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Reginald II arrives in Talex...It is an obvious city of quality,,Natural Beauty, and it does not even seem to show the effects of the recent incursions of The scum attackers...as Reginald's men ride through the gate he sees a well maintained avenue small shops and Taverns..a central square up ahead seems to call to him.Reginald then tells his Captain;" Order the men to look sharp .and stay in formation.We will ride to that square."

As Reginald rides around The fountain, he see another street going off to his right...A sign there brings a tear to his eye....It is The recruiting center, which The Lady Edara, in her kindness, named after his late brother LionHeart.

He continues on past the fountain and see a large edifice up ahead.."This should be The govt.center for this land",he thinks to himself. As he maintains his bearing and pulls up to the steps...He sees a lady with a cluster of scribes attendants etc, clustering around her, at the top of the stairs. At Reginald's call to present arms.his dogs of war snap to attention. This causes the group at the top of the stairs. As The Lady begins to come down , a retainer of some type comes running up to Reginald's horse and; starts to say: "You cant just pull our horse's and fighters up to The Lady edara's center like that! ...." But when he looks up at Reginald, he falls into silence. (OOC: being 6' 6" with flaming Long Red hair and carrying sword.bow and throwing knives tend to do that to most city folk.

As The lady arrives, Reginald bows, then kneels and lays his sword at the Lady's feet..His men dismount and show the same respect. "Have I The Honor of addressing The Lady Edara ?"

Reginald is thunderstruck. It has been a long time since beauty has filled his eyes.In his mind;"This woman is beautiful beyond words".

He then waits for the Lady to speak..

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

Edara looked down in wonder at the knight kneeling before her.

“Yes…I am Edara…but who…is it…Reginald? Goodness! You have hair like mine! Oh please do get up…I’ve already accepted your oath…you don’t have to do that.”

She waited for her knight to rise to his feet.

“Oh my…you are tall! Please…won’t you come and talk with me about your brother…I was…very unhappy about his death.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

My Lady: I offer you(OOC: for benefit of the city folk who do not know of her accepting his offer) My sword, my loyalty and My life,if it comes to that in defense of these lands...He then rises and sheaths his sword.... To his Captain," Detail 4 men to stay with the lady and I as we walk.See to the billeting of the men, and arrange to have some of our men help supplement the City watch...."

Turning to The Lady;"Truly The Morning sun fails to do Justice to your beauty..Come let us walk together."

He offers The Lady his arm and off they go .

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

“You might not think I bear responsibility, but…he was on commission for me…travelling where he knew he was in danger…because I asked him to…”

Edara shook her head at Reginald, “Of course, I mostly blame that judge and Keffer…but…I have to take my share. Did you see that we renamed one of the recruitment centers in his honour? It was handy that he had such a noble name.”

She watched the people as they walked…noting that they smiled in her direction…no spitting like when she had first taken over Nocaneb…that hadn’t been fun. Overall, she was very pleased with how things were going…if only there just weren’t so very much to do!

“I have already breakfasted, but I wouldn’t mind stopping for a drink. It’s nice to take a bit of a break…I’ve a load of reports to review later. Will you be stopping in Talex long? Or right into the war?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Reginald reflects back upon the walk with the LAdy Edara, as he and his men ride to the battle. His Captain rides up to his side."Sir I found some information out during our time in Talex..would you hear it now?"Reginald nods his agreement and the Captain continues.; The Lady Edara that we met today, I discovered she is more then she seems Sir..She is in fact married to The King of these lands...She is Queen consort..." Reginald thinks a moment, then says; "I knew there was more to her then meets the eye Captain. Her bearing was indeed Royalty like. we shall have to double our vigilance and do the very best job we can for as long as she'll have us." The captain salutes and rides back to check the rear of the formation , leaving Reginald to his thoughts...

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)