Book of Prayers: Difference between revisions

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(Completing the second passage: Sacrosanct)
m (+ prayer)
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"''Salvation isn't for the weak of mind...''"
"''Salvation isn't for the weak of mind...''"
"''Be our protection in battle against all evil, help us to overcome war and violence and to establish your law of love and justice.''"

Revision as of 07:56, 23 January 2010

Note that this page is still under construction and far from Role-Play use.

The Book of Prayers can refer to one of two closely related religious texts central to the Church of Ibladesh and the Church of Sartan. While this version is written by the Hand of Sartan, it will diverse from the original Book of Prayers of Ibladesh. And some texts might be variously interpreted by both religions.


Passage 1:
Passage 2:
Passage 3:
Passage 4:
Passage 5:
Passage 6:
Passage 7:
Passage 8:
Passage 9:
Passage 10:

  • Primo Diluculo (First Dawn)


Hundreds of years humanity have wandered the earth in search for the meaning of life. Everyone had an opinion about it, nobody knew the truth. Some believed in the sun, others in the elements or in Gods who may or may not exist. But neither gave that answer to their questions. The Gods of Ibladesh had the answer to everything. Only people forgot to listen.
Due the years populations became far too large. Humanity turned against itself. Scarcity is what brought evil up in humanity. They started fighting each other for their residual resources and food. Instead of sharing, they fought with the interests of their own people first. It was amazing what could be accomplished for your own people by laying low other tribes; more land to live on, more resources to quench the needs of the people and there were always people who joined your community either out of love or fear.
Major tribes conspired together and concluded treaties. They became allies; the coalition of the sovereign tribes. Great empires were born. But the oldest, wisest and strongest among the people, who always led the smaller communities didn't fought for their people any longer. Merely for their own greed and desires. They divided the empire into Duchies and those in smaller regions. They proclaimed themselves as Lords and lived like kings. They called themselves nobles. And the Gods saw it was wrong.

And Ramsus said, "The Sun shall not rise again, for these vicious people do not deserve to live in the Light of Gods. The night shall not be infinite: darkness will fade; water will thaw and crops will grow again upon the day the Sacrosanct shall heave the sun upon his birth." [4:?] And it was so.

The sun was gone, and did not returned. The people prayed to the Sun, but in vain. The people prayed to the Elements, but in vain. The people prayed to their own founded Gods, but in vain.
In the absence of the light and warmth of the sun, it was cold and dark. Everything was grey and black, you could barely see anything at all. Only the light of the candles and fireplaces gave comfort to the people. And in the light of their torches they hunted, but the hunter became the prey for those animals who could see at night.
An early winter emerged, and it was a severe winter. The harvest was gathered, but on a land so cold and dry, in the absence of sunlight, there was no crops growing back. Starvation spread across the earth. The cattle were brought in and were slaughtered for their skins and their meat to keep the people warm and to quench their hunger. And burglary was committed against those who had much and they were deprived from their valuables and food by those who were at wits' end.
The endless night demanded its toll: thousands of people and animals died because of the winter cold and starvation, and there was nothing they could do against it. And the Gods looked down with gratification.

The darkness faded, the water thawed and the crops started to grow again as the sun had risen, ending the endless night and the severe winter.
And as predicted by Ramsus, the Sacrosanct was born, a human of noble virtues: wisdom, justice, fortitude, courage and honour. With his faith sealed upon his birth.

The Pantheon has done well and wisely, in not permitting a man to live forever and in bringing into the world ever new generations. An old man is a used-up organ, who has too many dogmas to easily believe in a new truth; too many sympathies and antipathies for him to come to love something unfamiliar; too many habits to be able to settle on new ways. New life was requisite to predominate old believes.
The Pantheon has brought humanity to a expiration. Only the strongest and wisest of all persisted. Total chaos and despair shaped men equal to each other; for nobility to have a second chance.
The new generation, would bring fourth the newest nobility. Men would rise up in their struggle for power, but no men was any longer above the laws of the Pantheon. And the youngest of all generations, the Sacrosanct, would execute the will of the Pantheon. The creation will kneel down before the Creators. Humanity failed to lead themselves, so the Pantheon intervenes so the balance of good and evil will preserve. Sartan was the chosen one, he was predestined to become the prophet of the Pantheon. And so they taught him. In his dreams they taught him. Visited by the Pantheon, all separately to teach him about; Justice, so he shall be fair, moral, and impartial to all; Honour, so he shall assign worth and stature based on the harmony of morality to his actions; Wisdom, so he shall effectively and efficiently apply perceptions and knowledge in life; Creativity, so he shall be innovative in extending the boundaries of his knowledge and experiences; and final, Love, so he shall affect and attach himself deeply to all that deserves his devotion, so he may protect it from all that does not.

Sartan wields the knowledge of the Pantheon, knowledge that no normal human can bare. And with this knowledge he turned at those who gave him birth, as they confined him, to be merely human. And at the age of five he spoke to his mother,

"I shall be our hope on an enhanced existence. I shall inspire all those who battle at the front lines, they shall be dauntless. I shall reassure the mothers and women whose sons and men wage war for their homeland, they shall be lifted from their anxiety. And I shall bring glory to all those who pursue my footsteps, because I live." [4:?]

Idalia smiled at Sartan and embraced him, but at the same moment, she was afraid. And with those word, Sartan turned around and without looking back he walked away, never to return. Jospeh endeavoured to prevent Sartan from leaving, but Sartan was determined to take this course and leave everything behind and become one with nature. Sartan was left his mother and plunged into a world of violence. Forced to rely only upon the teachings of the Pantheon. Forced to fight and if necessary to kill. In a world without law, he taught himself to show no pain, no mercy. Constantly tossed before nature's fury. It was his initiation his time in the wild, that he would return to his people as a man, or not at all. To return to convey the truth, a truth elusive to those who refuse to see with both eyes wide.

  • Salvation (Tales of Salavtion are spread by Sartan -> disciples follow his teachings -> Church of Ibladesh -> City close to where Sartan is born expects the Pantheon in their harts because of Sartan, and name the city of the Panteon, called Ibladesh.)
  • Commandments (Sartan's morale Code of Conduct.)
  • The 4th (Sartan dies, becomes the 4th of the Pantheon of Ibladesh.)
  • Dark age (EC -> Sartan died and his disciples left -> throughout the years the people fall back on other Gods and paganism. -> OR demand religious state -> after all, Pantheon decides to help humanity in finding salvation again -> prophet -> Church of Ibladesh becomes state religion of Ibladesh.)
  • Far East
  • Interference with Ramsus
  • Domus

"And those who wander the earth alone will be strong and independent. But they shall not rejoice in the light of life, for they have lived in the gloom. They will not be let astray. Sartan shall guide them in reticence without taking credit for His work, so they may discover the path of truth in comfort."

"The Church is a place of sanctuary and protection from the world, where one can sense the warmth and hospitality and even the love of Sartan who welcomes all those who seek the path of truth."

"Abide by His teachings and you shall know the strength of His blessing."

"Salvation isn't for the weak of mind..."

"Be our protection in battle against all evil, help us to overcome war and violence and to establish your law of love and justice."