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She pulled up at the front of her entourage and dismounted. She looked around her, absorbing the landscape of Arempos. The Lady motioned to the head of her entourage. She was still looking around her while she said, "Edmund, please check to see how we held up through our journey." Edmund nodded and disappeared from her sight with a "Yes, Ma'am."

Her mare, Amandine, snorted and skirted in the little space allowed while she held the reins. Desi turned her attention to the glossy ebony horse. She had a hunch, and she acted on it. She bent down and lifted Ama's front left hoof. As she thought, there was a stone loosely wedged in the mare's frog. Desi pulled off one riding glove and dug the stone out. The mare whuffled quietly and nudged her as she straightened up. She patted the mare's neck after putting her glove back on. "There you go, love," Desi said quietly with a smile.

Edmund returned with his report: "Unit damage is 2%, Lady Lisieux." Desi smiled and said thank you. She began to turn her back, to get ready to set up camp, but Edmund interrupted her. "Actually, my Lady, there is someone here to see you."

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

A messenger sat on his horse, looking for a woman wearing the Arcaen emblem to deliver his package to. The night wind had picked up and he grasped at his cloak to try and keep warm. He was on strict orders not to give up his delivery to anyone other than an Arcaean, and he was damn sure not to lose it to the weather. He saw a young woman, wearing the uniform of an Arcaean soldier and rode towards her. He droped the package at her feet and rode off into the night without saying a word, hoping he hadn’t been followed.

~Hours Earlier~

Lynx sat in his camp, finishing off the letter that would accompany his package that was being sent back home. Upon inspecting the package, the receiver would find a treasure trove of items, most of which would be of no real value, other than that of someone who knew Lynx or could trace back their original owners.

Lynx looked inside the box to make sure everything was there. The deeds for the Lasanar Liquor breweries and Lynx and Halcyon’s pub were put in a small folder, along with his old plans of Attlel and an ancient realm map of Lasanar. On top of it was a jewelled dagger that once belonged to the love of his life. After hearing that her family was part of the realm council, he thought it was proper to return the family heirloom to its rightful owner. Lynx also placed his old Plate armour, it’s black and gold emblem still as bright as the day it had been forged with his suit. His Longsword was also placed along side his armour, two halves of the same whole, finally laid to rest, one day to serve another master and protect them from the harm that had once threatened Lynx’s life. The final item inside the case was a red rose, freshly cut, who’s scent filled Lynx’s tent. This was for the recipient, who he knew would be deserving of this plentiful bounty.

Lynx closed and sealed the box with wax and called for his messenger. This tall dark man had travelled with Lynx from his birthplace in Sasat when he was just a lad, and Lynx knew he could be trusted to deliver the package. He read over the letter, making sure it said all that was needed.

“Dear You, I would like to thank you for taking this package. I know this must seam strange, and to be honest it is. Inside this package is all I once owned, my past life in which I have seen many terrible things. Everything inside is yours, although I ask that the dagger be given to the judge, for which I am sure you shall be greatly rewarded. I ordered this package to be given to a woman of Arcaea, simply because I know that should a man find these objects, he would do nothing but use them for his own selfish desires; however I trust that you will use these things wisely and that they keep you safe. So my dear, I hope that you are well and that your life be long and plentiful.

With Love, Honour, Respect and Faith, Lynx Tribal”

Lynx folded up the letter, and passed it, along with the box, to his messenger. He watched as the courier rode off into the night, until settling down by his fire, hoping that the crate was not intercepted before it reached it’s target.

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

Lady Desiderata sighed and shook her head at the rear of the gathered units, watching her personal guard run for their lives. What would she do with them?! She jumped on her midnight black mare Amandine and rode in covered areas, rounding up her men.

"Regroup by our original camp! Immediately!"

She found her Captain Peter and told him to continue rounding up the remaining scattered men.

She returned to their camp and was very dejected. The fear that ran electric through the men's blood was almost tangible. Time for a pep talk....

This isn't over!

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

She was still traveling to Arempos, though hesitant and a little bit anxious about her travel plans. She had been told to move to Arempos, but she had just received the news that Ethiala had taken over. And yet, she still continued, taking along her unit of men - who seemed to be wary also. She made sure that at night the watch was strict, and she was cautious when dealing with any locals.

One night she finally voiced her worry to a close friend in the unit. "Captain... do you know what you're doing?"

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)