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"Runner" he called, a young boy of fourteen or fifteen arrived. "Find the fastest horse you can take this to my brother in Perdan" the boy looked blankly at the General. "Boy, do you understand". "Yes General I do, but I can stay, I can fight, I am not afraid" the boy was shaking. "Jonas" said the General softly "Do this for me, you will be safe ... you have a life before you, use it well" The boy took the message and ran, Eagles Reach watched until the boy disappeared.

The General looked out over the palisade remembering his life. Once Baron of Aestus, he had seen the walls built, he remembered the time of being Duke of Domus, he had been Count of Supra, his home. when Gwynyth had become Queen, he had become the High Marshall. The realm had been in shatters region after region had fallen. The battle in Tokat had seen the end of the Yssarian domination, their army decimated they returned home. Then the Caligus spirit had been shown as they took back the lost regions. Yet his memory lingered on Gwynyth, Queen of Caligus.

When he first arrived in Caligus he had feared Gwynyth, then came admiration, then love. For years he harboured the love never spoken. There was of course the court gossip, some true, some exaggerated and some just made up speculation.

He walked around the palisade making sure the sentries where awake and alert. He returned to his own men, the "Crimson Arrows" each battle hardened. Most had been with him from the start, as a point of fact most were recruited from the dungeons of Domus. They knew the battle to come would be hard, but each of them where asleep, they knew to sleep when possible for who would know when the next rest period would be.

Dawn was fast approaching he had called the the other commanders together, to few had arrived in time. He went over the plans making sure everyone knew what to do. Dismissed they left, all but one. "General, I have just passed out from the academy a week ago, I just want to say I am proud to serve by your side". The General looked at the boy wishing he could send him home. "Young man it is I, who am proud to stand and fight by your side" said the General "come walk with me"

"Where is your home region?" asked the general as they walked "Scio General, a small village called Seapatrick" answered the young man, "Ah yes, I have visited the village before, great wineries my brother loves the wine, I send him bottles from time to time" answered the General. The silence that followed was comfortable, as they reached the palisade the question was asked that the General knew was coming "General, I am afraid ... I ... " "hush ... it would be stupid if you were not afraid," Eagles Reach took the young commander by the arm "do you think any here are looking forward to what we face ... I doubt there is a warrior here who is not afraid, do not think badly of yourself ..." the sentence was cut short with the sound of horses hooves, the Generals scout had returned, "Sir it is worse than we thought, Yssarians are coming in force at least a thousand men, Prandur is leading the march" the scout dismounts, "Make your way to the gates Robert tell the militia to close them, barricade them as best as they can" "Yes sir" and the scout moved off.

"Well young commander make your way to your men get yourself ready" smiling the General added " before you go what is your name?"

"I am Thomas General" replied the young commander, "Well Thomas I hope you registered with the treasurer before you left Domus, taxes are tomorrow it would be a shame to miss them" Thomas cursed under his breath "Never worry my young friend, we will send word after the battle, go now, get ready"

Eagles Reach stood looking out over the plains before him. He had now been joined with his unit, it was wonderful to know that little had to be said to these men, they took their position without an order.

The sun had just started to rise, the morning was clear, fresh and full of colour. A glint on the horizon caught the Generals eye, it had been off armour, the rider cantered on carrying a white flag. It was not long until he was a the wall of the palisade.

"I wish to speak to Eagles Reach, High Marshall of Caligus" the rider dismounted pt down a ground sheet and started to break his fast. The General made him wait, taking his time to walk outside he spoke to many of the soldiers as he past. He went before the mediator. "I wish the peace of the camp" ask he General, "Sit General, the peace of the camp is given" replied the mediator. "My Lord, and General Prandur sends his greetings to you and has given me the power to mediate the surrender", "Send my regards to Prandur as well but we cannot accept your surrender, we do not have enough space for the prisoners", "You may jest now General", replied the mediator but very soon we will take the town from you and all your soldiers will be dead, save the populace the scene of your dead soldiers and surrender, open the gates and leave, our army will hurt no one" said the mediator, "I have seen how you treat the citizens of Calgius, so I cannot allow your army to enter. Tell Prandur to turn now and return to Isadril" the General stood "My General said this would be your answer, I will say farewell, remember my face General for it will be I who will kill you, my Lord has offered ten horses from his personal stable for the warrior who kills you." The mediator packed up his belongings "I did not know your Lord was so cheap I would of expected more for my head" said the General. "Oh and by the way remember my face for it will be the last thing you see on this earth, farewell" The General turned and walked away in the same manner he had arrived, the pounding of the hooves told him the mediator had left.

The General returned to the wall, it was not long until the first of the banners could be seen. The Yssarian drew the lines of battle, archers first, infantry next with the cavalry holding back. With the positions set the Yssarians advanced, the battle began. The Yssarian archers rushed forward and released a volley of arrows, they fell short of the mark by a few feet; "Archers ready" called the General, Yssarians rushed again, "Release" the volley of rrows sailed through the air, the infantry where able to defend the onslaught but the lightly armoured archers had taken the first casualties of the day. The Yssarian archers return a flight of arrows "Down" yelled the General, most of the soldiers had made it in time some were not so lucky taking minor wounds, but still able to fight. The Yssarian infantry had taken advantage and charged forward, scaling the walls, using crude ladders where they could. The battle raged, but no foot hold could the Yssarins get. An arrow sailed through the air, the Caligus infantry where at the wall, a soldier raised his shield the deflected arrow sailed into the Generals left arm. It was a barbed arrow head, Eagles Reach pushed it through his arm, snapped the shaft and pulled it clear. The healers where doing there best for the wounded, but it was clear it was only a matter of time before the Yssrians would gain a foothold.

It seemed an eternity as the battle raged on. Then it happened the Yssarians gained the wall, the General with some other soldiers had rushed into the breach, cutting, slicing as they went. The General slipped on the blood soaked wall, a Yssarian tried to take advantage thrusting downwards, the General parried the blow late and the sword entered his right shoulder. Thomas had taken the challenge killing the Generals assailant, pushing him backwards over the wall, as he fell others where caught and fell with him. The breach had been closed, Thomas offered a hand and helped the General up, smiling as he did so then his face turned to pain and he fell an arrow protruding from his back. There was no time to see to Thomas as another wave came over the wall, another arrow glanced of the Generals shoulder, the fresh Yssarian infantry fought like fanatics, butchering all around them. Soon the General was alone surrounded as the Yssarians moved forward. Berserk rage took hold of the General, all fell before him, when his vision cleared the wall was clear, bodies lay around him. He was cut in various places, yet felt no pain. A volley of arrow came at the General, one after another they thudded home. The General fell, his last sight was a young man with an arrow to his back, his last thought was for Gwynyth then nothing.

He felt detached from his body, strangely he could see the battle progressing, more and more Yssarians gaining the walls, his men knit tight together in a last stand were killed to a man.

"Eagles Reach, where in the blue blazes are you?" Confused the the General looked around, he could not see the walls now nor the battle a grey mist had settled over him, "Eagles Reach will you bloody well answer!" The voice was familiar, "I am here" the mist lifted, and before him stood Dzikun "Well come, we have a chair waiting, a mug of ale and stories to tell" from nowhere appeared a hall ... a hall of heroes.