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It comes howling cold from the north and soothingly warm from the south. Wind is a force of chaos and of change. It can level mountains, whip the sea into a frenzied chaos and push people to the boundaries of exploration and adventure. Driven out of their homeland, by a mad king, so soon after their conception, the Balewind family now drifts free across the world of Battlemaster in search of chaos, adventure, a sail to push and a banner to fly.

Reportedly from the beautiful city of Isadril on the East Continent the children of the Balewind family weren’t much at home among those lofty buildings. As such all military members of the family have left Isadril to pursue their own career and ambitions outside it's walls. Two brothers and a young Aunt make up their numbers.

Vapor Balewind (aka: ‘The Snake’), spent his younger years in Isadril during the time of Fallangard and it's mad king, Panther I Fallan. As a youth he was at arms length with the rest of the world, preffering to watch and take in knowledge rather than stand out and look like an arse. He took up the military career in time to help Isadril wheather an ongoing siege from all it's neighbors. Seeing the siege was hopeless unless some damage was done to te surrounding realms and gold made for the cause of Fallangard he left with his childhood friend Sandor out on a looting ride to Liebo. The looting ride was fabulously successfull and resulted in a minor victory and injury of an Ubent noble and the militia of the region. However Panther did not take to kindly to this victory as he saw it as a disobeyal of orders and ordered the High Priest Falcor to ban the two, which he did reluctantly. Seeing this as utter foolishness and proof postive that the Mad King's reign needed to fall, Vapor and Sandor made their way to Caligus to take up the true tools of war. Welcomed by the (then) Lady Gwynyth, Vapor found the type of home he felt he could thrive in where his watchfull eye was appreciated and his tactical nature could florish. Eventually Fallangard fell at which point Vapor returned to Isadril to see it's restructuring.