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Darkanism revolves around three gods and their holy volcano. The main following is found in Darka.

The pantheon and their followers

Darkanism revolves around three gods. Sigrid, Darka and Lodril. Together these three gods create the needed elements for their holy volcano. Worship is centered around these three, even though there are other gods in the mythology. They are mainly treated as side players in the religion and are used to scare children and generally treated as being evil, though they might not really be.

The Mythology

Creation, afterlife, prophecies..


Weddings, funerals, sacrifices.


Curses, blessings and sayings stemming from the faith.

General Beliefs

The general beliefs that bond together the followers of Darkanism.

Religious Structure and Ranks

The ranks withing the religion, descriptions of the ranks and other information relating to them.

Decision Making and Voting in the High Council

How are things decided within the faith? What is needed to declare another religion evil?

Temples and worshiper conduct in them

What are the temples of Darkanism like? How do people behave when visiting them?

Important days and holidays

Religious holidays and days of importance.