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Peter Outman (Knight of Remton)
Peter Outman (Knight of Remton)
For some reason, being on the road always reminded Peter of his sweet Sara. When he traveled without her, his thoughts were always about getting back to her as fast as he could, but business aways came first. When they traveled together, he always loved bedding down in the woods beside her. She looked her best in the moonlight he remembered. The soft subtle tones of her brow, her crooked little nose, and that flaming red hair, it almost glowed in the moonlight. She was apart from him now, now and for forever, no thanks to Dieter.
The spring was upon him, here in the forest as he bedded down for the night. He had farther still to go. For now, the nightingales would be his companion, and sing him off to sleep. It was peaceful here, the calm breeze growing warmer with each day. He hoped he would not dream, that awful dream, that usually haunted him. He loved dreaming of how spirited and strong willed she was, he loved her winning smile, but mostly, he loved how he felt at peace in her arms. He loved that she had taught him so many things, mostly things he never knew about himself. He loved the dream, it was the ending he could not bare.
And so he made his bed among the trees, made his rounds, to check on his men, and curled in for a long deserved rest. Rest would not come easy this evening though. The events of the last few days were weighing heavy on his mind. He had so much to do, and the longer it took, the longer he remained away from his Obtal. He sort of chuckled at that, His Obtal. Never did he imagine he would come so far. Just a young noble playing in the forests, and now he was responsible for the livelihood of a couple thousand people. It was rather humbling, Sara would have been so proud of him. And with that last thought, he drifted off to sleep.
Peter Outman
Count of Obtal

Latest revision as of 17:27, 30 January 2010

Peter Outman Knight of Saex

Scout Report (Mraulaxon): Scribe Note

After reading over the report Peter could feel the excitement well up within him. How perfect it was to see "Duke" Dieter alone. He thought to himself how grand it would be to swoop in un-noticed, and decapitate the man that had caused Ethiala his former home, and himself, so much trouble. By the Aenil he hated and despised that man.

Then as suddenly as it began to grow, the feeling left him. After all, he was in Saex without orders already, though quelling the monster threat would probably keep him out of trouble. Going off on his own on a matter of personal "business" into enemy territory was another matter altogether. Especially without knowing the enemies strengths in the surrounding areas.

"Captain Tilmann, send out a scout to Orbeh, have him report immediately back to me. I'll request for orders in the mean time."

1 hour later...

Scout Report (Orbeh): Scribe Note

He grabbed the report out of the scouts hands and read it urgently. Then he tossed it aside and through himself down against the base of a tree. More monsters were moving from Orbeh to Mraulaxon would make things difficult...unless he was to let the monsters have a go at Dieter first, then go in after and finish him off... He was so pleased with himself, he thought of how he would carve Dieter piece by piece, and of how he would enjoy it. Then he remembered himself, and the situation. He would never be allowed to go off on this mission, not now, there was too much work to be done in Nocaneb, and Sasat to ever be allowed to go on such a venture. Peter settled in against the base of his tree and closed his eyes to await his next order, and to dream of how he wished that order would read...

1 hour later...

Peter awoke with such a start that he jumped upright, forgetting where he had laid to rest. He bolted straight up into the low hanging bough of the tree he nestled under and smacked his head so hard as to nearly knock him unconscious.

Captain Tilmann who was just settling himself in, after seeing to the men, was caught completely off guard, and bolted upright himself, sword drawn, thinking that his master, Peter, was under attack.

Whipping the tears of pain from his eyes so none of his men would see, Peter weakly got to his feet once more.

Seeing the distress in Peter's eyes' Captain Tilmann ran over to aid his lord and master, but Peter waved him away. "I'm better than alright Captain, in my slumber I had a most uplifting dream."

"What is it Sir?" The Captain still eying the weakness in his master's knees.

"What if we don't need to go to Dieter, what if Dieter comes to us? He was on his way to Mraulaxon from Niel, but I see no reason for him not to continue on. What if he comes right through Saex big as you please, and we are right here waiting for him?"

"Aye Sir, that would certainly be fortuitous. I don't think Dieter would just stroll through though Sir. I'm quite certain that he would be more cautious than that."

"You are right Captain, as usual. Ready the men, I don't want Dieter to get by us unnoticed. It will take some time for him to complete his journey here, and I want our men ready when he gets here. Here's 5 extra gold for the man that first lays eyes on that buffoon Dieter!"

After Captain Tilmann left to make arrangements and give the orders to the men, Peter fell straight down and crashed on his rear-end. The jolts of pain running through his head, throbbing, endlessly, he passed out cold and fell into a deep sleep.

2 hours later...

He awoke again. Much more slowly this time, than the last, as if he was having to fight to open his eyes. Though blurry yet, he could tell he was not where he was when last he was awake. A tent enveloped him now. He recognized the healer he had employed months before, but this was the first time he himself had been injured to the point of actually needing the healers care. Sure, he had fought many battles, and had many scars to show for them, but he would never willingly allow his men to see him so vulnerable.

He began to wonder what had brought him here, so he sat up to inspect himself. He sat up too quickly, and the wound he suffered brought everything crashing back.

"Captain Tilmann brought you in m'lord, he's seeing to the rest of the troops just now, but I'm sure he'll be in to check on you again before too long."

How long had he been out he wondered, and Dieter...had he missed his chance?

14 hours later...

It had only been 7 seven hours since Peter's eyes had been open last. He had not missed his opportunity! For that he was grateful. Reaching up he felt the rather large bandage the healer had wrapped around his head. As he began to unravel the cloth, he we could see how much blood it had absorbed. He remarked to himself that he should better mind his surroundings when sleeping in the forest, as he did not want to make a habit of waking up in the healers tent.

Just then Captain Tilmann returned and a wide smile came across his face. "You did a right good number on yourself this time Sir." He was very amused by the whole affair, much to the chagrin of Peter.

"You've had a good laugh now Captain. Tell me where we stand with the...matter at hand."

"I've got a scout in the field now Sir, we're just waiting for him to return...should be any minute now."

"Very well, see to it that he doesn't go and get drunk before he makes his report. If I like what he has to say, his first round will be on me."

~ Scout Report (Mraulaxon): Scribe Note

It was indeed the news he was waiting for. Peter busied himself making preparations. He wanted everything to be just right. After all, Dieter did have more men than he, almost 2:1, but Peter's men were in much better shape, and he had the advantage of surprise. A perfect little ambush plan he had come up with to catch Dieter's men unawares. Once his men were taken care of, the fun would commence...

3 hours later...

Peter was getting anxious, Dieter and his men must have made their way to Saex by now, but there had been no sight of them yet. Peter's murderous troops were getting anxious as well...they had blood on their minds and in their eyes.

Peter couldn't take it any more, and he called for his scribe. If there was any chance that Dieter managed to successfully evade his little ambush, he wanted to be certain that Dieter at least got his message.

After dictating to his scribe the wording, he ordered the issuance of the dual immediately..."Find Dieter by all means necessary and deliver my terms. Await his response, and return at once."

Peter was now boiling over with rage, that his men may have lost him the opportunity to dispatch Dieter to the nether realms...He wanted that man dead by his own hands this very minute!!!

3 hours later...

"Blast it all!!!" Peter's anger was growing with every passing moment. His messenger had not yet returned. He could feel Dieter slipping through his very hands. How could he let this happen, he had thought of everything, and still Dieter eluded him. By the Aenil this man vexed him so, and he would have his revenge, he had to have it, he was obsessed with it, it would drive him mad if he didn't get it...

3 hours later...

"Duke" Dieter:

I assume my messenger has found you by now and delivered my terms for our duel. I also am including this note, that you may know that I am prepared for what must be done, what shall be done.

That you have not answered my challenge, does not puzzle me. I have known you for what you are for quite some time, earlier than most it would seem, and while you may still seek to pray on the naivety of others, I see through you, into what little soul you have left.

The cowardess you try to hide from others, shines brightly in my eyes, your blasphemy penetrates my ears, your donning of aires insights me. I will lay you to rest for all time, that you will no longer be the scourge of the righteous, and just...Till we meet face to face... Peter

Peter Outman (Knight of Remton)


Some weeks later...


Tammo sat out in the cool night air, enjoying the natural beauty his estate provided. It was nice to finally take a moment of rest. Things had happened so quickly in the past couple of weeks: he had been appointed to the council, and then Lady Olga had left and Santoro had left, and now he was in command of Saex. Tammo could hardly believe it. He had always trained for fighting, and now he often found himself caught up in political discussions. It wasn't that he disliked just all seemed so strange.

A servant came out from the house to deliver the day's paperwork. Tammo looked over the reports with an approving not. Although most of the Sartanian pigs had fled the region, his men had still done well. The civil work was going well in Saex; production would likely soon be back to normal levels.

Suddenly, a name caught his eye. Tammo froze with the paper in his hand. Could it really be true? Was he reading this right? Yes, there it was clear as day. Tammo fetched a servant from the house. "Please send a message to Sir Peter as quickly as possible. Tell him that Dieter is in Saex."

Tammo Hlessi Count of Saex

Peter was passing through Saex when he heard the sounds of a battle near by. He headed his men towards the sound of clashing steal, and to his delight he saw his arch nemesis Dieter across the field. Peter ordered his men to charge into the fray. Not that he needed to, they could see Dieter as well.

Battling his way across the field trying to gain a position near Dieter, Peter fell 5 of Dieter's men. Just as he was almost within sword reach of Dieter, he watched as Count Tammo's own sword came down and struck Dieter square. Peter was confused. Should he be happy or sad. Dieter had fallen, but it was by another's sword. It was...unsettling.

He could see that Dieter was only hurt, he wanted desperately to finish him off. No, this was not his way. He was not like the coward before him that skulked away from duals. Peter composed himself and told Dieter to have the healers tend to his wounds. When he was mended once more the two would dual...a fair the men of nobility.

Peter Outman (Knight of Remton)

For some reason, being on the road always reminded Peter of his sweet Sara. When he traveled without her, his thoughts were always about getting back to her as fast as he could, but business aways came first. When they traveled together, he always loved bedding down in the woods beside her. She looked her best in the moonlight he remembered. The soft subtle tones of her brow, her crooked little nose, and that flaming red hair, it almost glowed in the moonlight. She was apart from him now, now and for forever, no thanks to Dieter.

The spring was upon him, here in the forest as he bedded down for the night. He had farther still to go. For now, the nightingales would be his companion, and sing him off to sleep. It was peaceful here, the calm breeze growing warmer with each day. He hoped he would not dream, that awful dream, that usually haunted him. He loved dreaming of how spirited and strong willed she was, he loved her winning smile, but mostly, he loved how he felt at peace in her arms. He loved that she had taught him so many things, mostly things he never knew about himself. He loved the dream, it was the ending he could not bare.

And so he made his bed among the trees, made his rounds, to check on his men, and curled in for a long deserved rest. Rest would not come easy this evening though. The events of the last few days were weighing heavy on his mind. He had so much to do, and the longer it took, the longer he remained away from his Obtal. He sort of chuckled at that, His Obtal. Never did he imagine he would come so far. Just a young noble playing in the forests, and now he was responsible for the livelihood of a couple thousand people. It was rather humbling, Sara would have been so proud of him. And with that last thought, he drifted off to sleep.

Peter Outman Count of Obtal