The Face of Fronen/Staff

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Fronen Flag.pngThe Face of FronenFronen.png
Price: Free, though donations are accepted ----- Printed In Fronepu, Mhed, and Vur Hagin ----- Editor: Alexius DeSyrr, Cloud Soulja, and Ygor Prodizov----- About Us

The Face of Fronen is currently written, edited, and managed by three Fronenian nobles.

Current Editors

  • Alexius DeSyrr is the Duke of Mhed as well as Fronen's Grand Justiciar. He also serves as Marshal of Homeland Security in Fronen. Alexius has been in Fronen since early 2006, after immigrating from Falasan on Atamara. He has in his career held various Countships. He was also known as an ardent Republican fighter in the crisis/rebellion of Black January.
  • Cloud Soulja is a respected member of Fronenean society who currently serves as Finance Minister and Count of Lloringel. Cloud immigrated to Fronen after spending a small amount of time in the realm of Taselak on a southern island. For most of his career, Cloud has served in Fronen's House of Lords as Baron of Cori. During Black January, Cloud remained neutral throughout the conflict.
  • Ygor Prodizov is currently serving Fronen as Count of Bisana. Ygor was once an aide to Vlad Nosferatus, a relative of Fronen's current Prime Minister Grego. After a difficult early life where his nobility was questioned, the issue was finally settled when members of Fronen's nobility gave Ygor enough referendums and support to his claims of nobility. Ygor is a relatively new member of Fronen compared to Alexius and Cloud but he serves the Republic with equal dedication.

Current Contributors

  • Nami Shenron is a noblewoman from Toren on the South-East Island. Nami, while not an actual editor was the reformer and stylist who made dramatic changes to The Face of Fronen (just compare Volume 8 to Volume 9!). Nami is a close, personal fried of editor Ygor, and is also an editor herself of the newspaper Toren Herald.

Past Editors and Contributors

  • LouisJoesph Chénier was a member of Fronen until Black January. He supported the Monarchists in that Civil War and was banished after the Republican faction regained control. Since then LouisJoesph spent serving in the government of Khthon, as well as in the now nonexistant realm Lemundia and Neo Grehk. He has also foudned a religion called The Blood Cult.
  • Enzeru Bakos while never an official editor often contributed to the Face of Fronen with commentaries. HE served in many distinguished positions in Fronen such as Duke of Mhed, Grand Justiciar, Senator and Prime Minister until Black january, where he betrayed the Republican cause, surrendering his rulershop to the Monarchists. He was banished after the Republicans took control and although he was pursued, Republican forces failed to execute him at the final moment. Enzeru now resides in the Colonies in the theocracy of Alowca.