Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/October '07/Mediations with Mesh

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Mediations With Mesh

There has pretty much always been animosities between the realms of Heen and Mesh on the continent of Beluaterra. With a new Chancellor of Mesh (Pablo) taking command in Mesh, Queen Martana of Heen opened negotiations to attempt to sort out some of the differences and incidences that have caused the huge rift between the two realms. The following are the full letters between the rulers as they are too long to put directly into the newspaper:

Pablo Addresses the Rulers of Beluaterra

Pablo Addresses the Rulers of Beluaterra

06 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Pablo

Message sent to the Rulers of this world (23 recipients)
It's been a while, but I return for another stint of Chancellery. A few familiar faces, friend and foe alike, and a few new ones as well. I trust we'll be able to see off the rest of this invasion united as humanity, as I proposed at the start of the invasion.

Of course, I recognise that some of us seem to be using the situation to score cheap political points on each other. I decry this practice.

Speaking of decrying, I now turn to address Queen Martana. I believe is is a public document we both signed, the Mesh-Heen non-aggression pact. I also know for a fact that it hasn't been broken by either side. I treat that document as a serious, binding agreement, a promise Mesh made to Heen, and Heen made to Mesh.

I have also heard of your posturing before this assemblage of rulers, claiming Mesh has in mind your destruction. Leaving asides for the moment the fact that Mesh has barely enough nobles to maintain it's regions as it is making new lands more a liability than gain, you have no solid evidence of this except for a few lines from the previous Chancellor that you have extrapolated incorrectly. I will uphold the Mesh-Heen non-aggression pact as a means of showing you that Mesh means you no harm, but should you break that pact, I will turn you over to my general, who I'm sure you know holds quite the grudge against you.

I trust that we, as a group of rulers, can apply the required pressures to each of us as individuals to prevent war breaking out during this invasion and subsequent rebuilding period. We represent humanity: let us do our species proud.

Pablo Del Canato, Chancellor of Mesh

The First Mediation

The First Mediation

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Chancellor Pablo,

I have to admit that I was actively wondering who would be the next chancellor of Mesh. For instance, you, Roland and some others are noblemen who I know to be men of their word and honour. Regrettably, I can also name a few noblemen of Mesh who I know not to be such at all. Therefore, it is good to see that you take Chancellor Danny's place, and not another.

I must start by saying that I am pleasantly surprised by your first letter to all rulers. As I had hoped for, you immediately and without hesitation urged Heen to reconsider our stance and you proposed to solve the problems between our realms before any serious conflict erupts. Why does this come as a pleasant surprise? You must realize, this is the exact opposite of your predecessor's policy. Chancellor Danny namely restricted all his letters to a content, which was all closely related to provocations and further insults and ridicules that deteriorated the situation even more.

For example, as I will try to stick to solid facts, I refer to you from a letter of Chancellor Danny, dating from 17 September: "I just wish some people would lighten up. Conflict isn't half as bad as some people make it out to be, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. I hope Queen Martana doesn't leave Mesh waiting too long though. I love how I make her blue heart boil with anger!"

During this entire ‘Cold War’ –if you allow me to refer to this as such, as I do consider it such- not once did Heen receive an attempt from Chancellor Danny to rectify the situation. I received no ambassador to incite a mediation to solve the problem. Not one single private letter was ever exchanged to discus the situation and to seek for solutions. No attempts of negotiations were made when Heen clearly stated that we were serious. All this time, he never made any effort to fix the clearly broken situation.

Luckily, now as you are chancellor, already in your first letter you addressed me with the intent of mending the damage that is the cause of this conflict.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

The Existing Situation

The Existing Situation

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Dear Pablo,

What is the existing situation according to you? What has Chancellor Danny told his council so far? I will tell you what the situation appears to me so far, during this Cold War.

First of all, Heen made it very clear to all rulers that it would never engage into any hostile actions before the invasion had ended. From what I read from your message, as you speak of war during the invasion, I assume you were not aware of this. If you were aware of this, then I am happy to assure you that it was correct. Heen will not wage war on Mesh during the invasion.

Second, you spoke of the ‘Mesh-Heen non-aggression pact’, found at and also formally called Heen/Soil Non-Transgression Pact with Mesh. I must clarify that this pact by no means prohibits a war to be waged between Mesh and Heen. There is only word of a mandatory neutrality between Heen and Mesh concerning wars of mutual interest in defence and/or aid of our allies. In other words, this pact acknowledges each other’s presence in a war of their allies, but it does not affect any possible war between the signatories themselves, unrelated to their allies. Which is an entirely different matter.

Third, Heen recognizes Mesh during this invasion as a human ally, and we have offered multiple time to help you liberate your capital and other regions. However, instead of issuing a simple refusal, your general utterly deprecated Heen using various insults and swears, as he denigrated our sign of this good will to humanity as well. Therefore, let it be clear, Heen offered a helping hand, which was refused thrice.' No more. We had enough.

To illustrate my point, with factual proof, I present to you a few excerpts of letters of General Tarajist of Mesh: “The fact is yer Dog on the throne has been eggin' on a war with Mesh since before she took the throne.” “You work for a devil an' a dog, Thrydwulf. Your realm is lead by villians.”

Fourth, overly important, the feeling between Heen and Mesh so far, as it was shown in the ruler channel and perhaps not in the council. Harsh words about a possible war have been exchanged, as well as discussions that only lead to irritation and anger. Definitely, Heen had it is fair share in this. After all, there are always two sides to a conflict. However, due to lack of personal insight and many subjective factors, I can only describe the way Chancellor Danny come over to Heen, and not the other way around. I have experienced Chancellor Danny as a man who intended war with Heen to happen as soon as possible. At first, he tried to make Heen look like the bad side of this war, by innocently ignoring any of my accusations. When Heen said not to attack during the invasion, numerous times did he try to provoke me into starting the war sooner than the end of the invasion. Numerous times did he start or prolong discussions with insults and scorn that only worsened the situation. Numerous times did he ridicule with how weak Heen was and how he couldn’t wait for us to get squashed by Mesh’s great army and income. For instance, he mentioned his spies in Heen frequently, which is hardly improving the situation and only suggesting he is ready for war at any time. His lack of diplomatic sense such as performing the contrary of mediations and plain disdain towards Heen, during such a dangerous and fragile situation, is plainly offensive to Heen and immoral.

This is the situation as it is now, on a diplomatic point of view.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

The Motives of Heen

The Motives of Heen

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Dear Pablo,

Indeed, the motives of Heen to wage a war upon Mesh. Despite Chancellor Danny’s disguise in which he repeatedly said that he wanted to know finally what Heen’s motives were for a war, he knew them already. Surely, with several spies in Heen, he couldn’t possibly have not known them, as all motives were publicly announced in entire Heen. Even more, he had read the Royal Pamphlet, which was in essence a very good summary of our motives.

We were discontent with the fact that Mesh allowed convicted criminals of Heen, namely Tarajist and Kagurati, join their realm. Even more, you make one of them your general. You cannot blame us for feeling some breathing down our neck.

We were appalled to hear that a plan to invade Heen had been executed by a group of determined noblemen under the leadership of Tarajist to invade Heen. Indeed, beyond the knowledge of you, Chancellor Pablo. At least I hope. The only reason that this plan wasn’t successful was because Heen coincidentally destroyed this invading force in Naraka and Mokut before they could enter our lands.

We were disgruntled to hear that several spies were operative in our realm, passing through information to certain nobles in Mesh. I could give you their names, but these spies that are now back on our side wish to remain anonymous.

We were dismayed to hear from Chancellor Danny, when Heen was invaded and ravaged by the undead, the words: “Rogue lands are for grabbing!”

We were aggravated to hear Chancellor Danny continuously ridicule and laugh with the efforts of Heen to defend itself against the undead. His behaviour was much comparable to Hannibal when he spoke of Heen’s weak forces and incompetence.

We were also shocked to learn that Chancellor Danny prohibited Heen to pursue the undead who had killed nearly a third of our population. Not that we were going to pursue them in the end, as we had agreed to let them leave peacefully, but the idea of Mesh harbouring yet another mortal enemy of Heen, but then even such a great and outrageously malicious one, was plainly shocking beyond normality.

We were insulted when Chancellor Danny threatened to invade Heen at several occasions when he felt like it. For example, when he believed that Heen was withholding information from other rulers. For example, when an innocent priest entered his lands. For example, when the monsters invaded Mesh and he blindly blamed Heen. We were plainly insulted by his lack of abstention to the idea of a war. He seemed to enjoy toying with the idea and provoking us.

We were disgusted by his lack of apt to negotiate and rebuild the broken situation. Instead of any of this, he and his general (recently) continued to insult us and ridicule us.

I must surely be forgetting many things, but the main line through our motives is clear. Heen has been effectively bullied by threats, negligence, ridicules and insults for too long. But Heen is a realm with noblemen, not a child of any sort. We will fight back, even to a superior enemy like Mesh clearly is.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

A Possible Negotiation

A Possible Negotiation

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Dear Pablo,

Now that Heen is finally contacted with some good will and hope to restore the broken relations, we can finally work towards something other than war.

Heen declares itself officially open to negotiations, which Chancellor Danny never attempted to start. To the opposite even.

Of course, our terms will include mostly moral issues, none territorial or financial. Others will perhaps be juridical terms.

If you are interested, you can contact me in private to discuss them, taking one big step away from a future war and for you, Pablo, a big step away from Chancellor Danny’s policy.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

Pablo's First Reply

Pablo's First Reply

06 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Pablo

Message sent to the Rulers of this world (23 recipients)
To those rulers who thought Queen Martana's... treatise was unnecessary in the ruler channel, it is my opinion that things like this should be said in the open, where accountability is increased.

To Queen Martana, I must confess, your reply was well thought out, and I am willing to take it mostly at face value. There are a few points where I feel a response is necessary.

On the matter of Mesh accepting exilies of Heen, in this case Tarjarist and Kararti, it is my opinion that they were unfairly persecuted by your realm by very vehemently anti-Mesh nobles, and as such they were offered political asylum. Whilst I personally had nothing to do with Karati, Tajarist contacted me before leaving your realm, speaking of the ill-treatment he felt he was receiving. As for spies in Heen, I know in my four months of Chancellorship, I never once approached a Heen noble for information I could obtain through other, more above board, means. I was volunteered information on a few occasions, and whilst I made use of that, I never encouraged the practice. Whilst I can't speak for Danny, I do want to bring up the thought that sometimes your realm's actions can cause disgruntled nobles to volunteer information to your non-allies, and that this has a chance of occurring again whilst you do not have a non-democratic system of government. I do not wish this to sound like a call for you to change your style of government, but more a statement of the risks your realm took in not having it.

As for the matter of the undead, again, I cannot speak for Danny, but I imagine you were not allowed to pursue the undead for two reasons: 1) at the time, they were our allies. 2) It would voluntarily void the Heen-Mesh non-aggression pact, which is an agreement I was very proud of reaching with your predecessor, Scion the Skilled, and one I know Chancellor Danny saw the inherent value in.

On the matter of the Heen-Mash non-aggression pact, the spirit of the agreement when forged during the Ashborn-Sint war, was to allow each side to aid there allies without having to fear attacks over the border. I intend to follow the spirit of the agreement, and as I wish no war on Heen, my men will have no reason to cross the border, and I will come down on whomever crosses that border like the proverbial ton of bricks. Whilst this limits the ability of our realms to help each other, this is a necessary sacrifice for the sake of security, considering there is a lot of distrust between our two realms.

On the anti-Heen faction of Mesh: I am aware of there existence, and I am keeping a close eye on them. There are some who are part of it for the sake of personal grudges, there are some who are part of it for political points, and some who ingratiated themselves into it for political reasons and reaped the reward for it in the previous administration. I find it significant that internally, Danny's anti=Heen behavior was diminishing, to the point where he voted for me at the most recent election (Me being noted for my anti-War policy)

On to new, but related business: The excerpt you presented from Minister Tajarist's letter was part of a more full letter he showed the council after sending. It was highlighting to one of your nobles the significant anti-Mesh faction in your realm, one which is mostly responsible for calling the political shots in your country from the evidence I have been provided. Chief amongst these people is Medium, who was anti-Mesh in my time of chancellorship, and had an uncomfortable amount of influence over your predecessors decision making process. I encourage you, if you are serious about maintaining the peace between our realms, to politically distance yourself from this man. Obviously, I do not demand you do anything such as removing him from positions of political power, for those are matters of your judgment for your internal political situation, and indeed, it may be better for Mesh that he remain in the position he is in, rqatehr than him being demoted and leading a revolution to become king, but I do urge you to be aware of his motivations and to act against them.

I look forward to working with you in the future, Queen Martana. The future looks bright between our nations, and perhaps we can even work on repairing some of the long-term trust issues between our relams. But this will require both of us to carefully control the internal politics of our realm, and I suspect that might be harder for you than I.

Pablo Del Canato, Chancellor of Mesh

Criminals of Heen

Criminals of Heen

06 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Dear Pablo,

I will address the matter of Tarajist and the other criminals of Heen in this letter, as it promises to be long and important to our mediation.

I quote from your previous letter: On the matter of Mesh accepting exilies of Heen, in this case Tarjarist and Kararti, it is my opinion that they were unfairly persecuted by your realm by very vehemently anti-Mesh nobles, and as such they were offered political asylum.

However, I fear your sources lack objectivity here. You could only know what the criminals themselves claim, while you have no information concerning the point of view that almost entire Heen’s supports. I would doubt that they told you anything that wasn’t subjective and intentionally putting them in a good light. In any case, I believe I am correct to say that you mainly only know only one part of the story.

I will give you the formal reason, recorded in Heen’s juridical papers, why Tarajist was banned from Heen. It is still supported by a very large majority of our nobles: Tarajist was banned for breaking The Code of Nobility, which is a factually executed law in Heen. He was banned as he, in protest –no matter valid or invalid- to the council, resulted to swearing and abusive behaviour, for several and numerous times, after several warnings. I quote from the Code of nobility: “This means respect to each other, no dishonourable actions and backstabbing and no swearing.”; and also “There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion, but there is something wrong with not doing so on an honourable way.” Even more, as I quote from the Constitution of Heen, Article II Amendment I: “Should something written or said be considered treason, such as calling for a rebellion, rioting, slander or exposing classified information, to the Kingdom of Heen by the Arch Priest of Heen or current Monarch of Heen, that noble is subject to punishment and even death.” As such, he was banned on these solid juridical grounds, all factually executed laws in Heen, recognised by its nobles and people, and thus regarded as fair, decisive and unquestionable.

I wish to present you with an excerpt, which is only one of the several letters in which Tarajist broke these laws; unfortunately, one of the relatively poorer examples of many other worse letters: Troop Leader Disagrees (2 days, 12 hours ago) Tarajist has expressed his disagreement with the General's recent actions. He is giving this reason: You are not fit to lead a cow to market much less an army. Step down before you fall down! Regrettably, no other letters have been held in archive for so long, at least as far as I could find any. In any case, whatever this individual might claim that happened, entire Heen, counting up to 30 nobles, support what I say.

As for Kagurati, he was under the investigation by the realm’s council for several facts. Such are, for example, repeatedly selling food from his region’s warehouses –while the rest of the realm’s regions were starving or in hunger- against the explicit wish of the council and Queen, and against several private orders from the Banker who’s responsibility it is to monitor the food and finances of Heen. Another, yet less important, issue was that Kagurati willingly and consciously withheld himself from participating to mandatory votes in the council. At most, we would have given him a warning or a fine for selling the food. He was not banned for this reason, but he left on his own accord. His major crime however, was the infraction of the Constitution of Heen, Article II Amendment I, as quoted above, when he purposely endangered the integrity of Heen by sharing and exposing classified information to Chancellor Danny. Then his status changed from minor juridical fugitive, directly to traitor.

Then as last, banned long before Tarajist and barely of importance, there was also Larkin, a rebel from Heen who joined Mesh after he had been sentenced. His case was fairly simple; another rebel had decided to remain loyal to Heen and he had exposed the plan of rebellion to the council, with more than sufficient letters to prove Larkin to be a rebel also. Although he is no longer part of your realm (OOC: he deleted his account), the fact remains that Mesh did accept him in its ranks and harboured a Heenite rebel.

So far Heen’s side on the juridical matters of Tarajist, Kagurati and Larkin.

Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

Tried Under Heenite Law

Tried Under Heenite Law

02 October 1007 Thrydwulf
The government of Mesh recognizes that the nobles Tarajist, Kagurati, and Larkin were charged and tried under Heenian law, and will not seek to act out of its juristriction in such matters. However, Mesh believes that all people, noble or common, male or female, rich or poor, famous, infamous or of no fame whatsoever should be treated with grace, and allowed a chance to demonstrate that they have reformed of crimes they have committed.

As such, they shall not be prosecuted in Mesh for the crimes they committed in Heen, but their Heenite criminal record can and will be used when determining judgment and punishment in Meshian courts.

The Spy Issue

The Spy Issue

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Chancellor Pablo,

Although the spy-issue is regarded by Heen as a minor one, I will nonetheless consecrate a letter concerning this to work it through.

I have to say that it upset Heen that Mesh was actively channelling information from Heen’s most inner circles to use for diplomatic reasons and –as Chancellor Danny insinuated clearly- to use for military reasons if a war was to erupt between our realms. The very fact that Mesh tolerated the use of a spy to obtain information from Heen, and at the same time speaking very openly and directly about it, means to Heen as much as a military asset that Mesh had consciously arranged so to have an absolute military and diplomatic advantage when a possible war would start. This appeared to Heen as the exact opposite of what Mesh claimed all along: Not being responsible for, nor being aggressor in, a war.

However, using and staying in contact with a spy –either planted there by Mesh or volunteering information out of his own initiative- can be called no more than a secret manoeuvre to gain a military and diplomatic advantage. Therefore, as Heen sees it, contacting or being contacted by a spy and then resulting in using this ill-obtained information, is an aggressive manoeuvre. In any case, you must realize that being constantly reminded by Mesh that they know all that is said in your own realm, is not very easing to the fragile situation. Even more, repeating this fact creates an uncomfortable feeling of a threat, wherein is to be understood that Mesh is more than ready for a war and more specifically, that Mesh has already taken its first preparations towards a swift and easy victory. Without doubt, no matter which arguments can be used to explain the presence of a spy, a spy is always a serious infraction of the relations between two realms, at peace or at war. The use of them is hostile and aggressive and I cannot remember one incident throughout entire history where someone was able to consider the use of a spy as something peaceful and friendly.

On a side note, the leak in Heen has been located and removed. He indeed shared information voluntarily, but we are sure that –if he was not approached first by certain of his friends who as nobles represent Mesh, such as Kagurati- he was at least encouraged by Mesh to continue sending information and even urged to reveal more than he initially had given. You see, while he might have volunteered the information, Mesh interacted with and used the spy such that he could be considered working for Mesh.

This is how the spy-issue is regarded in Heen, I await the formal stance of Mesh.

Signed, Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

On Spies...

On Spies...

02 October 1007 Thrydwulf
On the subject of spies:

I do not condone the seeking out of nobles in opposing realms for the purposes of obtaining information otherwise not available. I recognize that there is always potential for disenfranchised nobles to volunteer information to other realms in an act of sabotage to a realm they believe has failed them, and whilst as the Chancellor of Mesh I must use this information for the protection and betterment of my people, I will not encourage it, instead encouraging other forms of protest or, if they feel such methods will not work, emigration, so as to no longer provide a hole in a realms security.

Pablo Del Canato Chancellor of Mesh

Spies Aside

Spies Aside

06 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Very well, Chancellor Pablo,

Leaving the spy issue to the side for now, I shall then proceed to the next issue you addressed, which is -to my surprise somewhat- the Heenite nobleman named Medium.

As I am very aware that Tarajist and Kagurati were not in the least on friendly terms with Medium, so it is very logical that you could not have heard anything more than slander and mockery. However, yet again, this is just one side to the story.

To begin, I must say that Medium holds few anti-Mesh beliefs. From what I am told by him, and so would his behaviour and words also suggest from my point of view, that Medium is merely anti-Tarajist –forgive me for the odd wording. However, indeed, he holds some sort of a complaint against Mesh, but only for harbouring Tarajist and later on Kagurati, two convicted criminals to Heen. Wouldn’t any judge do so if he sees a criminal escape his justice and being welcomed without questions to a neighbouring realm? He only at the most dislikes Mesh, and I must emphasize at the most, for the fact that they are harbouring criminals. He is definitely not pushing or influencing me in any way to wage war on Mesh. He simply wants Tarajist to be punished.

Addressing your claims that he had great influence on my predecessor’s decision-making process, I have to say that such would be no more influence than that of any normal council member. Yes, he did give advice, but isn’t that the job of a government member? He barely spoke about any other affairs than juridical and financial, as the military or diplomacy wasn’t his field of work and he never pretended it to be so. It is ridiculous to say that he would be corrupt and a political plotter; only someone who was banned by him would claim this, like Tarajist. I think you are being caught up, as well as the relations between our realms are being caught up, in a personal conflict between Tarajist and Medium where there are almost no more worse things left uninvented to slander one another or make him look bad. Tarajist would never say he was banned by an upright, noble person, now would he? That would only make him look bad.

Without any second of doubt or reflection, I can positively ease your mind concerning an abusive, corrupt, or anti-Mesh influence that Medium is claimed to have or have had on my predecessor or myself. Medium speaks very few and if he does, then he speaks of few more than the things that concern juridical affairs, and we never exchange any private letters. He might be vocal about Tarajist, that I will not deny, but that is a mutual thing I am sure.

As for positions of political power, he holds none but a council seat that every former government member earns and deserves. He fulfils his duties of mandatory vote correctly and his advice or suggestions were never considered as uncomfortable.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

Anti-Heen Faction

'Anti-Heen Faction NEW!!!'

14 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Chancellor Leani,

In expectance of your reply to the issue of Medium, I will proceed with opening another issue, namely the presumed attempt at invading Heen by an anti-Heen fraction in Mesh.

Anonymous intelligence sources say that an informal group of nobles in Mesh, lead by Tarajist, had designed and also factually attempted to execute a plan to invade Heen. This did not succeed, due to fierce Heenite resistance at the very first stage of the plan.

First, our army was supposed to be destroyed as it as travelling in pieces towards Reeds. Five hundred and ten men attempted to ambush our army of a mere three hundred twenty eight men. Luckily, our trapped army fought with zeal and ferocity and overcame the ambushers. A copy of the battle was made: Ambushed in Naraka

The next part of the plan was for the plotters to loosen themselves from the Meshian army, the majority of them had been waiting in Mokut to avoid the battle and casualties. Then they would engage through Heen to our capital that would have never survived the attack of even two hundred men, which is the amount presumed to be under the command of the plotters. It was lacking any militia and our army would already be too destroyed to resist. With our capital under siege, Heen would practically be taken over already. On a side note, our Baroness of Apokh was contacted to switch her region's allegiance to Mesh, presumably to execute the very same plan.

Since you yourself, Chancellor Leani, were general at the time of the attack, and not Danny (such as he claimed himself on the ruler channel to deny my accusations), I suppose you would be able to tell me more about that attack and the internal situation at that time. Anything that could support, or deny Heen's claims of such a plan being executed.

Heen believes several nobles to be part of this group, however we would impossibly know all their names. We know few, in fact. We can name Tarajist, for sure. Stefan's name was mentioned by our source too. Presumably, Larkin was also part of this group before he died. It would be helpful if there was any record of those who stayed in Mokut and didn’t attack Naraka, as there is where most of the plotters stayed behind. Perhaps you remember?

This group still exists, and it is undoubtedly a political power in Mesh. It’s ranks have grown with Kagurati, I would assume, as he was a good friend of Tarajist and is equally a traitor. Whoever else is in it, I do not know.

What should be clear, however, is that Heen has no intent to press on the plan of invasion. We will not diplomatically pursue the plan that was presumably executed in Naraka. We will however press on the group that organized this. This group is therefore considered to be the primary subject of this issue, and not the presumed plan or invasion.

Heen can not tolerate a group in Mesh that composes plans to invade or damage Heen, for in fact we do know that they exist.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen

Incorrect Suspicions

'Incorrect Suspicions NEW!!!'

14 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Queen Martana,

I have no evidence to prove or disprove the existence of this group as we speak. I received information during my time as MoD to pay attention to certain individuals' action but nothing worth-to-mention happened that time or ever since besides those insults I read in the Heen newspaper.

I remember the "Ambush in Naraka" but that was during the Vlaanderenian Wars so I see no problem with it. Naraka was/is a region of Vlaanderen through which Heen was traveling to aid Vlaanderen. It is more than clear to any smart MoD that cutting one's supply line is an important move to ensure victory. That is the reason Heen was "ambushed" so that Heen can not reinforce Reeds and Mesh+Plergoth can successfully siege the city. Unfortunately we did not succeed because at that time Mesh had horrible movement response rates. I do not remember who was in Naraka or were left behind, it was in June, but to me your assumption that certain people purposely stayed behind to invade Heen seems falsified simply because the most anti-Heen person was there by my side during the ambush, namely Sir Tarajist. If he really planned to invade Heen I think he would have stayed behind to conclude his plan.

During the war of Vlaanderen Mesh had one basic principle: honor the treaty with Heen, do not move to Heen lands at all costs or face punishment. Both Sir Danny, Sir Pablo, Sir Roland, and myself did everything we could not to provoke Heen by honoring the treaty between our nations. If I am correct there was only one incident when a wounded/healing Knight traveled to Watto by accident for one turn. We never forgot to remind people not to cross the borders.

All in all dear Queen Martana I think your suspicion is incorrect. Nothing under my military leadership happened that seriously endangered Heen's existence. No one tried to detach a portion of the Army to invade Heen, I have not seen evidence to prove otherwise.


Leani Marrion, Chancellor of Mesh

Mesh on Medium

'Mesh on Medium NEW!!!'

17 October 1007 Thrydwulf
There is no problem with Sir Medium. Never I have heard his name on the realm channel, nobody slandering him, nothing. This is the reason why I only received one explanation as to who he is when I asked the entire realm. He is quite unknown among the average Nobles in Mesh.

Regarding the banishment of Sir Tarajist your factual dates show that more than 3 weeks passed between Medium's election and Sir Tarajist's banishment. During this period of time harsh arguments and slander might have taken place between the two individuals, however this cannot be proved since it was a long time ago and information deteriorates. Thus I see it as best solution to just forget what happened and stop trying to open old wounds. What happened happened, we can't change the past, we have to learn from it and get over it. I think this issue should not change the course of our meditation. If we want peace we should try to swallow the bitter pills of the past and start with a clean sheet. I am up for that. I know that certain people in Mesh are seen as thorns in Heen's side but it is Mesh's own right to give refuge to whoever seek. This nevertheless does not mean that these refugees can do whatever they want in Mesh, no. We give shelter and new home but they cannot endanger the well-being of our realm, this includes diplomacy. Realm comes first, individuals second. With this said I wish to commence with our meditation towards peace between Mesh and Heen.

Leani Marrion, Chancellor of Mesh

Ready for Negotiations?

'Ready for Negotiations? NEW!!!'

17 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Chancellor Leani,

I think we have addressed all important matters at hand concerning the disputes and problems between Heen and Mesh.

By this letter, Heen formally declares to have taken knowledge of and to understand Mesh's stance on the discussed issues. Moreover, Heen does not request any further clarification from Mesh concerning these issues nor finds it necessary to add anything to what we already stated, and is ready to begin the negotiations for a renewed peace.

I await either a similar confirmation from Mesh, so that negotiations can begin to take place, or a request from Mesh for an addition or clarification, to which Heen will gladly comply.


Martana Curs, Queen of Heen