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"I understand," and his heart was filled with foreboding, for he knew his death must surely be upon him.
"I understand," and his heart was filled with foreboding, for he knew his death must surely be upon him.

= [[Dubhaine_Family/Cathal/Roleplays/2008/August#28th August - Irdalni|The Treachery of Denarien]]
= [[Dubhaine_Family/Cathal/Roleplays/2008/August#28th August - Irdalni|The Treachery of Denarien]] =
A few days earlier Gravitas Martius, former Pontifex of Alowca, had been slain in a duel by the apostate Denarien. The death was swiftly avenged by Cathal's sister Aoifa and arrangements made with the government of Oritolon to have Gravitas buried in the land of his birth.
A few days earlier Gravitas Martius, former Pontifex of Alowca, had been slain in a duel by the apostate Denarien. The death was swiftly avenged by Cathal's sister Aoifa and arrangements made with the government of Oritolon to have Gravitas buried in the land of his birth.

Revision as of 14:57, 13 March 2009

The following are compiled from the personal journals of Cathal Dubhaine, Duke of Alowca.

The Pits of Oritolon

Sir Cathal, a Knight of seventeen summers, is captured in battle and imprisoned in the dungeons of Oritolon. Whilst there he experiences strange dreams causing him to confront King Spearhead Reapers in a series of letters, calling the barbarian ruler to account for his crimes and thrice extending the hand of peace. Each letter is mocked by the prideful monarch, culminating in a fourth vision which is shared by many both rich and poor alike.

During his imprisonment he also performs the first of his miracles, healing the gaoler Galro of his leprosy

The Call to Arms

Cathal tossed and turned on the filthy pallet, his sleep disturbed by vivid memories from his childhood in distant Cagil. Visions of his mother Siobhan in her flowing yellow gown, the summer light amidst the geren blooms of late autumn.

"Cathal," her voice was lighter, more melodious than he remembered. The sweet call of the horn on the field of battle.

"Cathal. Awake," A shifting pattern of red streaks moved across the surface of the gown as if gifted with an inner life and the soft eyes of his memories had taken on a sharp, bright, terrifying aspect.

"Cathal Dubhaine, Knight of Alowca. AWAKE!!!"

He stared into the darkness of the prison cell, his body involuntarily shivering with fright.

"You have been called to my service Cathal," the voice filled the darkness, at once both terrifying and comforting.

"W-w-who are you?" the young nobleman stammered for words, his tongue cleaving to his dry palate.

"I am The Way."

Cathal sat dumbstruck, consumed with fear as the darkness closed in all around him. He had travelled to the Colonies imagining a life of bold adventure, only to be captured in his first ever battle and cast into this accursed pit.

"I... I... I..." he could not form the words.

"Look within and find the courage you seek, for none who follow me shall ever fear."

And Cathal felt fire coursing in his blood as fear gave way to hope, and hope to faith. The darkness that had shrouded his eyes was lifted and he saw the fertile plains and dry valleys of Alowca laid out before him, armies moving like pieces on a chess board, and by his side stood the possessor of The Voice. Denariel herself, in all her raiment of war. Darkness flowed from the west and the north, black as night and howling with the tongues of beasts.

"Do you understand?"

"No. What would you have me do?" he was shocked at his own boldness in addressing her so directly, by try as he might he could find no shred of fear within his spirit. It was as if she had filled him with but a mote of her glory and in so doing changed him utterly.

"Use this gift wisely Cathal, for you will need it in the time of trials. Now sleep," and the dream receded, returning him to his slumber.

The Measure of Justice

Cathal slumbered as one safe in the arms of their sweetheart, remembering the mighty spires of distant Cagil. He longed for the city of his youth with her many gay pennants and soaring buttresses, the capital of the brightest Empire in all the world. And yet her beauty was but a pale shadow of the shining temple-city of Alowca with her shrines and votaries, her peace-loving citizens worshipping the triple power beyond all mortal comprehension.

"Cathal," a measured voice seemed to hang across the streets of his adopted home, and he found his feet furiously running towards it.

"Cathal. Awake," there was wisdom in that voice, weary with the knowledge of evil unfathomed and yet merciful. The voice of one who judges without prejudice.

"Who calls my name so?" once more Cathal was shocked by his own courage.

"Cathal Dubhaine. AWAKE!"

The young knight opened his eyes and saw spread beneath him the bay of Oritolon, her jet walls rising towards the heavens, her turrets crooked fangs belching smoke-stained venom at the silent stars. Before him hung a balance, it's laden arm tipped down towards that hellish pit, overspilling with the anguished dead.

"The judgement will be made," the sadness of that voice filled Cathal's heart with pity for those who had sinned so against the truth.

"Can none be saved?" he watched plaintive children writhing in the pan of that mighty scale, too young surely to have sinned against the Gods?

"Use this gift wisely," and Cathal once more slipped into slumber. But where before his heart had known anger at the wrongs of those who sinned, now he felt only mercy and the desire to bring the truth to those who lived in darkness.

The Bearer of The Truth

And in his cell Cathal lay in a deep slumber. He was becalmed in nothingness: neither darkness nor light; neither life nor unlife. He stood in the void and in all directions there was nothing. His mind raced to find a point of reference.

"Cathal," a voice called to him, deep as the deepest oceans yet light as the cool night sky. He looked about him for some trace of the speaker, but there was none. The void continued undiminished for all eternity.

"Cathal. Awake."

"Who are you? Where am I?" his mind raced, trying to make sense of the emptiness.

"Cathal Dubhaine. AWAKE!" he was flying across the vast expanse of ocean and before him the rim of the world burned bright with the approaching dawn. Above the stars followed their appointed courses, each in harmony with her fellows. All save for the moon's bright disc which wandered erratically, a light in the receding darkness.

"This is the world I have given all mankind, that they might live in the glory of my creation and give freely one unto the other the blessings of peace and love and prosperity," the air seemed to quiver with joy. "But mankind has turned from My wisdom and cast darkness and sorrow across her gentle face."

Cathal was now sweeping lower, down across the Colonies, rushing from the north towards long-enslaved Perdan and the gates of Lukon. A blackness clung to the hills and valleys, it's dark tendrils holding the righteous in torment, and the smoke from its armouries polluted the night.

"Even amongst equals there must always be those who seek to burn the brightest, just as the moon vainly outshines her sisters. But night must always give way to day, for thus have I appointed it," and the false dawn erupted in the splendour of the rising sun, laying bare the pits and stratagems of The Enemy, the whole pride enslaving all who stood before it.

"You are the light that must burn eternal else all shall know the torment of undeath never-ending. The Lie of Lukon shall be no more."

"But I am but one man. What can I do?"

"Use this gift wisely."

The Judgement

A shining figure stood on the parapet of Oritolon's highest tower, dressed in a yellow gown streaked with tears of blooded, her arms outstretched in friendship, her voice alive with hope and courage, and none who saw her knew how she came to that high place. A crowd gathering in the streets below squinted to make out her face, shifting strangely against the noonday sun, but their eyes betrayed them.

"People of Oritolon. Forsake your wicked ways and embrace your brethren. Your hearts have been filled with bitterness by one who loves you not, and he would cast you into the eternal damnation of the grave that his power be unquenched."

"Thrice now have I sent my messenger before the apostate who styles himself Sir Spearhead Reapers, and thrice have I offered him the love and protection of His Creator. Each time he has sat in stony silence, his eyes clouded with the darkness that rots his wicked heart, nursing the hate which fills his vile belly."

"Who is this mote of dust that he dares raise arms against all creation? That he dares drive women and children from their homes? That he despoils the bounty which Khagistar in his infinite mercy has showered upon both righteous and sinner without let or reserve?"

"Thrice has he spurned the call, and thrice shall he be spurned ere his stinking corruption be laid in eternal torment. The choicest morsel shall become ash at his touch; the sweetest wine become vitriol; the freshest breeze will burn with brimstone. He shall be named Reapers the Thrice Cursed, Reapers of the Hollow Heart, Reapers the Unhallowed and all who follow him shall be as nothing before the judgement of Alluran."

"All men shall turn their face at his passing and the gallows tree shall deny him passage, for he shall be accounted amongst the unliving and all which comes from Khagistar shall yet be denied him!"

"Thus is the judgement of Alluran and the writ of his ban shall be eternal!"

The figure made as if to step from the tower, and each below expected that she should fall to her death, yet where but moments before had stood a woman now there swung a scale of spectral aspect and in the balance the arms of Oritolon lay heavy on the boom.

"REPENT!" boomed a voice from on high, and the towers of the city shuddered, her courtyards groaned, her massive harbour foamed and all who heard that voice quaked in fear.

And by some trick of perspective the throne of Oritolon was bared to you, and upon it sat a stinking corpse, corrupt and bloated in his vanity, bedecked as an Emperor in murine rags and grinning at his blasphemy. Too far lost in dreams of power to hear the doom pronounced upon him.

Following the Raid on Windaria

Sir Cathal and his company march into Windaria as part of the Alowcan United Front, their goal to split Oritolon forces massing on the borders of Alebad. The first battle goes well, but the second battle sees the Alowcan forces heavily outnumbered and Sir Cathal's men are butchered to the last. After the battle he lies in a deep slumber, his body wracked with wounds, and receives another dream in which he is judged.

Recovered from his wounds he reflects on his dreams to date and from them derives knowledge of The Faith Militant.


"Cathal..." the Thunder shook his body.

"Cathal Dubhaine..." the lightning smote his breastplate, scorching him with holy fire.

"Cathal Dubhaine awake!"

He stood before a throne, and on that throne sat a brilliant light. At the left hand stood a man and in his hand was a balance, careening wildly this way and that, and to the right stood a dark-haired maiden weeping tears of blood which stained her yellow gown.

"You have been called to judgement Cathal. Is your heart pure?"

"My heart is black with hatred for those who slew my companions" he fell to his face, consumed with shame.

"Approach and know your doom Cathal Dubhaine," and he felt his body moving of its own volition, dragging him towards that awful glory. "You will travel back to My Temple in Alowca and there you will dedicate yourself to My service. From thence you will spread My words of Love and Peace that all men may be saved from Undeath."

"But My Lord," he found himself speak in spite of himself, "How can Love and Peace prevail in the face of so much evil?"

"Have you forgotten the things which We revealed to you in your imprisonment? Evil shall be utterly overthrown by My Hand, not by the swords of man. This is your appointed task Cathal Dubhaine, to preach My Holy Word that all may choose freely which path they tread, and thus the wicked be winnowed from the righteous."

The Fall of Irdalni

As his sister Aoifa leads the Knights Templar in a desperate assault on the Oritolon encampment in Irdalni, Duke Cathal seeks insight in the Temple vault in Alowca.


"Cathal," a woman stood before him in the shadows, the outline of her body limned with a delicate yellow radiance.

"Cathal Dubhaine, arise. Your doom is upon you."

"Who are you?" Cathal's voice sounded sharp and harsh.

"Do you not recognise me?" the room was of a sudden filled with midsummer light, revealing a woman dressed in flowing yellow streaked with red tears of blood.

"My Lady!" his heart pounded in his throat as he gazed upon the Goddess in all her glory.

"The darkness must give way to the light," and once more he found himself looking down upon the lands of the south, watching the heathen armies streaming across the land like black storm clouds, levelling all in their path. Those who stood against them were utterly overthrown, whilst those who sought safety within their citadels starved and raved and bemoaned the fate which had dealt them such misery.

"Do you understand?"

"I understand," and his heart was filled with foreboding, for he knew his death must surely be upon him.

The Treachery of Denarien

A few days earlier Gravitas Martius, former Pontifex of Alowca, had been slain in a duel by the apostate Denarien. The death was swiftly avenged by Cathal's sister Aoifa and arrangements made with the government of Oritolon to have Gravitas buried in the land of his birth.


Cathal knelt in the ruins of the Commandary Chapel, wrapped in the cool crisp shadows which haunted its ruined cloisters. With his pale complexion and scarred body the young Duke looked strangely at home in this forsaken place as he sought to understand the hatred which Denarien had unleashed.

"It is ever the way with those who love power," a man's voice echoed amongst the stones as the moon shot spears of pale white light between the dead branches of the neighbouring orchard, casting the shadow of cracked stained glass across the half-collapsed mass of the altar.

"Who's there?" Cathal's eyes were momentarily blinded.

"This is not the first time we've spoken Cathal," the voice was deep and rich, heavy with wisdom.

"Lord Alluran!"

"Arise Cathal and walk with me," and Cathal found himself in the cloister on a bright summer's day, standing in the company of a sombrely dressed man whom he instinctively knew to be the Merciful Judge.

There were sounds of a commotion at the Commandary gates and the pair walked towards it, arriving just in time to see a small band of injured men being helped towards the infirmary as the gates were swung shut and barred.

"Who are these men?"

"They are survivors from the massacre at the Path of Chivalry Temple. Even as we stand here Lord Denarien and his men are raising the Temple and working themselves into a murderous rage."

"Then these are events which have already come to pass?"

"The doom has been spoken and cannot be undone."

Their focus was now drawn to the Captain of the Guard where he was arguing with one of the priests.

"I don't care what your personal feelings are towards Oritolon or their faith, the prophet placed these men under our protection and you will see that their wounds are tended. Do I make myself clear?"

"I understand the orders Captain, but surely if we give these men sanctuary we place the faithful at risk of reprisals?"

"It is better to follow in the footsteps of Denariel and achieve martyrdom than to live a craven half-life, forever at the mercy of evil."

The monks were rushing too and fro, fetching water for the infirmary and tending to their duties, whilst the guards stood solemnly at their posts. Outside Lord Denarien approached under a flag of truce, his men forming a cordon around the curtain walls.

"I am Alluran, Lord of Justice. Deliver up the barbarians for punishment or face the consequences," Denarien reined his horse in just out of bowshot.

"I am Kerin, Captain of this Commandary, and all within are under the protection of the Trinity."

"So be it," Denarien turned to his men and cast the flag beneath his horse's hooves, trampling it into the mud, "These men are heretics. Burn their temple and slay all within."

Cathal watched the bloody battle unfold, the clash at the gates as the small company of Templars fought to the last man. The desperate battle in the refectory as the lay monks defended themselves with makeshift cudgels against steel blades and chain hauberks.

Then at the last Kerin himself holding the infirmary door, his shattered arm hanging limp and useless as blade after blade hacked at his bloodied armour. Even as he slumped to the ground his attackers were running through the inner chambers, looting and killing and thrusting burning torches into beds and curtains and tapestries. The building was soon consumed in flames.

"Why have you shown me this?" the Duke was weeping as he watched the flames.

"The doom has been laid and now all runs according to its writ. Do not underestimate the hardships it will bring to the people of Alowca for they must be shriven if they are to play their role in the war that is yet to come."

And Cathal found himself once more kneeling in the bright moonlight, his body shivering as the pre-dawn chill numbed his limbs.