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Katrin's Dream

Katrina awoke and remembered she was in a room she had been taken within the temple of the Way of the Dragons in Raviel to rest and wait for the prophet Tenebrioun to return from his business in Nebel.

She immediately set out to find the young acolyte that had seen to her needs the day before. Upon seeing him she asked “Could someone send for my scribe? I must make sure that what I learned in dreams last night is not lost before it can be written down.”

A runner was sent for her scribe and she was shown to a quiet room off the main hall where she could dictate her dreams to the scribe. The acolyte also brought her a cup of some deliciously bitter drink, coffee he called it, and some sweet pastries for her to eat.

When her scribe joined her she told him to make sure he got down all the details of her dreams and she began.

“I had several dreams last night. The first was of dragons and giants in a time long before the giants had come to Aegir’s Deep and moved across the lands of the north now known as Springdale. In these times, the dragons and giants had lived in peace. For a long time the peace lasted. Dragons taught the giants the lessons of virtue, and the giants prospered. Then man came to their lands. At first man listened to the dragons and revered their wisdom. Man trusted the giants as well and the dragons taught both men and giants of virtue. For a time all were at peace and mankind and giants prospered.

They were friends and some even joined in marriage. From one such union a man named Loki was born. His mother was a giantess and his father a much learned man; wise in the ways of the dragons. Everyone marveled at how lovely the child was. Loki, from the time he was young liked to play tricks on anyone he could. As he grew, the simple tricks of childhood became cruel and harmful. Finally, he sought to sow chaos whenever he could. He pitted man against giant, and both against the dragons.

The four great dragons held a council with those giants and men who would come and were still loyal to each other. In the end, it was decided that the giants would leave the place of their beginnings and journey to the north, to the lands that are now Springdale where they settled. Men moved all over the world to the four continents and started taming the wild lands. The dragons, not wanting to leave mankind without guidance each went to one of the continents with them. Grael went to Atamara, Sairys to the East Continent. Nailyon followed man to The Southeast Islands and Fafnir stayed near the mountains of Dragon’s Roost on Dwilight. Over time the giants were forgotten by all except for the old ones in the regions where they settled and gave their names. They became lore and stories told to children at bedtime in the hopes of keeping their memory alive.

Dragons too were forgotten and they seemed to just fade away. Nailyon was believed destroyed along with the Southeast Island when mankind’s warring destroyed the continent. Only Fafnir remained, first teaching the men in the kingdom of Othalia. Finally he resigned himself to wait for the one who would come and remember the dragons; the prophet who would again restore the Way of the Dragons. He also waited for the daughter of giants who would come and reforge the link that had been severed so long ago.”

“Make sure a copy of this is sent to the main library at Wiki, to be preserved with the other stories I have compiled of the land of my birth,” she said to her scribe. “When you are ready we will begin with the other dreams.”