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My Dear King, Queen, Lords and Knights Adine and I would like to extend to you and your loved ones, an invitation to join us to bear witness to our wedding. The ceremony will be held mid afternoon in the great hall of our estate in two days time. I know this is quite short notice, but I hope many of you will be present.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

Summer sun glowed through the dull white windows of the great hall. On the opposite wall hung rich tapestries stretching to the floor. The servants busily prepared the great hall for the occasion. A handful of minstrels were practicing their trade in the raised gallery and a juggler entertained the guests in the courtyard. A small feast was being prepared in the kitchen. The tables were parted to either side of the hall to make room for the ceremony.

Thalathafn patrolled the great hall in a light, sleeveless, black tunic embroidered with fine silver thread. Underneath he wore a maroon shirt to match the colours of his family crest. His straw coloured hair was braided back upon itself and entwined with silver weave. Everything looked to be in place except for the priest. Thalathafn left his pageboy to oversee the rest of the preparations as he went to look for Adine.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

Dressed in a plain priest's robe, Dren swept through the great hall. He was somewhat rushed - important discoveries regarding the nature of the Aenil had just been made - but understood the importance of the occasion to those involved. It would be a somewhat simpler affair than the King and Queen's wedding, thanks to both the rank of those involved and the time constraints of a war, but Dren intended to do his best to make the wedding something to remember. Spotting the page boy, the Kandurell walked over.

"You wouldn't mind informing the bride and groom of my arrival, lad? Time is short, however sacred marriage may be, and the Aenil wait for no man."

Dren Kandurell (Priest of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

The sound of the minstrels could be heard faintly in the room Adine was preparing in. Some very last minute adjustments had had to be made on her lilac dress to accommodate her now slightly more ample figure but all in all she did not look too different, at least from the front and back. The silver embroidery on the dress helped to mask her pregnancy as well. She wore as jewelry only the locket Thalathafn had given her. Now if only she could get her hair to look as good as the rest of her. She muttered a few curses as her shoulder-length red curls refused to cooperate once more.

"Adine, how many times have you been told to watch your language!" a familiar voice spoke behind her. Adine whirled around to see her older sister Ktrien standing there with a smile on her face. She stood dumbfounded staring at this unexpected guest.

"Ktrien...what are you...when did you get here?" Adine sputtered as Ktrien walked over to embrace her.

"As soon as Mother and Father got your letter they practically ordered me onto the first ship here to witness this momentous occasion and make sure it wasn't one of your pranks. And now I see it most certainly isn't. Now, let me help you with your hair like I used to when you were little." Adine submitted, glad for the help and the time to think.

Once Ktrien was done, Adine took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. Oddly enough she was not anxious but excited though the two emotions were hard to distinguish at times. Just then she heard a knock at the door and Thalathafn calling for her.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Thalathafn could hear the two women within and did not want to intrude. "Adine dearest, how are you doing?" he asked from the other side of the door. "The preparations are in place once the priest arrives we will be ready to begin." No sooner did he finish his sentence, a servant approached to inform him the priest had arrive and the guests were being ushered into the hall. "I'll wait for you at the end of the hall and when you are ready we can begin."

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

After Thalathafn informed them that the priest had arrived, Ktrien kissed Adine on the forehead and left to join the rest of the guests. Adine checked her appearance one last time, breathed deep, and joined Thalathafn at the end of the hall. As much as she had been afraid of this day, she could not keep a smile from her face.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Thalathafn stood for a moment paralyzed as he saw Adine approached, even his heart and his breath stood still in that brief second. "You look...stunning." Thalathafn returned a smile of his own. Taking Adines hand, Thalathafn lead her through the parting guests towards the dais where Dren was waiting. Stepping up onto the ledge Thalathafn nodded to the priest, "Thank you for coming on such short notice, you may begin."

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

Dren was giving the page and a bridesmaid some whispered instructions when Thalathafn and Adine arrived. He turned and rose, smiling.

"Then the ceremony can begin?"

The priest brushed himself down as the children hurried off, assumed a noble expression and announced,

"Welcome! We are here today to witness the solemn and holy binding of Sir Thalathafn and Lady Adine in marriage. The Aenil are with us, blessing this union, and it is as proof of their consent that I stand here today."

Lowering his voice slightly, he continued.

"I must first caution you both of the solemnity of the marital pact that you are both about to undertake. The Aenil know your minds and hearts; if either of you is not pure of intent then you must not be joined in matrimony."

"Adine Evadne, are you certain that you wish to be married to Thalathafn Urominiel?" Dren waited for her reply, then continued, "Thalathafn Urominiel, are you certain that you wish to be married to Adine Evadne?"

Dren Kandurell (Priest of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Thalathafn looked into Adines gray eyes. "I have never been more certain in my life."

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

At hearing Thalathafn's words of commitment to her, Adine's heart felt like it was in her throat. She had already voiced her vow of loyalty and she had never meant words more in her life. This may not have been the way she envisioned her life going but she was determined to make it fantastic. She took Thal's hand and squeezed it gently, waiting for the priest to continue.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

The page and bridesmaid stepped forwards with bowls of water, while Dren handed a small carved ship to the bride, and one to the groom. In accordance with the ceremony of twin ships, each was set afloat on a bowl of water.

"Although we may not all remember it," Dren announced, "the Aenil surround us every moment of our lives. Just as water can be found everywhere that humans reside, so too are the Aenil drawn to us, permeating our plane with their influence. Like water, the Aenil are necessary for our survival, for it is they who provide our spiritual nourishment. Just as we are tossed about on the waters of life, and go through much spiritual turmoil, these two ships represent the journeys that Adine and Thalathafn have taken up to this point."

As the sound of Dren's voice echoed through the Great Hall, the two bowls of water were poured into a larger basin. The ships pitched and rolled unsteadily. At the high priest's motion, the bride and groom stepped forwards to pick the masts from each of the ships. Dren scooped the models up and replaced them with a larger and more ornate one; the sails were then placed into slots on this ship.

"Lady Adine and Sir Thalathafn, may the Aenil bless you. May Rhamiel, who has guided you on the path to wisdom, watch over you. May Onias, who has guided you on the path to honour, watch over you. May Nurn, who has guided you on the path to stoicism, watch over you.

"Speak your vows, and you will be proclaimed wed, under the sight of man and wife."

Dren Kandurell (Priest of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Thalathafn returned Adine's clutch and their hands remained entwined as Dren had finished the ceremony. Now he was asked for vows which were left forgotten with the wedding arrangements. He searched Adine's eyes for words and then he began. "I came to Arcaea looking for my home, and I have found it." His voice was soft and only audible to the front half of the hall. "Your unique grace and charm has stolen my heart. And your warmth and concern rekindled it. Through the fields of destruction and the cruelty of war, you have lead me to see a world outside of all that. Adine Evadne you are my world and I will cherish the days ahead together."

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)

The beauty and honesty of Thalathafn’s vows struck Adine, leaving her momentarily forgetful of the vows she had been considering. Panic seized her as she scrambled to remember what she was going to say. Was she making the right choice? Wasn’t she just going to disappoint him? The warmth in his eyes encouraged her and strengthened her resolve.

“Thalathafn Urominiel, you are my life now. You give me strength, hope, and a reason to come home.” Her voice became more steady and clear as she went on. “You are the one man I could ever devote myself to so fully. You have changed me in so many ways and I don’t want you to ever stop. Thal, I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into because now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go.”

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Thalathafn kissed her as she finished her vows and so they were wed. Music again rung out in the halls and the guests parted ways, some out towards the courtyard, some to dance and others to offer their congratulations. One guest in particular stood out amongst the crowd, he walked with a swagger in his step and looked the part of a seasoned vagabond. Even with his advancing age, he exuded an air of confidence about him. "Well boy, so we finally meet and you could not have picked a better occasion, although another location would have been preferable." Aralaiquedi's eyes lowered to the floor as unfortunate thoughts siphoned their way into his head. But he quickly pushed those aside and forced a smile to his face. "It is nice to travel the world again."

Thalathafn could guess who the man was by the way he spoke. "Uncle, so glad you could make it on such short notice. I hope the trip was as comfortable as sea travel can be."

Aralaiquedi smiled "When I was your age the sea was my second home.." then his smiled faded "..and I regret that. I guess it is convention to offer some advice for your marriage." His tone grew more serious. "You have a wonderful woman here." He gestured to Adine. "Don't make the same mistakes I did. My wanderlust caused me to overlook what should be held most dear. I saw the continents while missing my children's childhood. I knew the inner workings of most realms better than I did my family..." Aralaiquedi furled his brow, overwhelmed with exhumed emotions. "I'm sorry but I can't stay on this wretched island. I wish you all the best and remember what I said." His harsh tone contrasted the pleasant nature of his well wishes as he turned to leave just as quickly as he appeared.

Thalathafn looked at Adine confounded by what just happened. "Shall we dance?"

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel (Knight of Remton)