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After the Hero of Democracy resigned from lordship in An Najaf he moved up north to an estate in Oberndorf. The first night there he threw a party attended by very few nobles. Those who did attend had a good time and helped Armstrong adjust to his new home. The party was attended by the hero Sir Theros Landre and Armstrong's neighbour in Oberndorf, Sir Connor MacLeod.

Oberndorf Soirée

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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Armstrong enters his new estate in Oberndorf and looks around. It was a lot smaller than the one he had in An Najaf, and no where near as equipped. He sighed, thinking of all that he had lost when he left his heartland. As Count, he had a blooming plantation, a thriving winery, and was working towards building a horse stable. Now he had been reduced.

As he looked around he saw the most important crate of all his belongings, the crate of alcohol.

"That will come handy tonight!" He said, anticipating the party he was planning before he bounced to follow orders.

His servant entered the room with another, smaller, crate marked with a black circle.

"Excellent! I hope Sir Theros and the Dames like gamum, An Najaf's precious drink."

He then notices what's in the servant's other hand, invitations....

Nobles of Fontan,

If you are in the area of Oberndorf tonight and would like to party, please come on by Lord Armstrong's new estate. There will be joy and togetherness, not to mention fountains of the drink. How can you resist?

He laughed and ordered the servant to send them out.

Tonight, we dance!

Hero of Democracy,

Armstrong Ironsides (Lord)

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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Armstrong opened the first bottle of rum of the night. Practically no one had arrived to his estate yet, and he was at first hesitant to start the festivity. But he figured it would be better for them to walk into a party already happening than one waiting to happen.

"Salute!" He cheered to his servants and took a swigg. They clapped and bowed, thinking that this was what he was expecting of them. He shrugged.

"I tell one of you to wait by the door in case any nobles arrive, and you all stand here watching me by myself. Wonderful. Just great."

One leaves to do as he had asked.

He signalled to the lyre player to begin a song and then stood by the open window to watch the stars.

Then more rum!

Hero of Democracy,

Armstrong Ironsides (Lord)

Roleplay from Theros Landre

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Theros let his horse trot lightly up the winding path to Estate Ironsides. As he came through the brush that lined the path he chuckled to himself lightly. Armstrong had relocated only days ago, and already one could see signs of his elegance and bravado seeding. Indeed, the place already looked majestic. Theros looked down as a servant approached him, taking the reigns. He smiled and swiftly dismounted, stretching his legs.

"Where would your master be, boy?" Theros asked the boy before he took his horse to be stabled. "Just inside, sir," the servant replied, "Inside the main doors there will be an usher who can show you the way." He bowed and took his leave.

Theros smoothed his ebroidered jacket, smiled, and began walked up the steps to the front door. He could only imagine as to what Armstrong had going on inside...

Sir Theros Landre (Knight of Al Amarah)

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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Dancing with himself beside the band, Armstrong was trying to make himself at home in Oberndorf. He did not drink too much of the rum, but enough to ignore the empty room.

Then, Sir Theros entered with a big smile and an unavoidable embroidered jacket.

"Whoa! Where did you get that garment?" Armstrong asked as he handed the noble an uncorked and a third drunk bottle.

He looked around and said empathetically, "Not much happening yet, but I sent some letters to some locals. We'll see what will unfold tonight. I am after all new to this region..."

Armstrong Ironsides (Lord)

Roleplay from Connor MacLeod

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Connor arrived at Sir Armstrong’s estate and entered as a servant eyed him speculatively. He glanced down at his manner of dress and pursed his lip in thought. It was true, he didn’t appear a noble, he preferred to dress plainly, at least he was comfortable; looks could be deceiving. He flashed him the invitation, giving the servant a lopsided grin at the examination and continued to walk through.

Usually he kept to himself but it had been a long time since he had mingled with anyone. therefore when he received the invitation he decided he would give it a try. What would be the harm, if anything he would get to drink with noble company at least. He entered quietly.

Connor MacLeod (Knight of Oberndorf)

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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The room with two nobles and a bunch of servants was then met with a single addition as the quiet Sir Connor entered the room. Armstrong was not expecting anyone else but was very happy to see a new face.

"Hey, who's this guy? (...) Sir Connor MacLeod, a knight of Oberndorf you say? You must be my neighbour then. Please come in and make yourself comfortable. You are welcome into my home as if it was your own. I hope you have met another noble pal here, Sir Theros. So what do you do Sir Connor? Do you march with an army or push papers? You look like you pull an ox-cart, hahaha! Really though, I can't say that we have ever met before, unfortunately."

Armstrong popped another bottle open and shared it to his guests. The musicians kept playing to the small audience.

Armstrong Ironsides (Lord)

Roleplay from Connor MacLeod

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Connor took up the glass proffered and took a drink. He smiled with amusement at the other man’s remark. He was a very large man, used to having people shrink back by his presence, not having them kid around. This was nice. “Actually, I march with the FSR. I am Second In Command,” he said with a laugh at the other man’s expression of surprise. “I doubt they have ox carts, but I’ll make sure to keep an eye out.” He grinned mischievously taking a longer drink this time. “I have a feeling you’ll make a fine neighbor. The same welcome is extended to you.”

He looked over to Sir Theros and greeted him with a nod and lifted his glass, then back to Armstrong. “So who else is joining us this night?”

Connor MacLeod (Knight of Oberndorf)

Roleplay from Theros Landre

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Theros laughed joyfully and took the bottle Armstrong had passed him.

"My old friend, you should recognize the coat!" Theros boomed loudly, taking a swig from the bottle, "You gave it to me the last time I saw you in An Najaf!"

Theros slung one arm over Armstrong's shoulder and reached a hand out to the other noble. "Sir Connor you say? Well met friend!" He raised the bottle in salutation, "A military man! Good for you! In these dark times we need every sword that can be swung! Armstrong is just rejoining us in the war effort! I guess you could call this his rebirth party!" Theros laughed loudly. It felt good to relax a little bit.

Sir Theros Landre (Knight of Al Amarah)

Roleplay from Connor MacLeod

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Connor smiled and raised his glass. “To Armstrong’s rebirth!” he clapped the noble on the back as if they had been long time friends and welcomed him back to a military life. He took a drink, as they all did, sharing in the merriment.

Connor MacLeod (Knight of Oberndorf)

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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"That's the spirit brothers. I always quote myself to say that the strength of Democracy is its Democrats. And yes, we should call this my "rebirth" party, though that means only sixteen percent of the nobles would show up. Haha! Elections are wonderful...hey wait, I gave you that coat Theros? No way? Must have been another night like this one when I made that decision. Whoo."

"Connor my friend, what is Oberndorf like? I hope it is not cold up here. I used to live in a paradise down south. Do you know that An Najaf has four seasons? And every season change they throw a huge region wide party? Ah, that was the time of my life...but of course now I am back on the march! Let's toast again to that!"

He started to chug the bottle right up throwing his fist into the air as the others cheered, "On the march! On the march! On the march!" but then before he finished what was left he gagged and spit up all over the band.

"Oh my...sorry gentlemen, those suits can be cleaned right?"

The other two nobles laugh and push him over.

"Tonight, we drink like heroes! Destined to die, and priviledged to live!"

Hero of Democracy,

Armstrong Ironsides (Lord)