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From the Prosperity to the Onduran Eruption


These tribes then began settling into sedentary life. Agriculture and small scale communities developed and a trade network grew between them. It has been understood that though there were often skirmishes and raids between all the tribes, this period was one of growth and peace. It was also during this time that the tribal hierarchies were developed. Many legends and myths state that society was a lesson brought into the Cape by the Securians, and this alleges that the Securians had migrated from an area more advanced than the Sallowsitte Cape. Their origins are still largely unknown.


This moment of growth was cut short by an exaggeratedly tragic incident. The son of one of the high chiefs of the Dur’anath died while in the chamber of the daughter of the chieftain of their closest rival, the Skosopiurbe. After blame for the death grew out of a mock conspiracy of a touted assassination story, and after years of deceit and mistrust, the two tribes launched into war. Any real information on the incident is unknown or intentionally forgotten, but the war lasted many decades and led to the near annihilation of the Skosopiurbe, who were then subjugated into servitude under the Dur’anath.


The proud Skosopiurbe were not easily subdued and resisted their slavery at every turn. The tension grew for a century before the great Manak’artune rose up to defeat the Dur’anath and free the Skosopiurbe. They then retreated into unknown lands of Sallowwild and began to rebuild their society. The days of Manak’artune are often referred to either as the Great Liberation, or the Unfortunate Mishap, depending on which tribe you speak to.


After this Unfortunate Mishap, the Dur’anath spent much of their time trying to readjust their economy to deal with the loss of their short lived free workforce. They had begun many colossal projects that were now left unfinished, and their lands were soon known as the Land Without Roofs. Some of these projects are still standing as ruins. They then experienced a period of great decline and depression, and they were forced to become the indentured servants of the On’onath. Many Skosopiurbe said it was justice for the subjugation of their people.


Having a new group of people to aid in their endeavours, the On’onathi prospered manifold. They experienced a cultural stimulus unprecedented in all the history of the Sallowsitte Cape. Also, the Dur’anath and the On’onath began to intermarry. This was never a restricted practice and eventually led to the union of the tribes and the spawning of the Ondurans, a new confederated tribe.