Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/October '07
Changes and Upgrades! | ||
02 October 1007 | Thrydwulf | |
First things first! Welcome to the brand spanking new look of the Heenite Highlights. There are many people to thank for the makeover this paper has had since the last edition (2 months back!). The designers in the desert, had stopped re-drawing the old editions, and started to work on a new header. Thanks to Melerion Livingstone, the newspaper has a new header. The more observant among you will notice we also have a new realm logo! It has not yet been embossed onto the equipment of the soldiers, or emblazoned on the armour, or even stitched into a flag. This is a brand new logo, to which many hands took part in the design of.
The makers would like very much to enlighten people as to what the different parts of the shield mean to the people of Heen.
The smithys and armourers will no doubt spend the next few weeks getting to grips with the complex design of the new logo, but there have been positive comments already. The population of the desert regions is quickly approaching 40,000 again, which it hit just before the undead invaded and killed nearly 9000 peasants. |
This rise in population, has meant that most of the regions are now working at full capacity. Heen has produced surplus food the past few weeks, and has sold to neighbouring realms to feed needy mouths in light of the continuing oppression.
As well as the changes for the better of the newspaper, our realm has gone through a staggering amount of changes since the last edition. Unfortunately, we could not publish September's newspaper properly, as many things weren't ready, but hopefully this part of the article should summarize the events nicely. Many of the positions within Heen have changed, for a variety of reasons. The former Duke of Tahgalez, Kagurati Tian was thought to be doing things his own way a little too often. He actively disobeyed orders to vote upon the giving of service medals within the realm, he dealt with the food in his region against the will of the Banker, and he had far too many ties to the former realm of Varyamo Nolvo to be healthy. The council decided to launch an investigation in secret, but Arch priest Attila leaked the information to Kagurati, and thus caused him to leave...to Mesh. This of course, left the position of Duke of Tahgalez up for grabs. The candidates who stepped forward, were Joan of Arc, Jadine Baraedor, Mao Tse Tung, Medium T-Style and Hericus Le-Fay. A referendum was held with Jadine coming out on top by a vast majority. This meant that Jadine had to give up her position as Baroness of Hcallow. The large estate there went to Tanis Mosher. Around the same time, Beatrice Grancourt stepped down from her position as Countess of Kif, handing over control of the region to her loyal Knight Tissaphernes Ulthran. She also took up the sword again, returning to the army for the future. However, that was not the end of the quick-stepping to take place in Heen. After many rumours of spies within our realm working with Mesh, and leaking all our most important documents, the Arch Priest Attila mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the deserts. After another referendum, where Medium, Jadine and Hericus ran for the position; Arch Priestess of Heen was awarded to Jadine Baraedor, who will soon be stepping down as Duchess of Tahgalez, to give it back to one of the former owners of the stronghold - Mao Tse Tung. After many changes, Heen hopes the positions will be filled well, and few further changes will occur. |
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Worries in Watto | ||
07 October 1007 | Thrydwulf | |
While much has been going on between the realms of Heen and Mesh over the last couple of days (see other articles), much has been going on around the lands of Heen also. To start on a good note: earlier this morning, Mao Tse Tung was appointed as the new Duke of the stronghold of the desert - Tahgalez. There is now a region without a Lord: Kording. Mao will have the pleasure of deciding the Lord as his first role in his new position.
The Heenites have been camped in their most outlying region of Watto for the best part of a Week. Initially, the intention was to head to Old Grekh to deal with the Daimons there, but upon hearing Plergoth, Khthon and now Vlaanderen under threat, the Heenites turned South. They were stopped in Watto however, by 4 separate Daimon Lords. Beatrice Grancourt and Bayloc Dajeli were caught out as they passed by. The army set up camp in Watto, and began to keep watch on the regions of Tor (Ashborn) and Mokut (Mesh), where the Daimons seemed to be staying. Their numbers were not great enough to engage in the Daimons, but the General of Ashborn expressed a wish to tackle the Daimons in Ircymbar. One of the Daimon Lords has since moved on to Ircymbar, and the Heenite army needed to refit - with the promise to Ashborn that they would be back as soon as possible. |
Things were not as simple as that, however (as usual!). Even as the orders for the Heenites to head back to Heen to refit were handed to all nobles in Watto and the first riders set out, a group of Monsters were spotted approaching the temporary fortifications the Heenites had made on the edge of the desert.
The first battle took place this morning, where only 13 monsters blindly assaulted the fortifications. Some eager Heenites, having not seen a battle in a long time, burst out of the fortifications early and engaged the savage beasts. This caused confusion and overcrowding, leading to a number of Heenite deaths. The monsters were defeated, but only for the morning. Battle 1 As evening approached, another group of 7 monsters - some perhaps from the morning assault from the look of their skin, but you never can tell - hurled themselves at the barricades with a vicious furiosity. Only 3 Heenite nobles were left to deal with the monsters: Thrydwulf, Alastar and Linker. The 7 monsters caused havoc in their berserker state, slaying a number of Heenite nobles before they were driven back. From recent scout reports it still looks like there are a few stragglers left. Battle 2 All the monster battles have caused the regions control to drop to province. |
Food for Thought | ||
08 October 1007 | Thrydwulf | |
Marche Telrunya, the Fidiciary of Riombara has finally arrived in Heen. He set out just over a week ago from his home in the South East of the continent, and on a lonely voyage, with only his caravans for company, the Banker set out for a realm the other side of the island. Heen had offered to sell some of its food, and at a very generous price. The council of Heen thought this would be a good time to interview the man (after providing him with shelter, and the workers to load his caravans for him) on a few things to do with the invasion, his thoughts about Heen, and how Riombara was holding up all those miles away.
The interview goes like this: Q: "Its good to finally get to sit and chat with you Marche. We've felt quite isolated in the deserts recently, and it is always good to make new friends. I wonder if you could answer my questions as honestly as you think you can, but if you can't answer any of them we wont be affronted. I would like to publish them in our desert paper if you will allow me." A: My thanks for your great hospitality. I have been treated quite well here and you have all been very friendly. I cannot ask for more. I shall try to answer your questions as honestly as I can, but please be aware that this will be my opinion, not that of Riombara. I'm sure there will be quite a few differences. Q: "How was your journey from all the way across the continent? Was there much trouble on the way? How long has it taken you?" A: It has taken me a full week to arrive here. The travels have been pretty smooth. My Scouts did a wonderful job and I could usually safe a hour or two every day due them. I wouldn't have been here now if I hadn't hired them. The Caravans gave me some trouble though with broken wheels and such things. The thing is if one of them breaks down you need to stop all the Caravans to fix the problem. Luckily the roads were in pretty good condition. The journey was long, but it allowed me to see a lot. I certainly would have enjoyed it a lot if it wasn't for those dark times currently. Q: "How did the other realms you passed through seem to be faring in these difficult times?" A: I paid most attention to the roads and those were in good condition. I wanted to make sure I was here in time, so I didn't stop to much or to long in villages and cities. Most regions seem to be faring decent considering the times we are in. I'm happy relatively much regions are still under the control of Humans. I wasn't here during the Second Invasion, but I think things could have been a lot worse at the moment. Q: "It is surely a bad sign that you have had to come across the whole continent to find food to feed your people. Just exactly how bad is the food situation in Riombara and the South in general?" A: Not very bright I'm afraid. The Undead have destroyed our Rural Regions not so long ago and we already lost four food producing regions. Due that the amount of Food we produce has gone done a lot. Rines is a big city to feed and demands fairly huge amounts. Luckily our regions are being repaired at the moment and things are looking a lot better now. However nobody knows how long that will last. Riombara needs to prepare for darker times. We have a weekly trade ongoing and have wonderful Allies that give us Food sometimes when they can, but that is currently not enough. Thats why I had to come all the way here to pick up more Food. The rest of the South is doing better for as far as I know and can all feed themselves. Q: "How much exactly are you buying from Heen, and why did you come all the way up here to buy it? Was it because of our generous prices, or was there another reason?" A: I'm buying 800 Food from Heen. The extra Food should allow Riombara to feed Rines for a long time. When I informed the Bankers that Riombara needed Food, Heen was the only one that reacted with a big deal and thats how I ended up accepting it. I was only later informed of the very generous price. I think Heen is currently asking one of the lowest prices on the continent. It was quite a pleasant surprise when I heard it. I must say I quite enjoy it here. The Nobles here are friendly and I've been treated very nice. However those things I didn't know when I first accepted the deal. Q: "How have the people of Riombara coped with the invasion so far?" A: It has been quite difficult for us. We have seen our army and our regions destroyed, but that is not enough to destroy Riombara. We have lost the outlying regions, but the rest of the people bear a strong bond with Riombara. Even in very bad shape they kept their faith in us. Now that allows us to help and repay those people again. Our Allies have helped us a lot. Without them we wouldn't have been here today. We truly owe them a lot. Our Nobles had to make some difficult decisions regarding the path Riombara will walk on, but we all have faith that we will emerge victorious, even though it will be difficult. We have our fair amount of discussions about things, but that allows important matters to be decided by everyone in Riombara. Its always good to have a critical eye. It allows one to work better. Our Nobles are united and fighting for something that holds them dearly. With that determination we will survive this Invasion. |
Q: "How well do you think the people in charge of the various realms on the continent have equipped themselves during the hardships we have been faced with during the current invasion?"
A: I keep myself more busy with internal matters, but for as far as I know most of the Realms realize that the Humans should work together against the Invaders. Past relations are put aside and many Realms decide to fight together. We gather and share important information regarding the Daimons. That is the best way to equip yourself and shows how strong the Humans can be if needed. Though I'm saddened that some don't see the importance of unification and still look at past relations. The current situation does not allow such things. All Humans should be on the same side. If the Daimons ever emerge victorious they will destroy everyone who helped them. They would then have no use anymore. As long as we all work together we will be victorious. Unification is the best way to equip ourselves for the current Invasion. Q: "Many of the other realms seem to have something against our desert realm, yet you have traveled all the way here for our food. We have never really been on the same side, as we are allied to Irombrozia - your long-time enemies from their rebellion, but how does Riombara view Heen?" A: This is not a time to look at past relations. We are all on the same side. I am here today because Riombara and Heen see the importance of working together. Riombara and many other Realms have put aside their past relations and are now working together with their former enemies against the Invaders. I can only hope that the rest will soon do the same. I cannot tell you how the rest of Riombara views Heen, but I can tell you that I personally view Heen as an ally against the Invaders. I have been treated well here and have absolutely no ill feelings towards Heen. I hope such relations can continue once the Invasion is over. Q: "I know you have not been in the desert long, but what were your first thoughts upon approaching our desert lands?" A: I wanted a place to sleep and something to drink and when I entered your deserts I realized that wasn't going to be easy! I had been quite weary from my travels. Its the first time that I have crossed the continent after all. I was quite happy when I found your encampment here. Things are luckily not bad here at all. I have recovered from my travels rather quickly. Q: "You have now seen the camels for the first time, what are your opinions on the beasts compared to horses like most realms use?" A: I was quite impressed on how you handle your camels in battle. I was never really convinced you could use camels well in battle, but you certainly proved me wrong. However I will always prefer horses. Even though you did a fine thing with your camels, I have more confidence in horses. They are easier to ride and easier to handle in my opinion. If I ride a horse I don't have to worry, as I know all will go well. I cannot guarantee the same with camels. I think I would spent more time on the camel then on the battle. Though one that uses camels his whole life will probably say exactly the opposite! Q: "Have you seen the beautiful desert rose yet? I'm sure some of the ladies in our stronghold will have plenty to give to you if you make a grand enough entrance..." A: I did not have much time to enjoy anything. I have not of the desert rose yet, but will surely take a look tomorrow. I should have some free time then. I do expect a lot now! Q: "Will you be trying our world famous snake stew? And perhaps you will take some of our Tulaberry Jam home with you? It is made in Kif, and the wealthier locals from the villages usually sell in Tahgalez come market day." A: I will gladly try your stew! I'm sure you can give me a place where I can get it. I have full faith in your Nobles and I assume it will be a great thing to eat, even for one from the far South. Sadly I wont go much further then Watto, but I shall ask Royal Treasurer Wolfgang if he can sent me some of the Tulaberry Jam. I will gladly take it home and share it with our Nobles. I'm sure they will appreciate it. --- Heen wishes the Minister the safest of travels back to his homelands with his large stock of food, and hopes that the 800 bushells will go some way to helping the populations on the furthest reaches of the continent from their desert lands. We hope that this will be the start of many offers from realms, continent-wide to aid fellow humans in their struggle for survival against the starvation and chaos caused by the seemingly neverending invasion. "It was good to greet a fresh new face, and show him the delights of the desert sands, if only for a brief time. is the thought of many nobles who happened to be camped in Watto when Marche was sighted upon the horizon. We hope he will come back someday and perhaps glimpse even more of our beautiful sands. |
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The Heenite Celts | ||
26 October 1007 | Erin | |
The Celtic people of Heen have had a significant influence on Heen and its people. Many people peasants and Nobles alike ask of their story. It is a long one and the best person to ask would be Erin O’Deaghaidh. Erin was the very first Celt to arrive in Heen and is their leader. I asked him to tell his story here it is.
“I arrived in Heen when I was 23, young and alone in the world. I lived in Abington and was tired of their tyrant of a Judge Gauihu. I was looking for adventure and found it with Heen. When I arrived in Heen it only consisted of 2 regions, the city of Heen and Ling. I was the 13th Noble of Heen. I helped fight their civil war, not too long after my brother Seamus arrived also looking for adventure. After that my cousin Naal followed along. Eventually the Civil war ended and we grew bored. Seamus left for Eston and Naal and I left for Ibladesh. We stayed in Ibladesh briefly because a Civil war broke out almost at the same time as we arrived. Naal and I fled to Ubent, where we were able to lay low. We spent most of our time in the pubs. Ubent is by far one of the poorest countries I’ve ever seen. Even the nobles were dressed in rags. Once again we were forced to leave. Tarajist’s brother, Vapor was the Prime Minister Ubent. We left during the night and fled to Perdan where we found a boat of passage to the Far East. |
After a long voyage to Soliferum we finally arrived. Another wartorn realm that Naal and I fought for. We stayed for quite a while, I felt empty though. It didn’t take long to figure out why. I missed Heen, I wanted to return. I left alone during the night without telling Naal. It really took no time for Naal to figure out where I had run off too. He followed me around the world.
When I got to Heen the Invasion had begun, I knew Heen could not stand with out more help. I called on my family and friends to come and fight for me. They sailed in one by one, Seamus, Alastar, Mark Anthony and Evan. We fought with every ounce of strength while the undead Raped Heen city. After we drove them out I was eventually given the Lordship of Sotrebar, Where I founded the Celtic Order. We needed some place to drink! Attila the judge at the time, accused me of embezzlement and conspiracy to overthrow the Monarch. The charges were eventually dropped. Now we are growing in numbers and guild houses are being built all over. I have no clue what will happen next but I can say we’re here to stay.” |