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The Virtues of Grael

Katrina stayed at the bow of the ship for sometime. She tried to find the sense in it all. Her tears finally dried in the salty air and she was overcome by her weariness. Thorsson who had been close by as always escorted her below to her quarters. She literally fell into her bed and was asleep in moments. Katrina stood looking over a settled realm. The prosperity of the land showed in the well tended fields and fat herds of livestock. Small villages had been built and great cities shone on the ports. She felt a great satisfaction for the accomplishments of those who had labored hard to bring this day to pass. D’Hara shone bright indeed. As she watched, the scene changed; it was another realm, just as prosperous, with cities just as bright to behold. She realized it was Asylon. She felt a great pride that she had been a part of it in the beginning and was happy that it had grown strong. She was aware of a powerful presence behind her and turned to see the lovely woman that was Nailyon and moved to stand beside her. “What you see Daughter of the Giants is the future as it can be. It shines golden because you and others heed my words tonight and follow the teachings of the last Dragon… Grael. Grael teaches the virtues of Hospitality, Industriousness, and Honor. These are the virtues needed to make a realm great, and without which any realm no matter how strong will fail. Hospitality is treating other people with respect and dignity. It means seeing people as if they were all individuals with self-respect and importance and perhaps from time to time, they are literally the Dragons in human form. You and many others have learned much of this, but you still have much to learn.” Katrina looked at Nailyon questioningly. “What lessons must I learn of hospitality great dragon?, she asked. “True hospitality child involves forgiveness at times and often times admitting that as humans you can be wrong. Things are not always as they seem, just as right now you see me as a woman, and before you saw me as dragon. Unless all parts of a situation are known, then one cannot be certain what is true and what is not. Take for instance what is happening within the Way of the Dragon. The Lady Kisharianda is not your enemy. Between the two of you the truth can be found.” “But, wise dragon,” Katrina looked at Nailyon in earnest, “she has removed me with no cause from the ranks of The Way of the Dragon. How can she not be my enemy?” Nailyon smiled, “that is what you must find out if you would learn the virtues of Grael.” Nailyon continued “Industriousness is working hard to achieve your goals. There is much to be done, and it cannot be done by sitting on your virtues. Industry also refers to simple hard work in your daily vocations, done with care and pride. The people of D’Hara are no strangers to this virtue. They take great pride in their work and in what they are doing. Much will be accomplished by them. Finally we come to honor. Without honor we are nothing. Honor is knowing that what one is doing is right and decent and correct. We remember two types of peoples from ancient times: those whose honor was so clean that they shine as examples to us and those who were so without honor that their names are cursed a thousand years after they lived. The name of the Dragon Queen and the Dragon King will live long after they have gone from this world. They can be remembered for the great realms they built and the strength they gave to them. However right now, they are both remembered as the ones who would tear the realm apart. A way must be found to mend this rift, and you are the one who mends the wounds. Between you and Lady Kisharianda you must find a way to bring healing to both of the realms that you saw; the one that is and the one that will be. Without that healing neither can be.” Katrina awoke with a start, hearing the man in the crows nest announcing that Golden Farrow was now in sight. She bolted from her quarters frantic to find the captain. When she found him she entreated him to return immediately to Port Raviel. After he agreed to return her to D’ Hara, she called for her scribe. She had him include all that had been in this dream in a scroll and ordered that it be taken immediately to the Lady Katayanna. The letter to her former queen she penned herself. M y Lady Katayanna This day finds me twice blessed, for I have been visited yet again by the great dragon Nailyon. I am returning to Port Raviel as the dragons have shown me the need to mend the rifts caused by this recent rebellion. I needs must seek out the Duchess Kisharianda and we must determine the truth of what is happening at this time. I will endeavor to seek an audience with King Cenarious and plead with him to meet with you My Lady as I am pleading with you to find a way to heal these differences. I shall see you soon. Please send these words from the dragons to all in D’Hara as I still cannot send messages to them directly. After the message was well on its way, Katrina went below to prepare herself for her meeting with the Duchess the next day after she arrived back in Port Raviel.