somehow could play in their favor, not to mention the fact the King seemed to listen to her advice. The more she thought about it the more she wanted to talk to Alec. But now she couldn’t. There were no windows, no bars on the door, just a closed up wooden door, barely letting any light enter the room.

She sat down leaning against the wall and closed her eyes. She was tired. Tired of mind and body. For months she had to keep up a mask, a façade of who she really was and fight against her surroundings and circumstances which urged her to change. She fought as hard as she could to keep her humanity and so did Alec but after some time slowly she saw Alec changing and it crushed her heart. The only moment when he seemed to remain her Alec was when they were together. But lately even then, there were moments when she didn’t recognize him anymore.

As soon as she saw the changes in him she tried desperately to find a solution, something, anything, to keep him human, to keep him hers. She hanged on to the memories of the times before that God forsaken realm. Of her family, her older brother Lycan who always looked out for her. The time when she first saw Alec and how immediately she was drawn to him, the times they spent together, the dreams they had… Even some of those memories seemed to fade as time went by but she promised herself not to forget. She would find a way out no matter what it took and how long it took.

She hungered to be with him safe and sound and now this happened. They were trapped and only the Gods knew how she would convince them they were no threat to them or their realm.

She sighed deeply thinking of it all. Now all she could do was wait.

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred lifted his glass to the toast, and tried to relax back and enjoy the music. High-ranked collaborators...Here, in the Far East. Aenil guard them from Beulaterra's fate.

Wait...First great victory? The boy was young...The first victory had been in Talex, fighting off the assembled southern hordes. Then second Talex...Then Anacan, really...Taking Azros had been fairly straightforward. Still, it was a visible symbol of their progress. Though he really thought that raiding Edairn proved more about Soliferum's collapse...

In any case, it seemed there really was a chance to finish the Crusade after all.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain drank heartily from his mug, and set it on the table.

"Battles are won and lost, regions are raided, soldiers and heroes alike lost... Songs will be sung for ages of their exploits, and others will follow in their footsteps, but these are not real victories. Actions which decide the fate of generations, those are the real victories. Securing a new stronghold of justice in the South, that is the first real victory of this long war. We've all seen our share of victories and defeats, delivered crushing blows, and been routed. They all lead up to one moment. This one. The moment the tide turns from a stalemate, to the end of corrupt reign of Conan... Forever." Thain paused and took Deianarah's hand in his.

"A new Kingdom has risen from the ashes of an old one... Seeking to restore the ways of old, and put an end to the death and despair that reigns in the South. The South was once a beautiful land, where freedom and justice were maintained. The Pirates were crushed, and a united South stood against the lunacy of Einar. A strong line of Kings ruled. Now a new line, come forth from the old, takes the reigns. And we know, behind every good King... Is a Queen." Thain said, pausing to look at the expression on Dei's face as what he was saying dawned on her. He knelt on one knee and opened a box with a beautiful Diamond and sapphire ring inside it.

"Will you stand by me Deianarah?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Thain seemed to try and soften her behavior towards Alexandra and Dei couldn’t help glancing over her shoulder. /Harsh?/ Hmph… She had taken it easy on her. The woman’s eyes were downcast, and Deianarah seemed satisfied. And then slowly it dawned on her, she was jealous! Not of the servant, but of her wandering eyes, from now on she would make sure to keep Alexandra away from him. Deianarah had heard too many tales growing up, she wasn’t about to live one. True though, this was /not/ healthy. She would take care of the matter later, and focused on Jenred and his compliment. She quietly nodded her thanks and listened as Thain began to talk. It wasn’t long the meal was served, a toast was made, and music began to play.

A platter of food was set before her, and she raised the glass of wine. a servant had just poured her, joining in the toast. As they drank, she took a small sip and carefully set the glass back on the table, all the while listening to Thain’s words, smiling. She loved him so much, she loved the sound of his voice, the glint of excitement in his eye. She found so many little things about him endearing, that she then managed to lose herself in his words until he got to the conclusion of them and she stopped smiling, realizing what he was doing. Her eyes searched his face and her hand fell away from the table to her lap.

He then knelt before her and presented her a beautiful ring, meant for her, his Queen. Deianarah reached in to touch the diamond and sapphire with awe. Was this really happening to her? Was she dreaming? /Someone pinch me,/ she thought desperately. She wanted to fly into his arms and kiss him but her legs only trembled with weakness, concealed by her dress. When her eyes locked with his, they were filled with moisture and she let out a soft sound as if trying to speak but her voice simply evaded her. She had to swallow back the lump in her throat as she could see he was waiting for her answer.

It was a few moments and she finally spoke. “Yes…” her words were soft lost in the tremble of emotions his question brought forth and her eyes gleamed with happiness. Her word had barely been above a whisper and the nobles around could not hear her. “Yes,” she said in a more confident voice. “Gods, yes,” she said again, and this time she was off her chair and into his arms. “I will always stand by you,” she whispered in his ear and kissed him.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain swallowed hard as he waited for her to answer, his heart racing and he could barely keep himself from trembling. She answered and threw herself into his arms and kissed him. He stood with her, not breaking the kiss until they both were upright, then he broke off and looked her in the eyes.

"I've wanted this since we first met in Remton. You complete me Dei." he whispered to her, then turned to the crowd and raised his glass into the air.

"Long live the Queen!"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah’s smile had grown to permanency as she looked to the nobles gathered in the room. There was a thundering cheer in echo to Thain’s and she grinned. Sure, being Queen would be wonderful, but it was the man at her side that made her happy, who completed her. She leaned her head into his chest, feeling him still trembling and she wiped the warm tears on her cheeks with her own trembling hand and let out a soft laugh and kissed him again.

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred smiled, standing to offer a congratulatory bow, which neatly hid his face as it briefly turned smug. His proposal to Edara involved hawks, a trip down the Raen Duin, and had been carefully planned over the course of months. Although...He had been somewhat remiss lately. The impromptu tournament idea feel rather flat given the timing of the tournament. He'd need to work on that...

He straightened, smile properly happy.

"An excellent day indeed! My heartfelt congratulations. And...I liberated a few casks from Edairn...I'd thought to hold a festival in Talex when I returned, but this seems a far better use for them. It seems some one in Edairn was a fan of whiskey."

Jenred gestured to one of his soldiers, standing as an honour guard against the wall behind his chair, and sent him off to get the servants in motion.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain's eyes betrayed his amusement, and he finished his ale.

"My father's work no doubt. There will be more stashes found as we retake Nighthelmian lands."

Thain grinned, the thought of recovering a part of his father's legendary whiskey stash was enticing.

"It's likely distilled in Razrpot. Best whiskey ever made."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As King Jenred congratulated them, Deianarah inclined her head with a smile. Thain’s gaze returned to hers and at that very moment she would have loved to be completely alone with him, simply to indulge in the love that radiated between them. Of course this would not happen, they were entertaining guests, later… She grinned and returned to her seat.

Her gaze then drifted to the ring Thain had just given her. It was beautiful, every small facet shone, reflecting the candlelight around them. She couldn’t believe it. She could still hear them speaking, talking of whiskey, but her mind quickly drifted away and she was lost in a bit of daydreaming of her future with the man she loved.

Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia

Nearing the beginning of the feast Warmaster Alpha arrived with a few guards to the Royal Estate of King Thain. He bore a ~V~ crest on his chest, as well as the white cloak of his office. As he approach the large double doors, one of the palace servants opened them. He scanned the crowded hall seeing several notable lords. King Jenred and Duchess Deianarah seated near King Thain, at that same table he noticed his own seat. The small man easily made his way through the crowded hall and to the long table.

Once there he saluted his king, and took his seat.

"My King, I have heard that you and the Duchess are to be married. I am most happy for the both of you. I must apologize that I did not have the time to acquire a gift for you yet."

Turning to Jenred he said.

"King Jenred, I am pleased to see you again. I hope everything in Arcaea fares well."

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Well, the feast will begin shortly, the boar is almost finished. Shall we see who is here my love?" Thain said, leaning in to kiss her again. He wrapped his arm around her and steered her towards the cluster of other tables reserved for the nobility, C'thonian and allies alike.

Roleplay from Beorac Krauluk

Beorac knocked on the door to the Kings mansion waiting patiently to be invited in for the feast.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

The servants let Beorac in and quietly informed him that the feast was being held for "Everyone in the Region."

Roleplay from Boerac Krauluk

Beorac acknowledged the servants looking almost distant and depraved of sleep for days. Slowly moving through the elegant corridors he approached the feasting hall, almost nervous he held an ornate hilt next to his body. The didn't leave his side now for days and felt he could no longer part of it. He slowly entered the feasting hall and looked over to see Thain.

"Hello my King...and congratulations!"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah returned the sweet kiss and nodded, still smiling. She didn’t think there was anything that would be able to stop her from smiling tonight. Her hand then slid into his and she followed him around the room. Greeting nobles who wished to congratulate them.

Roleplay from Beorac Krauluk

Beorac stood in a corner away from the crowds, for him there will be no merrymaking tonight on the festive occasion. Scanning the crowd his vision began to blur slightly, but he was able to catch himself before he fell. Wearily he slank over to the table. Eying Thain in his grand chair he cautiously waited for an opening to get his word in as soon as most of the conversations ceased as everyone began to dine.

"My king..." Beorac bowed almost tipping over. "...I have grave news." The world almost seemed to spin as Beorac collapsed feeling a fiery burst of pain rush through his body.

Roleplay from Elys Athins

Elys patiently waited her turn as various nobles approached the King and Duchess to offer their compliments. At last there was an opening and she approached the table.

"Your Grace, My Lady Duchess, congratulations on your engagement. May your life together be filled with love and happiness."

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy smoothed her dress as she stood at the gates of the manor, the crumpled and over-read oath offer from Lady Deianarah in her hand as well as her invitation to the engagement party. She needed to speak with Beorac before making any quick judgment in this situation, as well as discover if he had heard any word from Galen. Carefully she walked into the grand manor, making her way toward the dining room. She saw that she was just in time to begin eating, as well as watch as Beorac fell to the ground.

"Beorac!" She yelled out, and ran to his side, pushing aside the other nobles.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Lady Elys approached them, but Deianarah was not as familiar with her as she should be. She did recall her from her arrival in C’thonia, at her words, Deianarah smiled and nodded her head. “We thank you for your wishes,” by the tone of her voice, all could tell how truly happy she felt deep down. She looked up to Thain who also nodded in the dame’s direction. He opened his mouth to say words himself but before he could, a man approached them, seeming to stumble, and veer in an offset manner. Dei frowned, as Thain paused to look, his attention towards him. “My King… I have grave news,” he managed to slur before he collapsed to the ground.

As he did, further into the room, another noblewoman rushed up to him, yelling his name. “Beorac!

At the commotion, Deianarah’s hand tightened in Thain’s but almost immediately she was at their side. She tried to see if Beorac was injured, but the newest noblewoman was pushing her aside.

Dei rose from the ground and called some servants. “Carry this man to a private room and please inform the King’s physician he is needed. Inform us the moment he wakes,” she ordered the last. At her words, the servants quickly and carefully picked him up, taking him out of the room. Deianarah then approached the other woman who seemed to stop breathing as Beorac was taken from her sight, she could only surmise the woman had feelings for him. Deianarah knew how she felt, she had been there with Thain before. It felt like her world was ending a crawling second at a time.

“You may join them,” she informed her softly. “I believe a familiar face will do him good when he wakes. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

Deianarah then approached Thain, she didn’t think it had been possible, but she couldn’t smile as she did earlier. “If you wish to wait until he wakes, I will understand. I could remain to make sure the guests are taken care of,” she offered. She didn’t want him to leave her sight, but she could tell the man seemed to have a pressing issue to discuss and Thain wasn’t one to let something like that go unattended.

He nodded slowly, and waited for the room to somehow return to the festivities, but whispers could be heard, before Thain ordered the musicians to continue playing. Deianarah returned amongst the crowd and Thain was by her side for some time, until he eventually and carefully made his exit.

The feast continued, Thain eventually returned, seeing as Beorac had not regained consciousness. The guests began to leave as whispers of an upcoming battle seemed to be on everyone’s tongue. Deianarah and Thain returned to their bedchamber, where they were finally alone, able to indulge in one another and she fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning when she woke, Thain had already left and she knew he was off to join in the battle. It wasn’t until later that afternoon, did she receive a letter informing her, he was wounded and she spent the rest of the day worrying over his state. Just as she had seen Lady Cassidy react the day before, only Deianarah could not see him before her, every second without him made it hard to breathe.