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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' Kaylan blocked the sounds behind her, envisioned the target in her mind and released the string, letting the arrow fly. Closing her eyes, she concentra...)
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Revision as of 04:30, 26 September 2009

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan blocked the sounds behind her, envisioned the target in her mind and released the string, letting the arrow fly. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the sound of the arrow in flight. The sounds of the men behind her returned and she opened her eyes with a smile. She didn’t even bother to retrieve her arrow she knew she had hit her mark, she always hit her mark. Instead she took another from where she had stuck several into the ground.

Something akin to a delightful shiver crawled between her shoulder blades and she lost her concentration. She actually recognized the sensation as one she’d felt only recently in her life and smiled. It was a few moments before she could put it at the back of her mind and focused on regaining control of herself.

Able to concentrate once more, she nocked another arrow. She was about to let it go, when the feeling returned. This time she turned at the sensation with expectation, only to see several of her men talking together, completely oblivious to her.

Trying to shake the strange moment, she began to raise her hands at a desperate attempt to shake the feeling, but this time it was accompanied with a presence at her back.

There was no doubt where she recognized that sensation from now. Lowering her War Bow, she wrapped her hand around the hilt of her sword and pulled the blade out with a ring of metal. Turning quickly, she caught him by surprise and placed the tip beneath his chin. “Malcolm,” she breathed softy her heart beating quickly with the prickling exhilaration she felt from seeing him. He gave her a gorgeous smile and his blue eyes twinkled at her.

“My Lady,” he grinned and tried to move her sword with a hand but she controlled the blade and raised her chin at him as if saying, you’re not getting out of it that easily.

“You should never sneak up on a woman,” she teased seriously then grinned, “especially one who can feel your presence from yards away.”

It was his turn to frown and he tilted his head questioningly at her. “You have incredible powers of intuition Kaylan, but I doubt you can seriously claim such an ability,” he laughed with amusement.

“A non-believer in my midst,” she smiled and bit her lower lip. “I boast not, Malcolm, I felt you, like fingers dancing on my skin. It was almost…” she seemed to be looking for a word and he offered one in return, “exciting?”

“Sensual,” she corrected and he pursed his lip in thought, obviously pleased with this information. “It changes matters not, you snuck up on me, you were caught,” she grinned, “how are you going to find a way out of your predicament now, Sir Knight?” She mocked him playfully and with her blade, she tapped the hilt of his sword then brought the tip back to his chin.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm grinned.

“Well…It seems I must pay a forfeit of some sort…”

He reached around with his hands and ran his fingers along her sides and arms, letting them drift softly up her body…And wrapping them into her hair to pull her in for a kiss, as she let her blade move to the side. Sometime later, they broke the kiss and stood nose to nose…And Malcolm grinned as his own blade rested gently above her kidney…Only to laugh as she tapped hers between his ribs.

“Alas, I am defeated indeed this day…I’ll have to grant you the spoils of the victor later tonight…Might want to start thinking of what you desire, milady…But for now, I did have a purpose in coming here other than kissing you, as enjoyable as that was. Did you see the notice about the costume party?”

He tilted his head with a grin, showing that he had ideas already…

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She pulled away to re-sheath her sword, resting both hands on her hips. “I did,” she answered coyly with a small grin. “Alas…I still haven’t decided if I’m to attend,” she said innocently and started to pull her arrows out of the ground. When she looked up, the look of mild surprise on his face had her laughing. Setting her bow aside, she neared him and put her arms around his neck, “but now that the perfect partner stands before me… I think I’ve changed my mind,” she kissed him softly examining his face.

“I can see behind those mysterious blue eyes, you’re up to something…” she grinned again and slid her hand along his arm, to entwine her fingers with his. “Come… walk with me,” she said softly and then perked up with a bit of intrigue, “costumes…” she mused. “This should be fun… ”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

He smiled at her.

“I did have an idea in mind for us, yes…I thought that perhaps we should attend as Lord Frost and Lady Flame. I even have a few costume ideas in mind…And making us unrecognizable should be a nice challenge…What do you think?”

He grinned at her, already seeing the fluttering ribbons woven into her hair and the bright rubies sparkling in the festive light of a ball…

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“Lady Flame?” she questioned with a twinkle of mirth. ““I like it!” she approved with a small laugh. “I wonder… was the idea because of the color of my hair?” she teased. “I have to admit Lord Frost…”she said somewhat more somberly, “the color of your eyes in anger do remind me of a cold winter’s day. The glacial calm… beautiful… yet provides no mercy,” she said softly and looked ahead.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

The right side of his lips tilted up in a wry grin.

“I rarely see the point in mercy…Most would not thank you for it, and better a dead enemy than a live one. Although I could wish that you did not have to know that look firsthand…”

He shook his head.

“Enough of this, though…I declare this to be a happy day! So it is written! Well…SCRIBE! Write that this is a happy day!”

One of the omnipresent servants runs up with pen and paper and scribbles it down quickly, while Malcolm grinned.

“See, now it is written. Can’t ignore writing, can we? We’d be barbarians if we did.”

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan laughed as the scribe wrote and looked up at Malcolm’s face. “I’m actually glad I can see the many sides of you, as you’ve seen mine…” she turned away.

After a moment, she smiled and returned to the previous topic. “With your talent with clothes, I already know the costumes will be remarkable. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two?” she gave him a sidelong glance and stopped to look at him. “You know some white crystalline powder to your face,” she reached up to trace his lips “with some blue on your lips, “and some sapphires.” She gazed into his eyes and grinned, “don’t evade the question now… why Lady Flame?”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

He laughed.

“Well…Several reasons…Your hair…The way your eyes flash with desire or anger…Your quick temper…The passionate love we make…Oh…And because I like the idea of making you…hot…”

He ran his fingers along that special place behind and slightly below her ear, and felt her tremble.

“Besides…A full costume idea popped into my head when I thought of it. And I’d be happy to teach you a bit. Of course, we’d have to use each other as models…But somehow, I don’t think that will be a problem.”

He winked as she laughed.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She grinned and lowered her hand onto his chest. “I agree it shouldn’t be a problem. So tell me… What does this full costume idea entail?” she asked curiously. Looking up she looked at the bright light filtering through the branches and a colored leaf, danced lazily on the air to fall in front of them. Leaning down, she picked it up and began to twirl the stem between her fingers. “And how…. Are we ever going to be unrecognizable?” she wondered.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

“Well…Some bits I’d like to keep secret…But there will be lots of ribbons trailing you from various places…Creating the illusion of flames following your every movement…”

He trailed a few fingers through her hair, reaching up to run them lightly along the tops of her ears…

“As for being unrecognizable…Why…Masks, of course…”

He grinned, kissing the tip of her nose.

“Be a pity to cover up such a lovely face…Well…Pity to cover it with a mask, anyway…”

He laughed as she rolled her eyes at him, and dodged…not quickly enough to avoid the slap on his shoulder.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

“You’re incorrigible,” she grinned as she began to walk away again and neared a large tree. The entire base was littered with leaves and she sat down. He smiled as he looked down and joined her. He leaned against the tree and she leaned her back into his chest. “I can’t wait to see it,” she said and looked up at him. “Before we start anything though, let’s stay here a moment.” She intertwined her fingers with his and brought his arms around her. “It seems we never have much chance to sit quietly together.”

She looked up to the sky and just closed her eyes. Concentrating on the sound of his breathing, and the wind around her, she sighed peacefully.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan woke to the sounds of birds chirping in the distance. She snuggled more comfortably in her immense bed, and felt Malcolm’s hand slide over her abdomen, holding her protectively close and smiled. She lay in bed for a long time, simply looking out the window, wishing she could simply lie there with him for the rest of the day…but knew she couldn’t. It was with a somewhat somber sigh that she slipped out of bed, and dressed. After the previous night, Malcolm was quite exhausted and she grinned. She would let him sleep for now, he had earned it. Approaching, she sat beside him and lightly kissed him and whispered softly, “tá grá agam duit.

Walking out of the room, she prepared herself to leave and found her head servant. Upon seeing her, he straightened and bowed. “Oscarius, you will give Sir Malcolm the same courtesy you extend me. Give him what he asks for, with good sense.” She grinned and looked back down the hall to her bedchamber. “He can remain as long as he wishes, whenever he wishes it, and please inform him so. I know not when I will return but I expect to hear good things when I do.”

He bowed deeply again and she walked away slipping her gloves on. She gathered her men, and rode Kennocha out of Oligarch following her orders.