On This Day/June 23

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  • 2008: Far East - A battered Sartania elects Hyrus Kartak as Divine Soul. How long he would reign is not known but it is thought that his rule would end in August of 2008 after a lightening bolt struck him on two separate instances. When Hyrus was elected, Sartania was weakened as a war with Arcachon raged. A treaty of peace was already in place with Arcaea but the treaty would be broken by Arcaea, who claimed Hyrus was planning an offensive against them. When Arcaea broke the treaty, their initial offensive with Arcachon was repulsed by Sartania. A large scale war would begin as the Principality of Zonasa, Mosesadelphia, and Cathay marched to defend Sartania in order to counter what they considered as Arcaean imperialism.
  • 2014: Dwilight - Swordfell elects Maria Bugswied as their new Lady Imperatrice.