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(New page: Given certain events at the time, Zanaras felt it best to explain who he was and where the realm of Ordenstaat stood then. This message sent on May 8th, 2009 now serves as a detailing of Z...)
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Latest revision as of 09:21, 12 July 2009

Given certain events at the time, Zanaras felt it best to explain who he was and where the realm of Ordenstaat stood then. This message sent on May 8th, 2009 now serves as a detailing of Zanaras's history, the Order's history, as well as Ordenstaat's history, from Zanaras's perspective.

Nobles of Ordenstaat,

Many of you may have heard of me given recent events. Most of you will know little about me past my name though. I am Zanaras Tian, recently appointed Bishop of Rettleville for the Order of Saint Iestyn. I send you this today though, hoping to just share a story and some history, as well as to ask a question.

A long time ago, some of you may have known me as a priest for the Ordo Concilium, a religion that I spear-headed on the Shadovar isles, a faith that was all but utterly wiped out by D'Hara. After that incident I headed west, back to my old home in Pian en Luries. It was there I came across the Order of Saint Iestyn. A faith that accepted me, even though I joined them as what some would call a pagan priest.

From there I spent time, spreading their beliefs in Pian, while at the same time learning of the Order from a man most of you may have never met. His name was Drystan Bellator. Most of you will recognize his family name being the title  used by your very own Brother Bellator, Arden Fury. It is a title I personally believe any man should feel honored to have. For it was that man that had faith in me to share the reigns of his own faith with me. For the longest time, it was just Drystan Bellator and myself that acted as the priests of the Order of Saint Iestyn.

As time progressed, I helped him secure Pian en Luries as Faithful of the Order. As more were brought to understand, I felt the urge to travel once again. From there I headed south, to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. I did what I could to support the Order there, but found myself dissatisfied with the situation. I found the faith I brought vastly outnumbered, regardless of the fact that half the higher government was part of my faith.

It was there though that I learned of the idea of Ordenstaat. Several days after Milmice Vecchio Ratto, Arden Fury, Eddard Oakheart, and Reynevan Silesion set out to take a chance at their dreams, I followed. I personally had felt a chance at a new beginning for myself that I could not refuse, and had prospects of helping to create a second land for the Order to call it's own.

I have been in this realm nearly as long as it's four founders, arriving only six days after them, and spent much of my time here working in the background, securing my faith's position here in land thousands of miles from any temple or shrine of the Order and without the funds to construct either. Thanks to the dedication of not only myself, but the Realm Founders, and you nobles yourselves, the Order of Saint Iestyn has secured itself in this realm, with not one but two temples.

Now, the Order of Saint Iestyn is not the faith I once followed. It is different, and there is much that even I have yet to learn. But I have found it to be a very welcoming faith, as have many of you I see. We as a faith believe a goddess named Zisa brought life into this world. With the advent of a force known only as Chaos, she created a god known as Tyr, to do what she could not and to fight Chaos and bring Order back to this World. Through the Order I learned of not only Order's unending battle against Chaos, but of five virtues. Those virtues are fortitude, prudence, justice, and temperance. Now, the Order is unlike many religions I have seen, in that it's virtues are not meant to be absolutes. They are ideals--no, they are balances on the scales of life. The Order realizes that mistakes are made, and that perfection is not possible. The Virtues of the faith are meant to guide you, not to be confines to your life. With our virtues we expect you to weigh the consequences of your actions and to learn from your mistakes.

Now, the Order teaches that Order has lost against Chaos once already, and it was in this first conflict that through the actions of five great men opened Mortal eyes to the forces controlled by Chaos. Those men were Emyr the Kind, Diniol the Just, Rheinallt the Strong, Tudyr the Brave, and Iestyn the Wise. It was through their deaths that the world unified against Chaos and eventually pushed it back. It was through their deaths that Order defeated Chaos and a golden age brought upon the World. But over time, as this victory grew farther and farther distant into the past, Chaos slowly returned. And here we stand today, feeling the effects but not realizing the bigger picture. The World is on the verge of falling into Chaos once more. You may not yet see it, but all the signs are there. In time, you will be able to see them as well, if you so look.

I only ask this: How will you contribute to the picture?