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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' Kaylan had arrived in Greatbridge, and was now waiting on her next orders. She tried to busy herself with her duty, but found nothing could distract h...)
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Revision as of 04:30, 10 December 2009

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan had arrived in Greatbridge, and was now waiting on her next orders. She tried to busy herself with her duty, but found nothing could distract her long enough, and soon her thoughts were filled with blue eyes and the strong feeling that came every time she thoughts of Malcolm. She longed to be with him again, but she knew it would be a while longer.

Someone brought her out of her reverie, and she looked down to see a letter in her hands, opening it, a small smile reached her lips. It was an invitation by Lady Aewyn to attend a costume party. Usually she wouldn’t have wanted to go, for fear of attracting too much attention to herself, but she felt much safer now. This was perfect, and she would be reunited with him again, and there would be no awkwardness this night, like there had been at Lady KatalynFae’s wedding celebration and especially no wine. This time, she expected to be with him because they were meant to be there together.

Not even five minutes later she received another letter from a different scribe. “Well aren’t I popular today,” she smiled to herself and when she saw the seal, her smile slipped.

Breaking it, she read the letter and she blanched. “Oh gods, Alec.” She looked up for fear of seeing him appear right in front of her approaching her with his dazzling smile and that annoying cocky swagger. Only she was standing by herself in front of her tent.

Groaning, she folded the letter and walked back inside. “Why now?,” she groaned. She remembered him… gods how could anyone ever forget him. He had a confident air, that just annoyed. He absolutely thought he was the gods’ gift to women, and what was worse, is that they flocked to him, as if he truly was.

He was too handsome for his own good and with his insatiable need for women, it was a very bad combination. If he was here now…. She was in so much trouble. “This is so not good,” she mumbled. Distraught she passed her hand through her hair with frustration. “I’m going to kill him.”

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

After the battle in Dulbin, Alec made a few inquiries and was pleased when he found out Kaylan was there as well. Without waiting another moment, he quickly made his way to her tent.

Upon arriving, he walked up to the guard stationed at the entrance. “Hey there,” he smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Nice day isn’t it? I have a surprise for Lady Kaylan, if you don’t mind. I’ll just walk right in.”

The guard put his hand out and his eyes narrowed at Alec’s attitude. “State your station and purpose.”

Alec rolled his eyes at the burly man and grinned. “Look, I’m here to see the most beautiful woman in the continent,” he started with an oily smile. “I want to surprise her, with words of my undying loyalty and love, and a few other things I can’t utter, I don’t want to make you blush,” Alec joked with a confident smile and the guard actually smiled.

“See you know what I’m talking about,” he gave a deep laugh and the guard’s eyes darted over his shoulder. “I still can’t let you through,” he said seriously and Alec’s smile slipped. “Oh,” he said slowly, “you’re one of those.” Reaching into the pouch on his belt, he grinned knowingly. “Here this ought to do it,” he said and was surprised to see the man’s hand shoot up expectantly, before Alec had even pulled his gold out.

He showed him one, and one of the guard’s eyebrows rose. Grinning from ear to ear, Alec reached in again, “well I have to admit, she is worth it,” and he added a couple more, into his palm. This time the guard smiled and looked around to make sure they were alone and moved out of his way. “That’s what I thought,” Alec retorted unimpressed and narrowed his eyes.

The guard frowned at his words, and before he knew what happened, Alec’s elbow came flying into his face and he kneed him in the groin. He doubled over with a pained grunt before crumpling into a heap on the ground. “So hard to find good help these days,” Alec said innocently and retrieved his coins.

He tapped the guard’s cheeks and grabbed him by the collar. His eyes looked up dazedly and Alec was an inch away from his face. “That’s my cousin you’re guarding,” he whispered dangerously and his green eyes flashed with disdain at the guard. “Do you make it a habit of risking her life for a few pieces of gold?” The guard didn’t know what to say and remained silent.

This time Alec reached for his sword, letting it slide out slowly as the light glinted off the metal and the guard’s eyes widened. There was no longer any trace of mischief on his face, Alec had become deathly serious. “Lucky for you, I’ve seen enough blood today. From this moment on, you’re going to guard her with your life because well…” he chuckled, “your life depends on it. Do I make myself clear?” The guard nodded and was about to speak but Alec’s hand came up to stop him. “Make sure you let each and every other one of your pathetic solder friends know and don’t make me have to come back here and remind you… because well,” he sighed “I really don’t like repeating myself. Do you want me to repeat myself?” he asked and the man on the ground shook his head vehemently.

“Good, I knew you would see it my way,” Alec smiled, flashing white teeth and lifted the guard off the ground. “This time, make me proud.” He tapped his stomach and walked into the tent.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan heard noises right outside her tent and was beginning to approach, when the tent flap was pushed aside making her stop.

Alec walked in, his eyes spotted her and he gave her a charming smile. “Wow,” he grinned and examined her from head to toe, “when they said you grew up, I thought an inch or two, but…” he whistled, “just look at you cousin. You’re beautiful,” he complimented with a gush and she put a hand to her hip, unimpressed with his suave attitude.

“Alec,” she greeted in a flat tone and his smile only grew larger. “Are you happy to see me?” he asked and her blue eyes narrowed. “Well, if you return the way you came, I’ll be able to say I’m happy to see you go,” she said sarcastically and he laughed. “Well that part of you hasn’t changed, I always did love your fire,” he admitted honestly and she rolled her eyes.

“If by fire you mean hatred, then love away,” she replied now going back to what she had been previously doing. She sat at her table, and continued to write her letter.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“You don’t mean that,” he said softly, “you can’t hate me I’m too adorable,” he smiled and she looked up. “Where do I start?” she said impatiently. “Every single time you make an appearance in my life I’m caught getting your hide out of hot water.”

He actually frowned and looked up, as if trying to understand her comment. “Get my hide out of…”

She cut him off, “Yes ALEC!” she slapped the desk and the letter went flying and he smiled smugly. “Why did you come here, and now?” she groaned and he casually sat on the chair in front of her and picked up the letter.

“Name one,” he challenged her, completely ignoring the question. This time her brows practically rose to her hair line. “Just one, are you serious?” she sputtered.

“Very well,” she pushed the chair back and rose, pacing in front of him. “How about the time, you thought it would be amusing to draw archaic symbols on the Impra’s livestock and then run through their field like a lunatic, calling out, that the end of days had arrived.” At the retelling he burst out laughing and she gave a grunt of frustration, “Argh, do you know how long it took me to convince them everything would be fine and that he didn’t have to sacrifice his entire livestock to appease the Gods?! When he found out you did it, he wanted to hang you. I had to cry, and beg him not to”

“Oh yeah,” he laughed again, “remember the look on his face though?” he snickered and coughed, “good times. Thanks for that.”

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan’s eyes bore into his and she gave an impossible sigh. “Then the twins….” Her eyes darkened and Alec actually winced. “Oh the twins…” his eyes glazed over with the memory. “They were…” he started to tell her, and faltered when she gave a cutting gesture, as if daring him to continue and she would make him regret it. “Okay, okay,” he held his hands up.

“If I hadn’t intervened, you would be a Eunuch!”

“How was I supposed to know, one would tell the other about me and vice versa, I planned on telling both about the other,” he frowned trying to follow his own train of thought, “I didn’t know they’d be jealous. There is enough of me to go around. I do like to sing.”

“That’s not the point Alec! You just never learn! I have a life now, and it’s mine, and you’re not going to ruin it.”

“Kayly,” he tried to appease her and she glared. “Don’t call me that!”

“Okay, okay, I admit. I wasn’t the brightest, I was…” he seemed to be searching for a word but couldn’t come up with anything. “Well I wasn’t the brightest.” His eyes glanced down to the paper and his eyes scanned the writing.

Without noticing, Kaylan continued, “that’s right, now I ask again. What are you doing here?”

“Dearest Malcolm,” he started in a high pitched voice, imitating her and she practically jumped over the desk to grab the paper and he pulled it over, standing to his full height.

“I can not wait to see you again. How I’ve missed you,” he laughed and before he could continue, she punched him across the face and he dropped the paper, as he staggered back.

“Ow, what was that for?” He protested and she ripped the paper from his hands. “For being you,” she quipped and returned the letter to the desk.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“Very well, Kaylan,” he said seriously, knowing he had made a mistake in the past, well maybe two, but it was no reason for her to hate him. “I’ve changed,” he started softly, and this time it was her turn to laugh. “You will never change Alec,” she pointed out and he opened his mouth, testing his jaw.

The actual reason he was there, was because her parents were extremely worried and had requested his help. No one took him seriously, which was perfect. Because if Kaylan truly knew his reason for being there she would simply state something along the lines of not needing his help, especially his. She worked well enough alone and would continue to take on the world with her two fists, continuing to survive by sheer dumb luck. He had to wonder, how lucky she really was, for managing for so long.

“I’m bored,” he started lamely, “you know first you, then my dear sister, with the two favorite women in my life gone, my days have been…. well too long. I just wanted to find some adventure, and I know there is plenty to be seen and experienced here.”

“Sorsha is gone?” she frowned.

“Yes, she’s left everything, to find her place in this world, but if you ask me, she’s being thrown to the wolves. She’s in O’hara…. Or… was it D’hara? No matter, she’s too shy…. I worry for her.”

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

This was so unlike Alec to be serious, she had to wonder how much of it was true. He was a good actor after all.

“She’s much stronger than you give her credit for Alec,” Kaylan said quietly, momentarily missing her older cousin.

“I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time growing up,” Alec’s green eyes pleaded and she sighed. She had to admit, even though it had been annoying, sometimes she even laughed at the absurd things he came up with.

“I have changed, and I will prove it, just give me a chance” he gave her a dazzling smile and nudged her. Her lips began to quirk into a smile and he nudged her again. “I know there’s a beautiful smile there, let’s see it.”

She smiled and he put his arm around her. “There she is,” he grinned. “Don’t worry Kayly, you won’t even know I’m here.”

“Just behave,” she pleaded and he hugged her, kissing the top of her head. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything to jeopardize anything in your life now.”

“Now…. Who’s this Malcolm? He asked inquisitively, with a hint of a threat and she rolled her eyes at his seeming air of false protectiveness. “None of your business,” she folded the letter, now somewhat embarrassed he had seen some of it.

“Let’s go get some food, and you can tell me everything you have been up to, and I will do the same.” He gallantly offered her his arm and she smiled. “Very well, but only because I’m starving.” He couldn’t help but laugh and led her out of the tent.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm hated being sick. Couldn't focus, couldn't think, barely responded to anything...Blech. Fortunately, he was feeling much better now, so when one of the special Messengers appeared with a report, he could take it in fully...And grinned. He might get to like this Alec...