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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' For the second time that day Kaylan searched around the town of Oligarch, set on a mission. She was looking for Logan, but couldn’t find him anywher...)
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Revision as of 19:26, 25 September 2009

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

For the second time that day Kaylan searched around the town of Oligarch, set on a mission. She was looking for Logan, but couldn’t find him anywhere. It had been several hours now, and what started as an amused thought that he may have found delinquent entertainment, quickly transformed into concern. Usually no matter where she was, he wasn’t far behind. He would have followed her anywhere. Since she had dismissed him so quickly the previous night without specific instruction, she figured he would have been here with her men, or at least waiting for her arrival.

She had been looking for near to two hours now and unsuccessfully tried to remind herself not to lose self-control attempting to convincer herself she would find him around the next corner. Turning into the next street, her eyes looked around and her heart sunk.

True most would frown at her or maybe laugh at her predicament, because he was just a scribe after all, she could replace him easily. Deep down she was killing herself with fear for his well-being, she was extremely fond of the young man and very over protective. If anyone had hurt him or taken advantage of his youth, they would pay dearly. In a sense, he was as close to a friend as she knew, and growing up, she never had many. Correction, she never let any get close enough to claim the title.

“Where are you?” she whispered with frustration almost stumbling into a passerby, whose face screwed up with confusion at her question. Smiling politely she dismissed him, “excuse me,” she walked around him and continued to search.

Finally, her blue eyes moistened with frustration and she let out a trembling breath. She hoped he was safe somewhere, but the tightness in her chest wouldn’t let her believe the thought. She had a calculating tactical mind, and relied on facts to predict the outcome of any situation, courtesy of her father. Then again she was taught never to ignore her instincts, no matter the circumstances, courtesy of her mother. In both cases, the odds weren’t in his favor at the moment. From personal experience, she knew something was terribly wrong.

She knew she had to get back, and prepare herself. Looking around one last time, refusing to let go, she finally had to admit defeat. Turning back, she returned the way she came, and a small tear stained her cheek to tremble off her chin. She wiped it away, to conceal the evidence before reaching her men. In the back of her mind, she could hear her father’s voice. “Never show your emotions, as a woman it’s a weakness you can’t allow them to see. If you do they lose respect for your position, lose faith in your ability and shred you to pieces.”

Roleplay from Malfurion Stormrage

Down the crowded streets of Oligarch two men strode glancing around at their surroundings as they walked with clear purpose in their step. Though the streets were busy people seemed to step out of their path as though they didn't want to impede the obvious soldiers.

"We were supposed to meet them an hour ago my lord." Captain Gerlach said with a chuckle.

"How was I to know that many missives would pour in at once? Not like I can ignore them captain." Malfurion replied. "Lets just find this tavern, I have much to do still this day and I can't afford to delay here too long. Lets just have a drink with the men and get them riled up for tomorrow so I can finish the rest of my business."

"I think its right around the corner my lord."

Taking a right round the corner ahead Gerlach walked straight into the back of a rather large man who stood hunkered over against the wall. Stumbling back and mumbling an apology Gerlach righted himself while Malfurion stepped around him and surveyed the situation. The large gentlemen whom Gerlach had bumped into was even now turning back to survey Gerlach with a scowl on his broad face.

What Gerlach still hadn't noticed, but that Malfurion just had, was that up till now was the huge man had been hunched over talking to a boy whom he was holding up against the wall with one large meaty hand wrapped around the boy's neck. It took only a second for Malfurion to decide to act and even as he made the decision his body was already in motion.

As a tactician his mind analyzed the situation as a simple matter of priorities. His goal wasn't to kill the man only to protect the boy and figure out what was going on here. Not touching his sword Malfurion stepped in close to the still straightening giant, driving his left boot down onto his instep with all his strength. Now off balance and with Malfurion inside his guard the man didn't even have time to react before Malfurion drove his armored forearm straight through the his much larger opponent's right wrist just a few inches above where it grasped the boy.

Finally free the boy gasped for breath and scrambled backwards along the wall away from the fight. Glancing back at the boy the man stumbled away from Malfurion and took off down the street with a staggering run.

"Shall I go after him my lord?" Captain Gerlach asked. "We'll see to the boy captain." Malfurion said as he glanced away from the retreating man and finally took a good look at the kid. His clothes seemed a combination of the fashions of Oligarch and Krimml, a very common choice of fashion for a boy from Commonyr. Though he appeared to still be disheveled from his recent encounter he was clearly trying to compose himself. Not wanting to stress the boy further Malfurion took charge of the situation quite quickly.

"We are late for a meeting in that tavern right across the street here boy. Why don't you join us and grab a bite to eat on me." Malfurion said with a reassuring smile even as he started walking towards the tavern's front door.

Entering the dark tavern Malfurion found his Stormguard boisterously drinking and upon seeing him they only got louder. Making his way through the up roar Malfurion found a table saved for him against the back wall. All his men knew that if Malfurion showed you his back then he trusted you completely and that he would certainly never sit with his back to people in a tavern. Calling over the barkeep Malfurion asked for a large helping of whatever stew was being served that night and for a tankard of whatever local brew he recommended.

"Oh and a round for my men!" Malfurion called out as the barkeep strode away. This was of course greeted with a cheer from the Stormguard as they hollered for more ale. At the fringe of the crowd Malfurion noticed the boy slipping closer but he decided not to give on that he had noticed him and to just let him get comfortable on his own.

When the barkeep returned Malfurion took a long swig of the ale before he pushed the stew down to the end of the table. Without missing a beat the boy slipped into the nearest chair and started to inhale the stew.

"Thank you Lord Malfurion, father always said you were one of the good ones." the boy mumbled around a huge mouthful of stew. "I'm Logan by the way." he continued between mouthfuls.

A loud scuffle at the bar interrupted the boy and even as Malfurion looked up to see what was going on the boy was taking off for the door in full flight mode.

"Well so much for figuring out what was going on with that guy back there huh my lord?" Captain Gerlach said while watching the boy dodge out the door.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Malfurion responded before taking a long drink and shaking his head at the matter.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

For what seemed the hundredth time, she pulled the rather thick piece of wood and tried to string it. The entire length of the stave was adorned with intricate, beautiful sinuous symbols. The meaning of the powerful battle prayer was known only by its owner.

As a child, she had watched her father use it with envy, until one day he caught her trying to work it herself. He had reprimanded her at first, telling her of its importance, but unable to remain stern, laughed with fond amusement telling her it was a man’s bow and that no one but he, would be able to string it. Being a strong headed child the comment only spurned her into trying harder, until only day she presented it to him, proud as she could be.

It was her bow now, and held extreme sentimental value and usually calmed and helped her focus her thoughts. Holding the smooth piece, she sighed and released it with disgust. It was no use, no matter how much she tried to preoccupy her mind she couldn’t forgive herself the failure.

“Lady Kaylan,” a small voice called out behind her and she rose swiftly.

Logan stood before her completely out of breath and she could tell he had run the entire way. “Thank the Gods,” she breathed, closing her eyes. The knots in her shoulders seemed to loosen instantly. With closer inspection, she could now see his clothes were tattered and his throat was still displaying an awful reddish color.

”Milady,” his voice dropped to a hoarse whisper and he looked around making sure no one would pay them any mind. Her blue eyes focused solely on his face as she recognized the urgency in his voice. “They’re here,” was all he said and she blinked. Her pupils dilated and for a split second her eyes lost focus. When she recomposed herself the color lightened to a grayish color. Standing to her full height, she turned around and grabbed her bow with a quick motion. Without even trying this time, she strung it with practiced ease, making her previous attempts seem as if a stranger had tried.

“Are you sure?” she finally asked, and his head of dark blond hair nodded. “If it wasn’t for Lord Malfurion, I wouldn’t be standing here to give you the news.”

Her eyes narrowed in thought at his revelation and she bit her lip. “It seems I owe him my gratitude. Who was it?”

“I’ve no idea, but he was big, that’s for sure,” he said with a terrified tone and swallowed. “I’ve never been so afraid,” he finally admitted. The next piece of information he knew was extremely important, but he was disappointed in his failure to his Lady “I’m afraid he had me at a disadvantage,” he swallowed again.

“Meaning?” she asked with a low hiss.

“I thought I’d never live to see another day,” he explained quickly and seeing the intense seriousness on her face, added with a soft whisper. “They wanted to know your whereabouts, your entourage, and who you’ve been speaking with.”

Her eyebrow rose at what this meant. Trying to save himself her wrath, he added quickly, “That’s when Lord Malfurion intervened!” Ignoring him, she stalked away before taking her anger out on him, “Hide, and hide good,” she warned.. He had been attacked after all, she couldn’t expect him to fight her battles for her. Completely furious, she growled and picked up the helmet that completed the rest of her armor. Covering her head of red plaited hair she headed towards town.

It was nearing sunrise when Kaylan returned to her camp. She removed the helmet that concealed everything but her eyes and lowered her bow. Rolling the tenseness out of her shoulders she found her tent and readied for some much needed sleep. Know she knew she would be able to do so without having to watch her back.

Lying in the dark, she looked up and gave a long sigh. She definitely needed to be more careful, maybe she had been too obvious. It was time to become inconspicuous again. The task would be hard, considering the position she was in.

Logan would definitely return by morning. Giving it a lot of though she finally decided she was going to send him back to Dulbin. Being so close to her, had only endangered him. Maybe he was better off as far away from her as he could...he was a child after all, and after today, she realized she couldn’t protect him as well as she thought she did.

Perhaps..An idea struck her and she smiled, it was a while but she finally found sleep.

Kaylan rose before her men, found parchment and ink in one of Logan’s bags and quickly wrote her letter.

Finding Logan, who wasn't too far off, she gave him orders to deliver it and took an easy breath as he walked away. “Be safe,” she whispered and returned to her tent.