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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #25
Previous Issue September 7 - October 18 Next Issue
Previous Page Page One of One Next Page
Back in Pian en Luries
October 17th Zanaras Tian
With my return to Pian that means that the Lurian Weekly might actually starting featuring things about Pian en Luries again. I'll bet some of you were wondering if we at the Press were even going to publish this anymore, and I can assure you that we will. We are of course looking for a more permanent staffing, so if anyone out there in Pian feel like taking up the quill, please get in contact with me. And naturally, we are always looking for new publications here at the Poryatown Press, so if you have anything at all you'd like to get published, please send a letter to the elders at either our guildhouse in Askileon or our location in Raviel, assuming the latter is still open when you get there. Relations between myself and D'Hara are shaky. And yes, hopefully issues might return to being weekly.
The Order of St. Iestyn
October 17th Zanaras
Keeping in line with me unbiased approach to things here at the Weekly, I am honoured to bring you the first words of the prophet of The Order of St. Iestyn, Sir Drystan Bellator.

Nobles of Pian en Luries,

Today I have ordered the final stage of the work on the Temple of Still Water as requested by our fair Queen Alanna, so that we might fulfill the obligations that will soon be required of us.

The temple will be home to the Holy Order of Saint Iestyn the Wise, one of the great leaders of our past who stood as a beacon against the darkness, a symbol of the noble ideals that noblemen are expected to uphold. He was martyred for his faith in the Second Age of our world, and through his sacrifice he taught humanity courage and honour.

Aside from whatever duties Her Majesty requests of us, we will do whatever is in our power to ensure the strength and purity of our great realm. We have been blessed with fertile land and a strong people, and it is our duty to use Her blessings well. We have been blessed with strong arms and good steel, and it is our duty to protect those who are incapable of defending themselves.

We have seen peasant revolts and even open rebellion these past few weeks, and the peasantry must be reminded of their place in the proper order of things. The past teaches us that the lesser classes are incapable of ruling themselves, yet these lessons have been forgotten. They will be relearned, and through our faith we shall see order restored.

Now I return my powers to their rightful holder, and take up my place at the head of my flock.

Ordo Forced to Close
October 17th Zanaras Tian
While it saddens me to write this, I feel it merits being said regardless of my personal feelings on the subject. Around two days ago the last temple of the Ordo Concilium in Port Nebel was closed by Duke Conrac Amcastra under order of the Crown of D'Hara, Katayanna Ogren, under claims of it being heresy. A religion is never truly gone though until it loses all of it's faithful though, this much I know.
October 17th Zanaras Tian
It is almost always amusing when the bureaucrats of a realm bumble on something they should've managed easily. Just a couple days ago Queen Alanna appointed Sir Drystan Bellator, Steward of Askileon. Unfortunately, the bureaucrats in the capital somehow misinterpretted this as his being appointed Duke of Askileon. I would like everyone to know that those scribes who bumbled this had no affiliation to the Poryatown Press, and I made certain they were not responsible for managing the government records of the Poryatown Press. The gods only know what might've happened if they had been.