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Revision as of 16:37, 30 November 2008

A proposition for the d-list that Haerthorne Family and myself are working on.


Is a bad thing for BM, because its unrealistic and it takes away from the fun that scheming duchies could be having. So, the proposed solution is to get rid of the Realm Council. It is the biggest single thing that steps outside of the feudal hierarchy to make a realm a realm.


We need a ruler, of course, but he should be able to be a duke. Other than that, the Ruler should be the single thing that makes a realm nationalist. What unifies all the nobles of a realm? That they ultimately pay fealty to the ruler.


A General's responsibilities include:

1. Coordinating a realm's armies. 2. Coordinating help from another realm's armies.

1. Armies should be loyal to their sponsors; usually a Duke. A realm's armies shouldn't necessarily /be/ coordinated; they should be given duties by their sponsor, which might often coincide with the wishes of the King, but not always. 2. An army is a big thing, and hard for a messenger to miss. All marshals should be able to be contacted, and to contact each other. This makes coordinating with allies somewhat more confusing, if multiple armies are involved, but it removes the General from the equation. ALTERNATELY An army could gain glory and reputation; the larger its glory, the further away that it can be contacted from.


Knights can take prisoners; no need for judges. This allows knights to ransom off their enemy for their own profit. As for realm laws, these should be set by the King, and enforced by the feudal hierarchy.


Food movement is a tricky one, but one way to resolve it would be for a region to pay a tithe of its agricultural produce in the same way that it pays a tithe in gold.